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Batican, Kryza Dale B.
Narrative Report This semester we were were able to experience experience how to be in actual work setting as student nurses on duty at the Bukidnon Provincial Provincial Medical Hospital and Brgy. Magsaysay community which covered !" hours o# duty and a total o# eight rotation covering $ days%week & hours%day o# duties #or the whole semester. The group were were tasked to do our duties under under the supervision o# Mrs. Beulah Beulah 'oy (. )amasco *RN.+M,N- our assigned linical linical /nstructor. /nstructor. This training had given us the chance to apply the theories and skills that we0ve learned #rom the school and helped us to ac1uire more knowledge and skills through per#orming it in real situation. )uring our 2rst day o# exposure in Brgy. Magsaysay we were given tasks to conduct surveys to each Baraggay households so we can determine what are the main concerns and problems o# the community. 3e then learned that there main concerns are the lack o# water supply in their area. 3e also learned that it is help#ul to provide them health teachings specially that they are in a remote area where medical #acilities are distance away. Together with the other group we provided health teachings such as how to make herbal remedy remedy ointment *,capulco*,capulco- to relieve relieve mild skin diseases and we also thought them how to make make a homemade oresol that can be used to relieve relieve dehydration #rom diarrhea. )uring the health teachings we reali4ed how the people o# Baraggay Magsaysay cooperated very well and were very eager to learn and reali4ing that it made us student nurses and our clinical instructors #eel accomplished because our goal was met and we are glad to be able to help them. 5ur second rotation took place at the Bukidnon Provincial Medical Hospital 5B 3ard. 3ard. 5ur 2rst day at the area was very exciting and at the same time nervous as 2rst timers. 3e were 2rst introduced to the 6ta7s whom we are very pleased to get to know with and a#ter that that we0ve been oriented on how the place works and were were able to #amiliari4e the area. 5ur point / then assigned us our designated Postpartum and ante partum patients so we can start our duties as student nurses promptly and properly. 3e started by introducing ourselves tour patients as means o# establishing rapport and continued to taking and monitoring o# their vital signs including the newborns. 3ith the help o# our / we are also able to learn how to properly plot and document on the patients chart as well as reading the doctors order. order.
Batican, Kryza Dale B. 3e were also given opportunity to administer medications and do drug study so we are more knowledgeable about the medications given to our patients. 3e have per#ormed certain procedures such as removing catheter+ wound dressing+ /8 removal+ regulating /8+ and documenting /ntake and 5utput o# our patient. /t is also very important #or us to assess our patient so we can determine what speci2c care the patient needs. 5verall we have great learning and experiences that helped us enhance our skills that we can apply to our patients in a more e7ective ways as student nurses. 5ur third exposure took place at the )elivery Room o# BPMH. 9xcitement and anxiousness are the mere words that could describe our #eelings on our 2rst day o# duty on that area+ because we are #ully aware that #or the 2rst time we are going to witness a Mother giving birth to a child. 3e are also excited to gain our 2rst case in the delivery room. /nside the delivery room we are given the chance to Handle+ ,ssist+ and do hord are as well as monitoring o# 8ital signs and :etal hear Tone. 3e became more #amiliari4e o# the e1uipments and instruments used in the area .3e then came to a reali4ation that giving birth is not easy and that we student nurses also have the role o# providing com#ort to our patient to lessen and alleviate their discom#ort and pain. 3e are also proud that we are able to administer 8it. ( to our newborn patients as part o# our /mmediate Newborn are. /ndeed )elivery Room duty is a great learning experience.