On-the-job training (OJT) is a training that takes place while trainees are actually working. It is also the training at the place of work while he/she is doing the actual job. It eans that skills can be gained while trainees are carrying out the jobs. OJT benefits both trainees and host copany. The trainee learns in the real work en!ironent and gain e"perience e"perience dealing with the task and challenges challenges that will eet during a noral working working day. The host copany benefits by ensuring that the training is specific to the job and also does not ha!e to eet the additional costs of pro!iding off-the-job training or losing work tie. #ore #oreo! o!er er$$ OJT OJT focu focuse sess on the the ac%u ac%uis isit itio ion n of skil skills ls with within in the the work workin ing g en!ironent generally under noral condition. The ac%uired general skills of the trainees fro training can be perfored fro one task to another while the specific skills can be shown uni%uely to a particular job. &t present$ 'chool and ni!ersities included to the OJT in the curriculu to eet the deand of the growing IT industry. a!ite 'tate ni!ersity (*') - +aic is one of those those uni!er uni!ersit sities ies offeri offering ng progra progras s that that includ includee OJT in the curric curricula ula.. The school school re%uires the students undergo such training and docuents the training e"perience tered narrat narrati!e i!e report report.. This This report report docue docuents nts and copil copiles es the traini training ng e"perie e"periences nces and progress of the student trainees after the OJT. OJT.
Objectives of On-the-Job Training
To eet the IT industry,s deand for technically copetent and well-rounded IT graduates$ the OJT progra ais to a. enable the the students students gain gain e"perience$ e"perience$ relate relate and apply apply the theorie theoriess he/she he/she learns learns in school to real industrial and probles b. enable the students to apply and appreciate the rele!ance of classroo learning to the actual work setting c. gi!e gi!e the student studentss an insigh insights ts of the !arious !arious operati operations ons$$ proces processes ses$$ techni techni%ues %ues and controls presently used in industry d. de!elop de!elop and instil instilll a positi positi!e !e attitu attitude$ de$ self-c self-conf onfide idence nce and self-ot self-oti!a i!atio tion n re%uire of a responsible professional in handling tasks and e. ipr ipres esss on the the stude student ntss the the ipor iporta tance nce of huan huan rela relati tions ons in the the work workin ing g place or en!ironent. Significance of On-the-Job Training
The significance of the OJT is that the students learn discipline$ organiation$ and people skills while they train out in workforce. 'ince OJT is super!ised by real eployees in real-life work situations$ anything can happen$ and student ust learn on their feet. This ethod of learning can be %uite beneficial because of the following first$ students will gain in!aluable e"perience that they can they with the as they o!e forward with future careers and education second$ it enhance knowledge and skills ac%uired in the classroo in order to becoe ore responsi!e to the deands of Inforation Technology (IT) 0rofession and it applies the rele!ant of IT 0rofession and ode of 1thics into practice. Time and Place of On-the-Job Training
Objectives of On-the-Job Training
To eet the IT industry,s deand for technically copetent and well-rounded IT graduates$ the OJT progra ais to a. enable the the students students gain gain e"perience$ e"perience$ relate relate and apply apply the theorie theoriess he/she he/she learns learns in school to real industrial and probles b. enable the students to apply and appreciate the rele!ance of classroo learning to the actual work setting c. gi!e gi!e the student studentss an insigh insights ts of the !arious !arious operati operations ons$$ proces processes ses$$ techni techni%ues %ues and controls presently used in industry d. de!elop de!elop and instil instilll a positi positi!e !e attitu attitude$ de$ self-c self-conf onfide idence nce and self-ot self-oti!a i!atio tion n re%uire of a responsible professional in handling tasks and e. ipr ipres esss on the the stude student ntss the the ipor iporta tance nce of huan huan rela relati tions ons in the the work workin ing g place or en!ironent. Significance of On-the-Job Training
The significance of the OJT is that the students learn discipline$ organiation$ and people skills while they train out in workforce. 'ince OJT is super!ised by real eployees in real-life work situations$ anything can happen$ and student ust learn on their feet. This ethod of learning can be %uite beneficial because of the following first$ students will gain in!aluable e"perience that they can they with the as they o!e forward with future careers and education second$ it enhance knowledge and skills ac%uired in the classroo in order to becoe ore responsi!e to the deands of Inforation Technology (IT) 0rofession and it applies the rele!ant of IT 0rofession and ode of 1thics into practice. Time and Place of On-the-Job Training
The trainee conducted her OJT at Inforation Technology 2epartent of !' +aic apus located in 3ucana$ +aic$ a!ite. The trainee went to her training center before 455 a. and left the said establishent on or after 655 p.. The trainee started her OJT on #ay 7586 and ended on July 7586.
'ac(gro)nd&Profile of the !stablishment
The a!ite school of 9isheries was created under :epublic &ct +o. 7668$ sponsored by ong. Justiniano #ontano$ the congressan for the lone district of a!ite$ with initial appropriation of 0 755$555.55$ which was appro!ed by congress on June 8;$ 8<65. Its ipleentation in 8<68 sees to ha!e a !ery sli chance due to financial constraints of the +ational =o!ernent. It was due to the efforts of 2r. 0erdo =. =uiang$ the &sst. 2irector of 0ublic 'chools$ who ade representation to the budget coission to re!ert soe reser!e funds of other fishery schools that an initial aount of 0>5$ 555.55 was ade a!ailable for a!ite 'chool of 9isheries.
0lans and budgetary 0roposals were prepared in July 8<68. The ite of one principal$ three fishery Technologist and one clerk were created. The aount of 077$ 555.55 was set aside for the construction of the school building and the balance for supplies$ aterials and e%uipent. Initial operation of the school begun in June >$ 8<67$ with an enrollent of one hundred and se!enty fi!e first year students under 'econdary 9ishery education urriculu and with an additional appropriation of 0855$ 555.55 lasses were initially conducted in the old unicipal building located right in the heart of the town of +aic. &fter a year$ the school was transferred to its present site 3ucana$ a
coastal 3arangay of +aic$ a!ite 'chool of 9isheries was con!erted to college in 8<45$ offering two and a half-year Technical 1ducation urriculu with fifty students enrolled.
'ince then$ there was a continuous arked increase in enrollent$ nuber of teaching and facilitati!e personnel$ e%uipent and other instructional facilities in both secondary and Technical fishery 1ducation urricula. &t the start of school year 8<4>-4?$ the three year 9ishery 1ducation urriculu leading to a diploa in 9ishery Technology was offered$ then on June @5$ 8<4?$ 21' appro!ed the offering of the four-year Technological urriculu leading to a 3achelor of 'cience in 9isheries (3'9).In 'A 8<<7-<@ additional short ter courses were offered$ naely the two year 9ood and be!erage 0reparation 'er!ices and the si" onth 3asic 'eaan Training ourse. In 8<<4-<; additional two courses were appro!ed by B12$ naely &ssociate in Botel and :estaurant #anageent and &ssociate in food Technology$ both laderied progras leading to 3achelor,s degree. The bachelor of 'econdary education (3'1) with three ajor areas of specialiation was appro!ed in the sae school year.
The year 7558 arks another ilestone in the history of college when it was officially integrated to the a!ite 'tate ni!ersity (!') 'yste through :& C;7<7 by !irtue of 3oard :esolution C 7 dated 9ebruary 6$ 7558. The integration of the college$ present known as !'-+aic capus$ arks a new beginning. It has a broaden its perspecti!e to include :esearch$ e"tension and production in addition to the lone instruction function the capus has been used to. Dikewise new opportunities were opened for the capus to offer ore courses$ ipro!e its faculty and staff$ ipro!e its
facilities$ de!elop and ipro!e its :2 and 1 endea!or in response to the growing deand of the society
"ocation of the !stablishment
The trainee conducted her On-the-Job Training at Inforation Technology 2epartent in a!ite 'tate ni!ersity-+aic located at 3ucana$ +aic$ a!ite.
9igure 8. The location ap
*ision and +ission Statements of the !stablishment
Universit, *ision
The 0reier ni!ersity in historic a!ite recognied for e"cellence in the de!elopent of globally copetiti!e and orally upright indi!iduals.
Universit, +ission
a!ite 'tate ni!ersity shall pro!ide e"cellent$ e%uitable$ and rele!ant educational opportunities in the arts$ sciences and technology through %uality instruction and responsi!e research and de!elopent acti!ities.
It shall produce professional$ skilled and orally upright indi!iduals for global copetiti!eness.
%oals and&or Objectives of the !stablishment
a!ite 'tate ni!ersity - +aic shall endea!or to achie!e the following goals 8. 0roduce technically copetent and scientifically oriented graduates who are ibued with strong entrepreneurial spirit possess strong social consciousness and guided by positi!e !alues and high ethical standards
7. onduct rele!ant research and de!elopent acti!ities along fisheries$ education$ business$ inforation technology$ arts and sciences that would contribute to sustainable de!elopent in its ser!ice areas @. Ipleent effecti!e training and outreach progras that ephasie self-help$ critical thinking and life-long learning >. #anage fishery and other enterprise projects to proote econoically !iable and en!ironent-friendly approaches and techni%ues and ?.
1stablish strong linkage with non-go!ernental organiations$ other
go!ernent entities and the basic sector for the realiation of coon goals.
Over-all Organiational Str)ct)re and .)nction of the !stablishment
Over-all Organiational Str)ct)re
9igure 7. O!er-all Organiational 'tructure
.)nction of the !stablishment
=uided by the ni!ersity,s !ision and ission$ !' shall be true to the client it has !owed to ser!e. One of the ajor functions of the uni!ersity is counity ser!ice to
entrepreneurs$ farer$ rural woen$ fishers and out-of-school youth. It shall produce professional$ skilled and orally upright indi!iduals for global copeti!eness.
Res/onsibilities of the +anagement
2epartent hairpersons and unit heads shall a. Take charge of planning$ de!elopent and super!ision of their respecti!e units b. 0repare budgetary estiates of their respecti!e units in coordinate with college deans/di!ision directors and c. 0ropose new and appropriate rules and regulations affecting their respecti!e units
Organiational Str)ct)re and .)nction of the De/artment
Organiational Str)ct)re
CATHERINE S. DIONES Director, Curriculum and Instruction
JEFFREY F. PAPA !C! "d#iser
NONIE M. PERIDO $acult% &em'er
MAC JOHN T. POBLETE $acult% &em'er
MA. CORAZON M. CRUZ $acult% &em'er
ANGELITO L. CATAJAN JR. $acult% &em'er
RAYMOND B. CASAMA $acult% &em'er
9igure @. Organiational structure
.)nction of the De/artment
The following are the function of Inforation Technology 2epartent 8. 0roficient in designing and de!eloping solutions 7. onduct rele!ant researches and de!elopent acti!ities in the field of coputer science and allied fields.
@. 0roote the de!elopent and transfer of appropriate inforation technology and >. 0ractice the principles of good go!ernance and professional and ethical standards in the workplace. ?. Eell F !ersed on application$
aintenance and adinistration of coputers 6. onduct rele!ant researches and de!elopent acti!ities in the field of inforation technology and allied fields 4. 0roote the de!elopent and transfer or appropriate inforation technology and ;. 0ractice the principles of good go!ernance and professional and ethics standards in the work place.
9igure >.
Inforation Technology 2epartent Office 3uilding
9igure ?. Inforation Technology 2epartent-9aculty
9igure 6. Inforation Technology 2epartent oputer and 0rinter Standard O/erating Proced)res 1SOPs2
S,stem management
'yste anageent 'O0 introduces users and anageent to the features of the IT syste they work with on a daily basis. 2ocuentation also addresses the infrastructure of an IT syste and defines the data structures used to process inforation.
This type of 'O0 also e"plains concepts of syste pre!enti!e aintenance$ syste odes (batch !ersus real-tie processing) and daily anageent resources.
This is the 'O0 that address IT security pro!ides inforation pertaining to security of syste application and access to those resources by personnel. In the training area the faculty and staff are gi!en password for the to access wifi connection and the students are not allowed to use the coputers assigned to the departent to secure iportant files intended for the faculty and staff only.
Data Recover,
The data reco!ery 'O0s docuent procedures used for data reco!ery in the e!ent of a syste crash. This type of 'O0 lists the different kinds of data reco!eries (full$ increental or selecti!e) and the utility progras used to perfor the reco!ery. 3ackup of data using syste de!ices (tape$ 2-:O# or disk dri!e) can be included in the 'O0 as a data reco!ery procedure.
Tas( Performed & S/ecific $ctivities $ssigned
On-the-Job training (OJT) benefits students by creating first-hand e"periences on the en!ironent of their profession. It culti!ates the students into becoing future laborers.
The student trainee in Inforation Technology 2epartent (IT2) learned how to take responsibility on specific acti!ities assigned to her. &lso she learned how to !alue tie on task perfored. The trainee assigned to do soe different tasks such as encoding$ sorting files anually and by the use of coputer$ how to use the binder correctly$ binding docuents$ filing$ printing$ scheduling and how to assist the enrollent. Trainee learned how to fulfill their work in their duty hours$ as well as how to perfor ultiple tasks at once. OJT assists trainees in learning how to properly anage their work. The le!el of e"pertise and professionalis the trainees learned will be beneficial to the when they apply copanies in the future.
Observed Strengths and 4ea(nesses of the Training $rea
The strengths of the training area are the other faculty staffs are !ery nice and hardworking. They follow the rules and regulations of the school.
The weaknesses of the training area are lack of school supplies like bond paper$ slow internet connection$ paper ja$ poor !entilation$ alfunctioning of coputers$ and soeties unclear e"planation of task to be perfored.
The 7@-days e"perience of the trainees in their On-The-Job training becae effecti!e. They learned to socialie with other and respect the$ learned to understand the iportance of ha!ing a career and for being a copetent indi!idual. 'he obser!ed the strengths and weaknesses. Eorking is not just siply doing the specific task that really atters. In this training$ the trainee learned how to anage the situation between the office staff and co-workers forally. Trainee learned to ipro!e herself for a better future to achie!e her goals.
a5 Problem enco)ntered
The trainee has a proble in internet connection$ because the internet connection is getting low. 'he also encountered the lack of school supplies$ the alfunctioning of coputers.
b5 S)ggestions for Self-im/rovement
The trainee would like to suggest to herself to focus on what she doing a!oid using facebook in tie of work.
c5 S)ggestions for Program Develo/ment
The trainees suggest that the capus ust pro!ide enough storage for their docuents and ust be systeatic in arranging the docuents for easy access.
d5 S)ggestions for Instit)tional Develo/ment
They ust pro!ide a better internet connection$ lot of school supplies and a better coputer.
On-the-Job training is one of the re%uireents of the uni!ersity for the students who are taking up non-degree and degree courses. It is a progra that the students need to accoplish. The students need to finish the 755 hours on their training area. This narrati!e report is based on the student,s on-the-job training e"perience at a!ite 'tate ni!ersity-+aic$ Inforation Technology 2epartent. The narrati!e report is coposed of introduction$ acknowledgeent$ copilation and docuentation of progress report and appendices of the trainee. The trainee gained any e"periences during the period of her training in the office. 'he de!eloped patience and confidence on how to deal with the daily task. 'he learned proper attitude$ good coordination with their superiors as well as the other faculty staff. 'he learned to lo!e e!ery task that the superior ga!e to her$ and finish the task correctly. It ade her realie that the e"perience is the ost iportant learning tool and she gained ore knowledge about the real office work. The knowledge and e"perience she gained can help her to be an effecti!e and responsible worker. It is also help the trainee to achie!e a better future.
Online References
=oogle #aps (7586). Location map of CvSU-NaicCampus.:etrie!ed #ay 87$ 7586$ fro https//www.google.co.ph/aps/place/a!iteG'tateGni!ersity-+aic/. a!ite 'tate ni!ersity-+aic (758@).Cavite State University Background . :etrie!ed #ay 87$ 7586 fro http//www.c!sunaic.edu.ph/inde".phpH optioncocontent!iewarticle a!ite 'tate ni!ersity-+aic (758@).Cavite State University Mission, Vision and O!ectives.:etrie!ed 9ebruary 8$ 7586 fro http//www.c!sunaic.edu.ph/inde".phpHoptioncoKcontent!iewarticleid4@Iteid66 Trainingindustry.co (7586) "mportance of On-t#e-$o %raining.:etrie!ed fro http//www.trainingindustry.co/content-de!elopent/articles/learnings-issing piece-the-iportance-of-on-the-job-training.asp" :eference for 3usiness (7587).On-t#e-$o %raining.:etrie!ed fro http//www.referenceforbusiness.co/encyclopedia/Oli-0er/On-the-JobTraining.htl 'crib.co (n$d). On-t#e-$o %raining O!ectives.:etrie!ed #ay 87$ 7586 fro http//www.scri.co/doc/8>?@7<>4/OJT-+arrati!e-:eport
$//endi7 85$//lication .orm
$//endi7 95 Res)me
.!RN$ND!:; J!SS$ +$6 !RN$ND!: 88O =DO2 #+TI+= #&0I+O +&I$ &*IT1 G6<576854>847 Jessaay.hfLgail.co
O'J!CTI*!S I a looking for a suitable On-the-Job Training where I could practice y knowledge and de!eloped y personality as a career person while utiliing y skills.
P!RSON$" IN.OR+$TION &ge 2ate of 3irth 0lace of 3irth =ender i!il 'tatus Beight Eeight :eligion Danguage/s 'poken
8; 'epteber 87$ 8<<4 a!ite 9eale 'ingle ?,7,, ;5 kg :oan atholic 1nglish$ 9ilipino
S#I""S $ND
2edicated and hardworking indi!idual Eilling to render o!ertie Eilling to learn =od-9earing Eell-grooed appearance 0olite$ respectful$ and courteous anners
"eadershi/ Training and Team ')ilding Seminar January 8>-8?$ 7586 a!ite 'tate ni!ersity +aic$ a!ite $dobe +agic Using Creative Clo)d
26 &ugust 7;$ 758? a!ite 'tate ni!ersity +aic$ a!ite
Oriented in #icrosoft Office application such as #icrosoft Office Eord #icrosoft Office 1"cel #icrosoft Office 0ower0oint. apable of editing pictures$ files and presentation using different windows applications.
0roficient in BT#D$ ''$ #icrosoft *isual 'tudio and +et3eans I21 ;.5.
!DUC$TION$" '$C#%ROUND Tertiar,=
Cavite State Universit,
758@ -
0resent 'achelor of Science in Information Technolog, +aic$ a!ite Secondar,=
$ma,a School of ome Ind)stries
755< -
758@ 'ahud-lan$ Tana$ a!ite Primar,=
Naic !lementar, School
755< +aic$ a!ite
755@ -
$//endi7 >5 4aiver
$//endi7?5 Recommendation "etter
$//endi7 @5 "ocation and "in(age !stablishment
$//endi7 A5 Certificate of Com/letion
$//endi7 B5 $ccom/lishment !val)ation .orm
$//endi7 5Dail, Time Record
$//endi7 5 Dail, Jo)rnal
Da, 8= > +a, 9E8A
It is y first day on y training at Inforation Technology 2epartent (IT2). I had no idea on what I need to do on y training. I feel so ner!ous$ until$ #rs. :ossian *. 0erea oriented e on what I was supposed to do. &fter the orientation$ I assist all the students of 3''$ 3'IT and &T students for their enrollent of their petition and checking their checklist. &fter assisting students$ I placed it in the table where the enrollent took place. Da, 9= ? +a, 9E8A
It was y second day on y OJT. In the orning$ #r. :olando 0aNares assigned e to print out the official diploa of students of a!ite 'tate ni!ersity +aic. Ehile I was printing diploa$ I also helped assisting the enrollees. In the afternoon$ I continued to printing diploa. Da, > F Da, = @ +a, 9E8A F 8B +a, 9E8A
I assisted the enrollent. I also get the pre-registration for and checklist for in the registrar. Ehile assisting in the enrollent$ I bound the grading sheet according to the year$ seester$ subjects and course. I also encoded the petition letter$ recoendation letter for the practicu and other docuents. Those were y daily task fro day @ to day ;.
Da, = 8 +a, 9E8A
I organied the files and checklist. I sorted the checklist anually$ according to the year$ section and course. &fter I sorted it$ I placed back it in the drawer. I went to #ulti-0urpose Ball to gi!e e"aination in Object Oriented 0rograing.
Da, 8E- Da, 8?= 9> +a, 9E8A- >8 +a, 9E8A
#rs. :ossian *. 0erea assigned e to file all the I0: and lassroo Obser!ation of all the instructor of Inforation Technology 2epartent. &fter filing all the docuents$ I prepare a 0ower0oint for I test and I assist students for their OJT. Da, 8E- Da, 8?= 9> +a, 9E8A- >8 +a, 9E8A
9ro day 85 to day 8> #rs. :ossian *. 0erea assigned e to file all the I0: and lassroo Obser!ation of all the instructor of Inforation Technology 2epartent. &fter filing all the docuents$ I prepare a 0ower0oint for I test and I assist students for their OJT. Da, 8@= J)ne 8 9E8A
In this day$ #rs. :ossian *. 0erea assigned e to print the I0: for instructors. &fter I print all the I0:$ I went to office of #rs. atherine 2iones to borrow and to ha!e a copy of past I0: of Inforation Technology instructors and placed it to a new folder for IT 2epartent copy. Da, 8A- Da, 8= 8 J)ne 9E8A- J)ne 9E8A
9ro day 86 to day 8< I filed all the 1 of instructors. &fter that #r. #ac John 0oblete asked to check all the e"as of Object Oriented 0rograing students. &fter checking e"as$ I assist students for their inter!iew.
Da, 9E- Da, 9?= J)ne 9E8A- 8A J)ne 9E8A
9ro day 75 to day 7> I encoded the in!entory and copute the sales. &fter that I went to &ccreditation Office to help #rs. &ntiojo to encode the schedule for instructors. &fter encoding schedules$ #rs. :ossian assigned to transfer files fro 2 to coputer.
$//endi7 8E5 Training Program
$//endi7 885 Photo Doc)mentation
9igure ;. The Trainee Ehile 'orting and 9iling the 9ile