Pro! "a#ed Ak$tar
S$e$ro& A'a& () S'ed Fa$ad (*) Umair E+a& (,-)
MBA (/rd Seme0ter)
Mana2ement Inormation S'0tem
Dedications We dedicate this report to our parents and friends in recognition of their worth and to our teachers who are guiding force for us and it is their effort and hard work that showed us the path of success and prosperity which would be there for us for the rest of our life.
Our thanks to all those who have generously contributed their theoretical knowledge to this report including our teachers. Without Without their understanding and support, completion of this work would not have been possible.
Dedications We dedicate this report to our parents and friends in recognition of their worth and to our teachers who are guiding force for us and it is their effort and hard work that showed us the path of success and prosperity which would be there for us for the rest of our life.
Our thanks to all those who have generously contributed their theoretical knowledge to this report including our teachers. Without Without their understanding and support, completion of this work would not have been possible.
In the name of Allah the praiseworthy, the passionate whose blessings made it possible for us to complete this complex and painful task. It is a matter of great enthusiasm and pleasure for us to complete a report in its real sequence. It is all because of o f Almighty Almighty Allahs Allahs great guidance that made us so able. We are cord ially thankfu l to our resp ected !eacher "r. #avaid Akhtar who who provided us an opportunity to prepare this $ro%ect report and whosebenevolent guidance in discourse and constant encouragem ent helped us to complete this pro%ect.
1ONTENTS & ( * ' ) + / & && &( &* & &' &) &+ &&/ ( (& (( (* ( (' () (+ ((/ *
Hi0tor' o HBL Introd87tion to HBL 3i0ion 9 Mi00ion 1ore 3a8e0 Or2ani&ationa Or2ani&ationa 1$art o HBL F8n7tion0 in HBL Inormation S'0tem0 9 it0 T'6e0 MIS 9 it0 T'6e0 Mana2ement Inormation Inormation S'0tem at HBL Tran0a7tion Pro7e00in2 S'0tem o HBL Mana2ement Re6ortin2 S'0tem o HBL De7i0ion S866ort S'0tem o HBL Oi7e Inormation S'0tem o HBL E;E1UTI3E INFORMATION S%STEM OFFI1E AUTOMATION AUTOMATION S%STEM 5orkin2 o MIS in dierent de6artment0 at HBL S6e7ii7ation0 o MIS at HBL Hard
' ) + & && &( &' &+ &( (( ( () (+ (*& *( ** *' *+ **/ * + / ' '& '(
HISTOR% 012 established operations in $akistan in &/+ and moved its head office to 3arachi. Our first international branch was established in 4olombo, 5ri 2anka in &/'& and 0abib 1ank $la6a was built in &/+( to commemorate the banks ('th Anniversary.
With With a domestic market share of over 7, 012 was nationali6ed in &/+ and it continued to dominate the commercial banking sector s ector with a ma%or market share in inward foreign remittances 8''79 and loans to small industries, traders and farmers. International operations were expanded to include the :5A, 5ingapore, Oman, 1elgium, 5eychelles and "aldives and the ;etherlands. On overnment of $akistan had formally f ormally granted the Aga 3han ?und for @conomic overnment of $akistan nominees.
INTRODU1TION 0abib 1ank 2imited 80129 commenced business in the year that $akistan gained independence and based the head office in the then capital city that was 3arachi. 012 has international operations in 5ri 2anka. !he 0abib 1ank $la6a, a historical monument for the people of $akistan was constructed in the early seventies after the separation from @ast $akistan 8now 1angladesh9 to mark the silver %ubilee of the bank.
HBL 3i0ion 0tatement:
4hallenging and changing the way you bank.
HBL Mi00ion 0tatement:
012 banks team, of committed professionals is dedicated to maintaining longC term customer relationships through outstanding service and convenience.
4ore Dalues of 012 are as followsE • • • • • •
!rust. ?ocus on 4ustomer. Innovation. !eamwork. Achievement. 5ocial esponsibility.
Tr80t •
We are the trustees of public funds and serve with integrity F
commitment. @thical behavior is of critical importance to us. We adopt full compliance with internal and external policies and procedures, operating within the legal framework.
Fo780 on 180tomer •
We continuously seek to exceed our customers expectations, forging and maintaining long term relationships.
Inno#ation •
We strive to be the market leaders in innovative products and services offering customi6ed financial solutions with flawless execution.
!he diversity of our people is our strength. We inspire and challenge each other G working together to achieve synergy.
A7$ie#ement •
Our people are our most valuable asset. 8
• •
We are committed to a result oriented culture. Our goals are clear and merit is the only criterion for reward.
So7ia Re06on0ibiit' •
As responsible citi6ens we contribute to the social welfare of the community we live in.
Or2ani&ationa 1$art
F8n7tion0 in HBL
012 1ank offers different services to its customersE • • • • • •
4ommercial banking. 4orporate banking. Investment banking. etail banking. !reasury banking. Islamic banking.
1ommer7ia bankin2 is a banking in which 012 bank accepts deposits from investors and lending loans to borrowers. 1or6orate bankin2 focusing on giving the facility of cash management and payroll services to the customers. In#e0tment bankin2 in which lends their loans and the other ways in which they can invest their deposits to get interest e.g., in stock exchange. Retai bankin2 is the most important function of 012 bank, because in this aspect the 012 provides the least cost deposit to open a new account. Trea08r' bankin2 in 012 is used basically to manage the capital risk and to prepare balance sheet statements in order to manage assets and liabilities of company. I0ami7 bankin2 services are also given in 012 bank at customers demand.
Inormation S'0tem 9 it0 T'6e0 Inormation S'0tem: An inormation 0'0tem 8IS9 is a system composed of people and computers that processes or interprets information.
1a00ii7ation o Inormation S'0tem: In any given organi6ation information system can be classified based on the usage of the information. !herefore, an information system in an organi6ation can be divided into •
Operations support system.
"anagement support system.
O6eration0 0866ort 0'0tem: In an organi6ation, data input is done by the end user which is processed to generate information products i.e. reports, which are utili6ed by internal and or external users. 5uch a system is called operation support system. !he purpose of the operation support system is to facilitate business transaction, control production, support internal as well as external communication and update organi6ation central database. !he operation support system is further divided intoE
!ransactionCprocessing system.
$rocessing control system.
@nterprise collaboration system.
Tran0a7tion Pro7e00in2 S'0tem (TPS)
In manufacturing organi6ation, there are several types of transaction across department. 12
!ypical organi6ational departments are 5ales, Account, ?inance, $lant, @ngineering, 0uman esource and "arketing. Across which following transaction may occur sales order, sales return, cash receipts, credit salesH credit slips, material accounting, inventory management, depreciation accounting, etc. !hese transactions can be categori6ed into batch transaction processing, single transaction processing and real time transaction processing. Pro7e00 1ontro S'0tem
In a manufacturing organi6ation, certain decisions are made by a computer system without any manual intervention. In this type of system, critical information is fed to the system on a realCtime basis thereby enabling process control. !his kind of systems is referred as process control systems. Enter6ri0e 1oaboration S'0tem
In recent times, there is more stress on team effort or collaboration across different functional teams. A system which enables collaborative effort by improving communication and sharing of data is referred to as an enterprise collaboration system.
Mana2ement S866ort S'0tem: "anagers require precise information in a specific format to undertake an organi6ational decision. A system which facilitates an efficient decision making process for managers is called management support system. "anagement support systems are essentially categori6ed asE
"anagement information system.
@xpert system.
Accounting information system.
"anagement information system provides information to manager facilitating the routine decisionCmaking process.
F8rt$er 1a00ii7ation: An information system can be categori6ed based upon activity intoE •
5trategic planning system.
!actical information system.
Operational information system.
MIS 9 it0 T'6e0 "anagement information systems are those systems that allow managers to make decisions for the successful operation of businesses. Mana2ement inormation 0'0tem0 consist of computer resources, people, and procedures used in the modern business enterprise.
!he term MIS stands for management information systems. MIS also refers to the organi6ation that develops and maintains most or all of the computer systems in the enterprise so that managers can make decisions.
!he goal of the MIS organi6ation is to deliver information systems to the various levels of corporate managers. MIS professionals create and support the computer system throughout the company.
!rained and educated to work with corporate computer systems, these professionals are responsible in some way for nearly all of the computers, from the largest mainframe to the desktop and portable $4s. "anagement information systems can be used as a support to managers to provide a competitive advantage. !he system must support the goals of the organi6ation. "ost organi6ations are structured along functional lines, and the typical systems are identified as followsE •
Accounting management information systems All accounting reports are shared by all levels of accounting managers. Financial management information systems !he financial management information system provides financial information to all financial managers within an organi6ation including the chief financial officer. !he chief financial officer analy6es historical and current financial activity, pro%ects future financial needs, and monitors and controls
the use of funds over time using the information developed by the "I5 department. Manufacturing management information systems "ore than any functional area, operations have been impacted by great advances in technology. As a result, manufacturing operations have changed. ?or instance, inventories are provided %ust in time so that great amounts of money are not spent for warehousing huge inventories. In some instances, raw materials are even processed on railroad cars waiting to be sent directly to the factory. !hus there is no need for warehousing. Marketing management information systems A marketing management information system supports managerial activity in the area of product development, distribution, pricing decisions, promotional effectiveness, and sales forecasting. "ore than any other functional area, marketing systems relies on external sources of data. Human resources management information systems 0uman resources management information systems are concerned with activities related to workers, managers, and other individuals employed by the organi6ation. 1ecause the personnel function relates to all other areas in business, the human resources management information system plays a valuable role in ensuring organi6ational success. Activities performed by the human resources management information systems include, workCforce analysis and planning, hiring, training, and %ob assignments.
Mana2ement Inormation S'0tem at HBL "anagement Information 5ystem is a system that provides people with either data or information related to an organi6ation=s operations. "I5 support the activities of employees, owners, customers and other key people in the organi6ation=s environment C either by efficiently processing data to assist with the than section work load or by effectively supplying information to authori6ed people in a timely manner. A management information system 8"I59 is the collection of system, both computeri6ed and manual, that provides information about ongoing activities to an organi6ation=s decision makers. !he management information system of 0abib 1ank 2imited has oo
!ransaction $rocessing 5ystem. "anagement eporting 5ystem.
!he !ransaction $rocessing 5ystem 8!$59 supports the da i l y b u s i n e s s transactions for example in the accounting department where the double entry system is used for reco rdin g the daily tran sact ions it will record all the entries that have been credited or debited during the day and prepare the full report as well as inter relate these tasks and other into an overall accounting system. !his type of system keeps the organi6ation running by automation the process of the large amount of paper work that must be handled da ily. :nlike the other systems the !ransaction $rocessing 5ystem 8!$59 of 0abib 1ank links together all of the branches of the country in order to have one database so that the 4ustomer Information can be accessed through all the branches in the country. 1asically the !$5 has more dealings with the accounting basically !$5 deals with the accounting department of an organi6ation. In 012 it is used to record withdraws and deposits of customers. 5ome of its functions areE • • •
ecords the transactions ecords the debit F credit !ells the balance of customer
>ives the data about the custom !$5 makes day to day reports e.g. it manages the double entry system. ?or accounting department two types of reports are generated in it. !ransaction processing system supports the processing of 0abib 1ank 2imited by automating the process of voluminous amounts of paperwork that must be handled daily.
!hese systems include accurate recording of daily !ransactions, controlling the procedure of issuance e.g. issuance of pay cheques invoices, customer statements, payment remainders, tuition bills and employee schedules etc. Tran0a7tion Pro7e00in2 F8n7tion0
!here are three steps of processing a transaction. ,) Book 4ee6in2
?irst of all accurate record of transaction is recorded e.g. recording the deposits or withdrawals of account holders. !his recording of transaction is called 1ook 3eeping involving applications of financial accounting. *) I008an7e
It refers to the production of pay cheques, invoices, periodic statements as monthly telephone bills, credit card bills and payment remainders etc. /) 1ontro Re6ortin2
eports that are produced as a byproduct of transaction processing operation and that also serves operation control purposes are called control reports, as pay cheques are of 0abib 1ank are produced in batches, likewise the payroll edit report is produced to show the pay scheme of employees.
MANA.EMENT REPORTIN. S%STEM A management reporting system 8"59 is an information system that provides p r e d e f i n e d t y p e s o f i n f o r ma t i o n t o m a n a g e me n t f o r r e l a t i v e l y s t r u c t u r e d t y p e s o f d ec is io ns . As opposed to focusing purely on data and the efficient processing of data8which characteri6e transaction processing systems9, management reporting systems focus on Information and, occasionally, on effectiveness. It generates a summari6ed report for reporting business updates to management at higher level and for their review. It generates report havingE • • • • • • •
;ame of customer 0is address 2imit of loan which bank can give Approval authority of loan
"anagement eporting 5ystem is an information system that provides predefined types of information to management. At 0abib 1ank "anagement eporting 5ystem is used not only in management planning but also in managing the control system. Pro6ertie0 o Mana2ement Re6ortin2 S'0tem ,) S866ort
"anagement eporting 5ystem supports structured and semiCstructured decision, primarily at the middleCand lowerCmanagement levels. *) Pro#i0ion o Inormation
"anagement eporting 5ystem $rovides fixed types of information, in an established formatH the formation requirements of users are normally known and stable.
/) Nat8re o Mana2ement Re6ort0
Often implemented with voluminous, hardcopy reports, requiring each user to search specifically for key= information. ?requently require a formal request to be submittedH formal systems development may be required to approve the request. >) Data
It has usually consisted of internal operational data, rather than data about the external environment. It concerned with data about the past than data relating to the future.
DE1ISION SUPPORT S%STEM A decision support system 8<559 prov ides tools that enable ma n a g e r s t o develop information in the manner that best suits the decisions they are currently trying to make. :nlike the "5, which delivers specific types of information in a preC planedf o r ma t , t h e < 5 5 p r o v i d e s t h e m a n a g e r w i t h t h e c o m p u t i n g a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s capabilities to develop his or her own decision models, databases, and report formats.
) Fa0tne00
!his is the decision for which information provided by computer or men is not complete but is a small portion of the total knowledge required to make a decision. *) Semi=0tr87t8red De7i0ion0
!he decision made under a condition in which the information about problem to be solved is not complete is called semiCstructured decision.
OFFI1E INFORMATION S%STEM OF HABIB BAN4 !he combination of new technologies as hardware, software, facsimiles eCmails and the people availing their services makes the office information system. 1om6onent0 o Oi7e Inormation S'0tem o Habib Bank
!here are * ma%or components of Office Information 5ystem, &9
In each branch of 0abib 1ank eprographic machines are there for making copies of required documents. *) 5ord Pro7e00in2 S'0tem
At 0abib 1ank the office system technology which is used is word processing involving hard ware and software tools which allows computer system to operate. Me00a2e Handin2 S'0tem o Habib Bank
It is one of ma%or applications of Office Information 5ystem. At 0abib 1ank the message handling system is of following. ,) Fa70imie0
?ax machines are there to receive and send faxes in other branches of 0abib 1ank. *) Ee7troni7 Mai
@lectronic mail is used to receive and send messages to other branches.
Oi7e S866ort S'0tem
"any applications collectively help in working of groups, which are known as Office 5upport 5ystem. In 012 it is .ro86 5are! 0abib 1ank provides group ware in following ways. &. Word processing services. (. :sing fax mails. *. Availability to onC line
E;E1UTI3E INFORMATION S%STEM An executive information system 8@I59 C which is sometimes referred to as an executive support system 8@559 C is a <55 that is designed to meet the special needs of topClevel managers. 5ome people use the terms @I5J and @55J interchangeably, but others do not. Any distinction between the two usually is because executive support systems are likely to incorporate additional capabilities such as electronic mail. 1ecause executives deal primarily with data about the external environment and data that come from informal sources, they are usually less reliant in direct contact with information technology than other types of managers. When information from their companys computers is needed, many chief executive officers make their subordinates retrieve that information. 1ecause executive information needs are more ambiguous that those of other levels of "anagement, computers have historically been less useful to executives. "any executives have little hands Gon experience with computers and dont fully appreciate how information technology can im p r o v e t h e i r p e r s o n a l pr odu ct iv ity an d dec is io nC ma kin g ski ll s. @55 is f or exec utiv es e.g., eta il >ene ral "anager 8>"9 bBc executives are nonCtechnical people so a very user friendly system is made for them to ma ke th eir de ci sio n ma ki ng pr oc es s ea sy a nd f ea sibi lity, f or this purpose reports are generated to give easy access to information.
OFFI1E AUTOMATION S%STEM OA5 is the use of computer systems to execute a variety of office operations, suc h as word processing, accounting, and eCmail . Office automation almost always implies a network of computers with a variety of available programs. Office Automation has traditionally referred to a wide variety of computerC based technologies that make office workers more pr od uc ti ve . !he diverse set of OAt o o l s t h a t e n h a n c e o f f i c e p r o d u c t i v i t y , e f f i c i e n c y a n d e f f e c t i v e n e s s a r e o f t e n collectively called information systems. "any office systems can also be classified as decision suppor t systems or <55 tools 8such as spreadshe ets9, which can make o ffice workers more productive and also help managers make better decisions. !he blurry line between decision support systems and Office Automation 5ystem should be expected becau se most deci sion s make rs work in some type of office environment. Another example of ambiguity, a database management system that manage s data for a firm might also offer some decision support. 5ome of the Office Automation 5ystems used in 0abib 1ank areE • • • • • • •
4$:s "onitors ?ax 5canners $rinters 3eyboards "ouse
,) DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Almost all the activities mentioned above are performed through • computer !he computer maintains all records of each and every client • Douchers have been prepared and send to the "I5 department for daily • transactions and making changes in customer=s accounts. • Activity of account opening and deposit department are the followingsE Opening new accounts. "aintain of deposits of the account holders. $rocessing can stop payment instructions. !o give fresh cheque books. !o make amendments in the existing accounts. 4losing the accounts of accounts holders 8if required9. *) 1ASH DEALIN. DEPARTMENT !he ma%or functions of cash dealing departments areE • 4ash receipts. !o cash cheques. All the regarding date, account number, tile of account, balance of • account holder and the signature of customer have been verified through computer. /) REMITTAN1E DEPARTMENT • !he ma%or functions performed by remittance department areE $ay order.
!hree ma%or functions performed by the import departmentE 2B4 opening. 2odgment of papers and documents. etirement of papers and documents. Import department is considered to be one of the most important departments of the bank. It handles the import licensing and imports of merchandise. Imports can be separated into two categoriesE Industrial Imports. 4ommercial and industrial Imports. @xport $romotion 1ureau makes registration of imports,
@xport is a ma%or source of earning foreign exchange. @very country wants to increase its exports because the foreign exchange earned through exports can help in meeting the other needs of the countries. !he computer keeps the records of each and every dealing which has been made by the customer for import export purposes. !he records concerning his past and present performance and balance of accounts helps to make further decisions whether to give him loan or not.
-) PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT $ersonal department uses computer for smooth functioning of work. • !he main functions performed by $ersonnel
@) MAR4ETIN. DEPARTMENT • 4onsumer satisfaction is the first and for most priority for the bank. !he marketing management makes policies for the better services of • satisfaction of consumer. 29
!he process includesE ?inding out consumer wants and needs through marketing research. ?inding possibilities and then development of those wants and needs. @stablishing meaningful relations with customers. Improving of product development for customers. It is also the function of the organi6ation to keep in constant contact with the consumer, read their needs, developed the product that can fulfill their needs and build the aim that express organi6ational purpose. 1ankers also try to locate their past customers for offering more facilities to them. !he computer provides every past and present updated account of each customer.
S6e7ii7ation0 o t$e S'0tem in HBL
0$ 1lade 5erver
Oracle @C1usiness 5uite &(
O6eratin2 S'0tem
?inancial 5tatements
1atch $rocessing
$rimary, secondary
,) OPERATIN. S%STEM SOFT5ARE: :;IK is being used as the main operating system in 0abib 1ank according to them it is more powerful than Windows.
*) MULTI=USER ONLINE BAN4IN. (MOB) !he main system used by the bank is called "ultiCuser Online 1anking 8"O19. !his is the main system through which all of the branches of 0abib 1ank are linked together. !his system has many sub systems of which the foremost and important is "anagement information system. "ultiCuser Online 1anking 8"O19 works in such aw a y that for example if customer opens an account in 0a b i b 1 a n k o n c e t h a t information is fed into the system then that information will become available to all the braches of 0abib 1ank located in $akistan. ?or instance if the account has been opened in Islamabad the customer can deposit and withdraw money from wherever in $akistan from an onCline branch, this is mainly possible through "ultiCuser Online 1anking8"O19. "ultiuser Online 1anking 8"O19 is a customer made soft w a r e a n d t h e c o m p u te r l a ng u a ge t h a t h as b e e n u se d t o d ev e lo p is 4o mm on 1u si ne ss Or ie nt ed 2anguage 84O1O29. !he software of "O1 has been kept different from same type of software so as to prevent unauthori6ed entry. 33
0abib 1ank used 3indle 1anking 5ystem until (& in their etail 1anking sector.
/) Ser#er0: MAIN SER3ER:
!0I; 42I@;!8centrali6ed9
Internet Ser#er:
<2*(>' 84ore (1am, aid ' 5A5 &'>1 0< x *
Databa0e Ser#er:
0$ <2*->' 81 am, aid ' 5A5 &'>1 0< x *
A66i7ation Ser#er:
<@22 81 am, aid ' 5A5 &'>1 0< x *
>) SUPPORTIN. SOFT5ARES: 012 uses following supporting software through them are performing their work daily and that areE • • • •
"5 WO< "5 @K4@2 "5 $OW@ $OI;! "5 A44@55
DATA BASE MANA.EMENT Databa0e admini0trator0:
;ame 2ocation Approval authority of credit @xpiryBtenure 5ecurities 5ort of finance
DATA MANA.EMENT: "anagerial decision making is likely to be more effective when ma na ge rs ar e able to quickly access the data they need on demand. "ost of the other databases data has been stored on computerCfiles and databases. • • • • •
!hese databases includeE 4ustomerBclient databases @mployee databases Accounting databases 4redit databases
< a t a h as b e e n p h y si c a ll y s t o r ed o n a v a r ie t y o f m e di a , in cl ud in g ma gn et ic di sk s, compact
5tore data compactly and efficiently Luickly edit and modify stored data and make backup copies
In 0A1I1 1A;3 all the data is directly stored in head office. Information !echnology department of 0A1I1 1A;3 have a simple database structure and use online processingBreal time processing that transaction 5imple application software is being using to contro l, create F manage database.
FILE BASED MANA.EMENT S%STEM ?ile processing refers to an environment in which data is physically organi6ed into files 8collection of related records9. !he file processing environment is linked tithe specific application pr og rams th at are be in g use d in th e organ i6a ti on. !h es e da ta and files are shared by many application programs. Although file management is done manually as files on the computer cannot be manually signed, but files are also created on computer for record and references.
?iles made on ?"15 includeE • • • •
1asic borrowers fact sheet 8personal F professional record9 !heir 5ecurities 8legal documents are manually kept 4orrespondent ?iles 4redit ?iles F 2egal ?iles
5OR4IN.: 0abib bank uses a file processing system with different customer files for exampleE checking, savings and loans. Often, customers call the bank questions on sev er al of th eir ac co un ts . 5 e r v i c e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e h a s t o g o t h r o u g h t h e f o l l o w i n g procedureE • • • • • • •
@nter the checkingCaccountCbalance program >et the required checking Information 2eave program @nter savingCaccountCbalance program >et the required saving Information and leave program @nter loanCaccountCbalance program >et the required loan Information and leave program
!elecommunications mangers and network managersB;etwork Adminis tr at or sare responsible for meeting the data communications needs of users in the organi6ation. !he increasing trend toward networking and distributed processing has i nc re as ed th e i m p o r t a n c e o f t h e s e p o s i t i o n s . A l l t h e w o r k s t a t i o n s w i t h i n t h e 1 a n k a r e c o n n e c t e d t hr ou gh 2ocal Area ;etwork 82A;9.!he bank has over &&1r an ch es al l ov er t h e country which have been linked through "icrowave or $hone lines, 5atellites and most of the connections have been provided by$!42. 1onne7ti#it'
$arallel. "icrowave or $hone lines. DIACsatellite.
"odel A )C 8ed line9
"odel 5*C5*'
$A1K for DOI$ ?iber 4able
ONLINE PRESEN1E 0A1I1 1A;3 has online presence. We can get data from the web F also discussed our problems through mail. ONLINE FA1ILITIES: • • •
Availability of <@1I! and 4@
!here are mainly two persons involved in online transitions to make tem successful. !he initiator 8transaction creator9 and the supervisor 8supervising the transaction process9.
SE1URIT% 9 BA14UPS 5ecurity is a very important part of an information 5ystem, every or gani 6a tion has to protect its vital data from unauthori6ed access for this purpose 0abib 1ank has many security policies, these areE •
A password is assigned to the e mployees and there is
l i m i t t o u s i n g t h e password for example an employee can issue up to a specific amount. In order to protect from any unauthori6ed access into the system,
• •
th e so ft wa re that is being hacked from outside and is said to be fool proof. In order to protect the data, backups are used, for back up 0a bi b 1a nk us es floppies, every day backup is done and these floppies are transported to the nearest branch to protect against any poten tial ha6a rd for exa mple fire , a rso n, earthquake, theft etc. After a week these backup floppies are transported back to the branch. Whenever checque has been cashed so the bank checks the s i g n a t u r e a n d amount of account holder.
BIO MATRI1 DES4TOP: 1iometrics, where authori6ation of transactions is based o n t h e s c a n n i n g o f a customer=s fingerprint, iris, face, etc. !o maintain security 012 has a new technique of thumb impression recognition. i.e., whenever customer wants to withdraw cash fromA !" a t h u m b i m p r e s s i o n w i t h p e r s o n a l I < c a r d o f c u s t o m e r i s n e e d e d t o b e i d en t if i e d i f i t i s m a tc h e d w i th th e d a t a b a s e m a i n t a i n e d b y 0 1 2 i n 3 a r a c h i h e a d C office. And this can be verified within seconds to facilitate their customers. 4 h e q u e B 4 a s h A c c e p t a n c e , w h e r e t h e A !" a c c e p t s a n d r e c o g i n s e c h e q u e s andBor currency without using envelopes 1ar code scanning
On demand printing of Mitems of valueM 8suc h as movie tickets, !ra v e l l e r s 4heques, etc.9
4ontingent plans are used to protect the hardware data. If any problem occurs in the hardware system then there will be no difficulty for the data. It means that protect data in the hardware system. Stora2e De#i7e0
$rimary and 5econdary storage devices are also used in the process to protect and save the important information from loss or misuse. Often the master file is stored on these devices while the users are provided access to the duplicate file. "aster file containing the permanent information is updated during processing by transaction data. !he @xternal 5torage devices that are used in the
Ba0i0 or Data Ba7k86 • • •
Inormation Re0o8r7e Mana2ement (IRM): It is a concept that recogni6es information as a key resource that sh ou ld 8a s should any vital resource9 be properly managed. Other fields also think of their assets in this way. "I5 is p erceived as an area tha t can generate opportunitie s or value for the organi6ation, not mainly as a source of problems. 1ecause "I5 is seen as a playing a pivotal role in the future successes of I"C oriented firms including 1anks. !he person in charge of the "I5 area is often found at the middle managerial level. In this position the information system department par tic ip at es in st rate gi c pla nn in g an d other key decisions that are made by the organi6ations top level managers.
MIS PERSONNEL !he "I5 personnel can or cannot be non I! persons. !he In formation 5y stem "anager is present in all department of the bank. !he "anagement Information 5ystem 8"I59 "anager looks after the I.! 5taff and controls their operations, the planning and imp le mentation of 5y stem
1om68ter0 O6eration0 Per0onne: !hese are the people responsible for the day to day operations of !ransaction $rocessing 5ystem s, management reporting system, and all other shared multiCuser computers. 5ome of the %ob titles for the people in this category are the followingE 1om68ter o6eration0 mana2erS'0tem Mana2er:
!he computer operations manager is in charge of the entire operations activity. 0e has the responsibility of hiring and assigning work to t h e o t h e r o p e r a t i o n s pe rs on ne l, h e is ge ne ra lly a su per vis or, he also plans the installation and removal of equipment with consent of the concerned authorities, and generally all other tasks to ensure that data get processed as efficiently as possible. 1om68ter0 o6erator0:
!hey are in charge of running the equipment in the I.!
!hese are the people within the banks I.!
!hey are responsible for managing data stored on such media such as disks. Including among these are the backup copies of important programs and data records kept pertaining to the daily transactions of the bank. Accounting data, debit and credit entries, customer information etc.
S'0tem Ana'0t0:
5ystem Analysts are the technology professionals charged with a n a l y 6 i n g , designing and implementing large computerCbased information systems. 1ecause they are the crucial interface among users, upper management, and programmers, they must be sk il le d in bu si ne ss, co mpute rs, and ot he r technologyCbased areas. !hey must also possess good interpersonal communication skills as t hey a re th e o ne w ho ba si cal ly h av e t o c ommu nic ate w ith th e employees of the organi6ation and perceives whatever they may need in the Information 5ystem that is being designed. •
!he computers professional who are specifically charged with writing computer programmers are called programmers. 5ome of the types of programmers are maintenance programmers, and systems programmers.
A66i7ation Pro2rammer0: 4ode applications programsCthe software that serves the direct needs offendCusers. >enerally it is the systems analyst who initially specifies what programs needed must do. Armed with a set of formalCoften technicalCspecifications from the analyst, the applications programmer then write programs from them.
S'0tem Pro2rammer0:
4ode the systems software that controls the operation of computer ha rdw ar e and makes it possible to run applications programs.
MIS Mana2ement:
At the top of the computer hierarchy are "I5 executives. I n 0 a b i b 1 a n k 2imited I.! "anagers or I.!
D8tie0 o MIS Per0onne •
!hey manage information inflow from start of any work to its final
destination and scrutini6e all the information. !hey generate report for a top manager e.g. is target matched or notN !hey securiti6e the systems that are already present for the
pur pos e of compliance of system in bank. It is made on "I5. In it information about employees , h i s s a l a r y allowances, deductions, provided fund, tax, net and gross salary is recorded andis given to employees in printed form.
Data Pro7e00in2=Inormation 1'7e
1oth computer and human mind act as processors that select data and transform them into meaningful information. 5 om e o f t he t yp es o f i nf or ma ti on t ha t m ay b e p ro vi de d t o d e c i s i o n makers after data are transformed into information by computers or some other kind of processing. !he format of the information received is often dictated by the needs an d preferences of the decision makers. All programs on a computer system can break down into two main categoriesE • •
Application software 5ystem software
A66i7ation 0ot
It includes programs and packages that are being u sed by work ers in the organi6ations subunits such as word processing spread sheets, database or file management, and presentation graphics. !hese are more likely to be purchased externally than developed internally by the organi6ation. *) S6e7ia=68r6o0e a66i7ation 0ot
It includes programs and packages that support the activities of workers in a particular subunit.
A cc ou nt in g de bi tin g a nd cr ed it in g e n t r i e s , s o f t w a r e s u s e d i n A!"s, and payroll are usually called 5pecialCpurpose softwares as these softwares have been developed for special purpose operations and have to be custom made according to the organi6ations requirements. !his kind of software is being used by a limited number of users or subunits than are in generalC purpose applications.
Re7ommendation0 abo8t t$e IS @ven though Oracle has provided 012 with an extremely customi6ed Information 5ystem to suit its business needs, the ?inancial 4ontrol 2 has not been modified enough to suit their needs according to their specific needs. !hus one proposal that is notable and must be pointed out is that if the company purchases a new version of Oracle >2, it should be further customi6ed in a better way with the specific needs of the ?inancial 4ontrol
F8t8re Pan0 abo8t t$e IS As for the future plans of the 4ompany concerning the information system, it seems that the company is satisfied with the system and willing to keep it. It will purchase new versions of the Oracle @C1usiness 5uite as soon as they are released. In the future, 012 also has extension plans and is pro%ected to open branches and start operations in some foreign countries also. When that happens, a great deal more will need to be invested in the companys information system and it would remain to be seen whether the company would continue using the current information system or switch to some other information system.
1on780ion !he Oracle @C1usiness 5uite is a top of the line application software used by businesses around the world. Oracle is a software company renowned for providing its customers with excellent softwares that provide fast, easy and efficient business information and support systems which play a vital part in operational running of a business and coming up with improved business solutions. 012 aims to keep its business in line with the top banks and corporations of the country and therefore, it has chosen Oracle @C1usiness 5uite as the application software that manages and supports its business applications. !he Oracle >2 has the important task of maintaining >eneral 2edger 1alances of the bank from around the country and generating reports and financial statements on a daily basis. 012 is clearly the first choice of every one who believes in qualitative approach of banking an environment of highly responsible people. 1ank is en%oying a healthy market share and taste of good status in terms of its operative features and customer support. 012 is clearly the best bank operating in $akistan. $ersonal loan is a distinguished feature of 012 experiencing a good reputation and reasonable markup with respect to prevailing market mark up with assurance of satisfaction and support. 012 has more customers as compare to other banks, if they give proper attention to every customer then in few years it will be the leading bank of the country.