MANPOWER PLANNING COURSE - OUTLINE Course: MHRDM, IV th Semester Fu Cre!"t Course: #$$ m%r&s F%'""t%tor: S(%tee S%r%)*" O+e't"e: The aim of this subject is to enable students to understand and explore the different techniques and models of manpowe r planning. It also aims at famil iarizing them with various types of human resource plans undertaken by different business organizations. Pe!%*o*.: The subject will be taught through a mix of cases, readings, industry assignments, and presentations made by students. The classroom sessions will be a mix of theoretical inputs and practical insights from organizations. Te/ts su**este! 0or re0ere)'e! "uman #esource $lanning, %ipak &umar 'hattacharya, (xcel 'ooks "uman #esource $lanning, )ohn 'ramham, )aico 'ooks
"# *orecasting and $lanning, $aul Turner, )aico $ublishing "ouse +trategic $lanning for "uman #esources, illiam ). #othwell, )aico $ublishing "ouse "#% -udit, (valuating the "uman #esource function s for business Improve ment, T.. #ao, #esponse 'ooks The $eople $olicies -udit, /aurice -. $helps, 0ambridge +trategy $ublications 1td E%u%t"o)- The subject would have an end term exam for 1$ marks. There would be continuous internal evaluation of 2$ marks for the following! Or*%)"3%t"o)% Prese)t%t"o) - 4$m%r&s I)!ustr. Ass"*)me)t o) Hr 5%))")*- 4$ m%r&s
Sess"o) Coer%*e %)! Dur%t"o): The subject will be covered in twelve sessions of two and half hours duration. The students are expected to actively participate in all the classroom sessions and presentations. F"rst Sess"o) Introduction to "uman #esource $lanning and its relevance Se'o)! Sess"o)- %efinition of "#$, #ole of "#$, "istory of "#$,+teps involved in "#$, 0hallenges and 2pportunities for +trategic "uman #esource $lanning, /acro and /icro "#$, (nvironmental +canning Th"r! Sess"o) 6 "uman #esource $lanning process, time scale for "#$ forecasts, 3se of qualitative and quantitative techniques in "#$,-nalysis of /anpower supply, astage -nalysis, 0ohort -nalysis, Introduction to manpower planning models
Prese)t%t"o) o) use o0 7u%"t%t"e %)! 7u%)t"t%t"e te'h)"7ues ") or*%)"3%t"o)sGrou5 # Fourth Sess"o)- -pplication of manpower planning models and techniques D"s'uss"o) o) Re%!")*#- M%)5o(er 5%))")* mo!es %)! te'h)"7ues Prese)t%t"o) o) Use o0 HRIS- Grou5 4 F"0th Sess"o)- (mployee turnover, measurement and analysis, %ownsizing $lan, planning and managing in times of recession Prese)t%t"o) o) !o()s"3")* 5%)s6 Grou5 8 S"/th Sess"o)- %ownsizing $lan, planning and managing in times of recession $lanning and managing oluntary (mployee Turnover, (xit Interviews D"s'uss"o) o) Re%!")* 4- E%u%t")* the 5r%'t"'% e00e't"e)ess o0 hum%) resour'e 5%))")* %55"'%t"o)s Prese)t%t"o) o) ou)t%r. tur)oer %)! e/"t ")ter"e(s- Grou5 2 See)th Sess"o)- $lanning and managing oluntary (mployee Turnover, (xit Interviews D"s'uss"o) o) Re%!")* 8- Re)e(")* the +e)e0"ts o0 outsour'")* re%t"o)sh"5- A He("tt 5ers5e't"e E"*hth Sess"o)- 2ut 4 +ourcing $lan, strategies for building a successful outsourcing relationship D"s'uss"o) o) Re%!")* 2- Re)e(")* the +e)e0"ts o0 outsour'")* re%t"o)sh"5- A He("tt 5ers5e't"e Prese)t%t"o) o) outsour'")* 6 Grou5 9 N")th Sess"o) 0areer planning, career anchors, objectives and significance of career development, different stages of career development, developing career paths Te)th Sess"o)- +uccession $lanning Prese)t%t"o) o) C%reer P%))")* 6 Grou5 1 Prese)t%t"o) o) Su''ess"o) P%))")* 6 Grou5 Eee)th Sess"o) 6 $lanning for change, /ergers and acquisitions Prese)t%t"o) o) roe o0 Hr ") ")tro!u'")* 'h%)*e- Grou5 ; T(e0th Sess"o) 4 +trategic "uman #esource /anagement, #evision Prese)t%t"o) o) roe o0 Hr ") mer*ers %)! %'7u"s"t"o)s 6 Grou5 < Prese)t%t"o) o) Str%te*"' HRM 6 Grou5 #$ Note :A!!"t"o)% Re%!")* to5"'s h%e +ee) m%r&e! ") RED=