Clas Class/ s/Se Seme mest ster er : X1 (Hotel and Accommodation)/Sec Accommodation)/Second ond Semester Meeting
: Se Second Me Meeting
Time Time Allocati Allocation on : 2 x 45 Minute Minutes s Lesson/Skill The Theme me
: English/Speaking
: Expr Expres essi sion ons s of of off offer erin ing g hel help p and and the the appr approp opri riat ate e responses
a. Standard Competence •
done) and interpersonal To understand the meaning meaning of transactional transactional (to (to get things done) conversation in the context of daily life.
b. Basic competence •
To express the meaning of the transactional and interpersonal conversation and continuing accurately, fluently and acceptable in context of daily live by involving speech act; such as expressions of asking help, offering help, inviting someone by using the variety of simple spoken language to interact with the other people.
c. Indicators 1.
To respond orally the kinds of expression of offering help, accepting and
refusing other’s help in a conversation with the others. 2.
To express the ways of offering help and accepting and refusing help by
using a simple spoken language.
d. Learning Objectives At the end of this teaching and learning process, students are expected to be able to:
To use directly the expressions of offering help and the appropriate responses that used in daily interaction with the other people.
To carry out the transactional conversation that involves the action of offering help and giving the appropriate responses.
e. Learning Material •
Brief Brief introd introduct uction ion of expres expressio sions ns of offeri offering ng help help and giving giving the approp appropria riate te responses.
The expression of offering help and giving the appropriate responses (enclosured).
The conversation contains the expression of offering help and giving the appropriate responses (enclosured).
f. Learning Method The method that used in this teaching and learning process is
A small group discussion
g. Instructional Procedures The instructional procedures in this teaching and learning process are as follow: Stage
Teacher Activities
Teacher greets the students
as one way to get students’
Student Activities
Students respond the greeting from the teacher.
Teacher checks the
Students listen
attendance list of students by
the teacher calls their
calling the students’ name one
names and answer it
by one.
loudly. Teacher reviews the
previous material by asking the
explain about the previous
students related to the previous
topic. Teacher does apperception to relate students’
Students give explanation about the
Time Allocation 10 Minutes
background knowledge with
previous learning material
the new material that is going
to be learned. Teacher gives clues
Students pay
and brief explanation about the
attention and give
new topic to develop students’
feedback toward teacher’s
prior knowledge.
explains the aim of teaching
ents pay attention to the
and learning process. Teacher •
teacher’s explanation Stude
explains the important point of
nts focus to the teacher’s
expressions of offering help
explanation and they
and the expression of
make a note that relates to
accepting or refusing help.
the teacher’s explanation.
asks students to listen and
nts listen when the teacher
repeat together the expressions
reads some expressions
of offering help and the
and then they repeat it
expression of accepting or
after their teacher read it.
refusing help. Teacher
gives opportunities to several
nts read the expression of
students for repeating the
offering help and the
expression of offering help and
expression of accepting or
the expression of accepting or
refusing help under the
refusing help. Teacher asks students to
teacher instruction. Students read and
read the material in handbook
concentrate to the
to comprehend the example of
example of conversation
conversation within it. Teacher gives chance to the
intensively. Students ask some
65 Minutes
students to ask some question
questions if they still do
relate to the topic.
not understand about the
Teacher asks students to
material. Students form a group
form a group of two and the
of two and they remember
teacher divides them become
their letter.
student A and student B. Teacher asks a captain class
A captain class
to distribute the name tags as
distributes the name tags
students’ identity and asks
to each group and each
each group to choose their
group chooses their
group’s name. Teacher asks students to sit
group’s name. Students sit with their
with their partners and they
partners and they respond
turn on their partner’s attention
the greeting of her/his
by saying “Hello or Hi”.
partner by saying “Hello
Teacher asks student to
or Hi”. Students open the
open the handbook and find
handbook and find the
out the pages of worksheet that
pages of worksheet.
contains new topic. Teacher asks students to
Students read and they
read the worksheet, then
begin to practice the
expression of a
B practice using the expression
conversation with his/her
of a conversation with his/her
partner. Teacher monitors the
Students actively
interviewing process and helps
practice their speaking
students who have problem.
skill in using the expressions of offering help and the expression of
65 Minutes
accepting or refusing Teacher asks students to
help. Students change their
change their role, where
role and practice the
student A becomes student B
conversation again.
and vice versa. Teacher asks each group to
Students try to
complete the task of offering
complete the task and
help and giving responses
they share their thought
under the instruction of the
each other for finding the
teacher. Teacher gives chances to
answer. Students explain about
two or three groups to tell the
their answers in front of
whole class about their answer. Teacher asks the other
the class. The other groups give
groups to give compliment or
compliment and
suggestion about each group
suggestion to each group
performing. Teacher gives the comment
performing. Students listen and
and feedback to the student’s
make notes about the
teacher’s comment and
Teacher cooperates with the
feedback. Students help teacher
students to conclude all of
to make the conclusions
materials that have been
of material.
taught. Teacher gives homework to
Students pay attention
the students for completing
and check their
their speaking assignment and
homework on handbook.
encourages the students to practice English.
65 minutes
15 Minutes
h. Source of the Learning Material The sources of the materials that are used in this teaching and learning process can be divided into two kinds, as follow:
Required material: Rudiyanto (2004). English for a Better Life. Life. Pakaraya Pustaka:
(2001). English Daily Conversation. Conversation. Supplementary material: Manshur, Syafi’i (2001). English Karya Utama: Surabaya
i. Assessment orientation The assessment that used in this subject is on going assessment , in which the instrument form is interview task in a small group.
j. Assessment rubric
Student’s mark = Achievement score x 100% Maximum score
Speaking The criteria of scoring students’ speaking achievement can be seen at the following table:
Aspect 1 Fluency Intonation Performanc e Pronunciati on Group working
Score 3
Total 4
1= very poor 2= poor 3= enough 4= good 5= very good
Kendari, 19 Maret 2010
The Head Master of SMKN 3 Kendari,
Drs. Hengki Satrianta
Puspita Tohamba NIP. 1142 003 980 07097
Appendix of Learning Material
Introduction of Offering Help
What you should know Offering help is the statement
Source: Bruce Tillit and Mary Newton Bruder (1985)
Introduction of Accepting Help
What you should know
Source: Bruce Tillit and Mary Newton Bruder (1985)
Introduction of Refusing Help
What you should know
Source: Bruce Tillit and Mary Newton Bruder (1985)
Expression of Offering Help, Accepting and Refusing Help Here are some useful expressions for offering help and for giving the responses
Offering Help
Accepting Help
Is there anything I can
No, thank you!
very kind of you.
No, really!
Would you like any any
No, thanks.
No, it’s all right.
Let me help…?
Let me give you a
hand with…
Refusing Help
Oh, yes please.
May assistance?
Can I do something…?
Lovely! or Great!
are the most kind.
trouble for you.
sounds very kind.
extremely good.
That That’s ’s very very kind kind
of you, but… Thanks
a lot, but
I’m okay.
offering, but…
Shall I…?
Example of Conversation with using Offering Help and Giving Responses This is an example of offering help and giving responses politely. This situation is
occurred in a hotel. Please read this conversation below carefully and then act it ou t. •
Receptionist: Inna Grand Bali Beach Hotel. Good afternoon, afternoon, sir. Can I help you?
Mr. Amran : Yes, thanks. thanks. I want to a room. Can you spare a room for for me? me?
Receptionist: Oh, certainly, sir. Could you tell me the kind kind of rooms you need? We Wing and Deluxe rooms in have superior rooms in the Superior garden Wing and the Deluxe the Deluxe Tower Wing .
Mr. Amran:
Emm, I think the tower wing will be better.
Receptionist: Fine. Excuse me, Could you tell tell your name and your phone number, sir? sir?
Mr. Amra Amran: n:
Receptionis Receptionist: t: Thank, you. you. Mr. Amran. Amran. Could Could you give give your card identit identity, y, please! please!
My name name is Arma Arman n Sentosa Sentosa and and my phone phone numbe numberr is (0274) (0274) 55143. 55143.
Mr. Amran: Sure, this is my card identity. Receptionist: Fine. Wait a moment, please. please. I will check. How long you you want to stay here, sir?
Mr. Amran: Amran:
I will will be there there for for three three nigh nights, ts, from from June June 21 to to 23.
Receptionis Receptionist: t: Well, Well, I have taken your confirm confirmation ation.. This is your room’s room’s number number and the room’s key. Would you like others help, sir?
Mr. Mr. Amr Amran an::
No, No, tha thank nk you you for for off offer erin ing. g.
Receptionis Receptionist: t: Okay! Nice to to meet meet you, you, Mr. Mr. Amran. Amran.
Mr. Mr. Amr Amran an::
Nice Nice to meet meet you you too too..
TASK 1: make a dialogs (In pair work)
Mr. Amran and famil family y were were busy busy unpacki unpacking ng their their luggag luggage. e. Make Make dialog dialogss of offering help and giving appropriate responses. You have to use the things below in your dialogs. A dialog may contain expressions of offering help only and accepting help, or/and with refusing help.
Luggage A pen
An extra blanket The TV channel
The waste basket
Tissue Paper
The curtain cord
Example: Dion
: Can I help you, mom?
Mrs. Amran: Sure. Can you bring the luggage here? Dion Dion : Here, Here, you are. are. Shal Shalll I unpa unpack ck it? Mrs. Amran: Amran: Okay. Then put the clothes in the wardrobe.