An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Yeshivat Lev Torah – Collel Benei Nviim & Presents
An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life by HaRav Ariel Bar Tzadok
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
A significant number of people around the world, Jew and Gentile alike, are as fascinated by this topic. Indeed, long ago our holy Sages addressed this issue. Therefore, Torah Judaism does have legitimate knowledge as to what is really "out there." This book has been written to provide accurate Torah knowledge on this subject, to safeguard Jewish souls from falling victim to the vast amounts of misinformation on this topic that unfortunately lead them astray from a true Torah outlook on the universe.
An Authoritative Torah View on Extraterrestrial Life Copyright © 1993 – 2001 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
To acquire copies of this work, please write to: Yeshivat Lev Torah – Collel Benei Nviim 18375 Ventura Blvd. Suite 314 Tarzana, CA. 91356 Or contact us via: email:
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Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
A significant number of people around the world, Jew and Gentile alike, are as fascinated by this topic. Indeed, long ago our holy Sages addressed this issue. Therefore, Torah Judaism does have legitimate knowledge as to what is really "out there." This book has been written to provide accurate Torah knowledge on this subject, to safeguard Jewish souls from falling victim to the vast amounts of misinformation on this topic that unfortunately lead them astray from a true Torah outlook on the universe.
An Authoritative Torah View on Extraterrestrial Life Copyright © 1993 – 2001 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
To acquire copies of this work, please write to: Yeshivat Lev Torah – Collel Benei Nviim 18375 Ventura Blvd. Suite 314 Tarzana, CA. 91356 Or contact us via: email:
[email protected] Phone: (818) 345-0888 Fax (818) 342-9889 Visit our website for a full library of Sephardic studies materials, kosher Torah mysticism, Benei Noah studies and anti/cult, anti/missionary materials.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Introduction In this the second half of the 20th century there has been an epidemic of strange, other worldly, other-dimensional experiences witnessed by millions of people from every walk of life and culture around the world. There have been sightings of strange lights in the sky, which have become popularly known as UFOs. A variety of different types of more or less humanoid entities have been seen around the world in association with these UFO's. These beings have come to be known as ET's (extraterrestrials). These "close encounters" as they are now called have become so popular that many movies, books and articles have been produced about the experience. In most cases, people want to believe that these UFO's and their inhabitants are visitors traveling through outer space, coming to visit us from another planet. The number of believers in this is growing in rapid fashion corresponding to the growing numbers of sightings and experiences. Many of those who believe aliens are visiting us from another planet also believe that these phenomena are not new. There are claims that these so-called aliens have been around since ancient times, and that their travels and activities have been recorded in some of the world's great literature, including the Bible. The Bible does speak of other worldly beings. These are the angels and the demons. Nowhere in the Bible is there a direct mention of any extraterrestrial connection. Yet, this does not mean that there are no references to them at all. Not all Biblical teachings have ever been made fully public to the Jew or to the gentile. Today, peoples of many nations study the written Jewish Torah as if it were there own. However, the Oral Torah has remained safely and exclusively in Jewish hands. This Oral Torah is the official and authoritative explanation of the written Torah and Bible. In the Oral Torah, many secrets have been kept about a great number of metaphysical realities. The guardians of the Oral Torah have been the Sages of Israel, better known as the Orthodox Rabbis and the Kabbalists. In light of these apparently modern phenomena of UFO's and ET's, we might ask, what are the views of the Sages of Israel on this matter? Is there any mention of extraterrestrial life and inter-planetary visitations in any of the vast resources of Torah literature? The Talmudic Rabbis have spoken on almost every topic in the physical and metaphysical universe. Are these UFO's something new? Did our Sages of old have knowledge of this, one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th century? Accounts of strange lights in the sky and of meeting strange beings have been recorded in Judaic writings for millennia. What are these otherworldly visitations? Who are these "visitors" and where do they come from? I will discuss these 3
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
matters. However, I must state from the beginning, I am writing this material from the point of view of the authoritative sources of the holy Oral Torah, as documented in the works of the Rabbis and Kabbalists, the holy Sages of Israel. There are many modern attempts to undermine the authority of the Bible by applying to it strange new interpretations. I will not tolerate such religious blasphemy. I will, however, document for you what the true authorities of the Bible and the Jewish religion have to say about these otherworldly phenomena that today people are calling UFO's and ET's. I must here state unequivocally: G-d is NOT an astronaut, as Erik Von Daniken had stated in his book, Chariot of the Gods. Aliens did not give the Torah to us (G-d forbid to think) from another planet. Ezekiel's vision of the Chariot of G-d was not a sighting of a Biblical UFO, as many untrained in Biblical and Kabbalistic study try to claim. Devious characters that seek to undermine the Divine authority and legitimacy of the holy Torah, given to the Children of Israel by G-d (and not the aliens) at Mt. Sinai perpetrate all these attempts and others like them. First and foremost as a Jew, I must proclaim that whatever the truth be about aliens from other worlds, regardless of how advanced they might be technologically or spiritually, not even they (if there is a "they") have the authority or the right to (G-d forbid) speak against or act against the holy Torah and a Jew's Divine obligation to observe the commandments. Regardless of whatever "new" knowledge is yet to be revealed, "old" knowledge, that is eternal, is never abrogated. So, who are these "Aliens"? Are they really from another planet? If not, where do they come from? Are they friend or foe to mankind (Jew and gentile alike)? Although the holy Sages of Israel have recorded answers to these questions and more, for generations interest in other-dimensional and otherworldly beings has fallen by the wayside. The majority of Rabbis and Kabbalists have turned to the more rational philosophical understandings of religion and away from metaphysics and so-called "mysticism." Due to the present growth of awareness and contact with these otherworldly entities by vast numbers of people around the world, I believe that the time is right to reveal some of the deepest Kabbalistic secrets that explain what is really going on. The Sages of Israel have always possessed knowledge of supernatural and extraterrestrial realities. By this I do not mean that our Sages talk to little green men from Mars, but we have many incidents recorded in Kabbalistic literature where Rabbis had indeed met with otherworldly beings, in physical encounters. These encounters were not with demons or angels of the spiritual realms. No, the Rabbis were speaking with something entirely different. They were in touch with otherworldly, yet corporeal forces, learning from them as well as imparting wisdom to them. This was true throughout Biblical times, Talmudic times and is still true today.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
In the 11th century Kabbalistic classic, Sefer Hasidim, The Book of the Pious (Sec. 530), a strong admonition is given that the one who has revealed to him secrets (from Heaven) has the obligation to reveal them. If not, then that person is held accountable to Divine judgment. In all due respect to the Sefer Hasidim, there are so many profound teachings within our holy Torah that the revelation of them all would dramatically alter the way the vast majority of people view reality. Nonetheless, what can be revealed is being revealed. Whoever has an open heart and mind will be able to receive that knowledge which I am imparting here. In light of the many social shifts in our modern world, it is time for the Torah to shine its light and be a beacon to G-d as it was meant to be.
The Rabbinic-Kabbalistic Teachings on Extraterrestrial Life Forms I most certainly am not the first Rabbi to reveal material concerning life on other planets. Other Kabbalistic Rabbis before me have written books revealing some of the best-kept secrets in the world. We will discuss just a few of them here. The late 18th century was a turbulent time for Jews living is Europe. The socalled age of enlightenment and science was spreading even into Jewish circles. This new religion of science sneered at the valued teachings of the Bible and sought in every way to contradict them, to "prove them wrong scientifically." One of the great Kabbalistic Sages of Eastern Europe, Rabbi Pinchas Eliyahu Horowitz of Vilna, arose to meet this challenge. He authored a monumental work on Kabbalah and science the likes of which has not been duplicated to this day. In 1797, Rabbi Horowitz published his monumental work Sefer HaBrit, The Book of the Covenant. The work begins by discussing the order of the physical universe, the stars, planets and the like, continues to discuss the physical world and finishes with long, rich metaphysical discourses on the nature of man, consciousness and prophecy. The scope of the text is far too great to do appropriate justice to it here. I must limit myself to our topic and Rabbi Horowitz's most striking revelations about it. It seems that even in Rabbi Horowitz's days there was interest and speculation about life on other planets. In Section 1, Lecture 3, Chapters 3 and 4, Rabbi Horowitz responds to the so-called scientific theories of his day regarding life on other planets and proceeds to enumerate from authoritative Jewish sources what the Torah teaches about this subject. In Kabbalistic literature it is taught that the Holy One, Blessed Be He, has created an infinite number of worlds. Most commentators on these Kabbalistic texts will state that the worlds being spoken of are spiritual worlds. In other words, the Kabbalah is speaking about an infinite inter-dimensional quantum reality. There are four general dimensions or worlds in the Kabbalistic panorama; the three highest of these dimensions/worlds are Atzilut, Beriah and Yetzirah. These correspond to the dimensions of Spirit, Mind and Emotion respectively. 5
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Therefore, any worlds manifesting these realities are not going to be physical, as we understand the meaning of physical. Rabbi Horowitz now steps in with a significant point. In Chapter 3 he asks why should the number of worlds in the fourth Kabbalistic level, Asiyah, corresponding to the physical realm, be any less than the infinite number of worlds in the supernal realms above it. He continues by quoting the holy Zohar "in many places" and the Mishna that in the future the Holy One, Blessed Be He, is to place each and every righteous person as a governor over 310 worlds. Rabbi Horowitz emphasizes that these are physical worlds in outer space. The future being spoken of is the time after the Messianic age and the resurrection of the dead. The reward of the righteous is that they are to ascend to the stars and rule sections of the galaxy as the regents of the Holy One, Blessed be He. Rabbi Horowitz continues to bring evidence of other worlds from the Bible itself. With this proof text, he not only claims to prove that there are other worlds, but that they are also inhabited by beings. Rabbi Horowitz quotes from Judges 5:23, "cursed be Maroz, cursed be those who dwell there." The Talmud (Moed Katan 16A) records an opinion that Maroz is the name of a planet. And the verse says, "cursed be those who dwell there." This seems to imply that the planet Maroz is inhabited. Rabbi Horowitz concludes Chapter Three with the words, "According to my opinion, there are inhabited planets [in outer space] and this is also implied in the Tikunei Zohar." Accepting the given fact of other inhabited worlds, Rabbi Horowitz now addresses the issue of what type of beings are on these other planets. He begins by criticizing those who are of the opinion that the other planets are just like ours, with similar peoples of free will, similar animals, plant life and the like. He calls these beliefs lies and a waste. Those who believe them, Rabbi Horowitz says, are "simpletons who will believe anything." Rabbi Horowitz asks why would so many planets be needed just for our forms of life. Certainly, our planet is large enough to hold us all. Being that these planets are so numerous and distant from one another they must also be very different. No two can be exactly alike; each one is different from the other both generally and specifically. Rabbi Horowitz also says it is a fallacy to think that the planets are formed of the same types of matter as is ours. He gives an example of the sun (which in Judaism is also considered a planet). Can someone dwell on the Sun and not be burned, he asks? Would not the brilliant light blind a person? In addition, as an example, on Saturn Rabbi Horowitz asks, would not a person freeze to death there due to its cold nature. To again prove the point of the varying types of life that are in outer space, Rabbi Horowitz uses the example of the ocean, saying that just as sea creatures differ tremendously from land creatures due to the
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
different nature of their environments, so do the inhabitants of the other planets differ from us. Rabbi Horowitz then follows with one of his most important points. He acknowledges that these extraterrestrial beings are "ba'alei sekhel u'madah" (masters of intelligence and science). Yet, with all their intellectual potentials, Rabbi Horowitz claims that all extraterrestrials will lack one essential component that will forever set them apart from the human race. They lack "behirah," the ability of Free Will. Free Will separates mankind from any and every other species. It is Free Will that is the G-d given spiritual component that separates the human race from being just another animal species.
Free Will and the Holy Name of G-d The definition of Free Will is too involved to be comprehensively covered at this time. For now, understand that Free Will is not just the ability to think for yourself and choose between this and that direction. Free Will is something far more than the discretionary ability of determination that is to be found within most all species of life. Free Will is the spiritual ability to raise consciousness above the control of the forces of time and space. Free Will is the ability of an entity to evolve at the spiritual level. This is something that all the technologies in the universe cannot assist. The universe, that which is seen and unseen, as we know from Genesis 1:1 was created by Elohim, i.e., G-d. Our Sages reveal to us that the Name of G-d, Elohim, is the impersonal Name of G-d, His "Katnut" (smallness), the Name that expresses only the outermost expressions of the Divine. The Name Elohim in Gematria (Hebrew numerology) is equal to the word "HaTeva" which means "nature," and is a reference to the laws of nature, i.e., the natural universe. It is the Name that corresponds to the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet "Bet," the letter that begins the Torah. The Kabbalistic Sages also reveal to us that just as there is the letter Alef before the letter Bet, so is there an entirely different level of reality underlying the manifest and unmanifest universe. In this universe of Alef, the Holy One's, Blessed Be He, true essence is revealed. Here is G-d known by the holy four letter Name YHWH that is so holy that it is never spoken aloud. It is pronounced Adonai in prayer and as HaShem in everyday speech. The level of YHWH is above the level of Elohim as the Heavens are above the earth. Under the Name Elohim, all is subject to the laws of the natural universe, no matter how sublime and concealed these laws be. There is the universal pattern of operations and when these are discovered, technologies can be developed to manipulate them. All this is the universe as we know it, and can ever know it. This is the universe created by Elohim, as it is written, "In the
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
beginning Elohim created..." (Gen. 1:1). Elohim is referred to as the Left Hand of G-d, the source of Divine restriction and judgment. Yet, there is a power above and beyond the universe. This power, by the direction of the Divine Will, may for reasons known to Itself supersede the laws of nature, be they revealed or concealed. This power is called the Right Hand of Gd that intervenes in His universe. This is the Name YHWH. This is the Alef level. The YHWH/Alef level of the universe is by definition above and beyond the laws of the universe. It is a law unto itself, the true eternal Law. In order for it to be revealed, experienced and expressed within our universe of time and space, YHWH had to cloak Himself in an appropriate garment that could contain Him. This garment, which exists in time and space, is the house where the spirit of YHWH dwells. This garment, this house, is the holy Torah. The Torah is the exclusive domain and inheritance of Israel, the people of this planet, given to us by YHWH at Mt. Sinai. The Torah only takes the form of a book as it is revealed in this world. Similar to man, whose body is only the shell of the true human, so the book of the Torah serves to encase its soul, which is YHWH. From such a high source, the Torah reveals to the Jew many things beyond the limitations of our planet and our corporeal existence. As a Sage of the Torah, Rabbi Horowitz's view (which was also shared by the late Lubavitcher Rebbe) is that there are a countless number of inhabited planets in outer space, many of which may very well have highly advanced technological societies. Nonetheless, none of them have the potential of the spiritual heights unique to the human race, created in the image of G-d. While the Torah does acknowledge the existence of other planets and of extraterrestrial beings, there is no direct mention of these beings having a technology capable of allowing them to visit the earth. Nonetheless, the author of Sefer HaBrit does ascribe to them those abilities. Another modern author who has written on the topic of extraterrestrials from a Torah point of view is Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. His works are numerous and his Kabbalistic texts are now classics in English Judaica. The following is my translation of an excerpt from his Hebrew book Moreh Ohr (Moznaim, Jerusalem 1992) which clearly shows that the topic of extraterrestrials is of interest in Orthodox Jewish circles.
Sefer Moreh Ohr, The Human Species "Now we must contemplate whether the human species alone is the [exclusive] purpose in creation or whether there are other species that have been created for this purpose. Also, are there worlds other than this one? The ancients have already spoken [of these matters]. In Sefer Ohr HaShem (Ma'amar 4, Drash 2) it is explored whether it is possible that there is one world or many worlds. It says, now there are many who say that the great number of worlds does not harm the complete unity that there is in this world. They emanated for the purpose of
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
improvement and favor. Now there is not a shortage of those who receive improvement. He concludes that there is no proof from this view, rather that noting is proved or disproved, rather there is the possibility. After this he mentions what our Sages have said in the Talmud (Avodah Zarah 3B), that [HaShem] placed 18,000 worlds. However, truthfully this is not evidence. Perhaps these worlds are spiritual [in nature] and not physical. We already know that there are an infinite number of spiritual worlds, as the Ari'zal has said in Etz Haim, Sha'ar 3, Chap. 1. One might be able to bring evidence from the verse in Psalm 145:113, "Your Kingdom is the kingdom of all the worlds," which the Targum translates as "Your Kingdom is the Kingdom IN all the worlds." However, here too, one can say that the verse is speaking of spiritual worlds and not physical ones. Following the views of Sefer Ohr HaShem is [the author's] student, the author of the Ikkarim, who is quoted in Sefer HaBrit (Sec.1 3,1), "It is not said whether there are other worlds, because there could not be Free Will there. They would not have Torah or any Divine service. Therefore we do not touch this issue." It appears that this view is also accepted by others. There seems to be some minor evidence to support this view from Berakhot 31A where it states that all land that mankind was commanded to inhabit was inhabited, and that all land that mankind was not commanded to inhabit has not been inhabited. However, truly there is no proof from this for it is possible that this is speaking only of the land on this planet, and not of other worlds. Reference what is said regarding this in Sefer Kol Yehuda, commentary to the Kuzari 2, 82, 34A. That which comes and unites these two opinions is the Sefer HaBrit (Pt. 1, M3, Ch. 3) which writes that the stars are really worlds, and that they each have a place of habitation. Also, [it is stated] that the 18,000 worlds [referenced above] are physical planets. He brings evidence from the [Bible, quoting the] verse from Shoftim (Judges) 5:23, "cursed be Maroz, cursed be those who dwell there." According to what is written in Moed Katan 16A, Maroz is the name of a planet. And the verse says, "cursed be those who dwell there." This clearly implies that there are those who dwell in the stars. However, this too can be refuted. We can say that this verse speaks of the hosts of the star (i.e. the surrounding stars), as it is written in the Zohar, V'et'hanan 269A, relating to this verse. There it refers to the stars' assistants. However, according to the plain meaning of the matter, the view of the Sefer HaBrit seems clear. There in chapter 4, he writes about the stars, whether they are worlds, and if they are all equal to one another, and if creation there is as creation here. He brings down the example of the ocean, and points out how different life in the ocean is from life on the land.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
He also writes there, "There is no doubt that there are no other people is our image and likeness who have Free Will, even if they are very smart and intelligent. For it is already known that it is impossible for there to be Free Will other than with the species of man who inhabits this earth." There is no place for Torah or Divine service other than in this world. Review there in depth. He brings his evidence from Berakhot that is mentioned above, that all the stars were created for the sake of Israel. What he has written that the dwellers in the stars have no Free Will presents a difficulty from the same place that he uses to bring his evidence. It says, "Cursed be Maroz, cursed be those who dwell there." However, if they have no Free Will, how could they be subject to punishment and cursing? This needs investigation. We can dismiss this by saying that it is possible that they are like the angels, who do not have Free Will, yet we see that they can be punished. Reference Sefer Hasidim 530. There in Sefer HaBrit it is written that there is evidence of inhabitants on the stars from the Tikunei Zohar. However, he does not state the source. It appears to me, however, that his source is in the Introduction to Tikkun 7 (14B), on the verse (Song 6:5), "worlds without end". If there are worlds without end, the stars too are infinite. For each star is called an individual world. Moreover, the worlds have no end. It is written there in the Tikunei Zohar that every righteous person has his own star, therefore each has his own [private] world. This is written in the Midrash (Shemot Rabbah 52,3) that each righteous person has his own world. It appears, according to this that the 18,000 worlds spoken of in Avodah Zarah correspond to the 18,000 righteous hinted to in Ezek. 48:35, "surrounded by 18,000," as is mentioned also in Such 48B. Truly this is what is written in Sefer Iyun Ya'aqov, commentary to Ayn Ya'aqov on Avodah Zarah, Siman 5. According to this, it appears that the stars were created to become the place of habitation of the righteous in the future. This is a profound thing! This implies that in the World to Come that comes after the resurrection, we will be traveling to the stars, in order that each and every righteous person will rule over his own planet. This also seems to be supported by what is written in Sanhedrin 92B, on Isaiah 40:31, "They shall rise like the eagle," meaning that the Holy One, Blessed Be He, will give wings to the righteous. It is also written in the Introduction to the Zohar 12B that in the future the Holy One, Blessed Be He, will give them wings to fly over the entire world. To return to our subject, in truth, there is great support for the views of the Sefer HaBrit from what is written in the Pardes, Sha'ar 2, Ch. 7, "we will ask one question that has confounded a number of the investigators of wisdom ... being that it is [G-d's] way to radiate His good upon others, why then did He not create millions and billions of worlds, being that He is able ... and create a number of
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
worlds similar to our own. At first, this question will trouble the eyes of the enlightened, and they will be silenced. In truth, this is a really good question. It took a profound mind to even formulate this question." He there explains how it is impossible to have more than one order of supernal worlds. He explains there what his reasons are. Being that the order for all the supernal worlds is for the sake of the human species, according to the secret meaning of the verse (Ber. 1:26), "Let us make man in our own image." All this is so that He can guide mankind and to enable them to receive reward and punishment. Therefore, if there is no more than one order to the supernal worlds, there can be no more than one species that possess Free Will and are subject to to reward and punishment. In addition, it would not be appropriate for the creator to have more than one purpose. See what the Shefa Tal 1,3 has written on this.”
What comes out of all this is that there is only one species that has Free Will, Torah, reward and punishment, and that this is the purpose of creation. This is the species of mankind. HaShem has only given One Torah, and It is not in Heaven. It is however possible that there are many different life forms in the stars which are the planets, even life forms of intelligence and knowledge. They just do not have Free Will. However, the definition of Free Will is a very fine matter, so much so that it cannot be understood with natural wisdom. It can only be understood through faith in our Torah. Therefore, if we do discover other forms of life, our Torah has already taught us that they do not possess Free Will. The Rabbis and Kabbalists have never come out and directly said that they were in communication with beings from the stars. Therefore, Jewish literature while full of otherworldly encounters does not ascribe any of them as being overtly extraterrestrial. Just because the Rabbinic/Kabbalistic authorities acknowledge that there are beings on other worlds, this does not necessarily conclude that it is these beings and their spaceships that are being seen by millions of people worldwide. Other possible identities can be given to our visitors.
Non Extraterrestrial Alien Origins: Angels & Demons While the possibility does exist that we are being visited by beings from other planets, there are other possibilities. In order to ascertain just who these "alien" visitors are, we must consider these possibilities as well. The Sages of Israel have always known that we are not alone. Abba Benjamin is quoted in Talmud Berakhot 6A as saying if the eye could see, a person would not be able to function normally due to the abundance of spirits surrounding one at all times. Who is it then that is with us? Who are our invisible neighbors? What are these spirits? From where do they come?
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
From Biblical and Talmudic times, our Sages have identified our invisible neighbors as being the different races of the angels and another race called demons. The Sages of Israel have full knowledge of all non-corporeal entities, i.e., the angels and demons. Unlike the Christians who believe that all demons are fallen angels, Torah has always known demons to be a separate race different from any of the angelic races, and that they were created as such. Before I proceed to discuss the nature of demons, I must first discuss the nature of angels. Angels The great twelfth century law codifier Maimonides in his Laws of the Foundations of Torah (Y.T. 2:3) speaks of angels as being "creations which have form, but no matter at all ... they ... do not possess bodies or corporeal being, but rather are forms which are separate from each other."
Regarding their corporeal appearances in the Bible, Maimonides clearly states that these are "metaphoric", and not to be taken literally. Maimonides explains (Y.T. 2:5-6) the nature of angels as follows: "Since they possess no body, what separates the form [of the angels] from each other? Their existence is not alike, rather each one is below the level of the other and exists by virtue of its influence, [in a progression of levels,] one above the other." Everything exists by virtue of the influence of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His goodness. Solomon alluded to this [concept] in his wisdom saying (Ecclesiastes 5:7): "Because above the one who is high there is a watcher [and there are others higher than them]." The expression "below the level of the other" does not refer to height in a spatial sense as [one might say], he is sitting higher than his colleague [but rather, in regard to spiritual level]. For example, when speaking about two sages, one of whom is greater than the other, we say, "one is above the level of the other." Similarly, a cause is referred to as "above" the effect [it produces]." Maimonides (Y.T. 2:7) proceeds to enumerate the ten species of angels: 1. The holy Hayot, who are above all others; 2. the ofanim, the wheel angels; 3. the er'elim, the great, exalted ones; 4. the chashmalim, ''the fiery beings which communicate'' (Ez. 1:27); 5. the seraphim, the burning ones, the reptilians; 6. the malachim, the messengers; 7. the elohim, the judges of the lower realms; 8. the benei elohim, the workers for the elohim angels; 9. the keruvim, the childlike angels; 10. the ishim, the humanlike angels who appear to mankind as human beings. This is not the time or place to become involved in detailed angeology. Therefore, I will only continue to discuss those aspects of those specific groups 12
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
of angels that are applicable to our present topic. Maimonides and the other Rabbis and Kabbalists are quite clear that there is a direct connection between angels and the planets. Maimonides writes in his Laws of the Foundations of Torah (3:9) that ''All stars and planets possess a soul, knowledge and intellect. They are alive ... The knowledge of the planets is [however] less than the knowledge of the angels.'' The famous Bible commentator Nachmanides reveals even more than this. He states in his commentary to Deut. 18:9-12, that there are certain stars that are guided by archangels, and that these archangels are the souls of those planets. They are called the Princes of the Teli (Dragon). This Sage is saying something here that is quite profound: the planets are the bodies of the angels. Therefore, the relationship of an angel to a planet is like that of a human body to the soul within it. Both are one. We thus see that there is some aspect of physical manifestations for the angels. This relationship of the archangel to the planets is accepted by numerous other Rabbinic Sages and Kabbalists. Another question to ask is regarding the angelic hosts. Each of the archangels is known to have camps of supporters, i.e., lesser angels who serve the archangels in carrying out the service of G-d. Are these lesser angels inhabitants on these planets? Being that these planets are in fact the bodies of these archangels, these lesser angels most definitely have a connection to these planets. Are these angels being perceived today as extraterrestrial aliens? No definite answer can be offered to this question. One thing is apparently clear, there are some physical forms that certain angels appear in. Nowhere is this made more clear than in the Bible itself. In the Bible we have a number of angelic visitations. Yet, with very rare exceptions, all Biblical angelic appearance are rather underwhelming experiences. There is no sound and light show accompanying their manifestations. In Genesis 18, three angels come to Abraham, and they appear as normal men. They even sit down and eat with him. Two of them leave Abraham and proceed to Sodom and Gomorrah to destroy it. Upon arriving in Sodom they are met by Abraham's nephew Lot who recognizes them as special, but their appearance is still quite human. Later, in Genesis 32, there is the famous story of Jacob wrestling with an angel. But the Bible doesn't say that the entity is an angel. The word used to describe this being is an ÒishÓ, a man. Again in Joshua 5, Joshua sees an Òish, a man with a sword drawn in his hand. Joshua is prepared to do battle with him until this ÒmanÓ identifies himself as Òleader of G-dÕs armiesÓ (Josh. 514). In Judges 13, ManoahÕs wife sees an Òish elohimÓ, a man of G-d, whose appearance was awe inspiring like an angel. Manoah himself later sees this ÒmanÓ and innocently invites him to supper. Only upon offering a sacrifice to G-d and seeing this ÒmanÓ ascend to Heaven in the smoke from the altar does Manoah understand that he was speaking with no mere mortal man. 13
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All of these instances make angelic-human interaction a very human affair. At no time in these events do angels appear as anything out of the ordinary. Maimonides has already addressed this issue. The type of angels being seen are called ÒishimÓ, which Maimonides enumerates as the tenth and lowest form of angelic manifestation. But if angels, including ishim, have no set form or corporeal being, how then can they appear as human? Again Maimonides has answered this. The angelsÕ appearances are metaphor; the angels take on the necessary human form so as to accomplish their task at hand. Once they ascend again from the earth they remove their physical appearance in the same way we would take off our clothing before retiring to sleep. Who are these mysterious ÒishimÓ angels who come and go in whatever disguise they so choose? Are they corporeal extraterrestrial aliens from another planet? According to the Sages of Israel, they are no such thing. Rather they are far above the corporeal world all together. According to Maimonides, they are non-corporeal beings that have their unique existence in another dimension, one that is very close to our own. The Master Kabbalist, Rabbi Haim Vital in his Kabbalistic classic Etz Haim (150,8) writes that the form of these ÒishimÓ is a physical one, but far more pure and refined than that of the human body. Their bodies do not consist of the four elements of water, fire, air and earth, but only of the element of fire. This type of body is called the ÒHaluka DÕRabbananÓ, today referred to as the astral body. In his commentary to the holy Zohar (within Ohr HaHamah, Terumah, 184A), he writes that these ishim angels exist in the form of men and that their place is a dimension Òbeneath the ten levels of HeavenÓ. This realm of the ishim angels is said to be called the ÒTeliÓ, the place of the Dragon. Rabbi Vital quotes as the source of his information the ancient Book of Enoch which he said was in gentile hands and that he retranslated it into Hebrew. This is significant, for he is the only Jewish source to validate the book today called I Enoch. Guardian Angels - The Watchers The Book of Enoch has many wondrous and mysterious events described therein about a group of angels called the ÒArtaÕlayinÓ, the Watchers. First introduced in the biblical book of Daniel, Chapter 3, as the Ir VÕKadosh, these ÒwatchersÓ are said to be the loyal servants and agents of G-d who carry out His instructions here upon the earth. We might call them a Heavenly civil service. The ishimwatchers have the responsibility of making sure that things on earth go along as intended. Regarding them the Sages have said, ÒThere is not even a single herb which has not a guardian angel in heaven that stands over it, and makes it grow.Ó (Gen. R. 10:6). With all the power and ability given these ishim-watchers, no reference is ever made that they are from another (corporeal) planet or use any means of a machine-oriented technology. But there is more to be told about these dwellers in the Teli.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
The first and only source for knowledge of the Teli is the ancient Sefer Yetzirah. Originally taught by the Biblical patriarch Abraham and committed to writing thousands of years later by Rabbi Akiba after the destruction of the Second Temple, the Sefer Yetzirah is the oldest and most authoritative Kabbalistic text. In Chapter Six of this sacred text it is written that the Teli rule space like a king upon his throne. Many Rabbis and Kabbalists understand the Teli to be a code name for the Milky Way Galaxy. If the ishim/watchers are the dwellers and masters of the Teli, does this mean that they are the guardians of the Milky Way galaxy and thus, by definition, corporeal inhabitants of another planet? No, not necessarily. The ishim, like the higher Angels, may be non-corporeal entities existing above our time-space continuum. Then again, maybe not! Is it possible that these ishim-watchers are revealing themselves to mankind, and it is they who pilot the UFOÕs? This is definitely not the case. As all the literature about the ishim-watchers suggest, these servants are very busy performing their G-d given tasks. Ishim angels have no time for dealing with people as UFO encounter scenarios suggest. If the Ishim were to contact people in such a frivolous manner, their act would be a violation of the angelic laws which direct angelic-human contact. Any angel violating the law would be immediately removed from its post. Being that these angels are holy, they do not violate the spiritual laws of illegal angelic-human contact. When an angel legally communicates with a human, he is doing so as G-dÕs agent and will always announce that he has come in G-dÕs Name. Based upon the visitation accounts that are publicly available, none of the so-called extraterrestrials come in the Name of G-d nor do they have any knowledge of, or respect for, G-dÕs Torah. This is most revealing. A False Angelic Sighting Many books have been written by people claiming to be speaking with angels. One man who is considered a UFO authority by some has claimed, and is backed by witnesses, that he boarded a flying saucer and spoke with the holy Archangel Metatron who supposedly revealed to him secret truths, which he has since published and is promoting around the world. The problem is that what this so-called archangel has taught him is full of the most basic errors, and contradicts all of the authoritative teachings of the Bible and those true teachings that Metatron has given to the Sages of Israel for over two thousand years. Even today, in Rabbinic and Kabbalistic circles, the ancient works that have come from Metatron are openly studied. I refer to the 3rd century (and earlier) meditative manuals, the Sifrei Hekhalot, the Books of the Palaces and sections from Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, the Book of the Angel Raziel. The so-called Metatron who speaks with this person even makes mistakes with the most simple of Hebrew spelling, pronunciation and outright incorrect translations of Hebrew into English.
This individual who believes he has received secret teachings from the authentic Archangel Metatron has been deceived. He does not know how to tell the difference between the sacred and profane, the truth and the lie. I would hate to 15
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
be him on the day when he has to face the real Metatron and explain all the lies that he has perpetrated in his name. Mind you, the Archangel Metatron sits at GdÕs right hand. He is above all of the other angels, and tradition has it that he is not very forgiving. If there are entities out there pretending to be angels, who are they? This is the question that we must now answer. Demons As I mentioned earlier, Abba Benjamin said in the Talmud that if the eye could see we would go insane due to the amount of the spirits among us. I must now be more precise and confess that Abba Benjamin was not talking about benign spirits. He was talking about malevolent ones, the ÒmazikinÓ, the ones who cause harm to mankind. They are the ones whom we call demons. Like angeology, Judaism has a very detailed knowledge of demonology. Many texts have been written detailing who the demons are, what their hierarchy is, and most importantly how to recognize them.
Jewish tradition has always differentiated between two different types of malevolent spirits. There are the demons who were created by G-d to be what they are, and then there is a second, more diabolical category. In Genesis we read of the Òbenei elohimÓ, the sons of G-d, a race of angel, which descended to the earth and corrupted themselves. These entities became the group that has become known as the fallen angels. Before I proceed to discuss the fallen angels, I must first discuss the original demons. In the Talmud, Avot 5:6, it is stated that the demons are one of the things that Gd created on the eve of the primordial first Sabbath. Legend says that because the Sabbath had come, and G-d ceased from his works, these demons were left only partially created. Our Sages say that these demons were left without bodies. This teaching introduces to us a problem. For the Sages to say that these demons have no body, we would understand this to mean that they are noncorporeal entities of a similar nature to the angels. But this is far from the truth, for the Sages have also taught something else most interesting about the nature of these demons. In Avot DÕRabbi Natan 37:3, it states that there are six known things about demons, three of which make them similar to angels and three of which make them similar to humans. It is said that demons can fly about, have access to knowledge of the future and travel around the world. It is also said that they can take on any appearance they so choose. They can see all, but are not seen. In all these ways demons are similar to angels. Demons are similar to humans in that they eat and drink like humans, they sexually procreate like humans and they die like humans. Now this poses a problem to what is mentioned above. How can non-corporeal entities without physical bodies, eat and drink, have sex and die. After all, death means separation of the soul from the body. When the 16
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Sages said that the demons were left not completely created, they had a very profound teaching in mind which they hinted to us by saying that the demons have no bodies. During their process of creation the demons, similar to humans, started in embryonic form, soul and rudimentary body together. When the primordial Sabbath came, which was not so much a physical time as much as a level of evolutionary development when the work of creation was considered complete, these demons were left with bodies which were not completely formed by human standards. Of course they had some type of physical form. How else could they eat, drink, have sex and die? It is just that their physical form is less complete than the physical form of mankind. This is something that angers them considerably. They have never forgiven G-d for this. To this day these demons are jealous of mankind and hate us. They have continuously caused us all kinds of harm on an individual and collective basis. This is why our Sages call them ÒMazikinÓ, those who cause harm. Like angels, these demons appear and disappear, they can know the future and get around. Yet they have appetites for food and for sex, and they can die. Their major activities are directed against their mortal enemy mankind, whom they continue to deceive in innumerable manners. Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah of Jerusalem, one of the greatest Kabbalists of this century (died 1942), has written one of the most revelatory works of how these demons act today and deceive people in the most malicious ways. In his work Minhat Yehuda, Rabbi Fatiyah enumerates a number of personal experiences which he witnessed how demons appeared to people in dreams and while awake in all kinds of forms with the intent of deceiving them for some unknown devious purpose. Rabbi Fatiyah was an expert in exposing these demons and casting them out. He has recorded the procedures for doing these things in his work. One other point, the Sages have taught in the Talmud and Midrash that the place where these mazikin demons reside is in the subterranean depths under the earth. More on this subject will be discussed later. Unfortunately, these mazikin demons are not the only invisible enemies of mankind that inhabit the earth along with us. There are two other more devastating forces. The first of these forces I have already mentioned above. These are the fallen angels. Fallen Angels In Genesis 6:2 we read that the Òbenei elohim (the sons of G-d) saw the daughters of men, for they were good, and they took for themselves wives from any that they would choose.Ó This is a most strange event! These benei elohim are supposed to be non-corporeal angelic entities. Why would they want to become physical, with all the limitations of consciousness and angelic abilities that come with it. Most of all, what on earth would attract them to human women? In many ways these angels are far above the human on the physical evolutionary
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
scale. For them to desire a human female is the equivalent of a human wanting to marry a gorilla! What on earth happened?? Who are these Òbenei elohimÓ? According to some Rabbis the Òbenei elohimÓ is merely a reference to the sons of Seth, and the daughters of men refer to the daughters of Cain. But not all the Rabbis accepted this. The Kabbalists understood this very differently. The holy Zohar, BaÕal HaTurim, Rabbi Yitzhak DÕmin Acco and others teach that the Òbenei elohimÓ is a reference to the fallen angels, led by Shamhazi and Azael. The holy Zohar (Z.H. Ruth 92A) teaches that the benei elohim are the angels who rule the night. Elsewhere in the Zohar, ancient Midrashic sources quoted by the historian Josephus and others, as well as in works unearthed in the Dead Sea Scrolls (ref. E.J. 5, 1526), these benei elohim angels are none other than the watchers mentioned in Daniel, of whom we have spoken above. Jewish tradition teaches us much about these angels and why they fell. It must be understood that the creation of the Adamic race was not met with overwhelming support from the Heavenly angels. Living above time and space they knew that Adam was destined to fall from his high stature, and that G-d would forgive him and eventually choose Israel to receive His holy Torah. To put it bluntly, this angered many of the angels. One of them went so far as to cause the fall of Adam and Eve. This was his attempt to prove to G-d that He was mistaken in creating man. We will discuss this one fallen angel, the Nahash serpent, later. Many of the angels approached the heavenly throne and boldly, if not foolishly proclaimed, ÒL-rd what is man that You know him, the son of man that you think of him.Ó (Ps. 144:3). The Holy One, Blessed Be He, responded to those angels saying that if they were to descend into the physical realm upon earth they would sin even more grievously than man. Shamhazi, Azael and other angels wanted to prove G-d wrong. They left their home in the spiritual abode. They abandoned their posts as watchers of the night. They secretly descended to earth to prove a point. The only problem was that they were dreadfully mistaken. G-d was, of course, right. The first thing that happened to these angels was that they experienced human lust. Unable to overcome it, they cohabitated with human women who bore superhuman children whom the Bible (Gen. 6) calls the Nifilim, the fallen ones. It is these bastard children who caused the destruction of old earth by the waters of the flood. Jewish tradition (Yafeh Eynayim, Gen. 105) teaches that Shamhazi recognized his wrong and repented, even though G-d has still not forgiven him. Azael on the other hand, along with the other fallen watchers, joined the forces of the mazikin demons and together continue to plague mankind. The Nifilim, as the Bible teaches, survived the flood and lasted until the days of Moses (Number 13:33). Physically they were giants, the smallest were over ten feet tall. Goliath, who fought with young David, was of the last of this fallen race.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Adam in the Garden An interesting side note, throughout Kabbalistic literature (ref. B.I.H. Bereshit, S.R. in the name of the Ari'zal) it has been taught that originally, in the garden of Eden, Adam was not a physical being as we know physical at all. He existed in a body of light, what today is referred to as the Òastral bodyÓ. Only as a result of having eaten the fruit of the forbidden tree did he descend and become encased in the crude physical matter of this world. This is the secret meaning of the verse in Genesis where it says that G-d gave them (i.e., Adam and Eve) skins and clothed them. These skins were bodies of flesh and blood. However, the Sages continue and say that AdamÕs original body of flesh and blood after the fall was still not like that of ours. Our physical stature is a result of the atmospheric changes that came about due to the flood. Prior to this, when people lived for almost a thousand years, their physical statures were much larger. Jewish tradition teaches that Adam was a being of over one hundred feet tall, as was Cain and his descendants.
Rabbi Yosef Shani, a contemporary Kabbalist, writes in his book ShaÕarei Yosef a compilation of the teachings about Adam and old earth. He documents the Jewish traditional materials to prove that the ancient ruins in South America which appear to have been built for and inhabited by a race of giants were in fact inhabited by the giant children of Cain. Rabbi Shani is also the only Kabbalist to be bold enough to document, in writing, the Jewish teachings about Atlantis. There is one more category of evil spirits to be covered before we can move on to our next discussion of the subterranean worlds. We must speak about the father of evil himself, the unholy Nahash, the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Yet, prior to discussing the evil serpent, I must discuss the origins of evil itself. The Creation of Evil One of the most controversial teachings among the Kabbalists is understanding what G-d was doing before He created this world of ours. In the Genesis Rabbah 3:7 we are taught that prior to creating this world of ours the Holy One, Blessed Be He, created other worlds and then destroyed them. The Kabbalists teach that there were seven such creations prior to our own. These seven worlds are referred to as the realms of chaos (olam hatohu). The secret lessons regarding these seven worlds are hidden in the Torah within the enumerations of the genealogy of the family of Esau in Gen. 36. It speaks there of the "kings who reigned in the land of Edom, before there was a King in Israel." These Edomite kings are a secret reference to those primordial worlds. It is said that these earlier creations did not properly receive the influx of G-d's Divine light. Each world is said to have been a vessel which needed to be filled with G-d's light in order to live. The seven worlds/vessels were not strong enough to receive G-d's light. Therefore when the light did shine into them, the vessels being too weak shattered and were thus destroyed. It is from the broken pieces of these fallen vessels that came forth one of G-d's most mysterious creations: the creation of evil.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
The Bible (Is.45:7) is quite clear that it is G-d Himself who created evil. Our Sages have revealed to us profound insight as to why G-d has done this. In the holy Zohar it is asked, what good is a torch during the daytime? What value has righteousness if there is no possibility of wickedness? Where can there be room for reward and punishment if there is no opportunity to earn either one? How can mankind be said to have free will if he cannot willingly choose to receive G-d's blessing or reject it? The purpose for G-d's creation of evil is clear. Something cannot exist outside of the context of its opposite. We would not know what good is unless we could compare it to bad. We would not know love, if there was no hate. We would not know day, if there was no night. G-d's wisdom is truly profound. Evil had to exist so that good could exist in contrast to it. Yet in the beginning, the place of evil was outside of the soul of man. And this brings us to the Garden of Eden. The Serpent in the Garden The story of the Garden of Eden on the surface conceals more than it reveals. As with the entire Torah, each word and letter is a code revealing more information than can be provided by a simple translation. For this reason, the whole truth of what really happened in the Garden of Eden is known only by those who have mastered the Kabbalistic teachings.
In Gen. 2, we read that Adam was created in the image of G-d and then placed in the Garden of Eden so as to "work it and watch over it" (v.15). Adam, however, is alone. G-d chooses to make a help-mate for him. The result was the creation of Eve. But not so fast! We are missing a very important point. In Gen. 2:18, G-d says He will create a help-mate for Adam. We should expect then that verse 19 would immediately proceed to speak about the creation of Eve. But it doesn't. Before creating Eve, G-d brings before Adam all the animals for him to give them names. This itself was a test of Adam's wisdom, for each animal already had a name. It was Adam's test to be able to physically look into each and every creation, discern its true essence and then call it that, thus manifesting its name. Adam passed his test. Yet verse 20 reveals something that most people overlook. Verse 20 states, "But Adam did not find a help-mate who was compatible to him." It is clear that the purpose of bringing the animals before Adam was for him to choose from them a help-mate. While he did not find his true soul-mate, our Sages teach us that Adam did however find one of the animals, which was the highest created being next to man, to be his assistant. This was the Nahash, the serpent. This is why, in Gen. 3:1, he is to be found in the Garden alongside of Adam and Eve. As is known in Jewish tradition, and best summed up in Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah's commentary to the Bible, Minhat Yehuda, the serpent, before his sin, was vastly different than what a serpent appears like today. The serpent before the fall was humanoid. He stood erect, had two arms and two legs, and was considered the most beautiful of the creatures, next to Adam himself. The Bible is also clear about two other 20
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
points. Gen. 3:1 states that the serpent was very wise and, that like Adam, he was a cut above the rest of the animals in that he too could talk. Due to the serpent's wise nature and his beautiful human-like appearance, it is no wonder that he was not considered a threat by Adam and Eve. The serpent was Adam's "trusted" assistant. Jewish tradition teaches us that it was the serpent who helped Adam with all the work in the Garden. But then, along came Eve. It is interesting to note that the serpent did not originally attempt to deceive Adam. It is also very interesting to note exactly what the serpent said to Eve to get her to eat of the forbidden fruit. Before I comment on this, I wish to divert for just a moment to note an interesting observation. Reptilians The serpent, even though he was of humanoid appearance, and beautiful at that, he was nonetheless still reptilian. He was a reptilian humanoid. Many extraterrestrials are described in somewhat the same fashion, as being reptilian humanoids. This has become so well known that it has become a part of popular culture when portraying enemy aliens invading earth from outer space. I also remember watching once a public television series on the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs, according to Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz's Mishnaic commentary Tiferet Yisrael, were creatures in one of the seven primordial worlds prior to our own. In this PBS special was a most peculiar segment. The question was asked: if the dinosaurs would have survived, what would they have looked like today? The show then screened a model of a reptilian humanoid saying that this is what these beings would look like today. I found that to be a most curious segment. Why would someone ask such a question in the first place? How did they come to the conclusions that they did? I can't say that PBS was suggesting anything. I just saw more in their investigation than most others would have.
Is it possible that some of these creatures from the fallen worlds of the seven kings did survive in corporeal form? Is it possible that there are advanced, highly intelligent reptilian beings? The answer to this second question is a definite, yes! There are spiritually highly advanced reptilian creatures, the race of angels called the Seraphim, as mentioned by Maimonides. Though the name Seraph connotes fire and burning, the name clearly also refers to the Hebrew word for reptile, which is seraph. Can we postulate and say then that these Seraphim angels are really evolved dinosaurs? I would not be so fast to jump to that conclusion. G-d still has a number of secrets hidden in His treasure chests of Torah. Maybe there were holy remnants from the primordial worlds of the Edomite kings. Who knows? We still donÕt know everything, yet. All that can be said is that Jewish tradition teaches us that the dismembered head of Esau was buried in the cave of Machpelah in Hebron, which is the burial cave of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah. This special cave is said to be the interdimensional vortex that leads back to the Garden of Eden. The holy Zohar (1, 128B) teaches that more than
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Jerusalem, Hebron is the center of the world. This is why Hebron is so hotly contested today in Middle East politics. The importance of Hebron does not seem to be known only to the Rabbis and Kabbalists. Robert K.G. Temple, in his book The Sirius Mystery (Destiny Books, VT. 1976), also asks some interesting questions regarding its importance to the ancient Northern Semitic Hititte tribes who were in Hebron in the days of the Biblical patriarch Abraham. Using historical and archeological data, Temple shows that the Hititte people were not indigenous to the Hebron area. He ascertains that they had come to Hebron on a "divine mission," to safeguard it, because it was known as a powerful oracle center. Unlike the Zohar, Temple however claims the spirits of the oracle are really extraterrestrials. Another interesting point that Temple mentions is that the Hititte oracles involved the use of severed human heads, and the "magical" element that the Hittites claimed was to be found within them. He also references the Rabbinic story regarding Esau's head being buried here. What, you might ask, does this have to do with dinosaurs and angels? The answer to this lies in Judaism's understanding of the significance of having Esau's head buried alongside the body of his father Isaac. According to the Kabbalistic teachings, not all of what was created in the worlds prior to our own was evil and thus destroyed. There was a remnant. The best was spared. The best are always referred to as the "head." Esau (Edom), Jacob's evil twin brother, is always the symbolic name given to the primordial worlds of evil prior to there being the world of good ("a king in Israel" as the Bible puts it). The "head of Esau resting in the bosom of Isaac" means that there were survivors from the ancient worlds, and that they too are holy. Were the survivors of the pre-adamic civilizations (the kingdoms of Edom) transformed into the Seraphim angels? I have no source that I can quote to validate such a statement, therefore I cannot confirm or deny this. Whether Esau's head is physically buried in Hebron or whether it is just a symbolic legend also cannot be factually ascertained. What I can say is this: it is known throughout the Bible, Talmud and Zohar that evil always attempts to imitate good and masquerade as it. In this way evil deceives people, by making them believe what they are doing is good. This is what happened to Eve and what still happens today with people being taken in by deceptive cults. The Holy Dragon The serpent in the Garden of Eden from its origins was evil. The serpent was possessed by the spirit of Samael, that angel who is presently known as Satan. He was (and is) very wise. He disguised himself in a form of holiness so as to deceive Adam and Eve. Originally, the image of the reptile was something holy. The Dragon is the holy animal. To this day the Teli, the holy Dragon, is the abode of the holy ishim angels. Satan stole the holy image of the dragon and disguised himself as the serpent. Not fearing the holy image, and not knowing evil, Adam
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
and Eve were deceived. To this very day, in most cultures world wide (with the exception of the Chinese and the Kabbalists), the dragon is still viewed as a symbol of evil. Even the Talmud (A.Z. 42B) states that the image of the dragon is idolatrous. Its original form in holiness has been forgotten due to the deception done by using its visage. The Fall of Man The manner of how the serpent caused Eve and then Adam to sin is most interesting to note. The serpent confused Eve, not by lying to her, but rather by telling her the truth. Indeed, her eyes would be open to know good and evil if she ate of the forbidden fruit. The serpent said to Eve, "G-d knows that on the day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like G-d, knowing good and evil." (Gen. 3:5). After Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, G-d says, "Man has now become like one of us in knowing good and evil." (Gen. 3:22). In this respect the serpent did not lie. The sin of Adam and Eve was not so much that they ate "fruit" from a Tree. The sin was that they disobeyed a direct order from G-d. G-d has ordained law and order in His universe. Everything progresses and moves according to its preordained patterns. Adam and Eve were also under these same laws. Eventually they would have been able to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, Good and Evil, but only when they would have been ready. Their sin was that they "jumped the gun."
The great Kabbalist the Ari'zal explains that Adam's sin was that he attempted to spiritually evolve prior to being mature enough to do so. After all, why did Adam and Eve eat of the fruit of the Tree? They wanted to be more like G-d. In other words, they wanted to get closer to Him. But one cannot get closer to G-d by disobeying Him. One can only get closer to G-d by doing what G-d says. This enables us to spiritually mature and thus become more like G-d. The serpent deceived Eve and then Adam by making them think that this was not true. We still are suffering from the results. Why did the serpent seek to destroy Adam and Eve? Did he not have it good enough? Our Sages say that the serpent's plan was that Eve should eat of the Fruit of the Tree and then give it to Adam. G-d only commanded Adam directly not to eat of the fruit. Only Adam was warned of the punishment for violating Gd's law. Maybe Eve would be left alive. If so, the serpent thought, then he would marry her, and he would then inherit his master's house, not having to serve Adam anymore. And if Eve were also to be punished, then at least he alone, the serpent, would have inherited the Garden of Eden and taken over Adam's role as lord of the earth. Things did not work out like the serpent planned. To this day there is enmity between him and the descendants of Eve, this meaning all women. When I hear stories of so-called "alien abductions" of human women carried out by so-called reptilian "grays", who subject them to all kinds of sexual
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
"experimentation", I begin to wonder if there is more a demonic source for these events than an extraterrestrial one. Another point that needs to be mentioned here is where is the location of the Garden of Eden. It seems to be implied in the holy Zohar the the real Garden of Eden was not on the physical face of this earth. First of all, Adam who originally was an astral being, without a physical body, dwelt in this place. After the fall, the Zohar said, Adam was cast out, or really cast UP from level after level of the seven levels of the earth. The holy Zohar teaches us that subterranean worlds exist beneath our own.
The Seven Subterranean Worlds Is it possible that the world is hollow? Long before this became science fiction, many believed this to be science fact. This was a theory proposed by no less a scientist than Sir Edmund Halley, the discoverer of HalleyÕs Comet. We Jews did not need Sir Edmund to tell us about the hollow earth theory. The ancient writings of the holy Zohar are replete with stories and details of what lies beneath the surface of our earth. While many modern oriented Jewish scholars will scoff at what to them sounds like a preposterous idea, nonetheless Jewish tradition holds to the belief that we humans on the surface of this world are not the only civilized beings on (or in) this planet. According to Jewish tradition there are seven levels to the earth, one on top of the other. Some Rabbis have wanted to interpret these seven to be the continents of which we all know. Other Rabbis have been insistent on taking literally the language that says that these lands are stacked one on top of the other (Zohar 2, 30B; 3, 10A). Yet it may be that these seven lands are actually other dimensions, for the Zohar (1, 254A) states that the seven earths are like the seven Heavens. The seven Heavens are known to be other dimensions, so maybe so are the seven earths. However, the impression given by the Zohar is that they are physical domains that underlie the earth that we know, which is the seventh level, called Tevel. In the holy Zohar (1, 40B) it states that there are seven earths and that each one is inhabited by human-like people. In the 17th century Kabbalistic classic Hesed LÕAvraham (2,4) the author, Rabbi Avraham Azulai, states that there are 365 different species of creatures in inner earth which are half-human/half-animal, similar to the ancient centaur. In the Tikunei Zohar it states that Adam had visited all of the seven earths and that he left progeny in each one. Just who the mothers were is not told. The Zohar (3, 10A) states that the Garden of Eden is at the center of these lands. Gehinnom (hell) is said to be located in the fourth subterranean level called Gey. In the second subterranean level called Adamah (which in Hebrew simply mean ÒlandÓ) the Zohar (1, 253B) teaches that Cain and Abel were born.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
In the fifth subterranean level called Nishiyah, the Zohar (Z.H. Ruth 109A) teaches that the dwellers there are all male, and that they have no females. The Zohar (1, 254A) also teaches that the dwellers in Nishiyah have no noses, only two slits through which they breath. These beings are said (ibid.) to be of small stature. These descriptions sound very similar to the malevolent alleged extraterrestrials called the ÒgraysÓ. The Zohar says that in one realm called Arka there dwell a people with two heads. One of them was spotted by the Sages Rabbi Hiya and Rabbi Yosi (Zohar 1, 157A). They witnessed him come up from an underground cave and held a conversation with him. Stories like this abound throughout Jewish literature. One thing is certain, the Sages were not joking. They believed that there are subterranean worlds, and they believed these worlds to be inhabited by a number of different types of life forms. The Rabbis and Kabbalists believe that the ÒmazikinÓ demons and the fallen angels today have their domains in the subterranean depths beneath our earth. Maybe these dwellers in Nishiyah are the mazikin demons, I cannot say for sure. One point must be made clear: these other-worldly creatures of whom we speak may not be corporeal within our world. Remember, demons can see, but cannot be seen. However, they may be corporeal in the context of their own worlds. Other worlds (planets) and other dimensions may not be so far removed from one another. They really might be one and the same thing. Throughout Jewish history there have been numerous records of manÕs contacts with the demons. From King Solomon's famous struggle with the King of the demons, Asmodeus, to present day possessions presented in the writings of Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah, the Rabbis and Kabbalists have always known, as it says in the Tractate Berakhot of the Talmud (quoted above), we are not alone! We now have a number of options to help us recognize who our visitors may be: extraterrestrial visitors from another planet, angelic watchers, fallen angels and demons. Each of these entities have specific identifying characteristics when they interact with mankind. It is now time to delve into some modern UFO and so-called alien abduction literature to see what is going on, and, if possible, identify who is doing what to whom.
Today's UFO Stories TodayÕs UFO stories fill up many books. In most bookstores around the world you will find a number of titles that deal with this subject. In researching this material, I also found at least five monthly magazines devoted to keeping the public informed about new revelations in UFO world. While there is a tremendous amount of pure garbage out there disguised as UFO material, there is some serious material that needs to be addressed. Before I review the serious material, I want to take a moment to poke fun at some of the more preposterous tales being told in the UFO circles. It is these stories that cause even open-minded people to become cynical. Therefore, I feel I must expose some of these foolish 25
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
tales so that we can separate them from the other materials that need to be viewed in a light of seriousness. One book out there entitled Stranger in the Pentagon is written by a man who claims that he is touch with an alien from Venus named Thor (the thunder god in Norse mythology). Thor claims to be coming to earth with a message from Yeshu (Jesus Christ), mach shmo, who is presently living on Venus. The message (need you ask) is that the people of the earth need to convert and become Christians, or Jesus will come with an army of flying saucers and wipe out all the non-believers. This type of nonsense needs no response. There is another man who has written a book claiming that the aliens from outer space are all beautiful blonde-haired women. He even produces a photograph of one. (She looks like a model). If the aliens are all beautiful blonde women, the human race is in trouble. Men have always had trouble with their evil inclinations, and an alien race of women might be too much for human men to handle. These claims are best relegated to the fairy tale storybooks. The sad thing is that the authors and countless readers believe these tales of foolishness as Òthe truthÓ. This sad state of affairs reminds me of the words of P.T. Barnum, of circus fame. He was known to say Òa sucker is born every minuteÓ. Now, letÕs get serious. There are three occurrences associated with UFOÕs which need to be examined. Fist, strange lights and flying crafts have been seen in the sky by millions of people, from all walks of life, at all times of day and night. Second there is a strange plague of animal mutilations where animals, usually cattle, are found dead in the fields with certain parts of their anatomy missing, apparently surgically removed by a means which baffles doctors. Many times the animalÕs blood is completely drained, and other carnivorous animals will not touch the carcasses. These events are definitely strange. A full examination of animal mutilations will again take us out of the topic of this work. However, I find it no coincidence that many of these animal mutilations are very similar in performance to certain blood rituals performed in Satanic, black magic ceremonies. Unfortunately, these animal mutilations cannot be dismissed as the works of some secret Satanic societies simply because of the technological methods used in the mutilations. Whoever has this advanced surgical technology must have knowledge of and interest in Satanic ritual. Just as surgical technology cannot be learned anywhere, or imitated, so too is Satanic ritual very precise and intricate. One cannot just imitate it. One must learn it from a qualified, intimate source. To think that the similarity between animal mutilations and Satanic ritual is mere coincidence is as illogical and foolish, as it is dangerous. However the most upsetting of UFO phenomena revolve around another set of suspicious events. The third and strangest of all claims, again by a large number of credible people, is that they were somehow rendered helpless and taken aboard one of these UFO crafts. While aboard they are allegedly subject to all kinds of medical 26
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
experiments. Most times these medical experiments have to do with sex. Men and women have claimed to have been forced to have sex with aliens, as well as with other strange men and women. Numerous women have claimed to have become pregnant through these experiments. Many times these women claim that the aliens come and remove the growing fetus from their wombs. The number of these reports makes these claims alarming. And they are not going away. The number of reports from credible, rational, sane men and women is growing! Let me proceed to document sources and details regarding these matters. I will then attempt to correlate them to the material that is found in Jewish sources and try to offer an understanding, based on authoritative Torah sources, as to what is really happening to these people. Strange Lights in the Sky The appearance of strange lights in the sky and unidentified flying objects did not start in the modern era with the birth of science fiction. Throughout history there have been reports of strange lights in the sky. Most of these reports are cloaked in the religious languages of the cultures in which they were experienced. In other words, most have interpreted these ancient UFOÕs as being spiritual observations, be they angelic or demonic. Eric Von Daniken, in his book Chariot of the Gods, goes so far as to interpret the prophetic revelation of the prophet Ezekiel in a most peculiar literal sense. Instead of Ezekiel experiencing a spiritual vision of the mystical Heavenly Throne of G-d, Von Daniken postulates that his experience is quite physical and that what the prophet actually witnessed was an extraterrestrial UFO. Needless to say this has angered quite a number of Rabbis, especially Kabbalists.
The vision of Ezekiel has been known from ancient times to be a step by step guide through the prophetic Kabbalistic meditative experience. This is not known as an external philosophical piece of knowledge. EzekielÕs chariot meditative techniques are still practiced today regularly in the secret groups of Kabbalists. We know that this practice opens the doors to other dimensions of consciousness, but as yet, no one has bumped into any UFOÕs from outer space. So in all due respect to Von Daniken, his interpretations in this respect are grievously wrong. Von DanikenÕs other Biblical misinterpretations can all be answered in similar fashion. Being that this work is not a refutation of Von Daniken, I shall not proceed to critique his work. There are others who have written reinterpreting the Biblical teachings to include an extraterrestrial component. The works of Zecharia Sitchin and William Bramley come to mind. They seek to interpret G-d as some kind of a super-being astronaut from an extraterrestrial race and Adam and Eve as some kind of genetic experiment. Bramley goes so far as to say the serpent in the Garden is the hero of the Bible story and that G-d is, according to his revelations, really the devil in disguise (G-d forbid). Due to the foolish and blasphemous contents of 27
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
their works, I do not wish to even recite their titles or provide any quotes. The nonsense that these two authors have spread is fine entertainment (in a perverted sort of way) for those who seek science fiction. However, I wish to deal with reality, and not fiction. Therefore the works of these two authors, those similar to them, and their so-called proofs must be dismissed by any serious and knowledgeable researcher. And why? Simply because they make wild allegations based on faulty interpretations that are clearly so false to anyone with knowledge in the field of the Bible. The focus of this work is to cover the Torah views of our subject, not to critique others. I comment on these works so that you my reader can know that Rabbis and Kabbalists alike have no respect for those who wish to unpreparedly enter into our area of expertise and foolishly misinterpret things in such a faulty manner and then expect to receive some type of credibility. We cannot and will not extend to them any such credibility. Those who do not accept the Divine nature of the Holy Bible certainly have no business misinterpreting its holy message, which, yes, does come from a source above mankind. We know the source is Holy G-d. Does He communicate with mankind through a race of extraterrestrials that we have come to call angels? This we will discuss. Whatever the answer, the authority of the Bible is in no way lessened. Anyone who questions this will answer to the L-rd of mankind, who is also the Lrd of any extraterrestrials. And if they donÕt know it, maybe it is mankind's job to teach them. As I mentioned above, the Rabbinic and Kabbalistic Sages teach that after the Messianic age, when mankind has been perfected, we will travel to the stars and be G-dÕs regents throughout the galaxy. Maybe the extraterrestrials need us more than we need them. It is certainly possible. Until such a time, we still have many questions left to ask and answer. As I mentioned above, strange lights in the sky have been witnessed around the world throughout recorded history. Even the historian Josephus reported that prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in 68 C.E. there was an ÒarmyÓ of strange lights in the sky over the city. He said that they looked like an army of angels awaiting orders to defend Jerusalem. Alas for Jerusalem, those orders never came. At dawn the lights disappeared, and Jerusalem was left to her fate. Associating these lights in the sky with UFOÕs did not however start with the science fiction writings about aliens from outer space. In the late 19th century there were numerous documented reports of Òair shipsÓ allegedly spotted by many, over many portions of the United States. 19th Century UFO's Jacques Vallee, a serious UFO researcher, one who can be believed, documents these 19th century air ship sightings in his book Dimensions (Ballantine, NY, 1988). A point about these 19th century UFOÕs that I found most interesting is that their technology seems to be consistent with the times of their
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
manifestations. The air ships and their inhabitants appear to be very well suited for the 19th century. Vallee quotes a report from the Houston Daily Post dated April 28, 1897. The report speaks of a heavy object dragging along with a rope attached which got caught up at a railroad crossing. The report continues, ÒOn looking up they saw what they supposed to be the airship. It was not near enough to get an idea of the dimensions. A light could be seen protruding from several windows; one bright light in front like the headlight of a locomotive. After some ten minutes, a man was seen descending the rope. He was near enough to be plainly seen; he wore a light blue sailor suit and was small in size. He stopped when he discovered parties at the anchor (which was what was caught), and cut the rope below him and sailed off...Ó (Dimensions, Ballantine, NY, 1988, page 41) Another sighting just weeks before was witnessed by the entire town of Fontanelle, Iowa. The April 13th, 1897 edition of the Chicago Chronicle reported, ÒThe airship was seen here at 8:30 tonight, and was viewed by the whole population. It ... moved very slowly, not to exceed ten miles an hour. ... the vibration of the wings could be plainly seen. ... the working of machinery could be heard, as also the strain of music, as from an orchestra.Ó (ibid. pg. 41) Remember these reports were made years before the Wright brothers flew the first plane at Kitty Hawk. At this time, air ships were supposed to be limited to the science fiction writings of the likes of Jules Verne. And since when do we have reports of UFOÕs playing orchestra music? In the April 22, 1897 edition of the Houston Post there is actually reported a close encounter with one of the ÒcrewÓ of the airship. A Mr. John Barclay had witnessed the airship and gives a rather thorough description of it. And then, Òthe night was bright enough for a man to be distinguished several yards away, and when within about thirty yards of the ship he was met by an ordinary mortal. ... the following conversation ensued. Mr. Barclay inquired: Who are you and what do you want?Ó ÒNever mind about my name, call it Smith. I want some lubricating oil and a couple of cold chisels if you can get them, and some blue stone. ... Here is a ten dollar bill: take us and get us these articles and keep the change for the trouble.Ó After procuring the items, Barclay asked Smith From where he was and to where he was going. He replied, ÒFrom anywhere, but we will be in Greece day after tomorrow.Ó He got on board, when there again the whirling noise and the thing was gone, ... like a shot out of a cannon.Ó (ibid. pg. 42,43). The fact that the man refused to give his name is reminiscent of the Biblical angels who responded in similar manner when their names were asked. But here is where the similarity stops. These airships make a lot of noise and seem to need operating parts similar to 19th century technology. And though the ship takes off like a shot out of a cannon (which by 19th century standards might still be sub-sonic) it will still take two days to get to Greece. A modern airliner travels 29
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
this distance in a fraction of that time. No angel, demon or UFO has ever appeared so ÒbackwardÓ. There are no little gray men reported here. Rather the ships and sightings sound like the realization of something out of a Jules Verne novel. Maybe VerneÕs character, Captain Nemo, really did exist. Whatever the truth may be regarding these incidents, one thing is clear, they do not seem to be extraterrestrial by late 20th century standards. The technology that todayÕs UFOÕs and their inhabitants allegedly display is far more advanced than our own. If we do ascribe to the 19th century airship sightings an extraterrestrial dimension, then we must conclude that the aliens are advancing in their technology alongside the advancements made by mankind. Such a coincidence is highly unbelievable and suspect. If these incidents were not due to extraterrestrials or a real live Captain Nemo, then what were these mysterious airships, and where did they really come from? No one can really say, although Jacques Vallee believes that these encounters are not extraterrestrial, but rather from somewhere much closer, possibly a parallel dimension right here on earth. Then again, even in those days the US government did have secret projects. The works of both Einstein and Tesla were known at that time. It is known that in the mid-1890Õs, Nicola Tesla had a working model of a radio controlled robot submarine. Who knows what else he invented? Who really knows what was going on? Animal Mutilations & Satanic Ritual I must return briefly to the matter of the animal mutilations, the second area of UFO phenomena that I feel needs further investigation. There is definitely a suspicious satanic ritualization to these phenomena. And to those who wish to dismiss these animal mutilations as the work of some secret government experiment, I ask the question, Òwhat is a secret government project doing knowing about and practicing satanic rituals?Ó And let there be no mistake, satanic rituals are signature, meaning they are very specific. Nothing else is like them. Nothing else can be confused for them. Anyone with knowledge of the occult knows this to be true.
If the US government is behind these animal mutilations as some in the UFO community suggest, then maybe the secrecy surrounding this project has a lot more to hide than scientific experimentation. Being that I do not have any evidence to allege federal government involvement in a cross of scientific experimentation coupled with satanic ritual, I cannot proceed along this line of thinking. I will conclude however on one note. Scientific experimentation and satanic ritual have been used together in the past. The Nazis in the concentration camps were experts in the occult and ran their slaughter houses and death camps in accordance to satanic ritual murder. This is documented in a number of books as the real source of evil in GermanyÕs Third Reich. Interested readers should see the book, The Nazis and the Occult, by D. Sklar (Dorset Press, NY, 1977). 30
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Abductions & Experimentation Now I must address the most disturbing of all UFO related phenomena: the abduction experience. As I mentioned above the phenomena of alleged abductions by aliens and subjection to medical and other experimentation are not isolated incidents. In recent books published, the number of credible people who have claimed to have had this experience is said to be in the tens of thousands. Whatever be the truth behind these phenomena it is, nonetheless, very frightening that something is happening to so many different people.
The first thing that must be acknowledged about these so-called alien abductions is that many of the cases can be explained as manifestations of a number of different psychological imbalances. In other words, a number of these so-called abductions are nothing of the sort, but rather an induced fantasy or projection, which is covering over serious psychological problems. However, while this might explain a number of the cases, there are still many more which cannot be so easily dismissed by saying that the person is out of his mind. Many of the people who experience these so-called abductions are sane people living normal lives. Being that there is so much publicity in the popular media regarding alien abductions, any and all claims of such experience must be met with skepticism, but at the same time one must keep an open mind. John E. Mack, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, writes in his Foreword to the book ÒSecret Life, Firsthand Documented Accounts to UFO AbductionsÓ by David M. Jacobs, Ph.D, that there might be upward of a million people who are abductees or ÒexperiencersÓ. He writes, ÒThe abduction phenomena is, therefore, of great clinical importance if for no other reason than the fact that abductees are often traumatized by their experiences ... I would merely suggest that if we could allow ourselves to reintroduce the possibility of a higher intelligence into the universe, and experience the numinous mystery of creation, this scenario is consistent with the facts of the abduction phenomena.Ó Being that members of the psychiatric community are not dismissing the phenomena of alien abductions as nonsense, neither can we. An involved review of the abduction phenomena is beyond the limitations of this present work. For those interested in the reports of numerous cases, I recommend you to the book I mentioned above, Secret Life, Firsthand Documented Accounts to UFO Abductions by David M. Jacobs, Ph.D. One major aspect consistent with almost all so-called alien abductions is the aliensÕ preoccupation with sex, especially with young women. Either women are seduced into having sex with an alien or are deceived into having sex with someone or something, all the while having a mental image projected to them that their sex partner is their spouse. Many women recall how there is a blurry image over the faces of their sex partners, at one time being their loved one, another time being an ugly old alien. While this might sound a bit humorous to some, to tens of thousands of women these are very real, frightening and life 31
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shattering ordeals. We cannot dismiss the significance or reality of these episodes simply because we choose not to believe. I know that many are afraid to believe that these occurrences could be real for the frightening conclusions that would then have to be drawn. Nonetheless, I believe these episodes are real. Just what they are, however, is something that the Torah can shed some light upon. Whatever the truth may be, we must take these matters seriously. Abductees relate an enormous amount of information regrading their captors. The most frightening information is how helpless they are when taken and subjected to these experiences. Many abductees claim that the ÒaliensÓ were using them for breeding purposes. In other words, many felt they were being treated like cattle, with no regard for their morality, feelings and human dignity. The abductees walk away with a feeling that these ÒaliensÓ are conducting wide scale breeding experimentations on the human race for some concealed purposes. While I do not know the agendas of ÒalienÓ races, the sexual manipulations that these women have been subjected to sounds very similar to cases of demonic attacks that are described by Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah in his book Minhat Yehuda. Rabbi Fatiyah was a master at detecting the presence of spirits and demons and an expert in the art of exorcism. However, he also knew that people many times make up or imagine things to be that are just not true. He never simply accepted someoneÕs word that they were in contact with a spirit or demon. In order to ascertain their credibility, Rabbi Yehuda would test them to see if the person really was having an other-worldly experience or not. He relates (Minhat Yehuda, page 42) the tale of one married woman with children who claims that a male (demonic) lover would come to her, appearing out of thin air any time that she was alone, day or night. The demon was quite physical and by sheer force of will could make the woman submit to having sex with him anytime that he wished. She felt completely helpless to resist him. This sounds very much like the details of an abductee experience with one of the socalled aliens. There are numerous tales told in Jewish folklore around the world of women who are kidnapped by demons and taken to live with them in their subterranean homes. There they are raped and forced to bear and raise for their demon masters mixed breed half-demon/half-human children. While most of these tales are told with a moral in mind so as to scare people into acting with righteous conduct, nonetheless their moralistic nature does not negate that something quite real and other worldly has happened. As a matter of fact, in researching this work a Hasidic Rabbi friend of mine in Brooklyn revealed to me that among the Hungarian Jews there is a known list of families whose women were allegedly raped by demons and then gave birth to half-human/half-demon children. Among these Jews it is forbidden to intermarry with any of these suspect families.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
In all tales about demons, their subterranean homes are said to be quite opulent. The holy Zohar (1, 254B) reports that this same opulence belongs to the race of noseless small creatures living under the earth that I mentioned above. ÒAliensÓ always claim to come from a place that is opulent, utopian and void of problems. I cannot state from this similarity that the ÒaliensÓ are truly the subterranean demons in disguise, but it does raise the possibility. One of the most detailed Kabbalistic texts on demonology is the Tzefuni Tziyuni by Rabbi Menachem Tziyuni. Written over six hundred years ago, the Tziyuni, as it is popularly called, is perhaps the best source of information about how demons live, how their society is structured and just what it is they want from mankind. After studying Sefer Hasidim, and the works of Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah, Rabbis and Kabbalists have been in an excellent position to recognize demonic activity whenever it would rear its ugly head. There are a number of similarities between UFO abduction experiences and known demonic activity. Before I draw any conclusions, allow me to document for you the words of the Rabbis and put them alongside the experiences of the abductees. Throughout David JacobÕs book, Secret Life, mention is made of the peculiar interest that these so- called aliens have shown towards human sexuality, specifically to get humans, mostly human women, to perform acts of intercourse. Why, we must ask, would aliens from another planet be interested in sexual intercourse with females of what to them would be a lower species. It would be similar for a human to want to have sex with a gorilla. Does this sound familiar? Did we not earlier mention that the Bible relates the story of the Òbenei elohimÓ (sons of god) coming to earth and taking human wives? In Genesis 6:2 we read that the Òbenei elohim, the sons of god saw the daughters of men, for they were good, and they took for themselves wives from any that they would chose.Ó Is it possible that demons today are still doing the same thing? Why would the demons want human women? The answer to this I have already introduced. I have previously mentioned the teaching from the Talmud, Avot 5:6, that the original demons were created bodiless, and that since then they have been trying to get bodies for themselves. In Avot DÕRabbi Natan 37:3, we have learned that demons participate in sexual reproduction. Can they then sexually bond with and reproduce from humans, male and female alike? The Sefer Hasidim and the Tziyuni (as well as all other Jewish sources such as the Talmud, Midrash Rabbah, Hesed LÕAvraham) answer with a frightening yes! Both the Sefer Hasidim and the Tziyuni give examples of this, and why and how this occurs. In order to comprehend this we must delve into the holy Talmud to understand the origins of human-demonic cross breeding. Demons Becoming Human Talmudic tradition (Er. 18B, Gen. R. 20:11) relates that in response to the murder of Abel by Cain, Adam decided not to have any more children and separated from Eve. In Gen. 5:3, it states that Òwhen Adam had lived one hundred and
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
thirty years, he begot in his own likeness and his image, and he named him Seth.Ó It is said AdamÕs separation from Eve lasted the whole of this 130 years. During this period, female demons came to Adam and male demons to Eve and bore them hybrid half-human, half-demonic children. This is why the verse specifies that Seth was in AdamÕs Òlikeness and imageÓ, something the hybrid children were not. These humanoid demons are those that plague mankind. It was in this way that the original non-body demons were able to acquire bodies for themselves. The master Kabbalist, the AriÕzal, in the ShaÕarei Kavanot (Derush Pesah 1) reveals that these demonic souls incarnated into human bodies three different times, first as the generation of the flood, second as the people who built of the Tower of Babel, and third as the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah. It was to trace these descendants of Adam that the Bible relates these episodes. Regarding these spirits Maimonides writes, ÒAnd [Adam] begot [a son] in his own likeness and image. You know that whoever is not endowed with this form [i.e., the human form] ... is not a man, but an animal having the shape and configuration of man. Such a being, however, has a faculty to cause various kinds of harm and to produce evil that is not possessed by other animals. For he [the demonic human] applies the capacities for thought and perception, which were to prepare him to achieve perfection that he [the demon] has not achieved, to all kinds of machinations entailing evils and occasioning and engendering all kinds of harm.Ó (Guide, 1:7). The Tziyuni (49B) writes that the demons are still practicing their special ÒbreedingÓ program to this day. He goes on to say that the children of such unions, who are essentially demonic in nature, are given the positions of rulership. These hybrid children enable the demons to become physical. Therefore, breeding with humans is greatly sought after. Does any of this sound similar to the abduction experiences? It most certainly does! One other point which may be significant. David Jacobs records in Secret Lives (page 51) that Òat the beginning of the nighttime abductions, the Beings enter into the room through a light source coming from a window. ... Although abductees frequently report going directly through walls and ceilings, the Beings appear to seek out a window.Ó The Sefer Hasidim (TzavaÕah 20) writes that it is the nature of demons to travel through windows. Jacobs also mentions (page 50) that some abductees experience these so-called aliens in the form of a menacing animal. ÒOne abductee said she saw a wolf in her bedroom one night. The wolf was standing squarely on her bed looking in her eyes.Ó Other abductees have seen these so-called aliens as a ÒdevilÓ. The she-demon Lilith is said to commonly take on the appearance of a wolf. (Hebrew Myths, page 68). False Appearances If the abduction experience is truly of demonic and not of extraterrestrial origins, why then do these beings go to all the trouble to make people believe that they
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
are from outer space? Why donÕt they present themselves in some other more acceptable form? Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah answers this question for us without ever knowing of the modern, so-called extraterrestrial phenomena. In Minhat Yehuda (Miqetz 47) he writes about what powers the demons have.: ÒThere are demons who are called ÒShedim YehudainÓ (ÒpiousÓ demons) (Zohar, Bamidbar 253A). These have a different way about them. They make themselves appear as the ancient [Biblical] prophets, or as the Talmudic sages. There are those who make themselves appear as the judges of Israel and as great famous rabbis who have passed on to the other side. They all appear with great beards and crowns upon their heads, like the righteous and the pious. Sometimes they say that they are Abraham, Isaac or Jacob, or Elijah the prophet or the like. [These demons] can do even greater things than this. They can show to a person the image of the heavens, the image of the throne of glory, and the angels of heaven. [These demons] are careful not to frighten a person.Ó Rabbi Fatiyah reveals to us that it is the way of demons to present themselves in whatever form that people will find acceptable so as to have less of a spirit of resistance. Demons can appear as angels, holy men and the like. They can show people an image of Heaven or of the Heavenly throne. Uneducated human beings, not knowing the spiritual reality of things, will easily be duped into believing that a demonically produced cheap copy of the original is the real thing. We do not know what real aliens look like or act like. So if a bunch of demons were to come and say that they were aliens from another planet, how would the average person be able to tell the difference between the truth and the lie?? WouldnÕt the amazement of being involved with a Òclose encounter of the third kindÓ excite a person to want more. Little do they know what it is that they are involved with. As Carl Jung has properly pointed out in his Flying Saucers, A Modern Myth, mankind has always looked for salvation from the skies. Extraterrestrials are just the newest form that this psychological projection has taken. Another interesting point is that any and all encounters that people consciously have with these so called aliens is always a positive and uplifting experience. Abduction experiences are quite the opposite. For one, they are all in repressed memory. No one remembers anything clearly until hypnosis is performed and the unconscious mind is allowed to release its terror. Why are all the alien encounters that can be remembered friendly, whereas the ones which involve sexual and medical experimentations are always erased from the conscious mind, as if by some form of mind control, which is exactly what the abductees in JacobÕs book feel they were subject to? It is the unconscious mind that connects us to our soul, that spark from G-d within us. It does not forget, and it is not deceived. When going into the unconscious realms, all of a sudden these alien encounters become depraved, immoral and monstrous. Abductees speak of screaming within themselves, but of 35
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
being totally powerless to stop the proceedings, which include the manipulations of their bodies. The case for identifying alien abductions as really being demonic activity seems to have some serious validation. But this only creates more problems than it solves. The Rabbis and Kabbalists teach us that demons can come in all shapes and sizes. Therefore, we can perceive them in whatever form we so choose. This might explain why some people are seeing rather human looking aliens, the likes of which Rabbi Horowitz tells us do not exist. Are they demons in disguise? Personally, I cannot definitively say. I have not participated in any sightings of humanoid so-called aliens. However, from the reports that I have read, they are most definitely suspect. And for sure, the people who are claiming these extraterrestrial visitations know nothing about the ways of the demons. It would be the easiest thing in the world for demons to deceive such uneducated simpletons of the spiritual worlds. If the aliens are really demons, and the demons live in subterranean caverns beneath the surface of the earth, does this mean that the UFOÕs are coming to us from the subterranean realms? I am not the first to ask this question. Dr. Raymond Bernard Ph.D., in his book The Hollow Earth (Citadel, NY 1969), devotes an entire chapter to this subject. He says that the UFOÕs are coming from humanoid subterranean civilizations who are concerned about surface manÕs detonation of the atomic bomb. According to the Jewish sources that I quoted above, there are such human-like races living under the earth. Most likely they have some form of technology which is appropriate for their needs as our technology serves us. Are these human-like beings the fallen angels of whom we have spoken of above, whom the Zohar teaches now live underground? If they are not one and the same, then perhaps they know of one another or are somehow aligned with one another. After all, if there is an inner earth then its surface is not as big as the earthÕs surface. The fallen angels and their demonic cohorts, who very possibly are behind these abductions, live and commune together down there. It is not too far an assumption to then say that if there are other civilizations beneath the earth, maybe the fallen angels and demons also attempt to plague them as they do mankind? Regarding matters of this nature, we have no answers, we can only speculate. If the so-called aliens are the ones performing animal mutilations, the fact that they are really demons would certainly explain why the mutilations are in correct satanic ritualistic form. If the aliens are truly the half breed children of humans and demons, it would explain how they can be physical and non-corporeal at the same time. Most abductees ascribe this ability to almost all the aliens that they have encountered.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
One way to ascertain the origins of the so-called aliens and test them for demonic origins is to interpret the communications and information they are allegedly giving to mankind. Whether in abduction experiences or in the now famous Òclose encounters of the third kindÓ, where aliens meet consciously and willingly with humans, the aliens are talking a lot, most specifically and curiously about religion and spirituality. Almost all people receiving this information believe it to be far superior to anything that we on earth have heard, or listened to, before. I believe it is important that I document what is alleged to be ÒalienÓ teachings on spirituality and religion. As always, I cannot ascertain the legitimacy of these accounts. I can only write what others are claiming that the aliens are teaching. I admit, the credibility of many of these sources is greatly suspect.
Religious Views Presented By The So-Called Aliens Religion is supposed to be teachings which we claim either come from G-d or speak about Him, revealing relevant truths about the nature of the entire universe, including wherever it is that the aliens come from. Being that we accept the fact that there is a Divine Creator, then it is He, G-d, that has created the aliens as well as mankind. If these aliens are from a society that is more technologically advanced than ours, then surely they would know more about the truths of the universe, and they should be on a higher spiritual plane as well. This is the argument put forth by those who are allegedly receiving religious messages from these so-called aliens. The Jewish people, for two thousand years since the destruction of Jerusalem and our exile from our land, have been persecuted by so-called advanced and enlightened societies that had great technologies and power enough to conquer most of the known world. I speak of the Christian and Islamic powers. Yet, the Jewish people have stood steadfast in the face of such an onslaught. So when a Jew hears of a new religious idea that comes to challenge the authority and credibility of the holy Torah that G-d (and not an alien) gave to the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai, he is naturally suspicious. As Jews, Rabbis and Kabbalists not only have faith in the holy Torah, we also have direct prophetic knowledge of the truths of G-dÕs universe. So if and when an ÒalienÓ race wishes to come and make proclamations regarding religion, we Jews have a vested interest and the G-d given wisdom to ascertain the source of these so-called ÒnewÓ religious beliefs. This might sound presumptuous to some gentile readers. My apologies. Nonetheles, what I have said is true. The Bible itself (Deut. 15:1-12, 17:8-12) has given this authority and responsibility to the Rabbis and Kabbalists. With this matter understood, I shall now proceed to review some of the alleged alien teachings regarding religion, at least whatever is accessible for public knowledge. As I mentioned above, the credibility of most of the sources for the ÒalienÓ teachings is rather dubious. Nonetheless, it is important to document them and 37
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
analyze them from a Torah point of view. I might not be able to definitively prove or disprove that the source of these teachings are ÒalienÓ. However, by holding them up to the light of G-dÕs true and unwavering Word (Torah) we can, at least, ascertain the truths or falsehoods that are being taught. Cult #1 I start with one of the more famous of the UFO contactees. His name is Claude Vorilhon. He claims to have met a group of aliens called the Elohim, the Hebrew name for G-d. He claims that they gave him the angelic name of Rael, which I am sure he does not know is Hebrew for Òthe evil of G-dÓ. (Ra - evil; El, short for Elohim-G-d). This so-called angel name alone makes me suspicious and reminds me that the true name of Satan is Samael (which is the Òpoison of G-dÓ). Also remember that the ÒelohimÓ is the name of a race of angels. Vorilhon has created a new ÒreligionÓ (cult would be a better word) which, according to Richard L. Thompson in his book Alien Identities (Govardhan Hill, 1993), as of 1990 has 30,000 members. The symbol of this new group is the Jewish Star. There is just one twist. Inside the Jewish Star is the symbol of the Swastika, the symbol of Nazi Germany. In the eye of any Jew, and righteous gentile, this is an arrogant and offensive thing to do. But Vorilhon does not stop there.
According to James R. Lewis, in his book The Gods Have Landed, New Religions From Other Worlds (State U. of NY, 1995), in order to become a member of VorilhonÕs group, the ÒElohimÓ have instructed him that each initiate must first send a letter of apostasy to the church they were baptized in. This is one of the ways that Vorilhon was given to ÒdemythologicalizeÓ the Bible. According to Vorilhon, the Elohim (or the Raelians) are small humanoid creatures with pale green skin and big almond eyes. This makes them sound awfully similar to the ÒgrayÓ aliens who are conducting the abductions and sexual experiments. Vorilhon says the Raelian Elohim deny the existence of G-d and the existence of the soul. He says that the Raelian Elohim created mankind in a laboratory using DNA manipulations. VorilhonÕs job is to preach to the world the Ònew truthÓ with the hope that the world will be prepared to receive these Elohim when they come here openly in the year 2025. Not only do the Raelian Elohim want to come to Earth, they wish to open an embassy here. And of all the places on earth, where do you think these Raelian Elohim have chosen for their future embassy? Washington? Rome? Tibet? No!! These so-called aliens want to be in Jerusalem!! They deny the existence of G-d, and the G-d given Divine soul, yet they want to be in Jerusalem. I wonder what will happen when they find out that Israel will not welcome them. Will they be among the nations that G-d has prophesied to come against Jerusalem in the last days (Zech. 14)? Will these aliens be a part of, or the cause of, the final battle of Gog and Magog, commonly known as Armageddon? Who knows? I personally do not extend much credibility to Mr. Vorilhon and his Raelian Elohim. Based on the little of his teachings provided here, I can dismiss him and his group as having no legitimacy 38
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
whatsoever. Nonetheless, this does not mean he is not in contact with something! I just fear that the something talking with Mr. Vorilhon is of more earthly origins, and of a demonic nature. I am not concerned about his so-called aliensÕ interest in Jerusalem, but I do find it an interesting point. Mr. Vorilhon is not the only one allegedly in touch with aliens who claim to know the truth behind the Bible and the true origins of mankind. Another interesting character is Eduard ÒBillyÓ Meier. His story is most interesting. He is the one meeting up with the blonde hair, blue-eyed, model- gorgeous, female aliens; and boy, do they have a story to tell! Here Comes the Blondes MeierÕs story began on January 28, 1975 when he claims to have received a ÒtelepathicÓ message telling him to come to a secluded area near his native village of Hinwal in rural Switzerland. Here landed a spacecraft operated by a beautiful woman named Semjase, and she Òtook him for a rideÓ. This is alleged to have occurred a number of times, with Semjase teaching Meier many things. Meier not only has his story to tell, he has taken over 600 photos and a video of the alien ships and their crew. In Alien Identities (pages 177-179) Thompson quotes a number of ÒauthoritiesÓ who claim that MeierÕs photos and video are real and not fake. Being that I am no expert, I personally cannot ascertain the truth or falsehood of these photos and video. However, even if they are absolutely legitimate, this does not mean that these so-called aliens told Meier the truth of their origins, or of their purpose. As I mentioned above, Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah has said that the demons can duplicate any form or image they choose. If so, pretending to be extraterrestrial aliens would not be a hard task. To his credit, Thompson (pages 182-184) also quotes a number of discrepancies in MeierÕs story to conclude that either Meier was lying or that Semjase was lying to him.
Semjase seems to know a lot about religion and specifically the Bible. She claims that her father, Ptaah, is best known by his other name YHWH, which we know to be the holy Name of G-d. In other words, she is claiming that YHWH is not G-d, but is her father, an extraterrestrial astronaut like herself. Semjase herself claims that her real name is Shamhazi, who if you remember is the fallen angel and leader of the Òbenei elohimÓ. With this blasphemous introduction, what Semjase has to say about religion becomes much more interesting, even though it also becomes much less credible. Thompson (page 399-400) relates some of SemjaseÕs teachings. She is reported to have said, ÒAbove everything one alone possesses the power of life and death over each creature. That is CREATION alone, which regulates the laws over all, laws which are irrefutable and of their own eternal validity.Ó Thompson comments, ÒSemjase strongly emphasized that there is no personal Creator and that the supreme Creation is strictly impersonal. She maintained that religions devoted to an anthropomorphic God have had a detrimental effect on the human spirit.Ó
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
As a Rabbi, I find this teaching most interesting and dubiously familiar. Again, whether this teaching is coming from a real live extraterrestrial, demons in disguise or whatever, the teaching reveals the spiritual level of its speaker. This spiritual level was the same as that of Pharaoh, King of Egypt, who in the Bible opposed Moses and denied the existence of YHWH. A deeper explanation of this is necessary for it reflects directly upon Rabbi HorowitzÕs views, discussed earlier, how extraterrestrials would differ from humans by not having free will.
The Relationship Between Creator & Creation I have already discussed that the absence of free will means that one is bound by the laws of creation, both seen and unseen. Such a one does not have the awareness of or the ability to know a higher reality. According to the Kabbalah, higher realities are multiple. However, the level which many people today call the astral plane, where it is claimed that the spirits live, is one of the lower planes and not one of the higher. There are four general planes according to the Kabbalistic/prophetic order of the universe. The lowest is the physical, the world in which we live. This realm includes the entire realm of matter, in all its manifest and unmanifest forms anywhere in the universe. The next level is the astral, the realm of the angels and demons. This level is not physical as we understand it, but the entities there have their own boundaries which are as strict as our own physical limitations. The astral plane exists parallel to the physical plane and everywhere where the physical plane is, side by side. The astral plane is also the realm of personalized emotion and the dimension of time. The third plane is the level of the mind, i.e., consciousness. This level of mind is the level of the soul, the higher self. It is totally non-corporeal. At the level of consciousness the individual rises above any attachments to the physical world and exists entirely in a realm of the abstract. The level of mind is the level at which Adam was originally created. This realm is said to be above the reach of the angels whose evolution does not enable them to achieve this height. The level of mind enables one to see the universe as an integral whole and to understand ÒcreationÓ in the way that Semjase refers to the universe. At the level of mind, one recognizes that there is a creation and that there is a Creator. The Creator Himself is above and beyond recognition at this level. Nonetheless creation is perceived here as a whole, the laws of nature understood and believed to be irrevocable and exact. But it is here that we separate between the sacred and profane. There is a higher level beyond the realm of Self/Mind which is the realm of the true spiritual world. This is the realm of the holy Sefirot, the Divine Emanations. This is the realm of the Creator, Who stands above His creation. This is the realm of YHWH, the L-rd and Director of creation. YHWH, whom we Jews call HaShem, G-d of Israel, is above and beyond His own laws. It is He who decides when to enact His laws and when to supersede them.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
In the book Derekh HaShem, The Way of G-d, one of the best introductions into Judaism, written by the 17th century master Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Hayim Luzzato, it is written that G-d controls His universe similar to the workings of a human government. Everything proceeds in accordance to a system of cosmic law and order. The angels are G-dÕs messengers carrying out the details of His edicts. However, G-d has His own agenda for His universe and at times has intervened in His world in ways which are over and above the natural path. G-d does this to awaken within man the reality that we are not just animals subject to the laws of nature, but as humans we are under G-d, who like G-d can rise up above the natural influences, and become holy. While we acknowledge the laws of nature, the Torah teaches us that we are not limited by them. G-d is a G-d of miracles. A miracle is a suspension of the laws of nature for a time. G-d can suspend anyone of His laws when He so chooses. G-d is above the laws of nature and teaches Israel to be so as well. Jewish survival throughout two thousand years of horrible persecutions is certainly one of these miraculous supernatural events, just as supernatural as was the giving of Torah at Mt. Sinai. G-d intervenes regularly in human history above and beyond the laws of nature to teach us how to act above the laws of nature as well. Pharaoh, King of Egypt Pharaoh, King of Egypt, turned and asked Moses, ÒWho is HaShem that I should hear His VoiceÓ (Ex. 5:2). And later, after a plague which could not be duplicated by PharaohÕs magicians who were experts in the manipulation of the laws of nature, Pharaoh and his experts both exclaimed, ÒThis is the finger of GdÓ (Ex. 8:15). Pharaoh acknowledges G-d, but denies that there is a YHWH, HaShem, a G-d who is above all laws of nature. This is the key to understanding free will.
Pharaoh was at the level of mind (DaÕat), and was proceeding according to that level which today is popularly called ÒkarmaÓ, in Hebrew ÒmazalÓ. Pharaoh knew that the Children of Israel were destined to be under his control for a certain time. And then along came, what in his eyes, was the upstart Moses, speaking in the Name of an unknown G-d. To Pharaoh, the G-d of Israel was no different from any other god. In PharaohÕs eyes G-d was no more than another fallen angel or astral entity worshipped by a primitive group. HaShem was to introduce to Pharaoh and the world that there was a new level of reality, Israel reality, that they had not known before. G-d introduced into the world the Divine realm of reality. This is a level above and beyond creation and is the true source of life and death. G-d is the true source of all things inside and outside of the universe and all its parallel dimensions. Yet, Semjase claims, ÒCREATION alone, regulates the laws over all, laws which are irrefutable and of their own eternal validity.Ó She is thus in the same state of denial as was Pharaoh in Egypt. Her revelations are most certainly not a spiritual 41
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
step forward, but rather a spiritual step backward. These ideas of Semjase are most appropriate for a demonic entity. And if they are the views of a real extraterrestrial, then the words of the Rabbis and Kabbalists found in the holy Talmud and elsewhere most certainly ring true. The righteous human, after the era of Messianic maturity, is destined to travel to space and rule over many worlds. It would seem that even the technologically advanced aliens have much to learn about spiritual reality from the Torah of the Jews from the planet Earth. It seems that SemjaseÕs views about the universe are shared by other so-called extraterrestrials in their communications with people. Thompson points out in his chapter 11, UFOÕs and Religion: ÒThere are a number of reports of UFOrelated communications that directly mention some idea about God. To my knowledge, these practically all present a pantheistic or impersonal conception of the Supreme. Impersonal conceptions describe the Supreme as an ultimate force, energy, or state of being that is the source of all phenomena but is devoid of all personal attributes.Ó In a way, this description is somewhat similar to what the Kabbalah teaches about G-d in His ultimate sense as being the Ayn Sof, the Without End. As such, G-d could very well be described as impersonal and as a Òforce, energy, or state of beingÓ. However, this is where the comparison ends. For the Ultimate existence of G-d is manifest in the universe through the ten sefirot, which are a series of Divine emanations of the Ultimate Light. These emanations act as filters to enable the entities in these the lower worlds to receive a portion from the ultimate light, which is the source of all life. It is G-d in His ultimate Nature as the Ayn Sof that is truly G-d, and thus quite above the laws of the universe He has created. Therefore, He can channel His ultimate light into whatever vessel of manifestation that He so chooses at the time. This is the meaning of Divine providence and free will. G-d in His ultimate grace chooses to be a personal G-d and thus allows for each of His subjects to come to know Him personally as the Master of the universe, instead of just knowing a cold and calculating universe where there is no force of mercy and justice. Thompson writes that these aliens teach a Òpantheistic conception of the universe which identifies G-d with the universe.Ó The Bible (the Ten Commandments) teaches us, ÒYou shall have no other G-ds before MeÓ (Ex. 20:3). Literally, this verse states, ÒYou shall have no other G-ds upon My Face.Ó What this means is that one is forbidden to view anything else in the universe, including the universe itself, and call it G-d, who is the Creator of the universe and, therefore, above it. I find it interesting that these so-called aliens seem to have a religious agenda which is specifically geared towards taking people away from the Biblical truths, all in the name of receiving a higher wisdom and knowledge. It was this same rationale that the Serpent in the Garden used to get Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. She too was told that this would take her closer to G-d. As we know, it was 42
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
the opposite of the truth. Rabbis and Kabbalists have always been weary of socalled Ònew truthsÓ that offer to take us to a higher level if we only are willing to abandon the ÒoldÓ truths. Anti-Semitic Aliens? These so-called aliens claim to be responsible for the human race as we know it, for they claim that it was they who genetically manipulated early humans. Thompson claims that these stories are told with the specific intent of getting the listener to repudiate any conceptions of a personal God. Thompson states quite matter of factly that some of these alien teachings, Òspecifically attack the foundation of particular devotional faiths - notably Christianity.Ó While I am certainly not a defender of Christianity, the attacks against Christianity are really attacks against the Bible, and the Bible is Jewish!! Therefore, these attacks are de facto very much against Torah and Judaism. I will definitely rise up to meet this challenge (which is why I have written this present work).
Another interesting point that Thompson brings up is the similarity of the alien religions with the teachings of Hinduism and the eastern religions. This similarity is the entire gist of Thompson's book. Yet even he is honest enough to admit, at least in regards to Meier and his Semjase connection, that there might be something other than an extraterrestrial connection. Thompson writes (pg. 401), ÒThe philosophical points brought up by Semjase are certainly not new in human society, and one wonders where Meier really got them. All of these points are well known in India, and Meier is known to have spent time there. It could be that he was simply expounding from the mouth of Semjase ideas that he picked up in India.Ó I do not believe it to be a coincidence that alleged UFO religious beliefs just so happen to coincide with modern pop-culture, ÒNew AgeÓ beliefs, all of which are a bastardization of Hindu religious beliefs coupled with western occultism. As a matter of fact, most occultists of this and the last century all claimed to be in touch with Òascended mastersÓ from other planets. A mind empty of knowledge and faith is one that craves being filled. Sometimes the craving is so great that rationality and healthy skepticism are pushed aside. Such is the case, I believe, with the people who listen to and believe in this occultic, eastern religion, ÒNew AgeÓ UFO hype. It does not surprise me that the UFOÕs and their aliens are expressing the same alternate religious views that their so-called ÒchosenÓ messengers would have espoused with or without their alien connections. While many people listen to and take seriously what these ÒNew AgeÓ UFO messengers have to say, the serious UFO-extraterrestrial researcher recognizes the ÒNew AgeÓ hype and dismisses these teachings for what they are: a way to gain notoriety and make a large amount of money. This fringe element of the UFO phenomena does not do UFO investigation the serious credit it rightfully deserves.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
However, the interest in alien concepts on religion does not seem to be limited to the fringe elements among those interested in UFOÕs. Rather well known in UFO circles today is Bob Lazar, a man who is documented to have worked for secret projects for the US government. Of course, he is a man of controversy with quite a story to tell about his personal experiences and eye witness accounts of alien technology that he was given permission to examine. Yet through all the tales, true or false he also claims to have seen secret government reports on religion, supposedly revealed by the aliens to their US government contacts.
What Does the Government Know? In Timothy GoodÕs ÒAlien ContactÓ (William Morrow, NY, 1993), Lazar is interviewed and asked what he knows about alien teaching on spirituality and religion. Lazar claims that Òthere is an extremely classified document dealing with religion, and itÕs extremely thick.Ó Lazar himself asks, ÒBut why should there be any classified documents dealing with religion?Ó When pressed for more information Lazar reveals that the aliens view the human race as nothing but ÒcontainersÓ. Containers for what? Lazar is asked. He answers, ÒContainers. Maybe containers of souls. You can come up with whatever theory you want. But weÕre containers, and thatÕs how weÕre mentioned in the documents ... WeÕre containers for souls that theyÕre going to use at some other point?Ó Lazar proceeds to mention how humans are products of genetic engineering, and how three world religious figures (only Jesus is mentioned) were products of this special genetic engineering which enabled them to perform miracles. I wonder how Lazar, the aliens, and the secret American government organization who organized and wrote this classified document would respond to the knowledge that Kabbalists throughout the ages, and including today, perform miracles the likes of which make Jesus look like an amateur. The Middle East Arab-Israeli wars were not all won by the Israeli army you know. A Great Kabbalist Master Many Kabbalists perform miracles today, be they great or small. One of the leading Kabbalists of this generation, the late Master, Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzera of Netivot, Israel would constantly perform the miracle of the Arak. Arak is a licorice flavored liqueur which the Sephardic Jews drink like the Russians drink Vodka. Baba Sali (beloved father), as Rabbi Abuhatzera was affectionately called by all who knew him, would take a liter bottle of Arak, wrap a towel around it, and proceed to pour out large 8 oz. and 12 oz. glassfuls for the 50 to 100 people who would be at a religious meal with him. After filling everyoneÕs glass, he would remove the towel to show the bottle was as full as when he started. Now simple mathematics teaches us that a liter bottle, at best, can fill 4 of these large glasses. How could the other 50 - 100 glasses be filled. And mind you, this did not occur only once, but many times was witnessed by hundreds. In Sephardic
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
circles in Israel, this is common knowledge. This is only one of the smaller miracles that Baba Sali was known to perform. To the Christian this might remind him of the story of Jesus who, in the Synoptic Gospels, passed out a small amount of fish and bread, which stretched to feed thousands. Whether that story is true or false, who can say. But regarding Baba Sali, his miracles occurred in our lifetime. The witnesses are here to prove it. And, to the best of my knowledge, and I do know Baba SaliÕs family, he was never abducted by aliens, nor was he genetically manipulated. He himself attributed his abilities to having lived a righteous and holy life before G-d, and having the faith in G-d be the prime motivational factor in all of his life. So, with all due respect to Mr. Lazar, the secret agencies in our governments and the aliens, those who submit themselves to G-d and His Torah, and not only study it but live it, will accomplish great deeds, including miracles. Getting back to the topic of extraterrestrial religious teachings, it is interesting to note how most of these fringe element UFO extraterrestrial contactees are receiving their information. It is not coming through face to face contacts with these UFO's and their occupants. No, the contactees are claiming that they are receiving this information telepathically or through the act of channeling wherein which a spirit of an extraterrestrial takes over the contacteeÕs mind and body for a while, and then communicates, be it through writing or through speaking. MeierÕs work with Semjase came in this form, as does that of many of the "New Age" UFO teachings. It is just interesting to note what this procedure is, what it accomplishes and just who takes it seriously. Alien Communications Through Telepathy and Channeling Being that much of the so-called alien communications is coming about by usurping the consciousness of individuals through telepathic or channeling means, it is necessary to explain how the powers and patterns of mind function, as well as to explain their relationship with the time/space continuum within which the mind functions in the context of the human brain. In order to appropriately cover this subject matter, I must delve into the secrets of the ancient Sefer Yetzirah, the Book of Formation, written by the Biblical patriarch Abraham (and codified by the 2nd century Sage, Rabbi Akiba). Sefer Yetzirah - The Book of Formation Sefer Yetzirah was written by Abraham in order to explain spiritual reality to a world filled with idolatry and lies. It was his revelations of the ancient monotheistic teachings that later congealed and became the beginnings of what today we call Judaism. Sefer Yetzirah reveals some of the most profound teachings of the structure of the cosmos, the methods of mind expansion and how the mind is to be used to understand and transcend the time-space continuum to have an experience with the Divine through the filters of His holy Light, the ten sefirot.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
The opening Mishna (teaching) of Sefer Yetzirah outlines the technique G-d used to create the universe. Using a play of Hebrew words, the text says that G-d created the world by a means that implies a combination of Thought, Sound and Mathematics. The text proceeds to introduce the concept of the Òten sefirot of nothingnessÓ. The word sefira(ot) comes from the Hebrew root ÒsafarÓ for Òthat which is counted.Ó Yet, it is also related to ÒseferÓ which means ÒbookÓ, ÒsippurÓ, which means ÒstoryÓ and ÒsaparÓ, the speaker, or teller of the story. All in all, the term sefira(ot) comes to connote delineation, separation, boundary and context. For all things, in the corporeal or noncorporeal world, physical or spiritual, are not limitless existences. For only G-d is limitless and without end. Everything in creation has its boundaries and parameters. This is what separates the creation from its Creator. G-d in His infinite state is far above the ability of any power in His creation to fully perceive. In order for G-d to be perceived by all of His creation He developed a system of delineations which act as filters, so as to siphon His ultimate light into a form that can be received by each creation according to its needs. This group of filters are ten in number and form, a type of spiritual DNA pattern that underlies all existence, be it corporeal or non-corporeal, be it good or evil. These ten filters or boundaries which limit and thus give form and context to G-dÕs ultimate light are the sefirot. Now, the sefirot are not G-d. It is a grievous sin to think that they are. The sefirot are vessels and nothing more. Yet, it is in reference to these vessels that the Bible speaks in the verse where G-d is said to create man Òin our image and in our likenessÓ (Gen. 1). This explains why this verse speaks in the plural. It is referring to the image of the ten sefirot. Sefer Yetzirah emphasizes at length that the sefirot are not physical entities, nor have they any type of recognizable form. Rather, the sefirot are said to be like a bolt of lighting, seen for a fraction of a second, felt for a long while after. The essence of the sefirot is so sublime that we can only capture a reflection of their essence, but never their true nature. Without getting into too much detail of the full array of the sefirot I will summarize and say that the sefirot, sub-divide, manifest and work within four separate and distinct areas of influence in creation. These four are, from above to below, the realms of the spiritual (Divine), the mental, the emotional (astral, the realm of energy) and the physical (corporeal world of matter). It is these four worlds which Rabbi Horowitz made mention of in Sefer HaBrit mentioned earlier on. The Power of the Holy Name The number four is of major significance in Kabbalistic teachings. The ten sefirot are summed up and experienced through the four worlds, or realms. This is why G-dÕs intimate Name YHWH has four letters, each letter represents one of the worlds. In other words, G-dÕs Name is not a name as much as it is a title and a formula, one which outlines the order of the physical and non-physical universe.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
It is for this reason that G-dÕs Name is so holy that it is never pronounced. For the Name YHWH is much more than a mere name, it is much more than just a simple formula. G-dÕs Name contains within it not only the pattern of the theoretical universe, the Name also conceals the power source through which the forces of the universe are activated. One who therefore knows G-dÕs Name knows G-d Himself, and through this relationship can come to use the powers of G-d to manifest mastery over the natural laws of time and space. One who accomplishes this level of union with G-d is called a ÒMaster of the Good NameÓ, better known in Hebrew as a BaÕal Shem Tov. This was the popular title given to Rabbi Yisrael Ben Eliezer, the founder of the Hasidic movement, but by no means was he the first or the last to have earned this title. When Moses parted the Sea, he showed mastery over the forces of matter and was thus their lord. The forces of matter are the realm of space. Through G-dÕs holy Name, Moses was a BaÕal Shem Tov. Joshua is recorded to have commanded the sun to stay still over the battlefield, which it did for a period of 24 hours. This showed his mastery over time, especially since the sun did not stop anywhere else in the world. The rest of the world continued to have normal day and night. This was a real feat, an unbeatable miracle! Joshua was able to use the holy Name to transport the entire battlefield into a parallel dimension where the laws of nature would act in accordance to the will of Joshua as dictated by the holy Name. Thus Joshua too was a BaÕal Shem Tov. Even in our day, as Baba Sali performed his own miracles, he too manifested his mastery over the laws of nature and was a living BaÕal Shem Tov. In every generation there are those whom G-d has blessed and revealed to them His Name, and thus His true power. They alone are the true agents of good upon this planet, among the human race. The power of G-dÕs Name is not to be underestimated. Being that G-dÕs Name is so tremendously powerful, it is the favored tool in Kabbalistic circles for meditation. Through the practices of Kabbalistic meditation, many of which were spelled out for the nations by the patriarch Abraham in his Sefer Yetzirah, one can become personally aware of and experience all the worlds and dimensions in the universe, for they are included with G-dÕs Name. One who has set out on this spiritual journey will encounter many different types of entities, from all different places of origins. As oneÕs mind expands and merges with G-d, oneÕs consciousness grows, bringing to oneÕs conscious mind the knowledge of many things, especially the differentiation of good and evil, and the sacred and the profane. As one comes closer to G-d, through performance of the correct meditation techniques and rituals, one naturally separates from that which is far from G-d. This act of separation is the acquisition of holiness. For holiness, Kedusha in Hebrew, means separation.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
It is in this position of holiness/separation that the aspiring Kabbalist comes to recognize the things that G-d has created in His world and the place of each of these things. A Master of the Good Name who is an expert in these matters is impossible to fool. Without delay he recognizes that which is from G-d and that which is far from G-d. A real BaÕal Shem has the ability to expose and distinguish between any spiritual entity be it angel, demon, spirit, human or extraterrestrial. The Astral Plane A most important point must be made. There are numerous entities that inhabit the invisible parallel world that is most close to our own. This world is really a plane of existence, an alternate dimension. This realm is made up of matter, but the matter of this realm is of a different nature than the matter of the corporeal world that we recognize. This realm is often mistaken to be the spiritual plane, but this is not so. This dimension most close to our own is the realm today popularly called the Òastral planeÓ, in Hebrew this is ÒOlam HaYetzirah.Ó
The astral plane has its own indigenous inhabitants, as well as visitors. Communications between inhabitants and visitors are as old as human history. Aside from being inhabited by various races of demons and angels, the astral plane also includes races of beings that come from a time Òprior to there being a King in IsraelÓ (ref. Gen. 36 above). These other races have been known throughout human legends. Today we call them by a variety of names. Upon the astral plane there are also indigenous animals. The book of Job (28:18) clearly speaks of the legendary Phoenix bird, who would spontaneously combust into a ball of flames and then resurrect itself out of its own ashes. The standard Jewish Biblical commentators make note of this. The Talmud states that the animal whose skins were used as a covering for the holy Ark of the Covenant was none other than a unicorn! Such references are understood by the Rabbis and Kabbalists quite literally. The Kabbalistic techniques of meditation, originally used by Adam, Seth, Enoch and Noah were codified by Abraham and passed down through the ages until Moses. It is he, Moses, who achieved the pinnacle of the prophetic meditative experience. It was he, Moses, who was able to unite the entire interdimensional universe upon Mt. Sinai, when the veils of corporeal reality were penetrated and the deepest supra-cosmic reality became manifest. G-d Himself spoke at Mt. Sinai. From the description given in the Bible of Mt. Sinai being covered with smoke, strange lights and sounds, some, such as Erik Von Daniken (and others), have claimed that what really happened at Mt. Sinai was the landing of a UFO ÒmothershipÓ and that the Voice of G-d was none other than an advanced being from another planet. To the uneducated and inexperienced mind such an alternative explanation might be attractive, but for those trained in the ancient Kabbalistic prophetic school, practiced by Adam, Enoch, Abraham and Moses, 48
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
such an explanation is known to be false because of the experiences that are achieved through practicing the Kabbalistic prophetic techniques. The sefirotic reality that is outlined in Sefer Yetzirah when properly grasped, explored and experienced enables the practitioner to become a BaÕal Shem. With such mastery one is required to become a citizen and participant in the other dimensional worlds. The BaÕal Shem at this level has mastered a sort of spiritual technology. While present day technology seeks to manipulate and bend the laws of time and space through physical devices that use physical means, spiritual technology relies exclusively on the innate and unconscious power of the mind. The mind of present conscious man is only a small and pitiful remnant of what is left after the fall of Adam in Eden. Originally, the mind of man, using the Talmudic term, was able to see from one end of the world to the other. In other words, ÒAdamÓ, (collective mankind), ruled over the entire universe of space and time. Indeed, the Sefer Yetzirah speaks of G-dÕs universe as being divided into three general realms, ÒolamÓ (space), ÒshanaÓ (time) and ÒnefeshÓ (soul, i.e., consciousness). A BaÕal Shem reunites himself with the lost parts of Adam. He becomes rectified man. He becomes what man was meant to be: the receptacle of G-dÕs light in the realm of the corporeal. Sefer Yetzirah consists of six chapters, five of which deal with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and their astrological and biological correlates. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are of paramount importance, for as the Bible teaches, G-d created the universe by ÒspeakingÓ it into existence. What G-d spoke was words. Words are made up of letters. Letters are made of sound. Sound is the base, primordial energy that manifests as both energy and matter. The knowledge of the Sefer Yetzirah enables the one who learns it to master the building blocks of creation, the same forces that G-d Himself used when He created the universe. Yet, all this knowledge begins with Chapter Two. Chapter One speaks of the sefirot and how they are the vessels of G-dÕs ultimate Light. One must never forget, especially at the level of the nullification of energy, matter, time and space, that there is a master Director and L-rd over all. It was to teach this lesson that Abraham wrote the Sefer Yetzirah. In a generation infested with idolatry, similar to today, no one knew their spiritual right from their left. Talk is cheap. Abraham provided something much deeper and real. As always, some listened, others did not. Regarding our topic of aliens, as Rabbi Horowitz pointed out, these aliens would not have free will. In other words, they would not know YHWH, the true spiritual level that is beyond creation. Creation would seem to be a first cause to them, the ultimate mystery, something which can never be fathomed. Yet, for the Jew of planet earth, the recipient of Divine knowledge from beyond the universe, the universe both revealed and concealed, is simply a brother/sister creation, equally subservient and dependent upon the true Master of the the universe. 49
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
While these aliens might not have knowledge of the supreme reality of G-d, they nonetheless can have knowledge far advanced of the human in his fallen state. Aliens might be very well aware of the inter-dimensional four realm reality that I have described above. If they do not know all four levels, which they cannot, they can at least know two or three. In other words, aliens, like angels and demons might have penetrated the veil that separates corporeal from non-corporeal reality. In no way does this make such entities any more spiritual or any closer to G-d. Similar to this is western culture man; with all his technological advancements, he has still not elevated his spiritual level in the slightest. On the contrary, it seems that the growth of technology has led to a loss of spirituality. Is there a connection between the two? In order to address this question I will only bring up one point. In the Bible it is taught that after Cain was banished from before G-d, as punishment for killing his brother Abel, his first act was to build a city. This was the beginning of urbanization. Urbanization (a form of technology) thus began as an act of rebellion against G-d. The Tower of Babel, another technological marvel, was appreciated even less in Heaven. As more technology has been introduced into western society, the more secular and less religious society has become. Technology in the wrong hands, therefore, becomes a very dangerous thing. According to a number of sources, governments around the world have successfully experimented with the latent powers of the human mind. By this I mean ESP, astral travel and the rest of parapsychological powers. As I mentioned above, the realm of the parapsychological delves into the noncorporeal realities that exist beyond human consciousness. Notice that I did not say that the psychic realm exists outside the human mind, for it does not. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the human mind is limited to the physical brain, and thus entrapped exclusively within the human body. Even Carl Jung has documented scientifically that the human mind extends far beyond the limitations of the conscious mind. He has proven that there is a non-corporeal aspect to the mind. This realm Jung calls the collective unconscious. Anatomy of the Soul This realm of the collective unconscious, which Jung claims to have discovered, has long been known to the Rabbis and Kabbalists. It is taught in the holy Zohar that in the beginning Adam was really the collective soul of all mankind and that each one of us is really a part of His collective whole. As such, we all share a level of knowledge that is collective to the entire true human race, the descendants of Adam. Kabbalists and Jung teach that people with the proper training and direction can tap into this collective knowledge. The Kabbalists even teach how to go beyond this.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Before one gets to the level of the collective outside of the limitation of the personal conscious self, there are other realms that must first be traversed. This is the realm of the individual unconscious, which Jung calls the shadow and the Kabbalists call the ÒklipotÓ (the shells that surround the fruit). It is at this point that the prophetic Kabbalistic path begins. According to the teachers of Kabbalistic meditation (Rabbi Haim VitalÕs ShaÕarei Kedusha, ShaÕar HaGilgulim and the Etz Haim), prior to any successful ascent beyond the realms of corporeal matter and consciousness, we must first completely rectify the world that we wish to expand beyond. Being that we all start as physical human beings, it is the physical world that first needs to be rectified. The meaning of rectification is to prepare a place for G-dÕs light to shine unhindered. In the physical world this can only be accomplished by the performance of correct action. It is correct action, in other words doing the right thing, that creates the proper environment for G-dliness to manifest in human society. It is for this reason that G-d gave to all mankind, through Adam and Noah, the seven universal laws, and to the children of Israel, who are a Ònation of priestsÓ and a Òlight unto the nationsÓ, G-d gave the 613 commandments of His holy Torah. I now provide a stern and serious warning. No spiritual ascent can be successful unless one is properly prepared to make that ascent. Without the performance of proper action, one cannot create the proper mind set that is conducive and open to safe passage through the unknown territory of the astral realm. This piece of information is not exclusively Kabbalistic. Most other religious/mystical paths teach the same thing, that it is forbidden to move to the next step prior to completing the step that one is on. Even Jung acknowledged this. It is for this reason that the mystical path and successful individuation psychotherapy take a long time to master. First the person must do what is required, required by the laws of nature, the laws of self, and the laws of G-d. Only in this way is passage in the astral plane secure and safe, without worry of harm from non-corporeal entities that both live and travel there. Just as there are dubious people who seek to manipulate and deceive others, so too in the astral plane there are both native entities and visitors who seek to deceive people who dare to enter the astral plane unprepared. Proper training in astral passage consists of first knowing what there is to encounter, how to recognize these, how to deal with them and be protected from them if necessary. The British occult writer Dion Fortune has written an entire book on this topic entitled Psychic Self Defense (Weiser, 1992), a guide to defending oneself at the astral level. She based her work almost exclusively on Kabbalistic sources. Make no mistake, we all have connections in the astral level. But being that these connectionsare non-corporeal, the astral is experienced with the non-corporeal component of consciousness, which is the realm of the individual unconscious.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Right and Left Brain As there are two phases of the mind, the conscious and the unconscious, so are there two lobes of the brain, the left and the right. The left lobe thinks in rational, corporeal terms relating us to our physical world. The right lobe of the brain is somewhat different. The right lobe thinks in pictorial images. It communicates through impressions, feelings and instinct. The right brain connects us with the non-corporeal, abstract reality that surrounds us, both that which is seen and unseen. Left brain thinking is what we use on a daily basis to live normally in the physical world around us. Right brain thinking is just as active, but being that we do not cultivate the use of impressions, instinct and what is termed psychic thinking, this mode of human thinking tends to be underdeveloped and ignored by most. This is such a shame for it is right brain thinking, which is mostly in the unconscious, that connects us to the non-corporeal dimensions that surround us as much as our physical earth.
Jewish Kabbalistic prophetic meditation exercises the right-left brain union,and cultivates the awareness of right brain thinking. We call this the yihud (spiritual union) of Abba (father) and Imma (mother), and kabbalat hamohin (the reception of the sefirotic brains). This is developed to the point where one can actually reach beyond the limits of both brains, beyond the limits of the mind, and even beyond the higher self. That which is reached beyond self can only be fleetingly perceived. This is the cloak of G-d Himself, the sefirot that I mentioned above. Pictorial Language of the Right Brain The first step in performing successful Kabbalistic meditation is to cultivate right brain sensitivity. This takes us directly into the unconscious, which we must endeavor to make conscious. The unconscious right brain thoughts are not rational, intellectual concepts which can simply be brought to memory. Right brain thoughts are stored in the mind as symbols. They are a pictorial language. This is why when we dream, and thus communicate with our right brain, the message is veiled in a non-rational set of pictorial, sensoral images which needs to be interpreted by the rational mind. Anyone who knows about dream interpretation knows that dream symbolism is very far removed from the physical reality they represent. For example, in Gen. 41:1-7, we read that Pharaoh, King of Egypt, has a dream where he sees seven fat cows ascending out of the Nile followed by seven thin and ugly cows who proceed to devour the fat cows and show no sign of being full. Pharaoh and his entourage could not understand the meaning of this, until Joseph came along and interpreted the dream of Pharaoh as meaning seven good years were to come upon Egypt followed by seven bad years. Now, what connection is there between cows to years? Only an experienced dream interpreter can tell. In modern times, Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah was one such dream interpreter. Only someone who is familiar with right brain unconscious content can understand and interpret the pictorial language in which it speaks.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
The astral plane is inhabited by the entities and images that we experience through the right brain. The Rabbis and Kabbalists teach that every thought, word and action creates either an angel or a demon. Jung also agrees with this, yet he states this in more scientifically acceptable terms. Jung states that whatever is pushed out of the consciousness of a person takes on an autonomous existence in the unconscious. In other words, those things that pop up in our heads, and in our dreams, even if we have created them (especially if we have created them) have a life of their own. This reminds me of the Kabbalistic teaching that when a person has a seminal emission not achieved in holiness, that demons can become impregnated with the vital energy within that semen and bare demonic non-corporeal souls. These hybrid human/demonic entities haunt their ÒfatherÓ or ÒmotherÓ and suckle from them as would a child of flesh and blood. In the same way, there are components of our conscious, or within our unconscious mind, that act in this manner. For this reason people have irrational fears, or sometimes feel a presence around them. Our own personal demons or angels are quite real and quite self-created. They are most definitely not harmless figments of the imagination. Yet these are not the exclusive inhabitants of the Yetziratic astral plane. There is still another group of images that can invade the unconscious mind. These are the thought forms that come from other corporeal beings, be they other human beings or possibly extraterrestrials. We know that certain people have certain ÒvibesÓ to them, some people feel good to be around, some the opposite. These ÒvibesÓ again are not figments of the imagination but are very real impressions being made upon the right brain. It is the left brain and its corporeal rationality that has a hard time interpreting these impressions. Impressions are received in a pictorial form through which the right brain communicates. These impressions are received by us and we apply to them a form and image which is compatible and in alignment with our left brain rational abilities of comprehension. This area of pictorial impressions is what Jung calls Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, which he has shown to differ from one racial group to the next, all in accordance to the racial collective memory and history which is inborn in each individual. It is amazing how much similarity there is between the Kabbalistic teachings and JungÕs Analytical Psychology. JungÕs writings reveal his sizable knowledge of Kabbalistic teachings. I wonder how much he ÒborrowedÓ and relabeled ÒpsychologyÓ. Though I do quote Jung, I assure you my sources of information on these matters of the mind and the unconscious are from authentic bonafide Jewish (Haredi) sources, specifically the teachings of Rabbi Abraham Abulafia and Rabbi Haim Vital. I simply mention Jung so as to help make the psychological correlations necessary so people will understand that what I discuss here is not simply religion or mysticism, but legitimate science as well. Archetypal entities, and it is correct to call them entities, are non-corporeal. They exist by their own set of natural laws in their own dimensions. And although their 53
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
dimensions are not physical, they are quite real. It is in this dimension of the astral plane that the more pure form of matter exists. This is the level of the Òhaluka dÕrabbananÓ (the Rabbinic cloak) which is the astral body. The Rabbis and Kabbalists teach that this astral body is built of and nourished by the physical deeds that we do. Again, this explains the importance of correct action on behalf of mankind by obeying the laws of G-d. What Happens at Death When we die and leave the physical body all that we take with us is our noncorporeal essence, which consists of our true emotions and thoughts. Forgetfulness, a function of the physical brain, ceases. Everything that we truly are, what we truly feel, what we truly think, including all memories, are no longer blocked out by the veil of the unconscious. With the death of the body the conscious and unconscious mind merge again into one. Woe to the one who at the time of death is not at peace with his inner self and with G-d. The astral body awaiting such a person is indeed handicapped, and the fate of that soul is what we have come to call hell. Hell is not some geographical place that G-d sends you to if you are bad. Hell is experiencing the true light of G-d, with the integration of the conscious and unconscious mind, and not being ready and able to receive the light. Instead of the experience being beautiful, it turns into a horrible nightmare, not of G-dÕs doing, but of our own. Dangers on the Astral Plane The astral plane, like the physical world, has within it both good and evil entities, be they inhabitants or visitors. Just as we by necessity must be careful of dangerous people, so must we be wary of suspicious and dangerous astral entities. Being that astral reality is pictorial and symbolic, these entities can present themselves to our conscious mind in any form that we find appealing and attractive. How else do you think non-corporeal entities seduce human beings? The entities make people believe that they are something else. As Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah has said, negative astral entities, be they demons or otherwise, often disguise themselves in forms of holiness and acceptability. Only the truly wise and righteous can see through these facades.
Visitors to the astral plane are of many kinds. Through specific meditation techniques, humans can project their astral bodies and actually go into the thoughts and dreams of another person. I have heard it said (from sources that I cannot quote) that there has been developed a secret type of parapsychological technology that enables someone through the use of a machine, to actually bypass the necessary disciplines and training of meditation and project themselves into the astral plane. Though sorcerers, wizards, witches and occultists have long been disciplined and trained in the arts of psychic projection (usually to harm another), the idea of a technology that can assist in this is most frightening. Can you imagine thoughts and feelings popping up in your head that are not really yours? How will you tell the difference? Imagine receiving a strong feeling or impression about something or someone, and it is not from you but 54
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
from another. How would you be able to differentiate? The sheer idea of manipulative visitors upon the astral plane, who can take any form or image and make themselves look like whomever they wish, or like whatever their receiver wishes to see, is the ultimate form of evil, repressive mind control, wherein which the person does not even know that he/she is being influenced. Such influences have always been there from the native inhabitants of the astral plane. We call these entities the Yetzer HaTov and the Yetzer Hara, which are the angels (inclinations) of good and evil respectively. According to the holy Zohar, these are not simple psychological dispositions to do good or bad, but rather they are actual angelic and demonic entities who are always with a person, influencing him in one way or another. It sounds like Abba Benjamin (quoted above) was correct. If we really could see what was going on with the multitude of spirits around us, we would go crazy. This is where correct actions play such a pivotal role. Since the results of correct action create our astral body, only when our astral body is complete and healthy are we then able to properly assimilate the astral experience and then ready to move on. If this does not occur, we become stuck. We are thus doomed until we learn those lessons which are necessary for our souls. The Psychic Need for Correct Action Correct action acts like an anchor connecting the highest spirituality to the physical world. G-d is continuously pouring down upon His creation His shefa, His energy, that manifests as abundance and blessing. The reason we as individuals and the entire race do not receive this abundance is because we are not in the right place to receive it. Divine blessing and abundance channels through the realms and dimensions similar to a pipeline. One must be connected at the tap in order to receive what comes down the pike. The farther one is removed the less one receives.
The universe exists within G-d. The proper location to receive G-dÕs abundance therefore is not a physical place, but a spiritual one. Proximity in the physical world is defined by how close one thing physically is to another. Proximity in the non-corporeal plane is how close one thing is to another in similarity. The more one is similar to another, the closer they are said to be, regardless of how distant these two be in time and space. As a Jew and a Rabbi I am very close to the Biblical Moses, who is as much my personal teacher as he was to members of his generation. Though I have never met him or seen him in any physical manner, I am much closer to Moses, separated as we are by thousands of years and thousands of miles, than Pharaoh who was in the same time and place as Moses. Regarding proximity to G-d here in the physical plane, one must be similar to Gd. In the physical plane this means that we must be physically similar to the noncorporeal reality which G-d is. How then can we be similar to Him? The holy 55
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Talmud states that we are to imitate the actions that He performs here in the world. As He is righteous so must we be, as He is merciful so must we be etc... What we must do is that which G-d has commanded us to do, be it the seven universal laws for the gentile nations or the 613 commandments for the Jew. These G-d ordained actions place us in the proper proximity to receive the flow of His abundant existence. It is all very simple. In order to receive the right thing you have to be in the right place, period. That is all there is to it. When a person is in the right place, spiritually speaking, he is psychically in the right place to open the unconscious mind to the pure higher influences that flow down from the higher realms, inhabited by the Higher Self (the Neshama soul) which stands perennially before G-dÕs holy Throne. When people have telepathic and channeled communications with entities which they claim are other than expressions of their own unconscious, we need to discern and confirm the true source of information prior to deciphering the information so as to ascertain its value. People who claim to be receivers of information must be examined in their actions, feelings and beliefs so as to ascertain their proximity to G-d. Only in this way can we test whether the information received is valid. We must remember that the source of telepathic and channeled information is the unconscious, i.e., a source beyond our conscious mind. If this information was coming from the conscious mind, then it is the person himself who is the source of the information, not some nebulous ÒotherÓ. Since information from the unconscious travels through what we call the astral plane (Olam HaYetzirah), and the astral plane is a very busy place full of angels, demons, personified human thought and emotion, astrally projected human souls and possible extraterrestrials, it becomes essential that we be able to properly ascertain who is saying what and why. This is very important!! Just as there are malicious people who take advantage of less savvy individuals and dupe them because the simple people are unaware of deceptive ways, so are there astral beings and others who use the astral plane to continue to dupe and deceive, each for their own malicious purpose. Much so-called alien communication is occurring through alleged telepathic and channeled means. Yet, every one of these messages is in outright contradiction to G-dÕs revealed word in the Bible. Some people that I know take objection to this and challenge me to prove that the Bible is truly G-dÕs Divine word. I must, however, dismiss these objections because spiritual truth cannot and will not be proved in nonspiritual ways. Such an attempt is an insult to both G-d and man. G-dÕs word is Divine. It is carved into the soul of every person, each according to the source of that soul. One thing, however, is very clear. ÒG-d is not a man that He should be deceitfulÓ (Num. 23:19). In other words, G-d did not say one thing at Mt. Sinai just to contradict Himself thousands of years later by either Him or His angels speaking to some would-be prophet of today (or of two thousand years ago). Many have come forward to reinterpret the Bible so as to make it 56
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read how they wish. The Rabbis and Kabbalists see through these malicious deceptions and condemn them for the evil intent which they truly contain. Regardless of the conscious sincerity of the people contradicting G-dÕs word, they are in contact with and giving expression to outright evil, even if they completely believe the opposite to be true. G-d exists above time. To Him thousands of years do not exist. G-d is with us in the present. G-dÕs ÒpresentÓ is also thousands of years ago at Mt. Sinai. For us, that is the past. G-dÕs past, present and future exist equally before Him. This is the reality of the fifth dimension of Divine insight. Therefore it is written, ÒI am YHWH, I do not changeÓ (Mal. 3:6). When someone comes and channels, or otherwise receives a message supposedly from G-d or from an extraterrestrial who claims to bear G-dÕs Name, we should immediately recognize the deceptive nature of such communication. Those receiving such communication must develop greater spiritual sophistication to ascertain the true sources of what they are dealing with. Just as malicious people use physical means and cause great harm to others, be it physical, emotional or spiritual harm, there are others, be they angels, demons, personified human thought and emotion, astrally projected human souls and even possibly extraterrestrials, that can cause grievous spiritual harm to people by removing them from the natural flow of G-dÕs abundance. I offer this warning because I know there are a lot of good sincere people out there who are being deceived and have no way of knowing how to tell the difference between their spiritual right hand from their spiritual left. How To Stop A Negative Close Encounter While researching this work I came across a magazine entitled ÒAlien EncountersÓ (Vol. 2, No. 1 GCR, NY, 1995). In it is an article entitled ÒHow to Terminate a Negative Close EncounterÓ written by Wayne Laporte. Laporte proceeds to outline what he claims are step by step instructions on how to kick out unwanted aliens that are disturbing your sleep or other activities. I was very surprised to learn that there was such a technique. I was under the impression, as are many, that these so- called aliens ÒbeamÓ into a personÕs home or room with a Star Trek type of technology, physically pick them up using a technological form of mind control and then kidnap them in a very physical way to their very physical UFO. How is it then that Laporte can develop a method that the average person can use to overcome and thwart such an advanced and seemingly undefeatable technology? LaporteÕs techniques shed much light on the true identities of these so-called aliens who are kidnaping and abusing human beings with their so-called advanced technology.
LaporteÕs article reports the claim of one woman who said that ÒUnseen entities began coming late at night to make weird sounds outside her house and sometimes even throw small stones at her window. She learned that she could 57
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drive them away by reading aloud from her Bible.Ó This sounds more like demonic activity than friendly extraterrestrials. Why else would they be afraid of the Bible? The woman proceeds to relate how she was taught an occult ritual to help battle Ònegative entitiesÓ. Are we to conclude that the aliens are negative entities, and possibly from earthly origins? The author of this article is not the first person to suggest this. Laporte mentions another article Òwhere it is claimed that interdimensional entities, connected with the earth, were using the Òdragon powerÓ something that is a part of all energy, but not a specific energy, at fault lines to materialize into and out of our world.Ó Again, this does not sound extraterrestrial, at all! Laporte continues to tell more of the story. The woman relates that late one night she heard a disembodied guttural growl come from the middle of her room. Looking around, she confirmed that she was alone. She cast a circle of white light around herself (the above mentioned occult ritual) and went to sleep. Later she awoke suddenly and with terror. Though she was wide awake, she was paralyzed, and she heard again the disembodied voice. She fought as hard as she could just to slowly turn her head, where just outside the circle of light that she visualized around herself she could see a floating alien head, human in appearance, swirling in an emerald-green energy. She started to mentally chant ÒIn the Name of G-d I command you to return from where you came and donÕt return.Ó Each time that she did this the floating head grew smaller and smaller until it finally faded away completely. When it was gone so was the paralysis of her body. The woman concludes by saying that she jumped out of bed to notice that the time was 3:00 AM, what she calls the Òmagic witching hourÓ which is the same time that many UFO and paranormal events occur. Many were said to be able to successfully terminate negative close interactions in this religious manner. This sounds like a scene from a horror movie, yet this woman claims this is what her ÒextraterrestrialÓ experience was like. Both Laporte and this woman seem to realize this type of Òalien encounterÓ appears very much to be an alien encounter of the demonic kind. Laporte relates further examples. He tells the episode of Emily who would be paralyzed by these entities, she would resort to an Òintense mental struggleÓ to free herself from them. ÒFurthermore, she learned that if she could move even a toe or finger she could break the paralysis and the creatures would instantly vanish.Ó He further tells of Lori Briggs and her episode when Òone night, white skinned, large headed small humanoids suddenly materializedÓ in her bedroom. They proceeded to transport her through her bedroom wall to a hovering craft. Laporte relates still other peopleÕs experiences. ÒOne night in the mid-1980Õs Melissa awoke paralyzed. Standing near her bed was a dark, but indistinct, human sized figure . . . she began calling on the chief warrior against all dark spirits - the Archangel Michael - to protect her. Immediately the dark shape vanished.Ó Jean described an extraterrestrial as ÒAlmost like an electronic force, trying to pull me out of my body. She confided in her grandmother who 58
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confessed that she too had problems with similar visitors. Jean found out her grandmother combated the intruders via the use of prayer.Ó As can be seen by these examples, the so-called extraterrestrial abduction phenomenon definitely has a demonic element to it. Maybe these abductions are not being carried out by aliens, but by demons disguised as aliens. Or are aliens the ones disguising themselves as demons? Maybe the interdimensional demons actually do inhabit another planet and are thus both extraterrestrials and demons. Whatever the truth may be, these entities are bad news for human beings, and they are evil. The forces of evil are always vanquished by the forces of good. There is no greater force of good than the power of the living G-d. These examples clearly show that the power of faith in G-d seems to override the Òadvanced technologiesÓ of these so-called aliens. Would this be the case if these people were dealing with real physical entities using real physical technological devices? Laporte answers no, that real entities would be unaffected by such ÒtrivialÓ things as prayer and Divine invocations. But even Laporte recognizes a higher power and a spiritual technology operating in these circumstances. Laporte gives people the advice that they should pray to G-d, use a banishing ceremony and use a religious artifact to wave off an attack. He then concludes by going directly into the practices of magic to outline a technique of psychic self defense very well known to every practicing occultist. Laporte teaches the use of the ceremonial dagger. Being that I do not wish to support or encourage the use of magical ceremonies, I will not describe the ritual usage of the dagger. However, Laporte does describe in detail how the dagger is to be used. This shows that Laporte obviously has knowledge of occultic magic. The question is: why does occultic magic have an effect upon alleged extraterrestrials? The answer to this I have already proposed many times throughout this work. There are negative, evil entities out there from whatever source, and their intent is harmful to mankind. At this point it doesnÕt matter if they are from another dimension or from another planet. What matters is that we recognize that these experiences are real. What matters is that these experiences are not new. What matters is that the Rabbis and Kabbalists know very well how to deal with these situations. Being that there is obviously malevolent intent on the part of these invaders, whoever they are, I outline here the Kabbalistic order of night-time protection used to provide, for those who need it, the ability to stand up against these dark forces. The Kabbalistic Order for Spiritual Protection First and foremost, I must remind you what I have written above regarding the necessity for correct actions. I wish to emphasize the necessity for correct sexual action. There is obviously something about sex that attracts these negative entities. Promiscuity, which is forbidden sex, is a major cause of psychic damage to the soul, equally for men and women. Negative entities are able to discern this because the sexual promiscuity that damages the haluka dÕrabbanan (astral
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
body) is actually visible to them. This is how these malevolent entities recognize which victims to assault. Therefore, proper sexual behavior is of paramount importance. It is a subject covered in great depth in Rabbinic and Kabbalistic literature. The laws of proper sexuality are incumbent equally upon Jew and gentile alike. Learning from the lesson of Adam and Eve, the Rabbis and Kabbalists have recognized that when men and women are not united in holy matrimony, improper sexual actions occur. The worst of all these is masturbation. For even though there is no physical partner, the mental image which is fantasized over during that despicable act becomes enlivened through the energy release of orgasm. As such there actually is an impregnation on the astral Yetziratic plane. These entities then seek out human bodies to inhabit. It is these souls who are the scourge of mankind. We are required by G-dÕs law not to create such children. Therefore, masturbation is a great evil which must be avoided at all costs. Similarly, when participating in sex with a partner, mental fantasy can cause serious spiritual damage. There are actual reports in Kabbalistic literature about children who, when born, have the appearance of the fantasized partner instead of the biological one. Spiritual birth is much more powerful than physical birth. These teachings might be scoffed at by the skeptic and the so- called rationalist. But it is specifically that category of people who are careless in these matters and thereby cause the above mentioned damage. The Talmud, Zohar and the Shulkhan Arukh (Code of Jewish Law) all outline correct sexual activity in and out of bed. Most important are the prayers recited at bedtime. For the Orthodox Jew, the Kriyat Shema Al HaMitah is a familiar prayer service. Though there are different traditions as to which prayers should be said, all traditions agree as to the reason for their recital, to keep away unwanted nocturnal spiritual forces. The following prayers and Psalms have a very powerful effect to create an envelope of spiritual protection so that one will have naught to fear in the night. These prayers are also good at all other times as well. For those of you who wish to have the full order of the night time prayers in accordance to the Kabbalistic tradition, I refer you to the number of Sephardic (oriental) and Hasidic prayer books that are available, mostly through Jewish bookstores in Brooklyn, NY and in Israel. What I am going to outline here are the bare minimums that one need recite for spiritual protection. What I present here is not Jewish law, but Jewish tradition. There are specific laws for the recitation of the bedtime prayer, and it is important that every Jewish person who is reading this and does not know these laws seek out a competent Orthodox (Haredi) Rabbi to teach you these things. The righteous gentile will find what I relate here to be sufficient. During any time of danger one of the greatest spiritual weapons is the recitation of Psalms. Psalms have been known to have an effect even at the most perilous times of war or plague. Even if the so- called aliens are true extraterrestrials and 60
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not just some malevolent spirits, Psalms will actually work against whatever technology they might have. Psalms can even be effective against man-made technology. Israeli soldiers tell many stories about outright miracles that occurred during the Arab-Israeli wars, all due to the reading of Psalms and other Kabbalistic prayer rituals. There is even a Hebrew text called Shimush Tehilim The Magical Use of Psalms, outlining how Psalms are used for a variety of different purposes. An unfortunately poor translation of this text is available in English under the title The New 6th and 7th Books of Moses and The Magical Use of Psalms by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler (Original Pub. NY 1982). I acknowledge the book but do not recommend it. Too much is lost in the translation, and it ends up being a book on magic instead of anything holy. Regardless of other peopleÕs attempts to reveal the secrets of the Psalms, I will outline here the age old Jewish order of Psalms, which, when recited sincerely at bedtime, will certainly protect even the most fallen of souls, all with the help of Almighty G-d. I am going to relate the older traditions of these prayers which today are recited in the Hasidic circles (Nusah Sefard). The Sephardic order of these prayers include kabbalistic material which is beyond the scope of this present work, therefore I will not be including them. I will be recommending selections from The Complete Artscroll Siddur - Etz Haim, Nusah Sephard. It is available through Jewish bookstores everywhere. Spiritual protection is not only defensive, it goes on the offense as well. One of the best ways to protect oneself from negative entities, be they physical or astral, is to remove sources of negativity from within oneÕs soul, mind and unconscious. This can be achieved by having a complete spirit of love and acceptance towards others who might have personally harmed you in any way. G-d is truly the great judge, and Torah teaches that He repays to each and every one their just rewards. We, however, are not G-d. We must surrender all into His Divine (allegorical) Hands. Therefore, the first of the bedtime prayers is a general prayer of forgiveness for those who have harmed us. This prayer was formulated by the master Kabbalist, the AriÕzal in the 1570Õs. This is the prayer: “Master of the universe! Behold I freely forgive every one who has aggrieved or vexed me, or who has sinned against me, either in my body, property, honor, or in anything else belonging to me: whether by compulsion or choice; whether ignorantly or with forethought; whether in word or in deed, during this life time or in any other; I especially pardon every son of Israel, and I pray that no human being whomsoever may be punished on account of me. May it be acceptable in Your presence, L-rd my G-d and G-d of my fathers! that I may sin no more; and whatever I have sinned before You, please blot out through Your abundant mercies; but not through means of severe bodily afflictions. May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be acceptable in Your presence, L-rd, my Rock and Redeemer.”
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
In the Jewish tradition this is followed by a night time prayer and then the reading of the Shema Yisrael prayer. The prayer book can be consulted for the texts of these prayers. What follows next are the Psalms which are recited specifically against demons and negative entities, whatever they may be. Two Psalms are recited. The first and strongest of them is Psalm 91. This Psalm calls upon GdÕs protection and upon angelic guardianship. It is said that the forces of the darkside have not the power to overcome the recitation of this Psalm. Israeli soldiers have successfully used it in battle. Rabbis and Kabbalists have used it in other times of crises with miraculous results. The second Psalm to recite is Psalm 3. If someone simply desires spiritual protection at night, these two Psalms and the above prayer are enough. If this is too much then at least recite Psalm 91. Another prayer to recite at bedtime or any other troublesome time is this:ÒIn the Name of Adonai, the G-d of Israel, may Michael be at my right, Gabriel at my left, may Uriel be before me and Raphael behind me; and above my head the Divine Presence of G-d.Ó Though there are a number of other scriptures that can be recited for reasons such as lucid dreaming, what I have listed here is sufficient for the purpose of protection. I remind my Jewish readers that they are required by Jewish Law to recite the Shema Yisrael prayer and to follow other laws. These laws can be found in a number of different books on Jewish Law, available at your local Jewish bookstore. Government Coverups & The Nazi Connection It is clear that the Jewish religion has a well documented acceptance and belief in extraterrestrial life forms. As the Sefer HaBrit has acknowledged, these entities might very well be intelligent and possess a level of technology beyond that which we humans presently have. Yet, as I have documented, what people today are experiencing might not be true extraterrestrials. There is a suspicious demonic element to the UFO phenomena, but this is not the definitive answer either. In the UFO circles there are a number of alternative beliefs. These have to do with government coverups and alleged Nazi involvement. In order to understand how the human element can play into the extraterrestrial and the inter-dimensional, I must first explain some Kabbalistic teachings regarding the nature of good and evil. The Ten Dimensional Universe of Sefer Yetzirah According to the Sefer Yetzirah (1:5) the universe has five dimensions. The three dimensions of space--height, width and depth--are commonly known to us all. Each of these three dimensions are dual in that height, width and depth go back and forth. For example, if we can compare the three dimensions to points of the compass, height is north, but it is also south; width is east, but it is also west; depth is the vector which defines above and below. All in all there are three dimensions of space which are really six.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
The fourth dimension of time is also dual in that there is always past and present. The moment of the present never really exists. For once it comes, it is gone. Once the future arrives, it is immediately the past. How long does the present last for? A second? Less? How much less? The present can never be measured. For in the time it takes to measure, the present is already in the past. The fourth dimension of time is therefore twofold, adding a seventh and eight dimension. I now mention last what the Sefer Yetzirah mentions first. There is a fifth dimension. This is the dimension of morality, the realm of good and evil. Eastern religions recognize this in what they call ÒkarmaÓ, the laws of destiny. In Hebrew we call this oneÕs ÒmazalÓ. The Kabbalists reveal that oneÕs mazal is really oneÕs higher Neshama soul that exists in the non-corporeal realms. OneÕs Neshama-higher soul exists in the dimension which we can call ÒmindÓ or if you will, consciousness. OneÕs soul can travel in one of two directions, towards good or towards evil. Good and evil then are the ninth and tenth dimensions. It is they that underlie all the previously mentioned dimensions of time and space. (Instead of the word Neshama, the Sefer Yetzirah uses another word ÒnefeshÓ which also means soul.) It is important to understand that the forces of good and evil are universal and thus cosmically valid. There actually is a real good and a real evil in the universe, and it is not just limited to the moreys of modern man, nor is it limited as we are to planet Earth. Our being aware of the universal existence of good and evil is essential, for we are new travelers in corporeal outer space. We are yet infants in the inter-dimensional non-corporeal universe. When we come in contact with others, whomever they may be and from wherever they may come, we must be aware that like us, they too exist in five dimensional reality. These other beings, like us, travel in the fifth dimension. In other words, these other-worldly beings, be they from another planet or another dimension, have within them the inherent natures of either good, evil or both. They cannot have neither. For everything in the universe is five dimensional. Everything, no matter how inanimate, has within it good and evil. Even a force such as electricity, which we would define as neutral energy can be used and harnessed in good ways and in bad ways. The energy itself is neutral. When consciousness (a thinking mind, i.e., a soul) is applied, even the inanimate takes on a character from the fifth dimension. It is, therefore, extremely important that we recognize this potential in other- worldly beings wherever and whenever they be met. While I have documented the Jewish beliefs in angels and demons and other inter-dimensional subterranean forces, this does not mean that the present day extraterrestrial phenomena are definitely limited in cause to one or more of these forces. In many circles there is great speculation about the possible involvement of government forces (be it the US government or others). This is a matter which needs to be discussed in great detail. Unfortunately, I do not have the necessary contacts in the secret intelligence communities to reveal what the US 63
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
government knows about these phenomena and how much they are a part of them. One thing I believe is clear - the US government knows a lot more than it is willing to admit. This brings us to the necessity of secrecy, be it on behalf of governments or on behalf of ancient Kabbalistic societies. The Vatican CIA Whether anyone likes it or not, there are a multitude of secret projects, conducted by governments and other organizations, going on around us at all times. No matter how open a society is, most of these secret operations will never be known to anyone outside of the secret groups. Government intelligence agencies of today and yesterday have always patterned themselves on the model of the old fraternal secret societies and the workings of the mystery religions. Unknown to most, one of the oldest and best intelligence agencies in world is the one that is least suspected of existing. I am referring to the Vatican Intelligence Services of the Catholic Church. Catholic priests are everywhere in the world, and everyone of them through the hierarchy of the church reports back to Rome. This extremely successful secret service has been around for thousands of years. The information that is locked away and hidden in the Vatican vaults could probably change our understanding of world history. From the ancient Roman arch standing in Rome today, it is known that the holy articles taken from the Jerusalem Temple (destroyed by the Romans in 68 CE) were taken to Rome. To this day they are under lock and key somewhere in the Vatican vaults. Of course, this is not public knowledge, and no Church official has ever acknowledged this.
I do not wish to insinuate that there is a connection between the Catholic church and extraterrestrials (though many Jews, especially after the Holocaust, believe that perhaps the Church does have a pact with the devil). We can, nonetheless, rest assured that there are secret service intelligence agencies at work in our world who owe their allegiances to something other than a government. One of the other great 20th century examples of this was the Thule Society, the secret occult order underlying the Gestapo and the Nazi party. They did not fall with the defeat of the Third Reich. Nazis and the Occult It is well documented that the founders of Nazi Germany were heavily involved with the occult and the forces of black magic. It is also well known that the Nazis, towards the end of the war, developed certain technologies that after the war fell into the hands of the Americans and Russians. It is from here that the Cold War began.
There has been much speculation regarding these secret Nazi technologies, and even wilder speculation as to the source of origin of these technologies. My Rabbi in Jerusalem told me, in the name of Rabbi Yehuda Fatiya (whom he knew when he was a young man), that through the ritualistic magic practiced by the Nazis they actually got in touch with one of the negative other- worldly forces of 64
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which I have written. For the price of human blood the evil one would reveal to the Nazis secret technologies. Could something like this really happen? Would other-worldly entities be so willing to entice man to lead him to his doom? And what is all this talk about human blood? Anyone familiar with ritualistic black magic and satanism knows that the dark forces always require sacrifices of human blood. It seems that these demonic forces somehow are nourished from the energy that is in the blood. The Meaning of Blood Sacrifice G-d has ordained that the shedding of blood be part of Temple ritual in ancient Jerusalem, as it is written in Lev. 17:11, Òthe life force (nefesh-soul) is in the blood, and therefore I gave it to you to be [placed] on the altar to atone for your lives. It is the blood that atones for a life.Ó. Blood contains the life force nefesh soul, therefore blood is very powerful (as are other bodily fluids, especially semen). When man sins he causes an imbalance in the subtle balance between the corporeal and non-corporeal worlds. A sin causes energy to be used in the corporeal world in a spiritually illegal and unnatural manner. As energy was thus taken, energy must be returned. Instead of calling for our blood, and thus our lives, G-d has mercifully ordained animal sacrifice as a substitute. Even without a Temple in Jerusalem, the altar sacrifice has never ceased. It is practiced daily by all observant Jews by the recitation of our daily prayers. Kabbalistically we know that the recitation of words, with certain meditative power, enables the energy exchange to take place just as if there were a physical sacrifice.
The forces of the dark side have always insisted on blood, for they too know of its life force power. They, however, insist upon human blood for they know the power therein is far greater than that of animal blood. Through the shedding of blood the powers of evil are in essence stealing life force energy from the universe. This practice is abhorrent in G-dÕs eyes, and those who practice it are idolaters subject to the death penalty. None of this stopped the Nazis. Through their ritualistic black magic ceremonies they came into contact with the devil, Azazel himself, who promised them some sort of success if they would meet his price for human blood. It was at this time that the final solution of the Jews was put into force with the hope that the more Jews that the Nazis could offer to the Satan, the more that evil one would help their war effort. The Torah documents Satan to be a liar. Even to the Nazis, Satan was still in character. He took their offer of human blood and in return shed their own blood and took that too. Nazi Germany fell. Sixty million human beings were dead as a result of WWII. Satan laughed with delight. The Cold War was about to begin. But something else of a very peculiar nature then began to pop up ever increasingly. There began to be sightings of strange unidentified flying objects. People were beginning to report contact with beings from other worlds. Governments were 65
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
initially at a loss to offer an explanation. A wall of secrecy fell around these phenomena. The UFO generation had begun. Government involvement and coverup began along side of it. Judaism acknowledges the existence of extraterrestrials. The US government does not. Judaism looks at the phenomena of alien abduction in a very suspicious and dubious light. The US government denies the legitimacy of these phenomena regardless of the source. The US government has long been accused of covering up what it knows about extraterrestrials. The question that must be asked is not why is there a coverup, but rather what is so devastating that it needs to be covered up? From a sociological point of view, it is known that when a militarily stronger culture comes into contact with a weaker culture the results of the meeting are disastrous for the weaker culture. The weaker culture is completely absorbed, usually at the cost of many lives. It is alleged that the US government is aware of extraterrestrial civilizations and that there is cooperation between our government and the governments of the aliens. The aliens have allegedly offered the government advanced technology in return for permission to work and study on US soil. To many, this sounds like the plot from a science fiction movie. To others, this sounds like reality and the truth. As a Rabbi and a Kabbalist, I cannot say. What I can say is that it certainly is possible. I know that if I were in a position of political power and I came across an advanced civilization that had the technological power to destroy my country, people and way of life, I most certainly would not want to create panic by admitting that such a threat existed. I most certainly would do my best to guard such a secret until there was something that I could do about it. Part of the secret of the extraterrestrials might be their true source of origins. What if the aliens that the government has allegedly discovered are none other than the demonic elements that exist inter-dimensionally here on and beneath our own planet. Do not doubt that this could happen. For this is exactly what happened with the Nazis. They conjured mighty demonic forces that did help their war effort and revealed to them secrets of technology. How else do you think that Germany, in the extremely short period of 20 years, rose from national bankruptcy to being one step away from complete world domination. All this growth came at a terrible price. What Happened After WWII? The question now is, what happened after WWII? Where did the underground occult inner circle of the Nazis disappear to? What happened to the invocation for the Nazi demonic force? If the demon was so willing to work for the Nazis, is it presently working for some other world power? If it is, and the US government discovered this through the intelligence community, what should be done? What could be done?? The temptation of advanced technology is a temptation that no modern government can resist. For technology means power. Power means
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
money. Money means control. Control decides who rules the world and whose way of life dominates. Control decides whose beliefs are to be accepted and whose standard of living is the best. Control in the hands of immoral people leads to the destruction of all civilization. Such has been the case throughout human history. As in every empire that has ever risen, once the moral base was corrupted the society soon caved in under its own weight. When control is wavering, instead of addressing the legitimate needs of the populace, an immoral leadership imposes even tighter controls thinking that this will maintain order. Eventually a dictatorship and police state is born. This is a highly unnatural form of living for human beings. Original thought and expression cannot be stifled. When this is attempted rebellion occurs, both physical and psychological. Eventually the reality dawns that dictatorial societies and the people they control are totally irreconcilable. One of them has to go, either the oppressive government must fall or every single individual who doesnÕt fit into it must be killed. Usually it is this second option that controlling governments choose. Eventually this leads to either the complete extermination of the populace, or the populace becomes wise to its imminent destruction and takes the necessary steps to overthrow the oppressive regime. This is how it has always been throughout human history. We can take it for granted that there is much, much more going on than any of us will ever know. But is all of what is going on devious and dangerous? Some radical fringe elements in the UFO world have claimed that the US government has been taken over by the aliens and that we are all secretly under their control. (Sounds like a good science fiction movie.) Given the lust for power in our modern world and the race for the technological advantage so as to be safe from enemies, is it possible that the US government would have entered into a pact with the proverbial devil so as to achieve its objectives? This might not be as absurd as we might think! If there is something strange going on, it would certainly explain the necessity for paranoid security measures of absolute secrecy. Life is truly stranger than fiction. I wouldnÕt be surprised if some of the worst case conspiracy scenarios have within them some elements of truth. However, to maintain my objectivity I must still remain impartial. I will address these matters with a healthy and detached skepticism. It is alleged by many in UFO circles that the UFOÕs are not really from outer space but are secret Nazi projects continued from secret bases. This might not seem as far fetched as it sounds. At the close of WWII top Nazi military and scientific officials mysteriously disappeared. Nazi intelligence was highly sought after by British, American and Russian intelligence agencies. It had long been known by the Allied powers that the Nazis, towards the end of the war, were experimenting with bizarre types of technology based upon the works of Nicola Tesla and others. These technologies were said to use high concentrations of electromagnetic fields which could be mechanically increased by some means using brain wave power amplification and direction. Being that these forms of 67
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technology are to this day very highly classified, it is next to impossible for a layman such as myself to give a working definition of what was, and is, going on. Coupled with this psychotronic technology, the Nazis were experimenting with horrible forms of genetic engineering, using Jews as human guinea pigs at a special location, Block 10 in the Auschwitz concentration camp. The resulting Nazi technologies have never been found, yet few believe that they were destroyed by fleeing Germans. Life Force Energy The Americans were also experimenting with TeslaÕs technology as well as with the work of Wilhelm Reich. ReichÕs work is a little bizarre, but very interesting from a Kabbalistic point of view. Reich claimed to have worked with what he called ÒorgonÓ energy, which he said is life force energy. ReichÕs work included the making of an orgon machine, by which he claimed he could generate orgon energy in the atmosphere. However bizarre this may seem, in the early 1950Õs he took his invention to the Nevada desert, aimed it at the sky, and for the first time in 50 years it rained at that location. Reich also claimed that the UFOÕs were powered by such orgon energy and that he had a way to cultivate orgon and, if necessary, destroy it. Orgon energy, Reich said, is naturally stored in the human body as sexual energy. Reich claimed that only a healthy and fulfilling sex life would lead people to true and full psychological balance.
Carl Jung also dealt with the human sexual energy. He called it the libido, and unlike Freud who used that word exclusively to define sex, Jung expanded on it and defined libido as the creative energy latent within the unconscious. Libido can be manifest as sexuality, but it also is the source of human creativity. Libido, therefore, becomes the driving force in what sets the human apart from the animal. Kabbalistically speaking, there are five levels to the human soul, the lowest of these levels is called the nefesh, which simply means the life force. It is not a personal energy belonging to any one individual, but rather the collective life force that enables the higher soul to remain attached to the body for corporeal manifestation. Therefore, nefesh is very important. Throughout the Bible and Kabbalistic literature it is taught how one gains strength of soul. This actually means receiving additional nefesh energy, similar to filling up the gas tank of your car. Nefesh/libido/orgon are one and the same thing. It is the underlying energy of life. Kabbalists have always known about it. Practitioners of black magic have always known about it and tried to manipulate it in others, mostly through sexuality, either to help or harm another. Around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, secret societies around the world began to reveal these secrets in the form of scientific discoveries. The resulting technologies, bordering on outright magic, are to this day what is still very, very classified.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Soul Power Think of this: the power of the human soul, the Neshama, transcends the limitations of the physical world. The Neshama soul is connected to the human body through the nefesh, the life force assigned to it by G-d. If the soul lies dormant and the natural forces of the body dominate, then the personÕs level of consciousness is similar to an animal. When a personÕs allotted nefesh energy is used up, the Neshama soul departs and the body dies. The soul then gives account for its time in the body. If the soul overcomes the power of the body, it can then enhance both body and soul with a surge of nefesh/libido/orgon energy. The power that the Neshama soul can then manifest is supernatural. Is this science fiction or science fact? It has been documented scientifically that the human body is surrounded by an electromagnetic field that can be manipulated with direct effect upon the body. It is this electromagnetic field that is nefesh/libido/orgon energy. This is the field of human brain waves. It is the technological doorway into human consciousness, i.e., the soul.
The latent powers of the soul, all the interdimensional supra-rational, extrasensory abilities able to be tapped through technological means, would this a blessing or a curse? It is probably both, it all depends on who uses the power. The potential of this technology boggles the mind and actually makes the best of our modern weapons technology, including nuclear arsenals, quite obsolete. Soul power, when amplified, has complete control over the body and all its functions, as well as over weaker souls who do not emanate their own source energy but remain dormant, living under the bodily influences. This psychotronic technology could be used for mass mind control, including the ability to manipulate everything that the eye can see and the ear can hear. Through the control of the electromagnetic fields that correlate to brain wave patterns, science may be able to get into the human mind and at the unconscious level, tell it and make it believe anything that the programmers wish for it to believe. Science fiction, you say? You are obviously not a Kabbalist. The secrets of mind control and the manipulation of electromagnetic brain wave fields through conscious discipline and direction is exactly what anyone who has ever manipulated matter has ever done. Previously I spoke of the BaÕalei Shem Tov, those people who through their bond with G-d were able to replace physical reality with one of their own creations. Granted these things were miracles, but technically speaking, when G-d performs a miracle through His servants, He sends down His energy from Heaven and it manifests here upon the earth. Did you ever stop to ask just what it is scientifically speaking G-d was doing. The Sages make it quite clear that G-d acts through the laws of nature that He Himself has created. So what laws of nature does He use to manifest a miracle? It is a manipulation of the electromagnetic fields which manifest as brain waves, which are the vessels of our higher soul, whose power, connected to or disconnected from G-d, is nonetheless very awesome and quite able to reshape physical reality, as a potterÕs thoughts become manifest as he shapes his clay.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Science fiction, you say? You obviously do not know the Kabbalah! You have obviously never experienced the sleeping powers of your own mind! Now, what if these latent powers were tapped by government forces who, shall we say, might not have the G-d given morality to use them in a holy fashion. We could have the creation of a real ÒFrankenstein's monsterÓ holding the ability to destroy the human race. LetÕs say that electromagnetic generators are developed that send out electromagnetic pulses of similar frequency to human brain waves. These EM frequencies could be received by the human brain which, left undeveloped without meditative disciplines, still responds to unconscious impulses and the corporeal brain, as opposed to the higher powers of the noncorporeal mind. The brain then leads the person to see whatever is being projected, hear whatever is being projected and believe whatever is being projected. An entire artificial reality is thus created which is quite real to the person under such an influence. Such an EM field from an orbiting satellite could be directed at large masses of human population. Minds could be controlled by the millions, and no one would be the wiser. It is believed that this was the type of psychotronic experimentation the Nazis were performing towards the end of WWII and that the Russians, British and Americans have been experimenting and using ever since. Elipton Technology and the Russians These technologies, from a Kabbalistic point of view, are based on a legitimate understanding of the human mind. Whether they are in use is again very, very classified. As a layman I do not have access to classified government projects. However, knowledge and usage of psychotronic technology is growing. In 1994, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the anti-semitic, ultra-nationalist No. 2 man in power in Russia was interviewed on the CBS news magazine program 60 Minutes. On this show he spoke of a secret Elipton technology that made nuclear bombs obsolete. Everyone knew that he was serious. (I am sorry that I do not remember exactly what date the show was on, but Zhirinovsky, I am sure does not do too many interviews with 60 Minutes. Check with CBS for more information.) One thing is however clear - the Russians have the electromagnetic technology. If they have it, this means that the West has it too. My question is this, being that government scientists are not Kabbalists, how did they come to know just how Kabbalistic power actually works? They didnÕt learn it from us. Where did they learn it? Again conspiracy theories raise their ugly heads, and all answers point in a frightening direction.
Is it possible that the Nazis are still very much alive and it is they who are controlling the destiny of millions of people? As a Jew, I donÕt doubt this for a minute. More so, I will scorn any Jew who would doubt this. At the end of WWII many higher ranking Germans disappeared, never to be seen again, even to the prying eye of the CIA or the MOSSAD. Along with these German Nazis, trillions of dollars worth of stolen Jewish booty also disappeared. Where did they go? The answer that is theorized by many in the UFO circles is that through their 70
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occultic practices, the Nazis became allied with mighty demonic forces who, according to Kabbalistic teachings, exist in the subterranean realms beneath the earthÕs surface. It is clearly documented in a number of places that the Nazis very much believed in Inner Earth and spent a great deal of time and effort to find it. It is alleged that they found it, along with its demonic civilization. It is said that this is where the Nazis fled to and, along with the fallen angels and halfhuman/half-demonic entities, formed a new power alliance intending to conquer the surface of the earth. This is truly beginning to sound like Armageddon (Gog and Magog), and I have always believed the Biblical prophecies that say it will come. The Western powers are said to be very aware of this but are unable to match the Nazis new found technologies. The Allies had won the war, but their enemies were far from defeated. It is said that only at this time did Britain, Canada, and then the USA decide they had a lot of catch up to play. Whatever Nazi intelligence agents and, especially, scientists could be found were scooped up, by both Western and Communist countries. Everybody knew that the Nazis had something that they wanted. It was only after this sequence of events occurred that UFO sightings became a prominent affair. More so, until this time, alien abductions were unheard of. Demonic abductions had been around for the longest time, but people knew what they were. Today we do not have demons, we have extraterrestrials. Are people simply ignorant of who is who, or is it possible that their brain waves are being ÒshortcircuitedÓ with an electromagnetic pulse ray, possibly of Teslian design, that is causing their brains to register audio and visual impressions put there by an outside force. While it is wise to remain skeptical, it is foolish to remain in denial. The idea of a Pentium processor chip would have been laughed at by people only 20 years ago. What do we laugh at today that will be common tomorrow, or in another 50 or 100 years, or more. There is so much that we donÕt know! There are reports of other secret types of technology. The Star Wars project of the 1980Õs was said to include much of this electromagnetic pulse ray technology as well as a form of refined microwaves. Another form of state of the art technology, extra low frequency radiation sound pulses, also gets thrown into this not so science fiction menagerie of secret weapons. With all this talk of secret technologies, secret Nazi bases and secret wars with hybrid human/demons, one thing is definitely true, there must be some truth underlying these wild stories. In other words, while we do not know the whole truth, it is still quite naive and dangerous to be complacent and say that nothing sinister is going on behind closed doors. Such denial and fear will lead to the same type of docile behavior that led most of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Nazis not to resist their torturers. Human imagination is quite fanciful. It can conjure up almost anything. We need but go to a local bookstore to see how many books of fiction there are. It has always been hard to distinguish between fact and fiction. Even during the 71
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1940Õs when rumors had reached the US and England that there was a holocaust going on in Germany, most chose to dismiss these rumors as not being substantiated by fact, as well as being too outlandish to believe. In May of 1945 the rumors ceased and the reality became known, all too late for anything to be done. Yet, human imagination flies and soars like an eagle, ever blurring the separation between fiction and fact. Hungry Aliens The scenarios of government coverups do not end with the involvement of the Nazis. There are stories out there which are much more wild than that. According to one author, John H. Andrews, in his book The Extraterrestrials and Their Reality (1989 Prescott AZ.), the US government is working hand in hand with these demonic type aliens and has actually signed a treaty with them. In turn for giving these aliens bases of operations on US soil, the aliens are sharing technology with us. There is only one problem. Andrews claims that the aliens have broken the treaty and are actually kidnapping human beings and eating them as food, this as the US government watches helplessly. Andrews goes into detail as to how the aliens kill their human victims and process their bodies. He even describes their methods of eating. Again, this sounds like a good plot for a science fiction movie or, better yet, an episode for the Twilight Zone. (This topic has as a matter of fact been a TV series and an episode of the Twilight Zone.) What can I say? I want to cover all types of allegations in this work. AndrewÕs book is one of the more outlandish. We can all sit back and laugh, but when I think of the animal mutilations and their curious similarities to ritual satanic sacrifice, when I hear about people, especially children, disappearing by the thousands never to be seen again, and when I see an uprise in satanic activity and all out assault on religious values, I wonder, what is really going on in our world and what activities are going on right under our noses? Again, there is so much that we do not know. For certain, government intelligence agencies are never going to let the public know anything until it is already over and done with. The Shared Technology of the Fallen Angels I have noticed an interesting similarity. In all of the alleged UFO-government coverup stories the US government is said to be receiving technology from these so-called aliens. We have experienced a tremendous boom of technological advancement since the end of WWII. As a matter of fact, mankind has advanced technologically more in the last 50 years (since the end of WWII) than in the previous 5,000 years of recorded human history. The holy Zohar (1, 117A) relates a prophecy that from the year 1820 the gates of supernal wisdom would be opened to mankind. Interesting that this was the year when the industrial revolution began. Modern technology had begun.
The Zohar speaks of wisdom coming from Heaven. Is this a code word for an advancement in human thinking, or is that the wisdom literally comes from the skies via aliens and the like? Could such a thing be possible? Is there any kind of precedent in Jewish teachings that could validate this? Well, yes there is. In 72
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
ancient Jewish midrash, the Book of Enoch and elsewhere, it says regarding the Òbenei elohimÓ angels who came down and took the daughters of men, that they taught mankind different things. In other words, the fallen angels provided advanced and previously unknown technologies to the antediluvian race before Noah. Enoch 1 (7:2) says, Òthey taught them magical medicine, incantations, the cutting of roots, and taught them about plantsÓ. This seems to be a reference to medical technologies. The text continues, ÒAnd Azazel taught the people (the art of) making swords and knives, and shields, and breastplates; and he showed to their chosen ones bracelets, decorations, (shadowing of the eye) with antimony, ornamentation, the beautifying of the eyelid, all kinds of precious stones, all coloring tinctures and alchemy. ... Amasras taught incantation and the cutting of roots, and Armaros the resolving of incantations; and Baraqiyal astrology, and Kokarerel (the knowledge of) the signs, and Tamel taught the seeing of the stars, and Asderel taught the course of the moon as well as the deception of man.Ó It is interesting to note what is placed here together: military technology, womenÕs cosmetics, chemistry (alchemy) magic, astrology, astronomy and the art of deceit. The one thing that all of these have in common is their ability to manipulate people. I find it most interesting that womenÕs cosmetics is included in this list as having demonic origins. The purpose of cosmetics is to be seductive. Sexual seduction is simply another form of control, and as we learn in the Bible (Num. 25:2,3), sexual seduction was used as a form of warfare. It is taught that this advancement in technology is what led to the destruction of the world by the flood. If there is a technology transfer between modern governments and whomever, be it aliens or fallen angels, will our destiny be the same as those who previously had received such technologies? Again, the image of Armageddon comes to mind. Governments do have the legitimate need for and right of security and secrecy. As a Rabbi and Kabbalist, I am privy to information that is sensitive and not to be divulged. I recognize and have a healthy respect for intelligence agencies. There are a lot of secrets out there, some good and some bad. Not everything about government is evil and suspect. Not everything about government is pure and good. In the real world of human affairs, where the real war between the forces of good and evil do battle, the sides are not so clearly demarcated as black and white. There are all too many shades of gray out there. Whether we like it or not, there is much to mistrust about governments as well as about those who wish to cast suspicions on government. As I said this is one of those gray areas. Nothing is clear. Yet, one thing is sure regarding the entire UFO phenomena, be it strange lights in the sky, animal mutilations, so-called abductions, secret technology exchanges and whatever else there may be, the governments of the US and other nations know more than what they reveal. Whether right or wrong, good or bad, it is what it is, a governmentÕs right to maintain order. There is definitely a government coverup; of what, that remains to be seen. Let us do what our US currency suggests, not to put our trust in government, but rather, ÒIn G-d we trust.Ó 73
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The UFO phenomena covers a wide variety of topics. I do not claim to have done all of them justice. Still no one can say if what today people are experiencing are true extraterrestrials. Most reports seem to imply or confirm that the majority of close encounters are of a very negative type. This makes me suspect that these phenomena are demonic and not extraterrestrial. Whatever these experiences are, they are not good, regardless of their source. There seems to be a lot of bad out there, just as there is in our society. So what can be said? Are the aliens really demons, angels, fallen angels, interdimensional entities or something else? In UFO and extraterrestrial encounters there seem to be two types of aliens, one good and the other bad. I have already spoken about the bad so-called aliens and who they may possibly be. Yet, this does not mean that there are no good aliens out there. If there are good aliens, then where do they come from, what is their relationship to us, and to G-d? In order to answer these questions I must delve into one of the greatest of Kabbalistic secrets, the pre-adamic human civilizations. Pre-Adamic Civilizations One of the most controversial teachings among Kabbalists is the doctrine of the Shemita(ot), the cosmic Sabbatical epochs of pre-adamic times. According to many of the great Rabbis, Adam was not the first human to have walked the earth. These Rabbis teach that there were full pre-Adamic human civilizations that had arisen and were eventually destroyed. Among the earlier generations of Kabbalists, prior to the AriÕzal, the doctrine of the Shemita was written about by all Kabbalists, including the AriÕzalÕs Kabbalistic teacher, Rabbi David Ibn Zimra. These Kabbalists taught that not only is the source for doctrine of the Shemita to be found in the Oral tradition, they went directly into the simple and plain words of the Torah text to show that the history of time is not fully told in the Bible.
In the very beginning it is written, ÒIn the beginning G-d created the Heavens and the earthÓ (Gen, 1:1). Immediately, the following verse states, ÒAnd the earth was without form and emptyÓ (Gen. 1:2). The Kabbalists have noticed that the prophet Isaiah has written (45:18) that Òthe earth was not created emptyÓ, revealing an apparent contradiction between Genesis and Isaiah. Yet, as it is known to every true scholar of Torah, there is no contradiction between what Genesis says and what Isaiah says. Something, however, is definitely missing. For when G-d created the earth it was not empty upon its creation as per Isaiah. How then did the earth become empty as related in Gen.1:2? This leads us to the inevitable conclusion that something is missing; not that part of the text is missing (G-d forbid), but rather something has been intentionally left out of the narrative. This is glaringly obvious to any student of the Bible. I have even spoken to one ex-Christian minister (now an Orthodox Jew) who, upon learning about this anomaly, had mentioned that he had heard of this before from reading Christian Biblical commentaries. So it seems that we have a mystery, the secret solution of 74
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which, of course, is known to the Rabbis and Kabbalists. Earlier in this work I mentioned the Midrash (Gen. R. 3:7) which posed the question of what was G-d occupied with, prior to His creation of our world. The Midrash relates that G-d was busy building and destroying other worlds. The Kabbalists have always had profound insight and understanding into the nature of these pre-adamic worlds. Much of Kabbalistic literature discusses these worlds in great detail. But one will not be able to just open a book and read about them. Before I proceed, I find it necessary to provide you with the following introduction into the methodology of Kabbalistic study. Without this understanding, Kabbalistic teachings will never be fully comprehended. Who is a Real Kabbalist Kabbalistic language of discussion is highly cryptic and coded. One cannot just pick up a Kabbalistic text, read it, and receive the correct understanding of what is read. Only one knowledgeable in the literature can guide another through it. This is why this material is called Kabbalah, which means Òto receiveÓ. Only one who has directly received from one who himself has received from a qualified giver can be called a real Kabbalist. Even in religious Jewish circles, the majority of the students of Kabbalah are not learning from such masters. As for those outside of religious Jewish circles, whatever Kabbalah they think they are learning, they are sadly mistaken if they believe that what they are learning is legitimate and authentic. Nonreligious Jewish and non- Jewish students are being deceived by their kabbalistically blind teachers. One can only be a true Kabbalist when one is trained and an expert in all areas of Judaism, fully observant of Jewish law in accordance to the Shulkhan Arukh (Code of Jewish Law) and has received the Kabbalistic tradition from a known and bonafide Kabbalistic Rabbinic source. Unless all these criteria are met, no person has any business learning or teaching Kabbalah. Regardless of how many books one may study, this does not qualify that person to teach Kabbalah. The reason is that this so-called teacher has never been given the true keys to understanding the inner system. As for those who think that somehow they have gone around the system and received the inner understandings other than in the accepted way, those teachers are only fooling themselves and those students who have the misfortune to study under them.
The AriÕzal, BaÕal Shem Tov and others have repeatedly taught that Kabbalistic understanding does not come about as does Talmudic understanding, i.e., through rational, analytical learning. Rather, Kabbalistic understanding comes as a result of the holy lifestyle that a Kabbalist chooses to lead over and above that of his peers. The scrupulous observance of the commandments and an introverted lifestyle enables the Kabbalist to receive that which we call hasagat ruah hakodesh, guidance by the Divine spirit. The resulting knowledge that a true Kabbalist receives is complementary to that which the Kabbalist has received from his legitimate Kabbalist teacher. The job of the true Kabbalist teacher is to make sure his students are not only learning the right things, but that they are learning in the right way. For only learning right things in the right way leads one 75
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
to the right place. The opposite is, of course, true. If the right thing is learned in the wrong way, then the wrong way will make the right thing work in the wrong way. Since the days of the AriÕzal (1570Õs) Kabbalah has been allowed to be made public to those who meet the stringent criteria required to study it. The schools of the Kabbalah have, therefore, grown dramatically for there are a good number of worthy students out there. Yet, just because Kabbalah is now allowed to be made public does not mean that all of the Kabbalistic teachings are passed to every student, nor does it mean that all the secrets are revealed. I assure you that among Kabbalists the vast majority of true knowledge still remains hidden in small private circles, each of which is guarded like the inner circle of the best intelligence agencies in the world. These Kabbalistic inner circles have been around since Talmudic times (and before). They are the ones who truly know what is going on in the world. They are the ones chosen by G-d to have the power to influence the course of human events. Through these secret groups of Kabbalists is fulfilled the verse, ÒFor the L-rd YHWH does nothing unless He has revealed His secret to His servants, the prophets.Ó (Amos 3:7). There is, of course, that group which I call the Òdark KabbalistsÓ who serve a different master other than G-d. They too have power to shape the course of human affairs for their own purposes. And so the battle continues, the battle between the sons of light and the sons of darkness. This battle, at times, becomes rather intense, and only the strongest can fight it and survive. Spiritual warfare is fought with much higher stakes than physical war. For in physical war, all one can lose is oneÕs body (oneÕs life in this world). In spiritual war, one can lose oneÕs body, oneÕs mind and oneÕs soul. Kabbalists are very selective about whom they choose to groom as a spiritual warrior of holiness. Not just anyone need apply. Only the very few can accomplish the necessary tasks. Therefore, not everyone who studies Kabbalah is a real Kabbalist. Yet, even the real Kabbalist does not object to the endeavors of such students. Better they be where they are, than somewhere else. It is not unheard of that a student of the books of the Kabbalah will be chosen and Òtaken inside behind the veilÓ. This is how Kabbalists recruit today. As the Mishna in Avot says, ÒThe work is much, the workers are few, and the Boss is pressed for time.Ó The Cosmic Sabbatical Now to return to the topic of the Shemita. The reason why I have introduced the previous material is to make you aware that there is a special way to study Kabbalah. The resulting knowledge is also special. In other words, not everyone is privy to such knowledge. When I began to study Kabbalah in Jerusalem, I was given a very strict course of study that I was warned not to deviate from. As time passed on, I was given more leeway to explore different schools within the Kabbalistic world. Eventually I was guided to study materials that I was initially told never to learn. When I asked my Rav regarding this apparent contradiction, he informed me that as the Jewish religion has both its revealed and concealed
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
sides, so too does Kabbalistic study contain what is easily given to the layman and what is reserved exclusively for those who are Òbrought insideÓ. I was given the impression that the subject of the Shemita was one of these inside subjects. A detailed review of the doctrine of the Shemita is far beyond the scope of this work. I will therefore summarize only those points which are applicable and appropriate here. It is written in the book of Leviticus that, Òfor six years you shall plow your fields, but the seventh year shall be holy to HaShem, in that year you shall do no work.Ó It is also taught by our Sages in the holy Talmud (San. 98A), Òsix thousand years shall the world last, then for one thousand years shall it remain desolateÓ. Our Sages have learned from the secret meaning of the verse in Leviticus that the days of our world, i.e., our civilization, will be measured in the same way as is the Biblical Sabbatical year. Six years shall we labor, and in the seventh shall we rest. So our civilization will grow for six thousand years, and then for a thousand years shall it Òremain desolateÓ which means to be left alone to rest. After this time it is said that G-d renews his creation. The Bible proceeds to speak about the Jubilee year. We are instructed to count seven times seven years and then to proclaim a Jubilee, a year of complete release. The Kabbalists have revealed that just as our civilization will last for the Sabbatical period of six thousand years and one thousand years of desolation, so will there be seven cycles similar to this, corresponding to a cosmic cycle of Sabbaticals and Jubilee. Therefore, according to this calculation, human civilization will rise and fall seven times, each for a period of six thousand years, with a rest period of a thousand years between. Now arises the question, which Sabbatical are we in today? Many Kabbalists look back to the verse in Genesis and notice the discrepancy. They answer the problem of the emptiness of the land (Gen. 1:2), when this was not the way it was created (Is. 45:18), by saying that we are not in the first Shemita. The earth was indeed created full. It only became empty as a result of the previous civilization. They are the ones who left the land Òempty and desolateÓ. According to many of the Kabbalists, therefore, we are in the second Shemita. Although they say we are in the second Shemita, they do not exclude the possibility that we are in the third, forth or fifth, but rather conclude that we are definitely not in the first. They say we are in the second, meaning we are in at least the second. Pre-Adamites Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz, the author of the authoritative commentary to the Mishna, Tiferet Yisrael, addresses the topic of pre-adamic life in the introduction to the eleventh chapter of Tractate Sanhedrin. Drawing upon what was the scientific discoveries of his day, and the Darwinian conflict on creationism and evolution, Lifshitz points out that the Torah does acknowledge the existence of dinosaurs.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
These were the creations of the prior Shemita, he says. Not only this, but Rabbi Lifshitz goes further to say that Adam was not really the first human being, but that there were countless people before him, which he calls pre-Adamites. This controversial view of Rabbi Lifshitz has placed his commentary and other written works on the taboo list in certain Jewish circles which considered his revelations not in accordance with the spirit of Judaism. But nothing could be further from the truth. There are some Kabbalists such as Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah who, in his Beit Lehem Yehuda (2,66A), wrote questioning certain aspects of the doctrine of the Shemita. Yet even Rabbi Fatiyah, in Minhat Yehuda (pg. 222), expounds on a section of the Zohar which speaks of the pre-Adamic parents of Adam. He even states that AdamÕs parents copulated on the spiritual plane, that his mother conceived and gave birth to AdamÕs body which, as I referenced earlier, was completely astral. Where AdamÕs parents came from, Rabbi Fatiyah does not say. But he makes it quite clear that they are individual beings and not simply an appellation for G-d. The Talmud in Hagigah 13B speaks of 974 pre-Adamic generations. One of the early Kabbalistic classics, the MaÕarekhet Elokut, states specifically that these generations refer to the pre-Adamic Shemita cycles. There are a great number of both earlier and later generation Rabbis, Hasidic masters and Kabbalists who have spoken quite openly about the doctrine of the Shemita. Rabbi Shmuel Lifshitz in his Anafim Shatul Mayim commentary to Sefer HaIkarim has said Ò [I] open my mouth like a talebearer to reveal hidden secrets.Ó However, in all written works taught in the name of the master Kabbalist the AriÕzal, there is no overt mention of the doctrine of the Shemita or of the pre Adamic civilizations. It is thus assumed by certain secular scholars (re f. Enc. Jud. 10, pg. 583) that the AriÕzal did not hold the doctrine of the Shemita to be true. Again, nothing could be further from the truth. Though my readers who are not Orthodox Jews will not recognize the following names, they are still important for me to document for the sake of my Orthodox Jewish readers. This is only a partial list of those Rabbis and Kabbalists, from the earlier and later generations, who held that the doctrine of the Shemita is correct and true: 1. Sefer HaTemunah, 2. Sefer HaKana, 3. The RaMBaN, 4. Rabbeynu Bahya, 5. Rabbi Yitzhak D’Min Acco, 6. Recanati on the Torah, 7. Tziyuni on the Torah, 8. Ma’arekhet Elokut, 9. Shatul Mayim on Sefer HaIkarim, 10. Sefer Livnat HaSapir of Rabbi David ben Yehuda HaHasid (sefardi), 78
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11. the author of Shoshan Sodot, 12. The Radbaz, Rabbi David Zimra (the Kabbalistic teacher of the Ari’zal), 13. the Techelet Mordechai, 14. Rabbi Lifshitz’s Tiferet Yisrael, and 15. Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Eichenstein of Zidatchov in his Ateret Tzvi commentary on the Zohar HaRakia. This is only a partial list. My orthodox Jewish readers will recognize that these names are giants in the world of Jewish learning, they are the pillars upon which our holy traditions rest. To say that all these giants of Torah are incorrect is to both dishonor these Rabbis and the Torah itself. The legitimacy of the pre Adamic worlds has never been questioned in authoritative Torah literature. Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Eichenstein, in his commentary Ateret Tzvi (126B) on the book Zohar HaRakia, states that even though the AriÕzal was silent on this matter, he definitely ascribed to the doctrine of the Shemita and that ÒG-d forbid anyone would disagree with the holy Sages of IsraelÓ. The only disagreement among the Kabbalists appears to be regarding which cycle of the Shemita we are in now. The Fallen Kings of Edom As I mentioned above, one of the most involved areas of Kabbalistic studies involves discussions on the pre-Adamic worlds referred to as the Òseven Kings who reigned in he land of Edom, prior to their being a King in Israel.Ó (Gen. 36). The holy Zohar and especially the writings of the AriÕzal are replete with lectures upon lectures about this amazing topic. Interestingly, the world of the Òseven KingsÓ is called Olam HaTohu, the world of emptiness, based on the reference in Gen. 1:2.
An involved explanation of this matter would take me far off course from what I wish to relate here. Also, due to the cryptic nature of the subject matter, any rendering into English would never do justice to the original Hebrew and Aramaic texts. This is one of those topics that if someone wishes to research in depth, they had better be well versed in both Rabbinic Hebrew and Aramaic. However I will briefly cover those points which are relevant to our topic. Sefer Etz Haim of Rabbi Haim Vital comprises the vast majority of teachings that he received from his Kabbalist teacher, the great AriÕzal. Based mainly on the holy Zohar, Rabbi Vital expounds, in the name of the AriÕzal, on the entire order of creation, beginning with the original desire of the Creator to create a world, and finishing with the CreatorÕs lowest creations. To sum up the teachings on these matters, Rabbi Vital relates that were three distinct levels of creation. These creations were not exclusively a creation of physical places, but rather they are epochs in time and space which outline the order of spiritual evolution. The first of these three worlds is said to Òemanate from the mouth of Adam KadmonÓ (Primordial Man). This is an appellation of the 79
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Divine Will, also referred to as the first sefira, Keter. At this level it is said that all ten sefirot came forth from the holy Mouth, encased together in one vessel. This was the primordial beginnings of the differentiation of light and its container, the vessel. This initial creation was the creation of form. For prior to this, all existence was exclusively G-dÕs light. Nothing independent of G-d could manifest, for it had no form through which to manifest. Form, therefore, had to be the first creation, for without it, there would be no differentiation, and nothing would be able to maintain an independent identity. Without form, nothing in creation could be recognizably different from the Creator. This then was the first creation, or world. It is called the ÒRealm of the BoundÓ (Olam HaAkudim). The second creation to manifest from the Primordial Man is said to have come forth from his ÒEyesÓ. However, the light of the ÒEyesÓ of Adam Kadmon did not shine out of the ÒEyesÓ, but rather shone from below the ÒWaistÓ. Many reasons are given to explain why this occurred, but these are not relevant to our present discussion. It was at this level that G-dÕs ultimate light diversified into what we will call Òthe shades of colorÓ. This was the creation of diversity. The duality of force and form, soul and body, was thus firmly established. In this realm, the light of G-dÕs ultimate Being was able to exist within the arena of creation without it overwhelming creation and thus nullifying it. This was accomplished through the formation of vessels, which would act to filter G-dÕs ultimate light. These vessels are the primordial forms underlying all creation. These vessels are the sefirot. One thing is certain, whenever diversity exists, all existence within the diversity must have itÕs proper place so that all aspects of diversity can become manifest and perform their given function. When all is one there is never any conflict, for there is nothing to conflict with. With the creation of diversity, there arises the potential for conflict. If one claims or usurps the place, role or identity of another then the two struggle. This is an given feature within any dimension of diversity. In order to do away with disorder, there has to be the creation of order. Yet, before order can be established, it must be defined. In other words, order must remove disorder, which by definition means that disorder must proceed the creation of order. And so it that we find, that prior to the creation of light, the world is void and empty, and prior to their being a ÒKing in IsraelÓ (order) there are ÒKings in EdomÓ (chaos). This is speaking about the Kabbalistic secret of the creation of evil, the breaking and disorder of the primordial vessels, G-d’s creation of chaos. It is out of chaos that order is born. The Kabbalists teach that when the sefirot came forth for the first time, each in its own unique vessel, the vessels themselves were not in their proper order. The light of G-d shone forth, expecting to shine into each and every vessel, but when the vessels were not in the right place to receive the light, they no longer had the ability to survive by themselves. The vessels therefore broke and shattered, scattering their pieces over all of creation. This was the creation of the primordial chaos. As the prophet Isaiah 80
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(45:18) has said, G-d creates evil. Evil was created so that good came come forth from it. The Bible itself subtly hints at this. The first act of creation was the creation of light, but where did the light come from? The Bible is clear, the light came forth out of the darkness. The darkness existed prior to the light, and the light was created to illuminate the dark. The number of vessels that were shattered was seven. Thus Gen. 36 speaks about seven ÒKingsÓ who reigned in the land of Edom (the realm of darkness) prior to there being a ÒKingÓ in Israel (the realm of light). These seven prior worlds existed long before Adam. Adam was to be the one who was to restore order to the universe. Adam was the symbolic ÒKing of IsraelÓ. This is mankindÕs collective destiny to this day. Yet, there is more to tell about the seven primordial kings, for these worlds of chaos were the previous cosmic Sabbaticals spoken of above. Many modern students of Kabbalah, even within the Orthodox circles, have never penetrated into the true heart of the teachings of the AriÕzal and Rabbi Haim Vital. For Rabbi Vital details the falling of the primordial Kings by saying that each one came forth, reigned for a while and then died. He is quite clear that there was a fall in the lowest of the sefirot, Malkhut, which is the force that manifests corporeal reality. The energy of the sefirat Malkhut (Malkhut dÕAsiyah, Etz Haim, 50:1) is that energy described above as nefesh, libido, orgon energy. Many of the Kabbalists today teach that the fallen Kings were spiritual worlds, totally non-corporeal. This, however, cannot be so, for Malkhut is corporeal. If the original ÒKingÓ of Malkhut had fallen, then there was a ÒKingÓ, i.e., a physical realm, that had arisen and fallen. Many modern Kabbalists wish to object to this point, yet the evidence is quite clear, Rabbi Vital documents that the ÒKingÓ of Malkhut had fallen. Therefore the breaking of the vessels occurred in the physical world, as well as in the spiritual. This is important for me to show, for many Kabbalists do not believe that the fall of primordial Malkhut to be physical. This are unfortunately mistaken. In order to understand the relevancy of the fallen Kings to our topic of extraterrestrials, I must delve deeper into the exact meaning of the fall. Sefirotic Interactions It is known that the sefirot are a type of spiritual DNA. In the process of their emanations, each sefirah builds upon the others that have proceeded it. Each individual sefirah has within it all of the others. Each individual sefirah is thus a micro-pattern for the whole. The pattern of the sefirot divides them into three columns, referred to a the right side, left side and center. The sefirot are energy. The energy is intentionally polarized into right and left columns, representing primordial male and female energy. The two are always in a constant state of friction. The center is where they meet and merge. Kabbalistic activity requires the Kabbalist to activate the powers of the supernal male and female, right and left sefirotic columns, and to unite their energies in the center column. As with all union of male and female, there is the passion of bonding, this is the ecstasy of the prophetic Kabbalistic meditative experience. As with all union of male and female, there is the impregnation, gestation, and eventual birth of life. This is the
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
role and function of the sefirot. They are collectively called the Etz Haim, the Tree of Life. This pattern is their state of order, however, prior to their order was their chaos. Originally when the first arrangement of sefirot Òemanated from the Mouth of the Primordial ManÓ, the first three sefirot, which form the first triad, corresponding to the ÒbrainÓ, came forth in proper order and arrangement. A problem then arose. The following seven ÒlowerÓ sefirot, those which correspond to the ÒbodyÓ, instead of emanating in the form of the columns, as previously described, and as did the first triad, emanated one after another in a Òstraight lineÓ. This rigidity of form did not allow the light within the sefirot the necessary movement to maintain life. As each sefirah emanated forth, not in itÕs correct polarity, be it right or left, the light within the vessel was too strong for the vessel to handle. Not being in their right ÒplaceÓ weakened the vessels ability to properly serve as a body for the light to shine within it. The light therefore withdrew. The vessel, being left empty, collapsed and ÒdiedÓ. This then was the fall of the seven Kings. One point that Rabbi Vital makes which must be emphasized here. The breaking of the vessels occurred at the micro-pattern level, as well as on the grand scale. In other words, each of the ten sefirot had within them ten sefirot, the top triad of which remained intact and did not die, but the bottom seven of each of the ten fell and died. So within the original pattern of the sefirot, there was both order (the upper triad) and chaos (the lower seven). G-d allowed the lower seven to come forth in this blemished manner, knowing that they would die. In this way, G-d created the chaos, which we would come to know as evil and darkness, so that He could blessedly create order and rectification. The seven lower sefirot within each of the sefirot therefore Òfell and diedÓ by the deliberate act of G-d. These are the worlds that G-d created and destroyed prior to our own that are mentioned in Genesis Rabbah. Interdimensional-Intergalactic Pre-Adamic Humans Each of the fallen Kings was a complete world made up of the four realms of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. The upper triad corresponds to the spiritual-mental aspects of those worlds. The lower seven to the emotionalphysical aspects of those worlds. The physical-emotional realms are what was destroyed. Being that no destruction is spoken of regarding the upper triad, it is implied that the life forms corresponding to it did indeed survive. Now, here is where things get really interesting. As I mentioned above, there are a number of references throughout Jewish scriptures that speak about the pre-Adamic generations. To some Kabbalists the question as to what happened to the pre Adamic peoples is not a question at all. In their opinions, the realms of the fallen Kings were entirely in spiritual, non-corporeal worlds. They say there was no physical aspect to creation prior to Adam. However, the minority opinion of these Kabbalists is not considered binding. For as in Jewish law, Kabbalah can have varying, even mutually exclusive beliefs, and all of them can still be correct. For
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
as we say elu vÕelu divrei elokim hayim both are the words of the living G-d. Therefore, according to the Rabbis who held that the pre-Adamic civilizations did exist, the question must be asked: what happened to the them? Where then did they go? There is not one book in print that I have found that even attempts to offer an answer. Yet, this does not mean that there is no answer. The answer that I am about to give I must present as my own opinion. The Talmud (Hagigah 13B) speaks of the 974 generations before Adam. Many, as referenced above, interpret this in to be quite physical, and not simply noncorporeal. There are a number of sources that speak of pre-Adamic humans. Although their civilizations were created in imbalance and therefore fell into chaos, we have nonetheless learned that there was a remnant. This surviving remnant corresponds to the Òhead of Esau buried in the lap of Yitzhak. Esau’s head is ÒburiedÓ in the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron, the same cave which is the vortex doorway to the Garden of Eden and the astral plane. This realm is the home of the Ishim angels. As we have learned above, the Ishim angels are the only group of angels that have some type of humanoid form. Although they are astral beings, they seem to be quite able to appear human at any time. When an Ishim angel appears as a human, he is quite indistinguishable from any other person, until he so decides to ÒrevealÓ himself. There are two people of whom we know from the Bible (and more from later sources), from this Adamic race, that have ascended above and joined the ranks of the Ishim. These, of course, are Enoch and Elijah. Both have ÒascendedÓ above and became angels. Enoch became Metatron, of whom we have spoken of earlier, and Elijah became Sandalphon. In the words of the Talmud and the Kabbalists both Enoch and Elijah were originally angels who incarnated and were born as men. They ascended above death and returned to their previous abodes. Rabbi Moshe DeLeon, a master Spanish Kabbalist of the 12th century, and a codifier of the Zohar, is reported by Rabbi Moshe Cordevero (Pardes 24:14) as saying that Elijah was never born as a man, but rather he descended to earth as an angel (parentless) and returned in the same way. Rabbi Cordevero quotes a section of the Zohar that says the opposite of Rabbi DeLeon. Sefer Likutei Shikha UÕPeah 23B states that Enoch-Metatron is the head of the Ishim. We thus see that there is a direct relationship between translated human beings and the Ishim angels, who are the Òprinces of the TeliÓ, the rulers of the stars. Enoch was rewarded for his righteousness, as was Elijah. Both did not taste death, but rather ascended on high and joined the ranks, and leadership of the Ishim angels. It is possible that these Ishim angels, the ones who are so similar to human beings were in fact, human beings, who like Enoch and Elijah were rewarded for their righteousness and have ascended above to rule the stars. This should not surprise us, for as Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan quoted above, the reward of the righteous of our world is to, after the resurrection, travel to the stars and rule there. The resurrection seems to be a prerequisite for our intergalactic 83
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
travels and ascension to interdimensional authority. Enoch and Elijah's translation into bodies similar to the Ishim angels are the bodies that are given to the resurrected. Thus the bodies of the resurrected and the bodies of the Ishim angels are identical. Thus they are of one and the same race. The Resurrection The resurrection is not something that is in the far-off distant future. Rabbi Abraham Azulai writes in his Hesed LÕAvraham 27A that with the advent of the Mashiah (the true Messiah) the righteous of the land of Israel are to be translated similar to Enoch, Elijah and the angels. This translation was originally published in my work Yikrah BÕShmi. "Know, that it is an accepted tradition in our hands, that on the day that King Mashiah will come with the ingathering of the exiles to the Land of Israel, there will be found in the Land only seven thousand of the children of Israel. On this same day, the dead of the Land of Israel shall be restored to life. On that same day also, the walls of Jerusalem shall be removed, and rebuilt from precious stones and pearls. Then, at the time, the dead of the Land of Israel shall be restored to life, they shall be new spiritual creations. Also, the seven thousand who shall be left alive at that time, they too shall be new creations, all of them with spiritual bodies, similar to the body of Adam prior to his sin, and the body of Hanoch, Moshe our teacher and Eliyahu. They shall all float in the air, soaring like eagles. This shall be seen by all the people ingathered from the exile."
Notice that Rabbi Azulai uses the metaphor of the resurrected beings Òsoaring like eaglesÓ. This is the same metaphor used by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, in the name of the Zohar, that speaks of the resurrected beings traveling to the stars to govern alongside the present governors, the princes of the Teli, the Ishim angels. Ishim Angels & Extraterrestrials What can be learned from this? There are a number of points that seem to fit together. The reward of righteousness is resurrection (or translation). One so blessed receives a body of light similar to the ishim angels and like them travels to the stars to govern. So, what then did happen to the righteous remnant of the Òfallen Kings of EdomÓ, the survivors of the pre-Adamic races? Did they like Enoch and Elijah, like the righteous to come on the day of Mashiah, ascend to Heaven, become the Ishim angels and the rulers over the galaxy? While no Kabbalistic text say this outright, it is my opinion clear that this is exactly what happened! It is my opinion that the Ishim angels are the translated survivors of the pre-Adamic human races. It is they who inhabit the interdimensionalintergalactic realm. It is they, who, as the angels of G-d, are destined to come back to earth and be the conquering armies of the Mashiah, as it is written, ÒAnd YHWH my G-d shall come, with all His holy onesÓ. (Zech. 14:6).
There are extraterrestrial humans in outer space. But they have evolved far beyond what we understand to be human. They are fully rectified beings, pure 84
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
and holy. They live in the non-corporeal realm of the Teli. They are what we will be. They were what we presently are. All of G-dÕs universe thus proceeds in cycles, even as the doctrine of the Shemita teaches. These pre-Adamic translated humans, who are now the Ishim angels are very much involved with humans affairs. They are very much our guardian angels. They are very much our watchers. G-d has placed them to be responsible over us. In Kabbalistic meditations there are specific formulas which are used which enable us to communicate with the Òprinces of the TeliÓ. These formulas have never been published, but Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, in his commentary to Sefer Yetzirah states that the formula is in manuscript in the most secret of Kabbalistic manuscripts, Shoshan Yesod Olam, a guide to Kabbalistic magic. Corporeal extraterrestrial entities and non-corporeal astral entities (angels and demons) many a time are one and the same thing. At some point intergalactic reality crosses the interdimensional line, merging two realities together as one. The apparent separation, therefore, between the corporeal and non-corporeal (the physical and the astral) very much needs to be redefined. With the present growth in modern quantum physics and chaos theory, this is beginning to occur. Kabbalists, however, have been aware of these things all along. Although I relate this information as my personal opinion, I do so because I do not have a written authority to which I can point that will unquestionably validate these views. Nonetheless, I assure you that I am not the author of what I have written here as Òmy opinionÓ. These concepts and teachings were given to me by a source, which due to Kabbalistic secrecy, I am not allowed to divulge. If you insist upon written sources than you may dismiss what I have written here. If you know better, then you already know. I cannot say anymore. Souls and Angels It is taught throughout Torah literature that the level of the human soul, the Neshama, is on a higher level than the angels. What reward is it then for the righteous in the world to come to merit ascending to the level of the angels? This question in itself is most misleading, for most people are unaware of the original heights of the human soul, all the more so are people unaware of the multi-level astral entities. The Neshama soul, which is the true person, emanates from the spiritual realm, Beriah, the realm of the ÒmindÓ. The Neshama is clothed in an astral body, from the astral plane, which Kabbalists call Yetzirah. The Neshama soul and the Òhaluka dÕrabbananÓ astral body are then cloaked within a physical body in this corporeal realm of existence called by the Kabbalists, Asiyah. G-d exists above all this in realms which are unique to Himself. In His ultimate Essence, G-d is known as the Ayn Sof, the Ultimate. This is a realm above and beyond the comprehension of everything in creation. G-d reveals His Will (the Primordial Man, Adam Kadmon) as the first act of creation. G-dÕs Will then becomes manifest in the realm of the ten sefirot, which Kabbalists call Atzilut. Atzilut is the realm through which G-d is revealed to His creation, the universe. A spark of the essence of the lowest manifestation of Atzilut (Malkhut of Atzilut) cloaks itself within the highest manifestation of the realm immediately
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
below it, Beriah, the source of the human soul. In other words, every truly human soul has a spark of the Divine in it. It is this spark, which the Kabbalists call the Yehida, which bonds us and unites us with G-d. All of this is true of Beriatic entities, which are called Neshamot, or souls. The level of the angels, however, is quite different. They are not Beriatic beings. They are Yetziratic beings. Souls manifest the ÒmindÓ level (Binah) of the realms. Angels manifest the astral level which corresponds to the ÒheartÓ level (Tiferet) of the realms. Souls, therefore, emanate from a higher source than do the angels. Do not be deceived by appearance! Presently our Neshama souls are imprisoned in the Asiyatic corporeal world, and therefore the angels who inhabit the astral plane appear to be superior to us. For the moment, while we inhabit our physical bodies, angels are indeed superior to us, in many ways. But this is not the normal state of affairs, nor is this a permanent state of affairs. When Enoch ascended above and became (or returned to being) Metatron he was placed as ÒSar OlamÓ, the Prince of the World. Throughout Kabbalistic literature, it is taught that Metatron is the lord over all the angelic forces. He is said to rule over the entire Yetziratic astral plane. Are we to view this as a promotion and evolution above being human? To become an angel may be a promotion over being trapped in a physical human body, but it is certainly not a promotion over being a Neshama soul! This is where the AriÕÕzal has revealed to us a great secret. Regarding Metatron, the AriÕÕzal states that only his ÒbodyÓ exists in the Yetziratic astral plane. MetatronÕs ÒheadÓ, however, exists in the Beriatic realm. Metatron, therefore, traverses two worlds, Beriah and Yetzirah. His ÒphysicalÓ manifestation is in the Yetziratic astral plane. MetatronÕs consciousness exists in the Beriatic realm of ÒmindÓ. Enoch, therefore, did not did not become a member of an angelic race when he became Metatron. On the contrary, he returned to being a fully human Beriatic Neshama soul. This is truly a level above the Yetziratic astral plane entities, the angels. This was G-dÕs purpose all along in creating the human race, to manifest a race of Beriatic beings, who would be above the previously existing angelic races. Enoch-Metatron ascended on high, not as an angel, but rather as a Neshama soul. In English, we do not have a proper vocabulary to describe the differences between Beriatic entities (fulfilled souls-Neshamot) and Yetziratic entities (angels). We unfortunately lump them all together. It is important for us to realize that, in spite of our spiritual handicaps that come along with being physical, there are many different astral and spiritual realms above us. Maybe in our present state we cannot tell the difference between one from the other. Nonetheless, this does not mean that they are not there. Enoch-Metatron ascended on high and fulfilled his human destiny. He became the ruler over the Ishim angels. If these Ishim angels are truly evolved humans, similar to Enoch, Elijah and others, then they are not really angels, in spite of the fact that we refer to them as such. They are really Neshamot souls, fully rectified, pure and holy. The reward of the righteous, when the Mashiah comes, is to become fulfilled humans. These will be 86
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
"like the angels", but they will not be angels. They will be Neshamot, a step above the angels. The Coming of Mashiah The world around us is changing with frightening speed. As we move into the future, the pace of change is only going to speed up. Where is all this change leading to? The answer is clear and inevitable for those who study Biblical prophecy. We are coming into the dawn of a new age for all mankind. This will be an era when the words of the prophet Isaiah (2:4) will be fulfilled, "And he shall judge between the nations and admonish many peoples, and they s hall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." Jewish tradition calls this coming period the "age of Mashiah". The age of Mashiah is a time when the the human (Adamic) race will achieve its final destiny as human beings here upon the earth. The damage done to all of Adam’s children from the fall will be completely rectified. Mankind will finally enter a period when we can live and grow. However not all agree with this grandiose view.
"Do not think that the in days of Mashiah everything will change its natural order, or that there will be a renewal in the order of creation, rather the world will continue as it is." This is the traditional Rabbinic view as enumerated by Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 12:1. According to Maimonides, the Messianic period is to be almost identical to the present period, with one exception - anti Semitism and hatred are to removed from the hearts of mankind. All the grandiose words of the prophets, Maimonides says are metaphorical, and not to be taken literally. The Jewish people are to be united under an anointed King, descended from the royal line of David. This Messianic King is to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and gather all the Jews worldwide to return to live in the holy land. Jews will live in peace in our holy land, united under the banner of G-d’s holy Torah. During the Messianic era, there is to be no war or famine, competition or envy. Everything is to be in abundance, and mankind’s single occupation will be to know G-d. The Mashiah, like any other man, is to eventually grow old and die. His kingdom is then to be passed onto his children. The Mashiah, therefore, is to be like any other man. His ascent to power will be natural and in accordance to traditional norms of political ascent. In accordance to this view, whatever G-d fearing Torah leader is able to unite world Jewry is a likely candidate for Mashiah. (It is for this reason that the Lubavitcher Hasidim believed that their Rebbe had the potential to be the Mashiah. For the Lubavitcher Rebbe, more than almost any other Jewish leader in this generation had done more for the benefit of world Jewry.) With all that Maimonides has written regarding the coming of Mashiah, he admits (ibid. 12:2) that the exact manner of the Mashiah’s coming, and what he is to do, is not universally agreed to among the Rabbis. The Kabbalists differ sharply from Maimonides’ view of Mashiah. Kabbalistic teachings about the Mashiah view the coming new age as having cosmic, inter87
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
dimensional significance. It is to be a time heralded by miraculous occurrences and major changes in life as we know it. The human race is to rectify the sin of Adam. When this is accomplished all results of the sin of Adam will be gone. We will not only achieve the level of Adam as he was in the Garden of Eden, we will also achieve the level that was Adam’s original destiny. Mankind will no longer have an evil inclination. Women will no longer have menstrual cycles, nor will they have pain in childbirth. Death itself will cease to exist. Human spiritual consciousness will expand to cosmic proportions. Knowledge will be inborn. There will be a full integration of the levels of the soul. The Neshama soul will manifest fully through the nefesh life force, unleashing previously unknown psychic powers and revelations. In other words, the era of Mashiah is to be a wondrous time, a true human utopia, wherein which the human spirit will reign supreme answering to none other than G-d. Human potential will literally soar to the stars, and beyond. All this wonder, however, howev er, is only to come at a price. As with a the birth of a child, the time of labor immediately prior to the birth is the time most racked with pain and suffering. So prior to the coming of the Mashiah the world is to be racked with tremendous upheavals both in the realms of nature, as well as in the inner psyche of mankind. The pre-messianic period, like labor, is a time of tremendous changes. The Kabbalists view our present generation as being in the midst of the "birthpangs of the Mashiah". We are today experiencing upheavals in every walk of life. All this is being orchestrated by the Holy One, Blessed Be He, so as to prepare us for the dawn of a new world. However, the Kabbalists warn us, the new world will only be built upon the ashes of the old one. It is for this reason that in our generation there is so much evil, perversion, repression and lies. The forces of darkness know that their days are numbered and they are making an all out assault on the forces of good. The forces of evil are trying to bring down with themselves all who would be toppled. G-d, on the other hand, allows this evil work to continue, for in His blessedness, He recognizes that the temptations of evil only make the forces of good to grow stronger, purer, more refined and committed to the cause of holiness and righteousness. In this way, the righteous will be strong enough to inherit a new world. The righteous will usher in the dawn and rebirth of the human race. The Coming of the False Messiah Armilus The forces of darkness will erect an artificial messiah in order to confuse the minds of people. There is already talk of a "new world order", and a "one world government". Throughout Jewish literature there is mention of a man named Armilus (who, according to the Midrash Milkhamot Mashiah, is the Christian antichrist). Armilus is to be the false messiah. He is to organize a one world government that will solidify all power, politically, economically and socially. He is destined to wage the final war against all those who hold true to G-d’s word and act in righteousness. Armilus will not distinguish between the Jew and righteous gentile, for all who walk in the light will be his enemy. The main weapon that Armilus will use, u se, like the serpent in the Garden before him, will be the power of
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
deception. He will attempt to reverse the order of creation, and call what is evil, good, and what is good, he will call evil. Any spiritually minded or religious person can see the beginnings of this in our society today. In spite of however bad the immediate outlook might appear, Jewish prophecy makes one thing quite clear, the righteous of this world are not to be acting alone, they are to receive help, from above. The government of Armilus is to be all powerful. No human force will to be able to stand against it. It is for this reason that G-d is to personally intervene in human history and send His Mashiah, accompanied by an army of angels (Ishim), who are to defeat Armilus using powerful spiritual "technologies". The Bible (Zech. 14) is clear that in the final war, the enemies of Israel are to be wiped out in a most supernatural manner. One point, however, that I hold to be most interesting is, what will be the world’s perception when CNN and the international media broadcast the advent of Mashiah’s angelic army descending out of the sky? Will the world view the Mashiah’s army as an invasion from outer space? Armilus will most assuredly use his weapon of deception to make us believe the opposite of the truth. Will he convince the world that the savior of mankind is some kind of evil extraterrestrial out to enslave us all. The Bible speaks of the entire earth uniting to wage war against the Mashiah. What better lie could be perpetrated so as to deceive the entire world and unite them to do evil. In light of this scenario, the extraterrestrial connection becomes all the more important for us to understand. Another messianic prophecy speaks of the Third Holy Temple descending ready built out of Heaven to rest upon the temple mount in Jerusalem. Will the coming of this massive structure be interpreted as the landing of a great UFO mothership, the type portrayed in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind? The Third Temple is said to presently exist in the third heaven, which is one of the astral planes. In order for it to descend to earth, it must translate from being non-corporeal to being corporeal. Again, we see here that the interdimensional bridge is easily crossed. All in all, the coming of Mashiah is going to be an exciting and a very literal earth shaking event. Pre-messianic prophecies and traditions are quite numerous. For those who wish to review original source material, I recommend the book When Moshiah Comes (Targum/Feldheim NY, 1994) by Rabbi Yehudah Chayoun. This text is a translation from Hebrew and is probably the best source of information on the subject in English. Messianic scenarios are still be written today. Many modern Kabbalists are receiving revelations about messianic things to come. Though these prophecies do not relate directly to the topic of UFO’s and extraterrestrials, they still make mention of the interdimensional (and possibly intergalactic) angelic interventions. I have decided to include here some material from a Rabbi Meir Menachem of Betar. No one seems to know who he truly is or from where he received his information. His name might possibly be fictitious, for there is no Rabbi by that
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
name in Betar today. I cannot validate his time table, nonetheless, in my opinion, his material is well worth our time to review. The Messianic Prophecies of Rabbi Meir Menachem 1. Events leading up to the coming of Mashiah: 1999, pressure on Israel reaches a point where it becomes intolerable. Terrorist attacks continue unabated day and night. Fear and insecurity prevails. Israel wants to bolt from the peace process, attempting to take back land that they have returned to the Arabs. However, since the Palestinians are now a sovereign nation, Israel now finds itself in the same position Iraq found itself with Kuwait provoking the ire of the entire world, by carrying out deportation and population resettlement policies. Around the 15th of Tamuz 5759 [June 29, 1999], the U.N. resolves to send ships to blockade Israel.
2. Coming of Mashiah: Before war begins, Mashiah will first appear in the company of Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the prophet) on approximately the 15th of Tamuz 5759 or 1999. He will exhort the people to do Shuva (repentance) and will voice his disapproval at the progress of the Shuva movement and over our leaders state of apathy. He will say that he cannot lead them until the people do Shuva Shlaima (complete repentance). he will then go into seclusion until nine months later, after the war ends and after Shuva Shlaima is completed, appearing on or about Nissan 5760 [April, 2000], to assume the mantle of kingship. During his seclusion, two wars will take place in Israel stimulating the process of Shuva until it is completed at the end of the second war. The wars will take place in two phases: 3. Phase One: The war of the nations against Jerusalem. The western nations consisting of 70 nations including the US, Cuba, England, France, Germany, Egypt, under the aegis of the UN will come with battleships and blockade the coast of Israel for a period of three months. Those who refuse to do Shuva (repentance) will attack the ships. The UN will retaliate and land troops in neighboring countries and bombard the coast and invade Israel. Those that chose to fight will be killed or captured, and taken into exile to Egypt. They will beg to become slaves and servants, but the Egyptians will sentence them to death. (Egypt thus reveals itself as the arch enemy of the Jews). Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah) who does not go into hiding will lead the movement for national Shuva. At the end of this penance period on Succot (Sept. 25, 1999) the ships will sink into the sea - a miracle rivaling that of the exodus from Egypt. The western nations will be humbled, recognize that it was an act of G-d and desist from further aggression. But an eastern bloc will be drawn into war to avenge the honor of the west in addition to sheer spite and hate. 4. Resurrection. The resurrection will take place concurrently on Succot, with G-d descending on the Mount of Olives, bringing the Kodashim with Him, to intervene in the war and to stop the deportation of Jews and to defeat the nations. It will be
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
marked by an earthquake n East Jerusalem. The Mount of Olives will split, leaving a wide rift. 5. War of Gog and Magog (Armageddon). The countries of the north, east and south - namely Russia and it’s republics, Iran, Sudan and others (possibly Turkey) will join a group of 70 nations as Russia initiates the war of Gog and Magog. This war will begin after Rosh Hodesh Shevat 5760 (January, 2000). The attack will begin by air, dropping soldiers and artillery down on the mountains of Israel in an attempt to take over Jerusalem and seize control of the country. They will be met by G-d with a cataclysmic earthquake, shaking the mountains, causing them to panic and to shoot each other. It will be accompanied by giant hail stones, driving flooding rains, culminating in a plague killing them down to the last man. There will be no survivors, all that will be left is to bury them. They will be buried at Shar Hagay. It will take seven months to bury them all - because the numbers will be so great and they will be scattered in the mountains and the valleys, carried away by the floods. They will all die before Purim (March 21, 2000). A clean up operation will be launched to purify the land. It will be completed before Succot. Following this, the period of complete repentance out of love will be concluded on Purim with Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the prophet) renewing the covenant between Israel and G-d as mentioned in KeTavo/Nesavim (Deut. 30) reaffirming Israel as the nation that belongs to G-d. 6. Return of prophecy. Prophecy will officially return to Israel about Purim, 2000. That is when the complete repentance will have been completed. 7. Installation of Mashiah. On Rosh Hodesh Nissan (April 6) 2000, Mashiah will be coronated as king over Israel. He will prepare an altar on the Temple Mount for the first Korban Pesah (Passover sacrifice). The entire nation will participate. After the holiday, building of the temple will begin. 8. Completion of the Temple. The Temple will be completed on Tisha b’Av 5760 (August 10, 2000). 9. Decent of the Heavenly Temple. On the 15th of Av (August 16, 2000), the Heavenly Beit HaMikdash (Temple) will descend from the sky and be superimposed over the earthly one. 10. Nations pay homage. On Succot 5761 (October 14, 2000) all the nations who came against Israel in ships will have to appear in Jerusalem to celebrate Succot. If not, they will not have rain. Succot symbolizes G-d’s umbrella of protection over Israel. The nations challenged G-d by going to war against Israel. On Succot, G-d showed His Hand. Also the nations came to rain destruction and terror on Israel - their rain will now depend on their recognition of G-d’s providence.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
Conclusions The world around us is very strange The definition of what is normal is changing rapidly and ever so drastically. Our definitions of reality and fantasy are being challenged on an almost daily basis. The innovations in technology are mind boggling. Who would have thought one hundred years ago that we would have actually landed a man on the moon? Today, we don’t even consider space travel to be anything special. Less than thirty years ago, the thought of being able to instantaneously hook up via home computer to people, classrooms and libraries around the world was unheard of. Today, this is common. The revelation of all these new technologies are all part of G-d’s greater plan for mankind. They are also a fulfillment of the prophecy in the holy Zohar (1, 117A) which spoke of G-d opening the gates of the supernal wisdom.
With all this new knowledge we must be careful and even skeptical. We must test all new knowledge and weigh its value in light of proper moral considerations. Only in this way can we avoid the danger of "worshiping" the discoveries of science and technology as man’s ultimate salvation. While human sophistication has definitely grow, we are nonetheless, still naive about a great many things. The holy Rabbis and Kabbalists have always recognized man’s limitations in understanding the world around him when he does not acknowledge the Author of creation. With the recent advent of computer technology the Torah been subject to the greatest of all scrutinies. Many still ask the old questions, "is the Torah truly of Divine origins?" "Can this ever be proved or disproved?" For the Torah faithful Jew, such as myself, such questions are outright offensive. We live by faith, and care not what science can prove or disprove. Yet, modern computer analysis of the Torah has uncovered a most shocking discovery. There are secret codes concealed numerically within the arrangement of the letters in the Torah text. These codes are prophetic in nature and have revealed shocking truths about events - past, present and future. No one would have known that the Torah codes existed if it were not for 20th century computer technology. Statistical analysis has proven that these codes are no mere mathematical coincidence. There is a very legitimate sub-level of teachings and knowledge concealed within the Torah. Now this poses a dilemma. There certainly was no computer technology 3,500 years age when Moses received the Torah on Mt. Sinai. How then did the Torah codes get there? I am sure that some of you believe that extraterrestrial aliens put them there. However, as a Rabbi and Kabbalist, I know that the Torah codes were not placed there by any extraterrestrial alien. The codes were placed in the Torah by the Creator of aliens and humans alike, the Holy and Living G-d. Today, through the Torah codes, scientists have proven the the holy Torah is definitely from an intelligence far beyond that of mortal man. But we Rabbis and Kabbalists have always known this. This is why we have kept the faith for the past 4,000 years of Jewish history.
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. An Authoritative Torah View on UFO’s, Aliens & Extraterrestrial Life
What then can be learned after a review of all the material that I have provided here? According to Judaism, there definitely is life in outer space. But, so what? According to Judaism, there is also life in inner space. As we grow in sophistication and in understanding the world around us, we must expand our knowledge to include the realities and workings of the non-corporeal astral realms. Regardless of whatever explorations we might pursue, be they in outer space, under the seas, or under the earth, the true final frontier will always be the inner space of the human mind, the doorway to the human soul. For it is only the human soul, with the spark of the Divine as its source, that can truly lead us in the right directions through our multiple dimensional existences as dual corporeal/non-corporeal beings. We are coming into a new age, and the passageway into it is most precise and narrow. There is so much confusion surrounding us as we are bombarded with the so many new things. People, Jew and gentile alike no longer know where to turn for the answers that give life its meaning. We are so inundated with the new that we have forgotten the old. More so, we are subtly taught that whatever is old is obsolete and useless, and in need of replacement. This is how religion, Torah and Judaism are viewed by many today. So many people believe that the Bible and Jewish Law are no longer applicable in our modern technological society. How devastatingly wrong are the ones who believe this! G-d’s wisdom, concealed in His Torah, is only now beginning to be revealed. The concealed wisdom has waited these thousands of years for us to develop an intellect that could grasp them. Well now that time has come. The UFO experiences of people today are all part of G-d’s plan to make us aware that there is a greater world surrounding us, more than what the eye can see. Many of the UFO stories are nonsense. Many UFO sightings are really secret military projects, which the government has every right to keep top secret. Many close encounters with extraterrestrials are really encounters with other inter-dimensional beings, most likely of a demonic nature. Some sightings, stories and encounters are the fantasies of deluded minds. Some sightings, stories and encounters might very well be of real extraterrestrials who have a G-d given right to be here, to conduct whatever business it is that G-d has given them to do. No matter what the source is, no matter what the truth, there is still only One underlying reality beneath all these phenomena. When we look out upon our universe, and explore everything there is to be explored; once our minds have examined all things and we rise to be true masters of the physical universe, we will find as the last and most ultimate discovery that which the ancient master Abraham found some 4,000 years ago there is only One true existence and only One true reality. This reality is the consciousness of the universe. It is above and beyond the universe as the soul is above the body. This reality is the true Being and awareness of all. This reality is above the universe itself. Above and beyond, while at the same time, below and within. This reality is G-d, the one and only true source. G-d, who is never 93
Copyright © 1995, 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.