INFORMATION MANAGEMENT This course introduces introduces students to Information Information Management Management (IM) as a eld of academic study. study. Students Students are exposed exposed to the scope scope of IM, the dieren dierentt career career paths paths and the represe representat ntative ive capailities and s!ills re"uired of any IM graduate. Students Students are also introduce introduced d to concepts concepts and theories theories that explain explain or motivate motivate methods and practices in the development and use of information systems in organi#ations. The concepts and theories $ill include systems, management, and organi#ation, information, "uality, and decision ma!ing, relationship of information systems to organi#ational strategy. This course also provides provides an introduction introduction to systems systems and development development concepts, concepts, information information technologies, and application soft$are. It explains ho$ information is used in organi#ations and ho$ IT enales improvement in "uality, timeliness, and competitive advantage.
I. %. . -. /. 2.
Funda undam menta entals ls of Mana Manage geme ment nt and and Bus Busin ines ess s Module
The &ynami &ynamic c 'e$ 'e$ or! or!pla place ce *nvironmen *nvironmentt and and +ompet +ompetitive itive dvantag dvantage e Informati Information on Techno Technology logy and and &ecisionM &ecisionMa!in a!ing g 0istorica 0istoricall 1ounda 1oundations tions of Manag Managemen ementt *thical *thical 3ehavi 3ehavior or and Social Social 4espon 4esponsii siility lity (End of First Week of Lectures)
5. 6lanni 6lanning ng 7 To To Set &ir &irect ection ion 8. +ontrolli +ontrolling ng 7 To *nsure *nsure 4esults esults 9. :rgani# :rgani#ing ing 7 To 3uild 3uild Structu Structure res s ;. :rgani# :rgani#ation ational al &esign &esign and and or! or! 6roces 6rocesses ses %<. 0uman 4esource 4esource Management Management %%. =eading 7 To To Inspire *ort %. Motivation and 4e$ards 4e$ards (End of Second Week of Lectures) %-. Individual 6erformance 6erformance and and >o &esign %/. +ommunication and Interpersonal Interpersonal S!ills S!ills %2. Teams and Team$or! Team$or! %5. 3est 6ractices and ?uiding 6rinciples 6rinciples in a =earning :rgani#ation :rgani#ation %8. @nderstanding of eective information information environment %9. IT management issues that confront confront the organi#ation (End of Third Week of Lectures) LONG EXAMINATION
Busi Busine ness ss Proc Proces esse ses s Modu Module le
%. 4ationa 4ationali#a li#ation tion for 3usiness 3usiness 6roces 6rocesses sesAA 3usiness 3usiness &rivers &rivers a. Streaml Streamlinin ining g usiness usiness process processes. es. . 1latteni 1lattening ng organi organi#ati #ational onal hierar hierarchies chies.. c. Introduci Introducing ng comple complex x technolog technologies ies at at a rapid rapid rate. rate.
. 3usiness +ycles a. 4evenue +ycle . *xpenditure +ycle c. +onversion +ycle d. Treasury +ycle -. Transaction Systems (*46, S+M) /. 1inancial Management a. ccounts 4eceivale . ccounts 6ayale c. ?eneral =edger d. 1ixed ssets e. +ash Management (End of Fourth and Fifth Week of Lectures) 2. &istriution and =ogistics a. 6rocurement Management . Sales :rder Management c. Inventory Management 5. Manufacturing Systems a. 6roduct &ata Management . Shop 1loor Management c. Buality Management d. dvanced 6lanning Management e. +ost ccounting Management (End of Sixth Week of Lectures) 8. +ollaoration and Integration a. 33 . 3* c. 3+ d. 3? e. *commerce options and issues 9. +4M a. &emand +hain Management . Service, Support, arranty Management c. +ontact +enter Management (InoundA:utound) ;. S4M a. 6roduct =ife +ycle Management . +ollaorative 6roduct &esign c. 6roduct &ata Management d. +omanaged Inventory, 3illing, 6urchasing e. Supplier +ompliance (End of Seenth Week of Lectures) LONG EXAMINATION
MIDTERM EXAMINATION !anuar" #$% #&% #'% ()#'* (End of Ei!ht Week)
III. Information +"stems Planning Module %. 1oundations of Information Systems in 3usiness a. Types of Information SystemsC &ierent ays to Support +ommunication and &ecision Ma!ing . 4oles of &ierent Types of Information Systems . +ompeting $ith Information Technology -. 3usiness 6rocesses of 6lanning, 3uilding, D Managing Information Systems /. +hallenges of 6lanning, 3uilding D Managing Information Systems (End of Ninth Week of Lectures) 2. Introduction to Information Systems 6lanning 5. Selecting Systems to Invest In a. +ost 3enet nalysis . 4is!s c. 1inancial +omparison 8. 6roEect Management Issues a. &ivision of =aor et$een the IS &ept and @sers . Feeping the 6roEect on Schedule 9. Systems nalysis 4evisited a. Information Sources for naly#ing Systems . 6erforming Intervie$s (End of Tenth Week of Lectures) ;. Situation nalysis a. IS6 Methodologies (?oals D 6rolems nalysis, +ritical Success 1actors, +ompetitive 1orces Model, Galue +hain, 3usiness 6rocess 4eengineering, Technology life cycle, 6orters Galue +hain) %<. Initial Information 4e"uirement nalysis a. 1unctions vs. Information Systems 'eeds . udit of *xisting IT 4esources c. Technology 1orecast (End of E"eenth Week of Lectures) %%. IS Strategic Thrust a. IS Mission Statement . IS :Eectives c. IS Strategic Thrust %. IS Supporting Strategies a. &ata rchitecture . pplication 6ortfolio c. &evelopment Strategies %-. IT Support Strategies a. &istriution Strategy . 0ard$are rchitecture c. &ata +ommunication rchitecture d. Soft$are rchitecture e. Migration Issues %/. IS6 Time Tale and 6riority Systems (End of T#e"fth Week of Lectures) LONG EXAMINATION
I,. E-aluating Business Performance Module %. &ata arehousing a. Transactions and aggregates . &ata architecture c. &ata accessC extraction, transformation, loading (End of Thirteenth Week of Lectures)
. +reating and delivering performance information a. &ata marts, &ata cues, :=6 . 1inancials c. Sales d. Supply +hain e. +4M f. Gertical Solutions (End of Fifteenth Week of Lectures) -. pplying information a. 3usiness intelligence solution . F6Is c. 3alanced scorecard application d. =earning and gro$th F4 e. Internal processes F4 f. +ustomer F4 g. 1inancial F4 h. 3I 6ortal +omponents /. Measuring against F6Is a. +omparison values . Thresholds c. F6I trending (End of Sixteenth Week of Lectures) 2. Buality metrics a. +rossfunctionally denition of metrics . &ening relevant proEectrelated procedures (such as an incident handling and resolution procedure) c. &enition of re"uirements for each proEect phase d. 3id re"uirements, internally specied re"uirements, proEect management re"uirements e. &ocumentation (status reports, manuals, etc) (proEect related issues, potential defects and prolems, proper planning, analysis, coordination and standard setting, existing defects and prolems) (End of Seenteenth Week of Lectures) LONG EXAMINATION
FINA EXAMINATION Marc/ #0% #1% #2% ()#'*
Ma3or Out4uts %. The student must e ale to present a 3est 6ractice Implementation 6roposal focusing on processes improvement, adoption of tools or methodology. &eadline of sumission is on the sixth $ee! of the lecture class. . The student is expected to present a proposed &ata arehouse Model for an assigned case. The model should follo$ all the principles of designing a data $arehouse. The student is also expected to choose an application A system that $ill carry the physical model of the data $arehouse. 6resentation should adhere to all proEect management concepts. . &eadline of sumission is on the sixteenth $ee! of the lecture class.