EGYPTIAN ARCHITECTURE Character: simplicity, massiveness,
Material : stone and brick System : columnar and trabaeted
PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS: Egyptian Tombs: a. Mastaba - stairway, halfshrunk, elaborate structure elements: offering chapel w/ stele (slab) serdab (statue chamber) sarcophagus
c. Rock-cut- mountain side tombs elements: passages sepultural chamber
Egyptian Temples: a. Cult Temple - worship of the gods
Comparative analysis: Plans - irregular and asymmetrical Wall - no windows (batter wall) Openings - doors are square headed Roof - flat roof Columns - interior only, 6d
- bud & bell, palm, foliated, hatthor head, osiris, polygonal Mouldings - torus and gorge b. Pyramid - square in plan, oriented in cardinal sides elements: offering chapel mortuary chapel elevated causeway (passageway) valley building (embalmment) types:
step (zoser ) slope blunt ( seneferu)
b. MORTUARY TEMPLE- to honor the pharos elements: pylo elements: pylon n (entrance or gateway) hypaethral court (open court (open to the sky court) hypostyle hall (pillard (pillard or columnar hall) sanctuary
c. MINOR TEMPLE- mammisi temple (carved along mountain)
d. OBELISK TEMPLE (monumental pillars, square in plan
Sphinx: (mythical Sphinx: (mythical monsters)
Mastaba of Thi, SakkaraPyramid of Gizeh- Cheops, Chepren, Mykerinos Tombs of the Kings, Thebes The Great Temple of Arnak (greatest example of Egyptian temple)
Great Sphinx at Gizeh
(god horus)
WEST ASIA ARCHITECTURE BABYLONIAN AND ASSYRIAN Character : simplicity, massiveness, grandeur Material : brick System : arch and vault
Egyptian Architects: Senusurets - built the earliest known obelisk at Heliopolis Amenemhat I - founded the great temple at Karnak Thothmes I - began the additions to the temple of Amnon Karnak
Amenophis III - built the famous Colossi of Memnon Rameses I - began the hypostyle hall at Karnak Seti I - built the temple at Abu- Simber Ptolemy II - built the pharos of Light House Ptolemy III - founded the Great Seradeum at at Alexandria Comparative analysis: Plan
- palaces are elevated on platforms w/
- are built with sun died bricks,
room covered by vaults
battlement cresting ( ASSYRIA finished ASSYRIA finished w/ chiseled alabaster slab)
Comparative analysis: Openings- doors are semicircular headed w/
sculptured monstrers Roof- externally appeared flat but covered by brick vaults internally Columns - no columns Mouldings - no mouldings Ornaments - chiseled alabaster slab
PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS: a. Ziggurat: holy mountains Archaic ziggurats - rectangular w/ upper temple Multi level ziggurats - 2 to 5 tiers Assyrian ziggurats - square in plan w/ continous ramp w/ fire altar
b. Palace : usually built by Assyrian elements: seraglio - palace proper harem - private family apartments khan - service chamber
Palace of Sarbon, Corsabat
PERSIAN (architect of light and airy magnificence, open type plan) Material: stone for columns, brick for wall surface,
timber for roof
System: royal palace are built on platforms to
achieve monumentality
: columnar and trabaeted
Comparative analysis: Plan - open widely spaced columns Wall - made of bricks covered w/ polychrome
brickwork Openings - windows and doors are square headed Roof – Roof – flat roof made of timber Columns - tall & slender w/ flutted shafts, 15d & scroll, twin horse capital Mouldings - Greek & Egyptian Ornament - polychrome brickwork
Simplicity & harmony Purity of line Perfection of proportions Refinement of details Material: marble System: columnar and trabaeted
Palace Platform, Persopolis Propylaea, Xerxes Palace of Darius Palace of Cerces Hypostyle Hall of Cerces Hall of Hundred Columns
Early Period/ Minoan or Mycenaean Principal buildings: a. Megaron : domestic unit elements : enclosed porch megaron proper thalamus- sleeping room
Walls: 1. cyclopean 2. polygonal 3. rectangular 4. inclined blocks
b. Tombs
Tholos - is a subterranean vault, circular in shape dromos- passageway c. Palaces Palace King Minos, Knossos
Rock –Cut - rectangular chamber cut deep into the mountainside
Helenic Period- religious structures Comparative Analysis : (Greek Temples)
Simple & balance Symmetrical Rectangular
Principal buildings: a. Temples elements: front portico crepidoma- stylobate, steriobate
pronaos naos epinaos/ posticum w/ or w/o opisthodomos peroma- space bet the naos wall and columns
Number of columns Henostyle Dinostyle Tristyle Tetrastyle Pentastyle Hexastyle Hectastyle Octostyle Ennastyle Decastyle Dodestyle
Arrangement of Columns Antis, Amphi-antis Prostyle, Amphi-prostyle Peripteral, Pseudo-peropteral Edipteral, Pseudo-dipteral
Comparative analysis:
Orders Introduced by Greeks
Wall - solidly constructed of blocks or stones,
Doric Order
use of dowels or clamps Openings - doors, windows & colonnade are square headed Roof - w/ sloping rafters covered w/ thin marble slab to permit light - lacunaria (coffer) Column - principal external feature
Ionic order Corinthian Order
Proportion of Greek Orders Doric Order - favored by Greeks
Parts of Greek Order Entablature - cornice
frieze architrave
Column - capital
shaft base
Doric Order
Ionic Order
Column- 4-6½ D Tablature- ¼ height of order Column- 9D Tablature- 1/5 height of order
Corinthian Order
Column- 10D Tablature- 1/5 height of order
Ionic Order Abachus Echinus Trachelion Hypotrachelion Entasis
Abachus Echinus- volute Attic base if 2 torus Torus Plinth
Intercolumnation Spaces Corinthian Order Hypnostyle- 1 ½ d Systyle- space bet col 2d Eustyle- space 2 1/4d Diastyle- 3d Areostyle- 3 ½ d
Abachus Cauli-coli Acanthus leaves
Principal buildings a. Temples elements : acroterion
pediment tympanum entablature metope triglyph raking cornice crepidoma
Basis of Shape of Mouldings Cyma reversa/ olgee - Waterleaf & tongue Cyma recta - Antheneon or honey suckle Ovolo - Egg & dart or egg & tongue Atragal/ bead - Bead & reel Torus - Guilloche or plait Corona - Fret Fillet cavetto escocia - Plains Palace King Minos, Knossos Acropolis, Athens
Propelea - gateway Pinacotheca - paintings Glyptotheca - sculptures Statue of Athena Promochos Erechtheion - unusual because of carriage Porch (Mnesicles)
Old Temple of Athena
Entablature spacing Monotriglyph Ditriglyph Polytriglyph
Mouldings parabola hyperbola elipse
Sculptured reliefs -
free standing statuary- single or group figures Types: bigas - 2 horse chariot Quadbigas - 4 horse chariot
Themenos -
sacred enclosure
Parthenon - largest - geatest example of greek architecture - architect : Ictinus - master sculptor : Callicrates - Doric temple - naos : made of gold and ivory - holds the statue of Athena
Temple of Nike Apteros Temple of Zeus, Agrigentum - architect : Callicrates - Ionic temple
Temple of Artemis - architect : Deinocrates - master sculptor : Scopas
- 2nd largest - architect : Theron - 3 naos - Atlantes figure
Theater of Dionysus, Athens b. Greek Theater - hallow out of hillside - 2/3 of circle
- prototype - largest for 30,000 people
elements : cavea
orchestra- complete circle at center skene- proscenia (oration) paracenia- width of orchestra epicenium- background Helenistic Period - civic structure Principal buildings Agora - town square, center of social & business life
Stoa - shed, long colonnade Prytaneion - senate building Bouleuterion - council palace Stadium - foot race course
Theater of Epidauror - most beautiful & preserved - architect : Polycletos
Principal buildings Audeion - smaller scale theater, used for musical Hipodrome - hose chariot racing, prototype of roman circus
Palaestra - resting school Gymnasium - place for all types of physical Exercises Tomb- mosoleum elements: pediment
Comparative analysis: Plan - assymetrical due to complexity of needs
Character : Vastness & magnificence
Olstentation & ornateness
Material : pozzolana & lime System : columnar, trabaeted & arcuated
Walls - introduction of buttresses
of romans Walls- made of stone & concrete Types: Opus quadratum Opus incertum Opus reticulatum Opus testaceum Opus mixtum
Elements of Arch
Extrados Intrados String Course Impost Abutment Plinth
Types: Niche/ hemicycle - retaining wall, detached Spur buttress - attached to wall Pinnacle - similar to spur but more pronounced
Roof - vaulting system Types: semi circular/ wagon headed vault (made of bricks)
cross vault dome/ cupula
Mouldings - heavily decorated
Archivault Voussoir blocks Stilting Rise Spring Line Span
Composite - Ionic volute w/ Corinthian Tuscan - similar to Greek Doric w/ base Column- 7D / Tablature- 1 3/4D Doric Order Column- 8D / Tablature- 2D
Ionic Order
Column- 9D / Tablature- 21/4d
Corinthian Order
Column- 10D / Tablature- 2 1/2D
Principal buildings
a. mosaic - floor, wall ceiling (Tesserrae) types: opusteselatum - square for ceilings opusectile - tesserae cut into shapes for
a. Forum- a central open shape used as a meeting place, market or rendevous for political demonstration.
opuspilatum - inchevron for floor b. mural paintings c. accantus scroll- most popular
b. Rectangular Temples Temple of Venus, Rome Appolodorus of Damascus
Pantheon Rome ( Sta. Maria Rotunda) Agripa (corinthian temple)
Forum Romanum - oldest & most important Forum of Trajan - largest forum
c. Basilica - hall of justice & commercial exchange Trajan’s Basilica, Rome Appolodorus of Damascus
d. Thermae - palatial public bath e. Balneum - private bath for family
Elements of Thermae
2. xystus - large open space w/ landscaping ,stadium
1. Main building
3. outer ring of apartments - lecture room, exedrae,
from various types of athletic sports
- tepidarium - warm lounge - calidarium - hot water bath - sudotorium - hottest room - frigidarium - cooling room w / piscana or swimming bath
- unctoria - perfume & oil
f. Theaters - orchestra is used by important people - skene became the stage Theater of Marcellus, Rome- concrete Theater Orange- partly concrete g. Amphitheatre - gladitoria contests Colloseum, Rome- vast ellipse Architects : Vespasian/ Dominitian
4. hypocaust - furnace
Thermae of Caracalla Thermae Of Diocletian
h. Circus - for horse & chariot racing elements: spina carceres Circus maximus, Rome- largest i. Tombs
2. Monumental tombs- similar to the Greek mousoleum in form & plan
Classes of Tomb: 1. Coemetera w/ Columbaria- a niche in the rock containing ashes of the dead
Loculi- recess for corpse w/c were sealed w/ a front slab
Mausoleum of Agustus, Rome Mausoleum of Hadrian, Rome (Castle of Angelo) 3. Pyramidal tombs 4. Temple shaded tombs
5. Sculptured memorials - minor tombs of varied designs
6. Cenotaphs - memorial monuments to person buried elsewhere
j. Commemorative Monuments
2. Pilar of victory/ memorial column record triumph of victorius generals Trajan’s Column - Doric column Architect : Titus
3. Rostral column - victorius campaigns done in sea victories
1. Triumphal arch - 3 openings, for emperors
k. Palaces
m. Insula - tenement house for workers
Palaces of Emperors, Rome by emperor Augustus Palace of Diocletian, Spalato largest Roman House
l. Villa - country house peristyle - inner colonnaded court (open) cubicula - bedrooms triclina - dining room oecus - reception room alae - reception for conversation kitchen & pantry o. Pons - roman bridges
n. Domus - private house Elements:
prothyrum atrium - entrance court open to the sky impluvium - water cistern tablium - open saloon p. Aqueduct - for water supply of towns & cities Aquaclaudia - Caligula & Claudius Pontgard, Nimes - most manificent 25 miles long q. Fountains Types: Locus/ Lacus - large basin of water Salientes - provide water
Etruscan Period Introduced radiating arch Tuscan column/ similar to Greek Doric w/ Base Atrium in domestic planning
Simplicity in design and treatment Coarseness in execution
Material : savaged from pagan structures
Basilican plan for churches (east oriented)
System: trabaeted & arcuated Comparative analysis: Plan - evolved from roman basilica
built on site of saints burial places Elements : bell tower atrium- with fountain
narthex nave- side aisles choir- cancelli (low walls)
high altar - baldochino, crypt/ confessio/ cimborium ambo apse - for bishops & cardinals Materials : Masonry & concrete Walls - exterior : concrete w/ plain plasters - interior : mosaic
Openings - arcaded, doors & windows are span
w/ semicircular arches lintels or entablature Roofs – Nave - timber trusses Side aisles - semicircular arches Apse - side dome Columns - 4 roman columns
Mouldings - roman mouldings are adapted, very crude Ornament - linked to Christian religion 2 basic ornaments : mosaic
mural paintings
Example of Basilican Churches:
Basilican Church of St. Peter, Rome Church of St. John Lateran Character :
Simplicity in external design Richness in internal treatment
Material : bricks used for walls & concrete for domes
marble for columns
Narthex became the entrance Covered by dome roof- external features
Comparative analysis: Plan - Greek cross plan Walls - bricks
Exterior - brick in various design Interior - mosaic & marble
Openings - are spanned by semicircular
arches or lintels
Mouldings : Billet moulding
Mosaic Mural paintings
Ornaments : symbolism
Peacock - symbol of eternal life Endless knot - eternity Chirho - Jesus Christ
“roman like art”
System : fusion of domical construction
Classic columnar & trabaeted style
Windows - 3” thick translucent marble Roof - dome Types: Simple - pendentives, dome Compound - supported by drum Melon shaped - with flutings Columns : dosseret block, soffit, capitals
Sta. Soffia of Constantinople, Hagia Sophia -
for emperor Justinian
Arch. Arthemus of Tralles Isodorus of Miletus now a muslim mosque
St. Mark, Venice Italy - most important example of Byzantine
External feature - towers on nave & transept, facades
Character : Sober & Dignified
Walls - supported by pilaster strips
Material: stone & brick for Germany
Windows - rose or wheel windows
System : arcuated
Roof - Rib & panel Vaulting
principle of equilibrium through vaulting system made up of rib & panel vaulting
1. quadripartite 2. sexpartite
Mouldings - are usually in horizontal courses,
deviated from roman
Elements of Monastery Church
Cloister court
Ornaments - fresco paintings- principal
- vegetable & animals forms
Inner court
Principal buildings
Common court
a. Monastery
Countries that adapted Romanesque ITALY Central Italy - ornamental façade- rising one
from another
North Italy- rose window
FRENCH ROMANESQUE Southern France - Muslim influence due to pointed arch Northern Italy - flanking towers
Madeleine Vezelay - earliest form of cross-pointed vault in France
Pizza Cathedral Pizza Campanile Cathedral Baptistery
Abbaye-Aux Homes, Caen Order - prototype of Gothic
France- style ogivale
East & west apse Worms Cathedral - emperor Charlemagne
System : Arcuated w/ Pointed Arches Material : stone
- lofty & aspiry quality - structural honesty - economy in use of material
Roof - ribbed & paneled vaulting Column - group column
Principal building : Cathedral- Latin Cross
(west oriented)
Mouldings - 45 deg from wall Ornaments - stained glass & figured sculpture
Plan - asymmetrical Walls - rubble masonry, buttress to support walls
Countries that adapted Gothic:
Principal Buildings a. Cathedrals
Primary/ Lancet Period - pointed arches &
Rayonnant Period - circular windows w/
wheel tracery Flamboyant Period - flame like or free flowing tracery
geometric tracery windows
Notre Dame, Paris - oldest Gothic Cathedral By bishop Maurice De Sully Finest & most characteristic French gothic
Chartres Cathedral - 130 stained galss windows Profussion of sculptured figures in west front
Rheims Cathedral - coronation church of kings of France 500 carved statues on west facades
b. Fortified Towns Carcassone - 50 towers, moat & walls
Ameins Cathedral - archt Robert de Luzarches Typical French cathedral Carved woodwork on choir stalls
c. Castles Chateau de Perrefonds - elongated location,
Beauvais Cathedral - tallest in Europe, 157’ to the vault
overlooking town Arch. Viollet- le- Duc
1 of the wonders of medieval in France
English gothic vaulting : Moulding - nail head
Double cone Dog tooth cable Ball flower Tablet flower Embatled sandwich
English gothic vaulting : formerets
diagonal ribs ridge ribs transverse ribs tierceron
boss - covering of ribs (pendant)
Classification of English Gothic Mouldings : bowtel - ¾ of a circle pointed bowtel - roll moulding in w/c 2 faces meet in a blunt arris bracket/ brace - double ogee wave moulding - a slight connexity followed by hallows
Types of Trusses
tie beam trusted rafter hammer beam collar beam aisle roof
keel moulding scroll casement hood & label
Principal Buildings: nd
2 div : Cathedral of the Monastic Foundation served by monks or regular clergy
a. Cathedrals st
1 div : Cathedral of the Old Foundation served by secular clergy
Cantherbury Cathedral st
1 Norman church
York Cathedral
largest cathedral among English cathedral
Salisbury Cathedral
Winchester Cathedral longest gothic cathedral
English gothic characteristic
b. Monastery
3 div : Cathedrals of the New Foundation served by bishops presence of 2 chapels
lady chapel - Virgin Mary chantry chapel - patrons are buried
Westminster Abbey- largest Benedictine Foundation Triple group of monastery
Coronation church & burial place for Eng kings Royal Palace - parliament & Big Ben Westminster Church - highest
c. Castles Tower of London - builder Bishop Gundolf for William I
BELGIUM & DEUTCH GOTHIC - eastern & western apse
Principal Buildings: d. Manor House Hampton Court Palace - archt Cardinal Wolsey e. University
a. Hall Church St. Elizabeth, Manburg - typical church in Germany Cologne Cathedral - largest gothic church in
University of Oxford Cambridge University
Northern Europe
Florence Cathedral - combination of gothic & renaissance Arnolfo de Cambio
ITALIAN GOTHIC Milan Cathedral - 2nd largest church in Europe archt Henrich Von Gmunden Sienna Cathedral - stripped marble found in walls &
- Famous group bldg in the world Doge’s Palace in Italy - civic example gothic in Italy
Giovanni & Bartolome Buon
tiers of church
Santo Corce - Arnolfo de Cambio, 1 of largest in Europe
Ca D’ Oro - one of the famous palatial homes during gothic period
Largest Church:
- influenced by Muslim art
- excessive ornament found in retablo - retablo & grilles or rajas- back of altar Civic Cathedral - largest Cathedral in Europe
RENAISSANCE - “rebirth of classical” Character : Dignity & Formality achieved thru
System : Trabaeted and Arcuated Elements : pediment, horizontal cornice,
columnar arcade
St. Peter’s Cathedral
Civic Cathedral William Cathedral Colon Cathedral St. Pauls, London
Baroque - curve lines 1. twisted column/ solomonica 2. pediment segmented scrolled open swan neck broken
Rococo Comparative analysis: Plans - symmetrical Walls - often constructed w/ ashlar masonry,
bricks for Germany Exterior wall - rustification : dado height 1.20m Doors & windows - semi circula head w/ greek
Roof - semi- circular vaults - dome or drum w/ semi circular windows Columns - classic orders Mouldings - roman mouldings Ornaments - fresco paintings Exterior color effect - sgrafitto (colored plaster)
Countries that adapted Rennaisance: ITALY - “ birth place of renaissance” Florence - birthplace, typical form Rome - typical Venice - receded frontage, contextualization w/ Environment
Brunelleschi - most famous architect in Italy
Raphael - cousin, pupil of Bramante & one of the greatest painters Vatical Loggie Vignola - Villa of Pope Julius, Rome
Palazzo Farnese, Caprarola
most maginificent of Roman palaces
Gesu Church, Rome prototype of Jesuit Church in baroque style
Michael Angelo : Medici Mausoleum
wealthiest family in Italy
Fra Giacondo - died Raphael - changed plan into Latin cross Baldazar Peruzzi - went back to Greek cross plan Antonio de Sangallo - younger, extended vestibule - designed the campanile - proposed central dome Michael Angelo - change to Greek cross plan - redesigned surrounding chapels & apses - designed the dome
Dome of Florence Cathedral - gothic & renaissance Palazzo Pitti - largest except for Vatican Alberti - author of first architecture book after invention of printing ( “De re Aedificatoria”)
Church of Santa Andrea, Mantua
prototype of later renaissance
Bramante - first Roman architect of renaissance time Pazzo Della Cancellaria Vatican Palace, Rome
Capitol, Rome - most successful civil work Longhena - Sta. Maria Della Salute, Venice structure in the middle of canal St. Peter’s Basilica most famous in Italy, Renaissance period
first architect, plan in form of Greek cross plan
Givliano da Sangallo - continued, after 2 yrs died
Giacomo Della Porta w/ Dominico Fontona - completed the dome Vignola - added side dome Carlo Maderna - change into Latin cross plan & colonnade Bernini - designed the entrance piazza containing 284 ionic columns
Panthenon, Rome - largest dome Roman
Florence Cathedral, Italy - 138’ Renaissance St Peter’s Basilica, Italy - 137 1/2 ‘ Renaissance St Paul, London - 112’ Renaissance Sta Soffia, Constantinople - 107” Byzantine
Principal Buildings a. Palaces Palais de Louvre (historical artifacts) - Pierre Lescot Palais de Tuilleries - Philbert de L’arme (residence of French rulers till 1879) Palais de Versailles (for Louis xiv) - Le Vau
FRENCH RENAISSANCE Chateau de Bury (typical French chateau) Chateau de Blois (spiral shell staircase) - Leonardo da Vinci
b. Churches Church of the Sorbonne - Le Mercier Dome of the Invalides (niche of Napoleon Boniparte) GERMAN RENAISSANCE French style, use of bricks
Heidelber Castle Salzberg Cathedral
Palace of Charles V. Granada - Pedro Machuca
- plateresque style - churrigueresque style (Spanish baroque)
Plateresque - fancy design by silver crafts Churrigueresque - inspired by Jose de Churrigueresque
best example
Escorial (art works) - Julian de Bautista,
Julian de Herera w/ monastery, collage, church & place Granada Cathedral - Diego de Silde One of the grandest cathedral in Spain
Tomb of Ferdinand & Isabela & others
- high baroque of Spanish renaissance
ENGLISH RENAISSANCE Bay & oriel window Topiary work- landscaping sculpture
Elizabethan Mansion Features: Towers Gable roof Parapets Balustrade Chimneystacks
Great hall Grand staircase Long Gallery (upper floor) - most striking feature Solar (with drawing room) - warmest room
Sir Christopher Wren - deciple of French renaissance
Inigo Jones - deciple of Italian Renaissance characterized by the use of bricks
Banqueting House, White Hall Queen’s House, Greenwich
REVIVAL ARCHITECTURE - 19TH CENTURY ARCH. Marked by Battle of Style- conflict between
Arts & Craft Movement - alliance of artists & factories,
St Paul’s Cathedral greatest masterpiece, model English 53 London churches Greenwich Observatory & hospital Fountain court & garden façade of Hampton Palace
Art Nouveau - organic & dynamic forms curving designs whiplash line Victorian Architecture - Britain revival architecture
paved way to…
Greek Revival & Graeco Roman
Ex. Railway Buildings Personalities
Awn Pugin S. Joseph Paxton - Crystal Palace S. W. Chambers - Somerset House S. John Soane - Bank of England
Gothic Revival Renaissance Revival
S.G. Scott - Liver Pool Cathedral S. Charles Barry - Westminster Palace
Romanesque, Byzantine Baroque, Flemish, Renaissance
1848- 1870 SECOND EMPIRE
Neo Renaissance
Ex. Vignon, Madeleine Paris Chalgrin - Arc de Triomphe Brandenburg Gate
High Neo Renaissance Ex. Fernstel - Votive Church, Vienna 1870-1914 THIRD REPUBLIC
Neo- Baroque
Ex. Charles Garnier - Paris Opera House
Queen Anne Style - popularized by Norman Shaw applied on domestic houses
Art Nouveau - Charles Rennie Mckintosh
Ritz Hotel - first building made of reinforced concrete & glass after war - Mewes & Davies
Ecole Des Beaux-Arts - Architectural Design Ecole de polytechnique - Engineering
Architects of Modern Period Britain
Art Nouveau France - Le Modern Style Germany - Jugensdstil, Bandwurmstil, Tapeworm Austria - Sezessione Italy - Stile Liberty, Stile Inglese, English Style Spain - Modernismo C. Europe
B. Lubetsrin W. Gropius Serge Chermayeff E. Mendelsohn Marcel Breuer
German Exponents Of Arts & Crafts
August Endel Henri Vande Velde
Foremost architects of Modern Period
Erich Mendelson - Germany Ragnar Ostberg - Sweden Ivar Tengbon - Sweden Sven Markelious - Sweden Gunnar Asplono - Denmark
Wells Coates A.D. Connel C.A. Lucas Edwin Maxwell Fry B.R. Ward F.R.S. Yorke
Viennese Architects
Otto Wagner J.M. Olbrich
Important architects of 1900-1916 Peter Behrens - Germany Auguste Perret - France Adolf Loos - Austria
Prominent Art Nouveau Architects Mckintosh- Scotland Antonio Gaudi- Spain (undulating lines)
Sagrada Familia Victor Horta- Belgium th
19 century Precedents of Modern Architecture
Crystal palace- Joseph Paxton Halles Centralles (market)- Baltard Bibioteque Nationale (lib)- Henry Labrouste
Pioneers of Modern Architecture
Otto Wagner- Austria Peter Behrens- Germany August Perret- France Hendrik Berlage- Holland Louis Sullivan- U.S.
AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE Georgian/ Colonial Architecture White House, Washington
19 Century Inventions
combination of glass & steel folded slab - introduced by Eugene Freyssinet flat slab - by Robert Millart laminated timber (plywood)
NATIONAL PHASE 1. Post Colonial Period - 1790-1815 - Departure from English architecture to French influence, revival period in U.S.A Classic Revival example:
Mckim, Mead & White
Capitol, Washington D.C.
Andrew Hamilton
University of Virginia
Independence Hall, California
Thornton, Hallet & Latrobe Thornton, Hallet & Latrobe
Montecillo Virginia Thornton, Hallet & Latrobe
Plan of Washington D.C.
Revival of Gothic example:
Charles Pierre L’ Enfant
Trinity Church, New York
Charles Pierre L’ Enfant
Richard Upjan St. Patrick’s Cathedral James Wrenwick
Federal Hall, Washington D.C.
Washington Monument, Washington D.C. Robert Mills
Philadelphia Exchange
William Stricklamp nd
3. 2 Eclectic Period- 1860-1930 st
2. 1 Eclectic Period - 1815-1860
predominant style of Greek architecture balloon frame introduction in building construction use of cast iron as building material
- most important period in architecture in U.S.A.
Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia- 1876 Worlds Columbian Exposition, Philadelphia- 1893 Predominant style:
Gothic Revival - initiated by Henry Richardson later by Louis Sullivan
End of Gothic Revival Frank Loyd Wright
Beaux-Arts - more academic in character St. John the Divine Cathedral, NY- Le Farge Marshal Field Store, Chicago- Henry Richardson
dominant: innovations metal frame construction non- load bearing curtainwall elevator
MUSLIM ARCHITECTURE 4. 1930- Modern Period in America Walter Gropius Erich Mendelsohn Mies Vander Rohe Eliel Saarinen Bauhaus
Principal building Masjid/ Mosque 3 types:
Characteristics of Friday Mosque
Fami Masjid/ Friday Mosque- biggest Madrasa- colligiate mosque, learning Tomb Mosque
Characteristics of mosque
Minaret - tower Maqsura - screen Dikka - reading desk Mihrab - niche Mimbar - pulpit Liwanit - colonnade Fawara - fountain Sahn - open space
Dome Colonnade - trefoil, ogee, horseshoe, lancet Ornaments - Mnemonic inscription (text) Superimposed ornaments - in layers Stalactite - found in pendentives (muqarna) 3d corbels
Examples of Muslim Architecture
Arabian Saracenic Great Mosque Mecca Assyrian Saracenic Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem - holiest place Spanish Saracenic Great Mosque Cordova - capital of Islam
Giralda, Seville most beautiful towers
Alhambra Granada
part of royal palace, most famous
Turkish Saracenic Taj Mahal, Agra - most important, made of marble
religion in West
INDIAN ARCHITECTURE Characterized by Buddhist, Jain, Hindu Buddhist
Stambha/ Lath - monumental pillars Stupa/ Tope - domical sacred mound Chaitya - Indian Buddhist temple
Hindu temple elements Mandapa - hall for religious dancing & music Garbhagriha - unlighted shrine Vimana – sanctuary
Great Stupa Sanchi - characteristic of Indian architecture Golden Temple of Sikhs - holiest temple
Vihara - Indian Buddhist monastery
CHINESE ARCHITECTURE Roof characteristics 1. steep gable roof w/ spreading eaves 2. extensive use of roof tilesyellow, green, blue- imperial palace red- mandarin black or gray- citizens 3. sculptural works found on roof ridges- dragon, fish
Principal buildings: Pai- Lou - Chinese gateway (3 openings) Pagoda/ Tais - houses relic of Buddha Temples - contains statue of Buddha
House - generally one storey
Elements of Temple
Temple proper Dagoba Bell tower Pagoda Library Monks dwelling
JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE The Gussho System - based on rigidity of the triangle Features: Roof construction: 1. Kiruzuma/ Gabled Roof 2. Hogyo/ Pyramidal Roof 3. Shichu- Hip- Ridge Roof 4. Irimoya- Hip & Gabled Roof
Emperor - 9 bays Prince - 7 bays Mandarin - 5 bays Ordinary citizens - 3 bays
Great Wall of China - built by : emperor Si- Huang- Ti
Incorporation of Buddhist altar in Japanese mansion Incorporation of stupas in monastery Chasitsu or tea house in Japanese dwellings Modular planning of house & palaces thru use of tatami 3’x5’
CAMBODIAN ARCHITECTURE - Stone Carving Angkor Thom - founder Jayavarman - center of town Bayon (main temple 54 towers)
Angor Wat
INDONESIAN ARCHITECTURE - Hindu influenced (stone carving)
Borubodur - largest budhist temple Stupa in Java
- one of architectural wonders of world - largest religious structure in the world, behive shape towers
TIBETAN ARCHITECTURE NEPALIST ARCHITECTURE - Buddhist Stupa - 13 tiers, symbolizes heaven Swayambhunath Stupa, Katmandu - square base w/ eyes of Buddha
Chorten- stupa Sakya Monastery - famous for collection of Tibetan manuscript
Potala Palace, Lhasa - palace for entertaining important people
THAI ARCHITECTURE Wat - group of religious buildings Bot - temple Phra chedi - stupa w/ a round tower Phra prang - stupa w/ elliptical tower Pra sat - royal throne hall Mondop - library
Sala - pavilion for resting Kuti - monastery Phra Pathom Chedi - most important architectural landmark in Thailand
PHILIPPINE ARCHITECTURE Indigenous Folk Dwellings a. ISNEG ( “binuron” house ) - appears to have been influenced by boat design - roof : resembles inverted hull ; gable type ; halfsection of bamboo laid on like shingles
- 15 post : 8 inner posts support the floor 6 posts support the roof 1 post (“ atobtobo”) support the end of the ridge - “tarakip” : an annex attached to one or both end of the ridge - side walls’ vertical planks may be removed to make windows - floor : reed mat which can be rolled up for washing
- on one side, the floor is removed leaving a space that extends from the ground level to the roof
binayon or finaryon (upper kalinga) upper kalinga - octagonal house ( the house of the rich) - supported by 12 post : 4 inner posts 8 outer posts to form an octagon - floor : reed mat - roof : hipped, not high and steep, made of bamboo
- floor area is divided into one wide middle section (“dattagon”) slightly narrow elevated side sections (“sipi ”) - “kinimpal” : roof system using several layers of bamboo
c. BONTOC ( “fayu” house ) - “tinalob” : only 2 layers of bamboo (for poor)
- 4 inner posts constitute the house’s core support; outer posts at each corner of the house support the roof
- has a lot of sections having specific names for its area is quite bigger
d. IFUGAO ( “fale” house ) - three-level structure : stone pavement, house cage and roof - posts : shoulder height, support only the girders - walls : slaut outward
local variations a. kiangan house - roof is not as steep and does not extend up to floor level, hipped - wall sidings – wood or sawali; no ratguards
- basic form is like the ifugao house except that the quarters are on ground level and the house cage serves as the granary - walls : up to waist level, leaving a continuous opening protected by the eaves -“falig” : granary for richer people adjacent to their house
- 3-level space within the house : floor, shelf, loft ( granary) - ratguard : thin cylinders placed on the posts - roof : thatched, pyramidal, extends up to floor level - basket under second level - detachable stairs - slaughtered carabao and human heads displayed on front of their house - doors can be remain open - “hagabi” : bench under their house for socialization
b. mayoyao house - roof is steeper and completely conceals the house cage; not ratguards - eminent for its pure, classic outline and fine craftsmanship
e. KANKANAI ( “binangiyan” house ) - high, steep, hipped roof, conceals the house cage - 4 posts support the house cage; roof is supported by the upper frame of the house - walls : made of narra or pine - living quarters consist of main area where the fireplace is located and a small room at the rear - only one entrance, door is decorated with fluting - no rat guards
f. IVATAN - made of thick lime-and –stone walls with a thick roof of cogon - made up of two houses : one which makes up the living and the sleeping areas (”rakuh”), the other makes up the kitchen - rakuh has 2 doors and 2 windows built on 3 walls, fourth wall facing the strongest wind is left windowless
Special type of house a.
chivuvuhung - cogon - itbayaten house - one structure, one room house
g. T’BOLI - space surrounded by space
h. TAUSUG and SAMAL - humanist architecture - clustered houses built on water
sinadumparan - ivatan
torogan house - colored - datu’s house - post are placed on top of rocks for earthquake purposes
- 3 possible origins (Bahay na Bato) a. BAHAY KUBO open plan, concept of space (“space surrounded by space…”), pointed roof and ventilation (wide window), “silong”
b. TRIBAL LEADER’S HOUSE strong construction; spacious with many furniture and rooms; elaborate decoration; best materials - the PEAK of native Philippine architecture : made the bahay kubo bigger and more extravagant but retained its character
made of coral stones, adobe or rubble; with small windows; area include:
- brought about 19 century by the changes in society and economy
c. CONVENTOS adjacent to the church, permanence permanence
spaciousness; may have been the local models of luxury and prestige - earthquake proof : resting on wooden posts mortised on stone, buried on the ground to “dance” with the earthquake
a. b. c. d.
zaguan – for caruajes, grains quadra – stables bodega – old carozas, grains entrasuelo – mezzanine where the valuables
are kept, may also house offices or additional dwelling units e. patio – enclosed courtyard
CEREMONIAL STAIRWAY – first three step (descanzo) made of marble tiles; landing with bastonera; remaining steps are made of narra
LIVING SPACES – wide double doors may be opened to connect the spaces and create a large hall
a. antesala or caida – for acquaintances; spacious hall separated by callado
b. sala – for friends and intimates;
divided by movable screens or biombo
c. bedrooms (quarto or silid) – usually three; contains four-posted beds, armories, chests; SANTOS with ivory heads and hands are placed at the master bedroom d. comedor – dining area; plateria and long table
COCINA – kitchen; contains the paminggalan (food cabinet) and dispensa (rice storage)
BALCON – terrace in the living room, jutting out of
COMON or LATRINA – toilet, sometimes with
AZOTEA – open terrace of stone and ceramic placed
two-passenger water closet
BAÑO or PALIGUAN – bathroom ALCOVA – additional quartos
- distinctive features
PERSIANA – large windows with slats covered with capiz to filter light; unique in Southeast Asia VENTANILLA – small windows usually at lower portion of the wall CALLADO – open woodwork or tracery; fixed over a window or placed as space dividers BARANDILLAS – wrought iron traceries on the wall BANGGERA – where the dishes are kept
MILITARY ARCHITECTURE - forts and fortresses constructed by Spanish friars as a defense against Moro pirates
the house
near the kitchen; with a cistern for gathering rain water
VOLADA – flying gallery over the zaguan; protects the interior from heat and rain
- regional differences
ILOCOS – sober architecture; Vigan houses are entirely made of bricks, pilasters embedded on sides, dignified without too much decoration CEBU – expansive, ground floor made of huge coral stones SOUTHERN TAGALOG – “airy”. Second flanges over the walls of the ground
REAL FUERZA DE SANTIAGO (Fort Santiago) – “shrine of freedom”, - designed by Father Antonio Cedeno with Diego Jordan as engineer
INTRAMUROS - famous walled city within a city; - seven gates; - completed 1872; - made of bricks and hard adobe from the Pasig River quarries; - wall are 45 ft thick and rise 25 ft above the moat;
Structures inside the city include: a. Fort Santiago b. San Agustin Church c. Convent
LATE SPANISH PERIOD - Architectural development
4. 5.
1. 2.
roofs at 45 degrees gradient or less use of bricks, limestone, hardwood, capiz shells (G.I. sheets and clay tiles or “tisa” were imported) elaborate lace-like grillwork (1870’s)
a. FELIX ROXAS – first Filipino architect; served as architect to the Manila government; studied in England and Spain b. JUAN HERVAS – a Catalan who was one of the Spanish architects invited to reconstruct Manila after the earthquake of 1863 and 1880
8. bridges a. Fuente de Espana first bridge to span the Pasig River linking Intramuros and Binondo b. Colgante Bridge – suspension bridge; only for pedestrians; framework of iron imported from England
3. DANIEL BURNHAM commissioned by Gov. General W.H. Taft to draft the Master Plan for Manila and government buildings (Agri-Finance Building, Senate Building, among others) 4. MASTER BUILDERS (“maestro de obras”) acquired title either from practical experience or completed academic training of Master Builder’s course
8. CHALET suburban house; simple design with verandah in front or around the house; middle-class 9. 1930’s continued urban development; emergence of multistorey, multi-family dwellings and commercial structures; distinct simplification of lines, emphasis on verticality; other architects contradicted the trend by putting horizontal strips of glass window
transoms with floral and foliate scroll work (1890’s) 1890’s Art Nouveau brought swirling vines and flowers for staircase balustrades, etched or colored glass panels replaced capiz emergence of Filipino and foreign architects working in the Philippines
7. churches a. Sto. Domingo Church, Intramuros b. San Ignacio, Intramuros first church designed by a Filipino architect c. San Sebastian Church, Manila only Gothic church in the Philippines
AMERICAN PERIOD - architectural development 1.
a “regime” of reinforced concrete and galvanized iron
Neo-Classical styles
5. LICEO DE MANILA first school to open three year course in architecture 6. TOMAS MAPUA first licensed architect; established the second school (followed by UST and Adamson) 7. MASONIC TEMPLE, Escolta first multi-storey reinforced concrete building in the Philippines
POST-WAR ARCHITECTURE - mediocre design, uncontrolled and hasty rebuilding only resurrected old designs - commercial building drew inspiration from contemporary architecture in the West - development of community planning
- BUNGALOW introduced in 1948; one-storey house with wide picture windows, a lanai and a carport for up to three cars - modern architecture with a renewed interest in Filipino Motifs a. use of pointed roofs, lattices, screens, wood carvings b. architecture of LEANDRO LOCSIN and