III. Educational Systems Elementary Education Secondary Education Tertiary Tertiary Education "Education Act of 1982" Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 SECTION 2: This act shall apply to and go vern both formal and non formal systems in public an d private schools in all levels of the entire educational educa tional system . !EC"#$#TION O% SIC 'O"IC( ) It is the policy of the State to establish and maintain a complete* ade+uate ade +uate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development. ,. #chieve an accelerating rate of economic development and social progress. 2. #ssure ma-imum participation of all people in the attainment and enoyment of such gro/th. 0. #chieve and strengthen national unity and consciousness. 'reserve* develop and promote desirable cultural* moral and spiritual values in a chang ing /orld. !EC"#$#TION O% O&1ECTIES ) #ims to provide for a broad general education that /ill assist each individual to... #. #ttain his potentials as a human being &. Enhance the range of +uality and individual and group participation in the basic functions of society C. #c+uire the essential educational foundation of his development into a productive and versatile citi3en. ) Train the nation4s manpo/er in the middlelevel s5ills re+uired for national development n act providing for th stablishmnt and maintnanc of an !ntgratd sstm of ducation. #"" E!6C#TION#" INSTIT6TION S7#"" Inculcate love of country Teach Teach the duties of citi3enship !evelop moral character 'ersonal discipline Scientific* technological and vocational efficiency %urthermore* the educational system shall reach out to educationally deprived communities II. The Educational Community !EC"#$#TION O% 'O"IC( #N! O&1ECTIES ) %oster a spirit of shared purposes and cooperation co operation among the members and elements e lements of the educational community* and bet/een the community and an d other sectors of society. !E%INITION #N! COE$#8E 9 Educational Community9 T7E E&E$S #N! E"EENTS O% T7E E!6C#TION#" E!6C#TION#" CO6NIT( 'arents Students School 'ersonnel I. 8ENE$#" '$OISIONS Elementary Education ) 'rovide basic 5no/ledge and develop the s5ills* attitude* and values Secondary Education ) Continue the obectives of elementary education
) !iscover and enhance different aptitudes and interests of students ) 'repare them for tertiary education Tertiary Education ) 8eneral education program that /ill promote national identity* cultural consciousness* moral integrity and spiritual vigor ) !evelop professionals that /ill provide leadership for the nation )oreover* the state shall ,. #id and support the natural right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth through educational system. 2. 'romote and safeguard /elfare and interests of the students 0. 'romote the social and economic status of all school personnel* uphold their rights* define the ir obligations* and improve their living and /or5ing conditions ;. E-tend support to promote the viability of those institutions through /hich parents* students* and school personnel see5 to attain their educational goals. ) Teaching or academic staff ) School administrators ) #cademic non teaching personnel ) Non academic personnel CO6NIT( '#$TICI'#TION ) 'rovide for the establishment of appropriate bodies through /hich the members of the educational community may discuss relevant issues and communicate information and suggestions $ights of 'arents ,.The rights to organi3e by themselves and
$ights of students in school ,. The right to receive* primarily through competent instruction* relevant +uality education in line /ith national goals and conducive to their full development as persons /ith human dign ity. 2. %reely use their field of study subect to e-isting curricula and to continue their cou rse therein up to graduation* e-cept in cases of academic deficiency* or violation of disciplinary regulations.
0. The right of school guidance and counseling services for ma5ing decisions and selecting the alternatives in fields of /or5 suited to his potentialities. ;. The right to access his o/n school records * the confidentiality of /hich the school shall maintain and preserve. =. The right of the issuance of official certificates* diplomas* transcript of records* grades* transfer credentials and other similar documents /ithin 0> days from re+uest.
?. 'ublish a student ne/spaper and similar publications* as /ell as the right to invite resource persons during assemblies* symposium* and other activities of similar nature.
@. The right to free e-pression of opinions and suggestions and to effective channels of communication /ith appropriate academic and administrative bodies of the school or institution. A. The right to form* establish* oin and participate in organi3ation and societies recogni3ed by the school to foster their intellectual* cultural* intellectual and physical gro/th and dev elopment* or to form* establish* oin and maintain organi3ations and societies and for purposes not contrary to la/. B. The right to be free from involuntary contributions* e-cept those approved by their o/n organi3ations or societies. $ights of school personnel ,. The rights to free e-pression of opinion and suggestions. 2. The rights to be provided /ith free legal services by appropriate government office in case of public school personnel and through the school authorities concerned in the case of private school personnel. 0. The right to establish* oin and maintain labor organi3ations of their choice to promote their /elfare and defend their interests. ;. The right to be free from involuntary contributions e-cept those imposed by their o/n organi3ations.
Special rights and
0. 'arents shall cooperate /ith the school in the implementation of the school program curricular and co curricular. Students ,. E-ert his utmost to develop his potentialities for service* particularly by undergoing an education suited to his abilities* in order that he may become an asset to his family and to society 2. 6phold the academic integrity of the school* endeavor to achieve academic e-cellence and abide by the rules and regulations governing his academic responsibilities and moral integrity. 0. 'romote and maintain the peace and tran+uility of the school by observing the rules of discipline* and by efforts to attain harmonious relationships /ith fello/ students* the teaching and academic staff and other school personnel. ;. 'articipate actively in civic affairs and in the pro motion of the general /elfare* particularly in the social* economic and cultural development of his community and in the attainment of a ust compassionate and orderly society. =. E-ercise the rights responsibly in the 5no/ledge that he is ans/erable for any infringement or violation of the public /elfare and of the rights of others. Teachers ,. 'erform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance /ith the philosophy* goals and obectives of the school. 2. &e accountable for the efficient and effective attainment of specified learning obectives in pursuance of national development goals* /ithin the limits of available school resources. 0.$ender regular reports on performance of each student and to the latter and the latters parents or guardian /ith specific suggestions for improvement. School administrators ,.'erform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance /ith the philosophy* goals and obective of the schoolD 2. &e accountable for the efficient and effective administration and management of school. 0. !evelop and maintain healthy school atmosphere conducive to the promotion and preservation of academic freedom and effective teaching and learning and to harmonious and progressive school personnel relationship. #cademic and nonteaching personnel ,. Improve himself professionally be 5eeping abreast of the latest trends and techni+ues in his profession. 2. #ssume* promote and maintain an atmosphere conducive to service and learning 0. 'romote and maintain an atmosphere conducive to service and learning. !eclaration of policy The State recogni3es that formal education or the school system* is societys primary learning system* and therefore the main instrument for the achievement of the countrys educational goals and obectives. NON %O$#" E!6C#TION #N! S'ECI#"IE! E!6C#TION#" SE$ICES
Speciali3ed Educational Service F Gor5 EducationH or 'ractical #rts as a program of basic education /hich aim to develop the right attitude to/ards /or5D and technicalvocational education post secondary but nondegree programs leading to onet/o* or three year certificates in preparation for a group of middlelevel occupations.
FSpecial EducationH the education of persons /ho are physically* mentally* emotionally* socially* or culturally different from the so called HnormalH individuals that they re+uire modification of school practices
privileges enoyed by graduates in similar courses of students in all schools recogni3ed by the government Operations of schools and educational programs /ithout authori3ation* an d
Share of "ocal 8overnment. 'rovinces* cities and municipalities and barangay shall appropriate funds in their annual budgets for the operation and maintenance of public secondary schools on the basis of national fund participation. Tuition and other School %ees Secondary and post secondary schools may charge tuition and other school fees* in order to improve
facilities or to accommodate more studentsD Income from Other Sources 8overnmentsupported educational institutions may received grants* legacies* donations* and gifts for purposes allo/ed by e-isting la/s Incentives to Education !eclaration of 'olicy It is the policy of the State in the pursuit of the national educational development goals to provide an incentive program to encourage the participation of the community in the development of the educational sector. $elating to School 'roperty $eal property such as lands* buildings and other improvements thereon used actually* directly and e-clusively for educational purposes shall be subect to the real property ta- based on an assessment of ,=J of the mar5et value of such property $elating to 8ifts or !onations to Schools #ll gifts or donations is favor of any school* college* or university recogni3ed by the government shall not be subected to ta- : 'rovided* That such gifts or donations shall be for improvement of classrooms* and laboratory or library facilities* and shall not ensure to the benefit of any officer* director* official* or o/ners of the school or paid out as a salary. $elating to Earnings from Established Scholarship %unds
#ll earnings from the investment of any duly established scholarship funds of any school recogni3ed by the government* constituted from gifts to the school* and
Conversion to educational institution may convert itself into a no nstoc5. Non profit educational foundation* in accordance /ith the implementing rules to be issued ointly by the inistry of education* Culture and Sports and the inistry of %inance. 8overnment #ssistance to Students The government shall provide financial assistance to financially disadvantage and deserving students. Such assistance may be in the form of State Scholarship* grantsinaid* assistance from the Educational "oan %und* or subsidi3ed tuition rates in S tate colleges and universities. 8rant of Scholarship 'ursuant to e-isting la/s Educational institution shall be encouraged to grant scholarships pursuant to the provisions of e-isting la/s and such scholarship measures as may hereafter be provided by la/. #ssistance from the private Sector The private sector* especially educational institutions* business and industry* shall be encouraged and grant financial assistance to students* especially those underta5ings research in the field of Science and Technology or in such proects as may be necessary /ithin the conte-t of national development.