O35ective! "u!t 3e "et over the 2ee6 and connected to the curriuculu" !tandard!- To "eet the o35ective!( nece!!ar+ 4rocedure! "u!t 3e ollo2ed and i needed( additional le!!on!( e8erci!e! and i re"edial activitie! "a+ 3e done or develo4ing content 6no2ledge and co"4etencie!- The!e are a!!e!!ed u!ing For"ative A!!e!!"ent !trategie!- /aluing o35ective! !u44ort the learning content and co"4etencie! and ena3le children to ind !igniicance and 5o+ in learning the le!!on!- :ee6l+ o35ective! !hall 3e derived ro" the curriculu" guide!-
A- ontent Standard!
The learner! de"on!trate the under!tanding The learner! de"on!trate the under!tanding The learner! de"on!trate the under!tanding The learner! de"on!trate the under!tanding o the or"ation o the univer!e and the !olar o the or"ation o the univer!e and the !olar o the or"ation o the univer!e and the !olar o the or"ation o the univer!e and the !olar !+!te" !+!te" !+!te" !+!te"
.- 0eror"ance Standard!
The learner! !hall 3e a3le to e84lain 2h+ there The learner! !hall 3e a3le to e84lain 2h+ there The learner! !hall 3e a3le to e84lain 2h+ there The learner! !hall 3e a3le to e84lain 2h+ there i! lie on Earthi! lie on Earthi! lie on Earthi! lie on Earth-
The learner! recogni>e the uni?uene!! o Earth( 3eing the onl+ 4lanet in the !olar !+!te" 2ith 4ro4ertie! nece!!ar+ to !u44ort lie-
The learner! recogni>e the uni?uene!! o The learner! recogni>e the uni?uene!! o Earth( 3eing the onl+ 4lanet in the !olar Earth( 3eing the onl+ 4lanet in the !olar !+!te" 2ith 4ro4ertie! nece!!ar+ to !u44ort !+!te" 2ith 4ro4ertie! nece!!ar+ to !u44ort lie-
The learner! recogni>e the uni?uene!! o Earth( 3eing the onl+ 4lanet in the !olar !+!te" 2ith 4ro4ertie! nece!!ar+ to !u44ort lie-
ontent i! 2hat the le!!on i! all a3out- It 4ertain! to the !u35ect "atter that the teacher ai"! to teach in the G( the content can 3e tac6led in a 2ee6 or t2o-
Solar S+!te"
0lanet! o the !olar !+!te"Solar S+!te"
Other "e"3er! o the !olar S+!te"
The !un
Li!t the "aterial! to 3e u!ed in dierent da+!- /aried !ource! o "aterial! !u!tain children! intere!t in the le!!on and in learning- En!ure that there i! a "i8 o concrete and "ani4ulative "aterial! a! 2ell a! 4a4er%3a!ed 4a4er%3a!ed "aterial!- Hand!%on learning 4ro"ote! conce4t develo4"entdevelo4"ent-
A- Reerence! 1- Teacher9! Guide 0age!
Earth and Lie Science! Teacher! Guide- 441*%&&
Earth and Lie Science! Teacher! Guide- 441*%&&
Earth and Lie Science! Teacher! Guide- 441*%&&
Earth and Lie Science! Teacher! Guide- 441*%&&
Earth and Lie Science 3+@ Salandanan et(al0- 1)%1'
Earth and Lie Science 3+@ Salandanan et(al0- 1)%1'
Earth and Lie Science 3+@ Salandanan et(al0- 1C%&1
Earth and Lie Science 3+@ Salandanan et(al0- 1C%&1