About the Author Author Dr Marc Dussault B Eng MBA MLS (LAW UNSW) DBA SDIAA GAICD FAIM
Entrepreneur | Exponential Growth Strategist | Author | Speaker
Dr Marc Dussault is an award-winning author, author , recipient of several marketing awards [Best Promotion under $500, Best Promotion Between $500 and $1,000, Best Business Graphics and Most Innovative Customer Service], Service] , an Entrepreneur of the Year Award Year Award finalist fina list as well w ell as a National Sales Sale s Award Winner. Founder of numerous successful businesses (many started with NO MONEY DOWN), Dr Dussault has experience in a wide variety of industries and geographic regions including North America, Europe, Australia and Asia Pacific. Dr Dussault has been a public company CEO, CEO, Global Strategist and director, director, as well as business development manager of a global IT software company. As an entrepreneur, Marc has raised millions of dollars in venture capital on the NASDAQ and ASX Stock exchanges. Dr Dussault co-founded the eponymous Jay Abraham Asia Pacific, now Platinum Programs, a division of Empowernet, a professional development firm focused on leveraging exponential marketing and mindset strategies in the SME marketplace. In 2007, Dr Dussault was named to the chairmanship of the board of board of Empowernet International Limited (ASX: ENI) to lead the company’s rapid growth initiatives. Several years after completing a Bachelor of Engineering Degree, Degree , [Graduating with a Double Major in Hydraulics and Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineering in 3 years – most students take 4 or even 5 years), Dr Dussault went on to acquire an Executive MBA (Graduating with Honours). Subsequently, Subsequently, as a part-time faculty member, he taught in the MBA program as well as completed coursework towards a Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship [In the World’s only bilingual Ph.D. Program held in not one, but 4 universities concurrently!] concurrently!],, with a focus on family business, organisational behaviour and information technology adoption and management while he doubled his companies’ sales and expanded his companies' geographic reach from North America to Europe. E urope. During this time, Marc developed, licensed and distributed automated digital printing system software across North America and established a Master Franchisee in Paris, France to sell in Europe. Upon his arrival in Australia, Marc taught Marketing at the University of Western Sydney while he continued his doctoral research in e-commerce business models, focusing on stakeholder analysis and strategic decision-making, completing completing his 400-page thesis (with over 700 references) in a record 3 months. He was conferred a Doctorate in Business Administration Administration (DBA) (DBA) degree from Southern Cross University, recently publishing his thesis “Selecting and Deploying Successful Business To Business e-Marketplace Business Models”. Recently, Dr Dussault completed a post-graduate law degree at degree at the prestigious University of New South Wales. Wales . Investigating the selection of optimal tax and financial planning strategies for wealth creation and asset protection, he was in the unique position of learning the most powerful strategies sitting amongst Australian Tax Office inspectors and auditors! This specialised degree, usually restricted to practicing lawyers and accountants, was completed in an astonishing astonishing 8 months while Marc worked full-time for a global Software IT vendor securing Top 50 ASX Companies such as TabCorp and Westpac as blue chip clients, increasing increasing sales 50% per annum, managing 173 accounts and no one at work knowing he was studying!
This was made possible with the development of his speed learning strategies that he has since published in the 3rd edition of his book “Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort” as well as being a speed reader who can consume in excess of 1,800 words per minute in English or French! Dr Dussault is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management as Management as well as the recipient of the highly acclaimed Company Directors Course Diploma 2005 bestowed 2005 bestowed upon him by the well respected Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is recognised as an Associat an Associate e Stockbroking by Stockbroking by the Securities and Derivatives Industry Association of Australia. Fully leveraging strategies developed and made accessible by Anthony Robbins, Jay Abraham, Jay Conrad Levinson, Brian Tracy, Dennis Waitley, Dr John Gray, Dr Robert Cialdini, Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Robert Kiyosaki, Dr Thomas J. Stanley and many others, Marc epitomises the exponential entrepreneurial millionaire mindset. mindset . He has read more than 3,000 academic papers and 300 books that have contributed contributed to his profound understanding understanding of the Exponential Mindset. Dr Dussault has published in 3 languages on 3 continents in continents in numerous trade and industry magazines as a contributing contributing author, expert and syndicated columnist. He has also contributed chapters to more than half a dozen books on topics as varied as MindMapping, Family Business Succession, Digital Printing, Poster Sessions and MasterMinds. Combining a unique blend of academic excellence in engineering, business and law with an entrepreneurial entrepreneurial flair and breadth of experience acquired over the past 25 years, Dr Dussault has consulted to more than 2,000 entrepreneurial companies as an exponential growth strategist to assist business owners to unshackle themselves from the day-to-day operations of operations of their companies, catapult their success and achieve personal and financial freedom creating over $200 Million in wealth for its owners and shareholders. Creating over 1 million new leads via a multitude of host-beneficiary partnerships, partnerships, Marc has leveraged exponential marketing strategies in more than 200 industries over the past 20 years. The Internet is not a new frontier for Marc as a former computer programmer and whiz kid who learnt to program on a Commodore VIC 20 and keypunch cards in the 1970s and 80s, he’s been there right from the beginning. Now, the Internet is his most exponential tool where he has gone from $0 to $1 Million in less than 12 months, developing 15 Internet-based products that generate income 24/7 via 4 payment gateways and counting. He teaches his clients how they too can quadruple their database size and visitors to their websites by as much as 200% PER MONTH on a shoestring budget using cash-positive growth to fuel exponential growth.
Embracing a life and work balance philosophy, philosophy, Marc has not had a sick day in over 20 years, has travelled the world, visiting more than 36 countries while exploring some of the most exotic destinations destinations on the planet, happily achieving rather than achieving to be happy. He has been mortgage-free since his early 20s enjoying the fruits of his labour as the owner of 6 BMWs and counting! Marc grew up playing ice hockey, but is now a competitive squash player who competes nationally nationally against opponents less than half his age is the winner of a Master’s State Championship Championship with an eye toward an international title!
"Today’s dreams are the foundation for tomorrow’s reality." — Dr Marc Dussault
“Live a life of revolution by design rather than one of evolution by default and avoid extinction by stagnation.” — Dr Marc Dussault
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Introduction Have you ever read a book and thought “yeah I get it” only to realise later that in fact you weren’t even close? That happened to me the first time I read the book Think and Grow Rich. I thought “yeah I get the basic idea, simple, easy to follow…” but somehow I totally missed the point regarding one of the key distinctions of success – the critical importance of a MasterMind Group. It wasn’t until years later, at a Jay Abraham seminar in Los Angeles that it finally ‘clicked’ for me. There I was, in a room full of people who had spent US$5,000, which in the early 1990’s was a lot of money for a Canadian who had to fly across the continent plus cop a 40% exchange rate “premium”… Anyway, getting back to the seminar – there I was, in a room with 576 other energetic, empowered, driven and ambitious entrepreneurs who wanted to get rich as quickly as possible with the least amount of effort. We were like-minded and singularly focused on learning how to make as much money as we could by creating heaps and heaps of value for our clients so we could get paid bucket loads of money for it… You must be asking yourself – “where does a MasterMind Group fit in to this?” Great question! And you know what? That’s one of the key ingredients of a great MasterMind Group – having people asking and probing you with the right questions to transform you from a mediocre business person into a champion of industry. …so back to the seminar in Los Angeles … Anyway, we all left the seminar our heads buzzing with enthusiasm, energy and boundless opportunities. What a feeling – I’m sure you’ve experienced it at least once.1 Then one day, one, two or three weeks later it happens. You know… You come crashing down to reality like a ton of bricks. You get that nauseating, sinking feeling in your stomach. You hit the wall so-to-speak. You finally realise that you can’t do everything that you know you should be doing.
I reckon it’s one of the best feelings you can have with your clothes on!
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Worse! You don’t even know where to start. You start to think or act on one idea and then immediately get distracted that there must be a better, smarter alternative. You get completely and totally paralysed and ineffectual. It’s a devastating and debilitating feeling isn’t it? That’s when somehow, magically I “knew” to pick up Think and Grow Rich and re-read the chapter on the MasterMind concept. WHAM! That’s when it hit me like a slap across the face. I was just as ‘stupid’ and powerless as the richest people in the world had been, but they did something I had never done – they had created a MasterMind Group to ENSURE they could move forward, grow and expand BEYOND their own limits. WOW! That totally rocked my world and changed my life. Or so I thought.
I had travelled to the Jay Abraham seminar on my own – no one else within my immediate circle of friends and acquaintances could afford it. My fellow business colleagues were slaves to their companies, chained and padlocked to their desks. They ridiculed me for spending US$5,000 on a 3-day seminar. There I was, alone in Montreal, knowing I desperately needed a MasterMind Group of ‘like-minded’ people to help me out of the quagmire of small business operational slavery, but didn’t have anyone ‘close to me’ to build this group. So I called upon the best people that I knew at the time. They were fellow graduates from Tony Robbins’ Mastery University located around the world, and local specialists that had never heard of Jay Abraham or Tony Robbins, but had skills and aptitudes that I needed to acquire, leverage or learn about to get me to my ambitious goal of personal and financial independence. I looked beyond my immediate contacts and became a detective of distinctions and got to know their originators and creators. If I didn’t know anyone who had what I needed, I asked trusted friends and colleagues who they knew that could help me find that elusive ‘key person’ and so the journey went. I met some of the most fascinating people through referrals and recommendations and learned a lot more than I had bargained for. I chose the ‘informal’ MasterMind Group model – most ‘members’ didn’t know they were in a MasterMind Group let alone meet anyone else in the ‘group’. I was the only one who knew it existed and why it existed (its purpose). I rotated people in and out and optimised when I would talk/meet/call them. I revelled in the creativity and the innovative spirit it triggered and fostered within me.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
It was years before I formalised the concept and created a ‘public’ purpose with some of the structures and processes outlined in this guide. It’s horses for courses, different strokes for different folks.
When I started I had audacious goals – I wanted to do it all. Build businesses, make tons of money, travel the world, study at the highest academic level in multiple disciplines in multiple languages, travel the world’s exotic locations, teach at the post-graduate level, publish, consult while improving my health and vitally – ALL AT THE SAME TIME WITHOUT COMPROMISING PERFORMANCE OR RESULTS! At the time I was too embarrassed to admit it ‘publicly’, but secretly I was totally committed and determined to live my dream to its absolute fullest.
I am proud of my accomplishments, but I didn’t do it on my own. I had the assistance, guidance, coaching and mentoring equivalent to hundreds of years of experience, knowledge and wisdom that I could never live long enough to acquire on my own. It wasn’t and still is not about competing with others, it’s really about becoming the very best ‘you’ you can become. Creating and evolving MasterMind Groups as you achieve each “milestone” in your life and/or career is one of the key fundamental distinctions for personal and professional success. Every single truly exceptional person had a MasterMind Group, in one way, shape or form. They may never have called it that, but essentially that’s what it was.
Besides, if you do it right, it’s one of the most enjoyable aspects of personal development, growth and success. I would agree with Napoleon Hill – without it, the odds are against you – way, way, way against you. So why don’t you sit back and invest the next 20 to 30 minutes to get your own breakthrough to creating a fun, effective and powerful MasterMind Group to catapult you to exponential success? After all, you’re worth it and you do want to achieve your dream goal(s) don’t you? I won’t tell a soul. I promise.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
10 Point Checklist to Creating a Fun, Effective and Powerful MasterMind Group to Catapult You to Exponential Success 1. Start now. 2. Determine why you want to start a MasterMind group. 3. Determine what type of group it will be and the style of management you want to have. 4. Establish the group's protocol before the group is formed. 5. Be selective about who you invite as members in the starting group. Make sure they are the ‘right people’ for the ‘right reasons’. It's better to start off small and build the group than to go for volume without substance. 6. Determine how to expel a group member if things aren't working out before forming the group. 7. Be true to yourself and your group - if you are not making a difference to the group or it’s not making a measurable difference to you, it’s time to leave and find another group that is better suited to your needs. 8. MasterMind Groups are not forever. Once you outgrow your group or it outgrows you, it’s time to get a new one. 9. Have fun, otherwise you won’t get the most out of the experience. It’s as much about the journey as it is the destination. 10. Don’t overdo the bureaucracy – let it flow more freely than you’re accustomed exploring the fluidity of lateral thinking and exploration. You’ll be amazed how effortless innovative thinking can become if given the chance to emerge.
“The thinking that got us to where we are is not the thinking that will get us to where we want to go.” — Albert Einstein
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When Did The MasterMind Group Concept Originate>?
Chapter 1
WHEN DID THE M ASTER MIND GROUP CONCEPT ORIGINATE? The concept of the MasterMind Group was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in the early 1900's. In his timeless classic, "Think and Grow Rich" he was the first to summarise, consolidate and document the organising principles (distinctions of success) of the most powerful, influential and financially successful people of that era.1 Nearly every great achievement or massive fortune in history has been the product of a team of minds united in achieving the same, pre-defined goal. The American Declaration of Independence was the result of a MasterMind group, so was man's first powered flight, as well as man’s first flight into space and subsequently the moon.2 In his seminal book he defined the MasterMind principle as "The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony."3 He goes on to explain “Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel and personal cooperation of a group of people who are willing to lend him/her wholehearted aid, in a spirit of perfect harmony.”4 Furthermore, he introduces the key exponential construct behind the MasterMind principle as “no two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”5 This is due in large part to our predisposition as social beings to “take on the nature and habits and the power of thought of those with whom we associate in spirit of sympathy and harmony.”6 Success is not a solo act. To get from here to there, you need other people. A MasterMind Group is an excellent way to interest other people in your vision of success.7 Our minds are like batteries… Mr. Hill explains this analogy using the little know fact that a group of electrical batteries mysteriously provide more energy than a single battery of the same capacity. Similarly, Mr. Hill extols that our brains, when combined within a proper (MasterMind) grouping, will produce more brain power than each individually could on their own.8 So how do we get plugged in? First, we have to define what a MasterMind Group is … and is not. 9 Several definitions abound and each has its merits.
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Our minds are like batteries…
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Chapter 2
There is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that participants bring to MasterMind Groups. The beauty of MasterMind Groups is that participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion. MasterMind The beauty of participants act as catalysts for growth, MasterMind Groups is devil’s advocates and supportive that participants raise the colleagues.10 MasterMind Groups are like having an objective board of directors.11
bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion.
MasterMind Groups share the basic philosophy that more can be accomplished in less time by working together. Comprised of individuals who meet in an open, supportive environment on a regular basis, a MasterMind Group’s sole purpose is to share thoughts, ideas, opinions and information directed toward a pre-defined purpose, goal or outcome.12 As individuals, members have the ability to see things from their own perspective or world view. By adding others to the mix, the group has a greater ability to share a combined intellect to see things from several new, different and contrasting perspectives in what Napoleon Hill and others have come to refer to as the "third mind." It is this collective third mind that processes and distils information down to its essence, crystallizing abstract thoughts and feelings into tangible ideas and actions that can be readily MasterMind Groups implemented for exponential advantage. commit to showing up and
contributing to each other’s success. Members of the group become trusted confidants who rely on each other for priceless insights, candid feedback, valuable ideas, encouragement, inspiration and motivation. V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
A MasterMind is a group of individuals who are joined in purpose. All bringing their collective talents and experiences to the achievement of a common goal.13 MasterMind Groups commit to showing up and contributing to each www.MarcDussault.com
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
other’s success. Members of the group become trusted confidants who rely on each other for priceless insights, candid feedback, valuable ideas, encouragement, inspiration and motivation.14 •
A MasterMind is a group
A MasterMind Group is a unique collection of individuals who are of people utilising MasterMind principles for joined to achieve a business and personal goal achievement. The basic intent of a MasterMind Group is the common purpose. coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony and for the attainment of a definite purpose.15
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What a MasterMind Group is NOT
Chapter 3
A MasterMind Group should not be confused with a leads group. Acquiring leads is not a primary purpose of the group; however, leads may be exchanged based on the relationships formed in the group. 16 A MasterMind Group is not a training class. Members may learn new information or skills through discussion; however, the group is not dependent on any one person's expertise. The format is highly facilitated. A MasterMind Group is not group therapy, although some meetings may produce therapeutic results.
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Chapter 4
DEFINING A PURPOSE FOR Y OUR M ASTER MIND GROUP Great minds don't always think alike. That's why leaders and executives turn to MasterMind Groups - a growing business phenomenon attracting successful professionals who seek objective advice, motivation, group synergy and different perspectives to accomplish their most important goals.17 It's easy to feel isolated in a leadership role. The higher you rank within an organisation, the less objective feedback you receive, the more difficult it is to find peers who understand your challenges and issues. Small businesses are well suited to take advantage of Great minds don't always MasterMind Groups. With the growing number of think alike. individuals starting and running small businesses, the need to connect with other peers is even greater. "Micro businesses," those operated by one person with a couple of employees and home based businesses are especially well served through MasterMind Groups.18 In line with the need to define a purpose, there are countless reasons you’d want to start a MasterMind Group.19 • • • • • • •
Business diversity New product/service idea generation Problem solving Share best practices Research and development of ideas (innovation and creative thinking) Personal (financial) gain Professional growth
It is imperative that the reasons or need to start a MasterMind Group be harmonious with both the type as well as the constitution of the group created. A MasterMind Group’s sole purpose is to share thoughts, ideas, opinions and information directed toward a pre-defined purpose, goal or outcome.20 The establishment and agreement of a clearly defined purpose is essential in the genesis of an effective MasterMind Group.21 The following
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… a clearly defined purpose is essential in the genesis of an effective MasterMind Group .
Defining a Purpose for Your MasterMind Group
questions can help you get clarity and achieve “definiteness of purpose” that Napoleon Hill professes is a key ingredient to personal success.22 When creating or joining a MasterMind Group, it is crucial to establish a clear-cut sense of purpose. Everyone in the group must “buy into” the purpose.23 There should be no “hard sell” necessary to attract any member to the group, otherwise that reluctance will show up later on and in extreme cases that reluctance or lack of buy-in or commitment can inhibit or even destroy the fragile and critically important group dynamic. The early stages of development of a MasterMind Group are critical to the group's future success.24 If everyone in the group had a different expectation to start off with, the chances of success are significantly diminished and disaster quite likely. • • • •
• • •
What is the purpose/mission/goal/outcome of the MasterMind Group? Is it a group or personal outcome? How will you know if the purpose has been achieved? What are the measurable or observable milestones you can determine from the outset? What skills, aptitudes, knowledge and/or skills are required to achieve the Group’s purpose? Is the purpose compelling, engaging and motivating enough for the time and effort to be invested? Is the purpose bold or grand enough? Are there other dimensions to the purpose that we might want to explore? Is the purpose too general or too specific? Or conversely, not general or specific enough?
• • • •
If possible, have the first meeting facilitated by someone who has been in a MasterMind or similar group or someone with identified group process skills. 25 Have members introduce If possible, have the first themselves - name, business, meeting facilitated by someone number of years in business, number of employees, type of who has been in a MasterMind business, brief business overview, or similar group issues they plan to bring to the group. (Allow 10 minutes for each person.) Go over MasterMind guidelines and rules of engagement. Discuss future time, day and location for meetings. Choose a group facilitator and go over his/her role for the next meeting. Create a list of group members and choose a liaison to be in contact with the MasterMind Group coordinator. While the guidelines address these issues in a general way, each group develops its own focus and culture so it is helpful if the group makes conscious choices about what they want. At the first or second meeting, discuss issues such as those noted below.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
• • • • •
Describe your ideal MasterMind Group. 26 What will the group look like? How will members benefit? What kind of culture do we want our group to have? What are our reasons for participating in this MasterMind Group? Brainstorm or MindMap What are our expectations and needs that your thoughts cannot be met or cannot be met as well and feelings so you at elsewhere? Describe our MasterMind Group as we want least have a sense it. of direction. What are the main purposes of our group? What kinds of benefits and results do we want? What kinds of activities do we want? How do we want to do what we do? Do we want to develop statements of vision, mission and purpose?
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Defining a Purpose for Your MasterMind Group
Chapter 5
M ASTER MIND GROUP T YPES Essentially, the various types of Mastermind Groups are only limited by your imagination.27 Each MasterMind Group has a personality of its own with specific, agreed upon, interests and objectives.28 You should match the MasterMind Groups may be structured a variety of ways. Some are professionally MasterMind Group type with its facilitated; others are self-organised. purpose, your personal style and Groups may be global, national or local.29
Some MasterMind Groups are industryspecific. Other groups are broader based, with representatives from different businesses joining to brainstorm ideas on a variety of topics. Groups can address professional or personal issues or both. Striving toward success and creating a positive, dynamic learning environment allows members to embrace their new-found "community."30 When designing your MasterMind group, be sure to think through both "what it is" and "what it is not".31 For example, a MasterMind group is typically not a leads network nor should it be a therapy group. Some questions to ask include: • •
How large will the group be? Groups typically have less than 10 members.32 How will meetings be structured? Some are structured with a facilitator or chairperson and an agenda, others allocate equal time to each member, some simply focus on the most pressing issues.33 Who is the "ideal" member for your group? What are their characteristics? What is their expertise? What value will they add to the group?
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Chapter 6
IDEAS FOR SELECTING THE MOST EFFECTIVE , POWERFUL AND ENGAGED CONTRIBUTORS FOR Y OUR M ASTER MIND GROUP Don't forget, finding "ideal" members is the goal. Warm bodies do not equal "ideal" members. 34 Some places to look for "ideal" members – your existing network, professional or trade associations, Chamber of Commerce, your place of worship, Internet bulletin boards or networking groups. You can also ask your trusted advisors – your accountant, lawyer, suppliers, Don’t forget: clients or family doctor to join or refer you to someone Since you can add they respect or admire.
and remove members you don’t have to make a long- term decision. •
The type and purpose of your MasterMind Group will determine the type, profile and quantity of members you’ll be seeking. The following should help you decide what the ideal group membership should look like. 35
Related Experts: People you respect in related fields. Competitive Industries: Establish a trusting and safe environment by selecting members outside your immediate industry or geography. Mentors: People who can help guide your career or business by providing opportunities to learn the ropes with a minimal amount of pain. Role Models: People whose success, achievements and professional behaviour stimulate your own creative juices. These are people you look up to and respect. Power Sources: Clients, prospects or friends who refer you to additional sources of information and connections. They get you qualified introductions. Business Alliances: People in business who advise you of opportunities and encourage and promote your visibility to other businesses and with whom you work closely. They may fit into previous categories.
People you trust who will not ‘YES’ you to death. They will question you and test you to go the distance.
Challengers: People you trust who will not ‘YES’ you to death. They will question you and test you to go the distance. Also called ‘mis-matchers’ who V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Ideas for Selecting the Most Effective, Powerful and Engaged Contributors for Your MasterMind Group
constantly see the other side of the argument, see problems instead of opportunities, have a view of the dark side that you don’t want to see. They are valuable as long as they contribute to the process and do not impair momentum and conversational flow. Often, mis-matchers are abrasive, argumentative and more trouble than they are worth, however, a well managed or well mannered mis-matcher can be a priceless addition to a MasterMind Group. You want people who: •
Have a similar interest (such as a group for self-employed people, a group for spiritual thinkers or a group for people in a certain corporation or industry) Have a similar, different and/or higher skill and/or success level (depending on the type of group and outcome sought)
Have the desire and inspiration to make this year extraordinary Want a supportive team of MasterMind partners
Want to reach or exceed their goals
Go with ‘your gut feel’ and trust your instincts.
Are ready to let their desire to be passionate about their life and work overcome their fear of change Are strongly motivated36 Have achieved success in a particular field or role Are open to different perspectives and feedback Have a positive outlook and are generally optimistic Will be committed to the group Are trustworthy Like to have fun and be challenged Most importantly – they get along with the other group members!
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Screening Potential MasterMind Group Members
Chapter 7
SCREENING POTENTIAL M ASTER MIND GROUP MEMBERS Before agreeing to let any new members into your group, it’s important to screen them to make sure they’ll fit into the existing (or expected) group and that their commitment level is sufficiently high. Decide in advance how many people should be in your group and only allow new members into the group with the unanimous consent of everyone in the group. Some questions to ask potential MasterMind Group members include: • • • • • •
Do you have a personal or business mission or vision statement? What are your one, five and ten-year goals? How will you find time to participate in the MasterMind Group? What is your commitment to moving forward in your business and personal life? Why should you be chosen to participate in this group? What do you think are your most important assets/skills/aptitudes and/or knowledge that you will contribute to the group?
Even with a screening process a MasterMind Group is likely to run across people who say that they’re committed but then don’t participate or who say that they’re honest but then fail to keep the trust of the group. Be prepared to ask people to leave the group who are not participating up to the group standard and do it quickly once the poor behaviour becomes evident. A slacking member will bring down the energy, fun and trust level for the whole The higher you place the group.
bar of admission and conduct, the greater the rewards. However, when you are starting your first group, don’t place the bar too high – you can always raise it as you go.
Members of a MasterMind Group must learn quickly that they must leave their ego at the door. Problems can occur when some members have unrealistic or erroneous expectations of the group or they don't grasp the concept of collective, lateral group-based thinking.
Some members may expect the group to solve all of their business or personal problems, or they may want to use the group meetings as therapy sessions. There is a fine line separating group therapy and brainstorming sessions – as long as there is constructive movement toward the group’s purpose, an effective MasterMind Group will embrace remaining close to that proverbial line of demarcation
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How Does a MasterMind Group Work?
whilst monitoring it closely and advising the group and members who might indulge in inappropriate behaviours. A group who has self-centred, dominant members may self-destruct if the group allows that behaviour to continue without sufficient enforcement of the rules of engagement. Members who are unwilling to relinquish power can undermine the true purpose of the group's formation and its overall effectiveness. A member who tries to overpower the group should first be mentored, then warned and if the contrarian behaviour continues, should be asked to leave or be voted out of the group.
HOW M ANY MEMBERS SHOULD Y OU H AVE? Each group should begin with a minimum of three people. Groups typically have less than 10 members.37 Ideally, the group should not exceed 10 or 12 members. Scheduling becomes difficult as numbers increase. Also, it is difficult to give adequate attention to each member during a meeting if numbers grow beyond a handful. The counter argument for a larger group is that quorum is more easily achieved if there are more members. 38
BENEFITS FOR M ASTER MIND GROUP MEMBERS Attracting the best MasterMind Group members is important. Several benefits exist as noted below. New ideas, perspectives and points of view and opinions39 Support for your business development New alliances, improved networking although this is not the goal of a MasterMind Group, but an indirect benefit Motivation and synergy Higher levels of success with reduced effort Experience, skill and confidence40 Real progress in your business and personal life An instant and valuable support network A sense of shared endeavour - there are others out there trying to do exactly what you are attempting to achieve! Design things to be the way you want them to be, not as you've been told they should be Your MasterMind Group is like Sometimes the benefits are having an objective board of intangible and need to be directors41 Better decision making and reviewed and members reminded 42 problem-solving of them otherwise motivation Accelerated business growth may wane and attrition become Increased personal effectiveness problematic. Smarter strategic thinking Increased accountability Safe and non-judgmental place to discuss challenges Expanded professional network and improved life/work balance.
Successful MasterMind Groups ensure that ALL members benefit from the experience.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Chapter 8
HOW DOES A M ASTER MIND GROUP WORK ? Your peers give you feedback, help you brainstorm new possibilities and set up accountability structures that keep you focused and on track.43 You will create a community of supportive colleagues who will brainstorm together to move the group to new heights.44
MasterMind Group meetings are not like other meetings – they need to be fluid, engaging and fun while remaining focused.
MasterMind Groups can meet in person, on the telephone, or via online message boards. For those groups that meet in person or on the phone, typically a once-a-month meeting is scheduled. Because of the group nature, a commitment is required. Look for highly-motivated people who are willing to ask for help and support and are willing to offer help and support to other people.
In a MasterMind Group, the agenda belongs to the group and each person’s participation is key.45
TRUST AND H ARMONY – ESSENTIAL BUILDING BLOCKS OF EFFECTIVE M ASTER MIND GROUPS The success of a MasterMind group is built on the foundation of trust and harmony.46 As some members explain, the process of building trust can take as long as a year before group members feel comfortable with each other. That comfort comes from sharing information and ideas and learning to accept Without absolute trust – opinions openly and willingly. If only safe, polite comments are shared, nothing is gained, nor is the there is no ‘third mind’. feedback valuable. Members don't benefit from a Get rid of the mistrust group of ‘yes’ people. An effective MasterMind immediately. If necessary, Group must encourage a diversity of opinions that start all over again. are constructive in nature with value-add criticism and analysis that enhances the ultimate outcome or
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How Does a MasterMind Group Work?
purpose sought. Well managed confrontation and debate is healthy and should be explored and entertained with the understanding that it exists to yield an optimal result. Gary Ralston, senior business consultant at Ralston Consulting in Columbus, Ohio, says that trust deepens as the group forms.47 "Confidentiality, like a water-tight bond, is the most important part of MasterMind Groups," Ralston says. "Everywhere else, you want your business to look good to the rest of the world, but in a MasterMind Group, you can admit anything without being penalised because everything discussed stays in the group." Without absolute confidentiality and trust, a MasterMind Group is quickly reduced to a glorified chat session. Ralston adds that "we (each) live with our own blind spots. MasterMind Groups allow us to accurately locate reality." Furthermore, MasterMind Groups are a unique multi-faceted lens that allows each member to inwardly focus with varying degrees of scrutiny self-assessment as desired. Nowhere else is this depth and breadth of introspective analysis possible. It can be as brutal as it can be beneficial. No pain, no gain.
SUSTAINABILITY – THE ULTIMATE COMPONENT OF SUCCESSFUL M ASTER MIND GROUPS Mike Benz, executive director and CEO of United Way Services in Cleveland, Ohio, has for the past four years been a member of a group of executives that has met monthly. Few members have come and gone from the program during that time, but Benz explains, it is critical to select the right people. "Not just anyone can Sustainability is a ‘nice come into the program. They must be invited to to have’ component – become part of the group." The first year, he explains, focused on developing trust. Between the second and but not a ‘must have’. third year, the group hit a few bumps in the road, Some of the most which were ironed out. By the fourth year, the group successful and established its momentum. "You have to make a powerful MasterMind commitment to yourself and your group members that you're in it for the long term," Benz adds. Seeking Groups exist for short feedback from group members keeps the group periods of time. productive. Ralston points out that his group always ends its meetings by asking each person to reflect on what worked and what didn't in the meeting and how the group can improve the next meeting. It keeps the group focused and on track. Group members determine how often the group meets. Members who are physically located in the same city might meet monthly. Others, who may be located in the same state, may opt for bi-monthly or quarterly meetings. Members of national MasterMind groups opt for meeting about twice a year. Some MasterMind group members choose to meet by telephone to keep in touch until they can meet in person, using bridge line teleconferencing. The duration of meetings depends on the group, but most meet for two to four hours; others who meet less frequently may opt to meet for a half or full-day. The group decides. Often, if a MasterMind group has achieved the goals it set in the beginning, it may disband. For others, the group may meet with the same people for a decade or longer.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Chapter 9
R ULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR SUCCESSFUL M ASTER MIND GROUP MEETINGS M ANAGING E XPECTATIONS Everyone in the MasterMind Group needs to understand that there is a development curve in forming any group, especially a unique and special group like a MasterMind Group. While a group is ramping up, members need to have open and honest conversations about group norms and expectations. These conversations solidify buy-in, begin to build bonds and lay the foundation for trust.48
EMBRACING DIVERSITY OF E XPRESSION WHILE M ANAGING FOCUS AND MINIMISING DISTRACTIONS Avoid discussing controversial topics such as politics, religion or any other subject that is touchy. Avoid introducing any subject that will weaken the cordial and cooperative spirit of the group in order to maintain trust and Embracing diversity of confidence between members of the group. All expression while minimising discussions must be treated as confidential. Initially, set guidelines to address methods for tangential discussions is the dealing with unacceptable conversation topics biggest challenge to so that a strayed conversationalist doesn’t feel overcome – trust your barraged by complaints. Often, a simple “time instincts and choose to err on out” signal is enough to refocus conversation. Agree that when a person has the spotlight, the side of flexibility. others will not engage in cross talk nor take the spotlight.49
NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTIONS During your first meeting, decide if, when, why and how new members may be added to the group. If allowed, it must be a unanimous decision. All new memberships should be selected to ensure harmony with existing members.50
WHO LEADS THE GROUP? A popular suggestion is that chairing the group should be rotated from time-to-time, allowing each member the opportunity to be the chairperson. The function of the chairperson should be to allow every member of the group the opportunity to speak, V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Final Comments For Students
without dominating the conversation. The chairperson will maintain the integrity of the group’s chosen format and assure that the time format is followed. A kitchen timer helps with timing.51 A MasterMind Group reminds you and constantly proves how well it pays to use brains other than your own - while you offer to lend your mind to others. It is essential that each member remain open to recommendations, ideas and new ways of thinking without dismissing them outright. The MasterMind principle espouses critical, creative and lateral thinking outside the square.52
Develop agenda with input from group members53 Conduct meetings Leads/facilitates discussion Rotates responsibility among members
Experience has shown that the role of facilitator is crucial in keeping MasterMind Group meetings focused and productive and in setting a tone of respect for members’ needs and group process. In some groups the role of facilitator is rotated every month, in others, the facilitator may keep the job for two or three months. The most effective facilitators do the following: 54 •
Contact members 3-5 days before the meeting as a reminder and to develop an agenda for the meeting (finding out if members have an issue, problem or questions for the meeting, what it is and approximately how much time they need for it). You may have to spend a little time on the phone previewing potential issues to help members come up with agenda items. On occasions when no one has anything for the agenda, you may select a generic topic such as: Business Updates, Goals for the Year, Coping with Stress, How You can Make Your Business More Fun, What is Your Business Mission? etc. Develop the agenda before the meeting, prioritise issues on a first-come, firstserve basis or by determining its relative urgency or its relatedness to other agenda items. Include time limits. Some facilitators make copies of the agenda for the group so everyone can share responsibility to adhere to it. Don't bring up your own agenda item or take up much time with your own input when you're the facilitator. Your responsibility is to the group process and you A MasterMind Group is can't do that job well and also take care of about a group, not any your own agenda. If you have an immediate one individual need for the group's input, ask someone else to serve as facilitator for the meeting. You can share your feedback, experience or opinion if it's asked for, but keep it short so that you can keep your focus on the group task. Ask the person with the agenda item to define what he/she wants from the group. As the group responds to the issue, if they veer off on tangents, can keep the group focused by coming back to ask if he/she is getting what he/she wants. By frequently asking, "Are you getting what you want?" you will help clarify his/her needs and help the group avoid wasting time with unhelpful feedback. V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Scan the group frequently and invite people to share who are not or who tend to be quiet. For example, "Mary, do you have anything you want to add to this?" Focus those who ramble. "Could you summarise your idea?" "What is the key point you are trying to make?" "We need to move on." "We're taking too much time with this topic." "We seem to be rambling." Stop side conversations. "Can we get everyone's attention?" "We have two conversations going on at the same time." Bring process developments to the group's attention. "Mary has been interrupted several times." Keep discussion within planned time frames. "We have only two minutes to conclude this subject." When the conversation goes off on a tangent and the group seems invested in the discussion, get them to make a conscious decision. "Do you want to discuss this issue or put it in the issues bin?" Or, go back to the person whose Diplomacy and tact are agenda item was being necessary to manage group discussed and ask, "Are you meetings effectively – finished or do you want to proceed with the belief that pursue you issue some more?" everyone is there for the Or, say to the group, "It seems we're getting off track. Is this common purpose of the what you want to do?"
When someone arrives late, acknowledge them, but don't stop the discussion. You don't want to punish the group because someone is late and you don't want to reward late behaviour. •
Bring the group back to its task when several people are speaking at one time. "Let's hear from one at a time." Or, state the obvious. "Several people are talking at once." When the group jumps in with advice and feedback before the person with the agenda item has finished expressing herself, come back to her and ask, "Mary, are you ready for feedback?" When a member is being overly negative or critical of an idea, ask them what they would propose as a solution. Get them to propose a solution. "What do you think would work?" When someone becomes upset, stop problem solving and offer support.
Inform facilitator in advance if unable to attend a meeting55 Inform facilitator in advance of desire to have some time on the agenda Attend regularly, avoid missing meetings Arrive at meetings on time and prepared Behave professionally Treat fellow participants with respect Participate and contribute Commit to keep group discussions confidential Take responsibility for helping facilitator conduct an effective meeting V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Final Comments For Students
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Stay focused on one person/issue at a time Hear out the member who has the floor before responding Respond to expressed needs Keep feedback constructive Do not engage in side conversations Remain aware of "air time" Take responsibility for own participation Identify the problem, question or idea Ask for the type of input wanted from the group (encouragement, critique, advice, brainstorming, support) Give and receive feedback and support Grow, have fun, help others do the same
PLACING A TOPIC ON THE AGENDA To place a topic on the agenda, members must provide the following information to the facilitator: 56 1. Topic: descriptive paragraph 2. Type of feedback desired (must be specific) 3. Range of time needed 4. Sensitivity Scale (1 - 10) with 1 is least and 10 is most sensitive A carefully planned agenda is critical for any productive meeting. A carefully planned agenda helps to keep the discussion focused and on track ensures that topics are chosen rather than 'drifted into' and allows participants to plan for the discussion as well Your agenda could be that as target benefits to be gained. An agenda you just want to have a free- also provides a tool to help the facilitator wheeling brainstorming conduct an effective meeting providing a business atmosphere for the discussion and session with no particular allowing the allocation of time for the items or constraints. meeting amongst the different agenda topics.57 Developing the agenda
The facilitator for a specific meeting is responsible for that meeting's agenda. Group members are responsible to help develop the agenda by suggesting topics or offering to present a topic, thus requesting time on the agenda. The facilitator ensures that an agenda is planned, written and distributed. Distributing the agenda to each participant prior to the meeting is suggested. 58
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Source of agenda topics
1. Group member concerns59 2. Group member suggestions 3. Items from the issue bin 4. Resources available to the group 5. Other sources as identified by the group Remember – all meetings must remain “on purpose”. The agenda provides a structure for the meeting. Groups can use a 'standard' agenda as a guide for putting together their specific agenda. A standard agenda does not take the place of planning an agenda for each meeting. Stick with the agenda. On rare occasions, it might be necessary to change the agenda. When necessary, make a formal decision. 60
ATTENDANCE R EQUIREMENTS During your first meeting, establish attendance guidelines. Consistency in attendance maintains the integrity of the group. Although your group may elect to allow absences, they are not to be taken lightly. In advance, determine if Most groups fatigue or schedule conflicts are acceptable reasons for operate on a absence. Decide if all members must be present for each meeting or if you prefer a predetermined quorum of members quorum basis to call a meeting.
MEETING LOCATIONS Meetings usually take place at a member’s home or office or a designated meeting room at a public facility such as a library, university or community room. Make sure there is ample surface to spread out and work on – simply sitting in a circle will not allow you to take notes or effectively present your ideas to the group. Restaurants are not recommended unless there is a quiet, private room. Confidentiality with waiters milling about is compromised and serving meals is usually an unnecessary distraction unless well managed in advance of the meeting’s commencement.61
MEETING TIME AND FREQUENCY Most MasterMind Groups meet a minimum of once a month for two to three hours. Your group may choose to meet more often. Some MasterMind Groups schedule quarterly retreats with a specific purpose and format based on group member needs and milestones.
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Match the group’s purpose and intensity with the frequency of meetings.
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Chapter 10
STUDY M ASTER MIND GROUPS – FOR STUDENTS Chances are you’re wondering how you can use the MasterMind principle to improve your grades. First, I have to assume that you’ve read the previous chapters so you are familiar with what they are, at least conceptually. If you skipped to this chapter, then I strongly suggest you go back and read the book from the beginning. The chapters are written in a particular order to introduce and then expand upon the concept so that you can appreciate their special nuances and characteristics. Second, I have to assume that you have an open mind and will explore the possibilities BEFORE you discount it. Third, and this is important – Study MasterMind Groups are not traditional study groups. I’ll get into this in more detail shortly, but it needs to be said up front. If you still think they are a variation of study groups, you’ve missed the point, completely. No matter where you’re right now in school it takes just one step to move forward. I call it your Next Best Step™. The question is which step do you take? A Study MasterMind Group will become YOUR secret weapon, giving you the edge that has been missing, so you always know what your Next Best Step™ is. You know you need an Study MasterMind Group if you: •
Often feel overwhelmed. This happens when your study to do list gets out of hand and you feel like you're drowning in reading, research and review with no way out. Are lonely, even if you’re at "the top of the class". Getting top grades takes a lot of effort and to stay there, even more blood sweat and tears are shed. Are not performing to your true potential. You are the only one who really knows if you're living up to your true academic potential. If you are, you're a rare case, chances are you know you could either be getting better grades or having an easier time of it all.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Feel unfulfilled. You lack that sense of serenity, calm and tranquillity in your spirit and soul. You might even occasionally have difficulty falling asleep or getting a good night’s sleep. Are not as passionate about your studies as you once were. You've lost that spark, the fire-in-the-belly motivation to put in the extra effort and still enjoy the process. Dread Monday mornings and going to class. This is the worst feeling there is. Feeling like you're doing time in the school jail, 5, 6 or even 7 days a week with a 13 to 15-week semester can feel like you’re on death row! Feel stuck, powerless to affect change and make things happen like you used to. This is often the case for high school students who go off to college or university. You go from king of the hill, in control to chaos, stress and fear of failing.
A Study MasterMind Group is designed to put you back in total control of your studies. So let’s get started with how a Study MasterMind Group differs from a study group.
How A Study MasterMind Group Differs From A Regular Study Group Study MasterMind Group Long-term, course and/or program independent Members are not necessarily (in fact, preferably not) in the same course or program Selected by skills, attributes and aptitudes Are not necessarily subject-focused A variety of characteristics are sought out from members with a results-based theme The cognitive process is what members are involved with developing and contributing to A holistic approach to an overall understanding, establishing a philosophy or ethos that transcends an assignment or to do list Leveraging and development of your skills and abilities so that you can progressively do more with less effort Total independence of the group is the ultimate outcome Confidence grows with mastery of the principle since you are ultimately in charge
A carefully crafted group enhances and embellishes your current skills without confrontation, conflict or provocation. Healthy debate is encouraged, but not at a member’s expense. Optimal use of time and resources Physically boundless
Regular Study Group Usually focused on one subject, project or exam. Students all attend the same course or program
Selected from the current class roster Are subject, course or project focused. Whoever’s available usually shows up Problem solving and getting to an answer is what it’s all about A tactical approach to getting to a short-term outcome to pass an exam, complete a report or term paper in the least amount of time Pooling of resources, together everyone achieves more… A dependency is created. Without the group, each student is vulnerable Self esteem can be battered by academic superior students and/or stronger personalities Might is often right, winning the day, but losing the ultimate outcome
Productive when carefully controlled to avoid gossiping and other social distractions Usually limited to physical proximity and contact
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Final Comments For Students
You need unedited, unrestricted and uncensored access to collaborative, successful and well-connected students who know what you don’t
Here is one of the first twists you’re not expecting – you need to find MasterMind Group Members who are NOT at your school or university. That’s right – you need to find other students in other faculties, other cities and maybe even other countries. Think about anyone you CURRENTLY KNOW. Anyone that has the following characteristics: • • • •
Is open minded Positively predisposed Is or recently was a very good student Has a skill set that you lack and want to develop (for example you might be introverted and that person is a lot more outgoing than you are, or you might be good in English and history and she might be good at math and science.
The first type of people you want to consider talking about this to are people you KNOW and then expand that to people THEY KNOW. You might have a friend, aunt or uncle that knows a good student who is keen… As I explained in previous chapters – this all takes time. I’ll get to why you want to make this investment in an upcoming chapter. Stay focused on the task at hand.
Finding people for your Study MasterMind Group has never been easier – with Facebook, Linked In and Twitter at your fingertips.
If you’ve purchased my study book “Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort” (www.Get-Better-Grades.com ) you know from Chapter 2 that you want to expand your circle of influence – the same is true when you create your Study MasterMind Group, you must expand your reach sequentially from your current friends and acquaintances to people those people know to brand new people that will complement your Study MasterMind Group.
The investment you are making now in developing this unique skill will continue to pay off for a lifetime as you start and then progress in your chosen career/profession.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
With social networking tools like MySpace, Facebook, Linked In and Twitter, this has never been easier, but then again you need to know exactly who you’re looking for! As per the previous chapters, you need to determine the context of your Study MasterMind Group, which conveniently is the subject of an upcoming chapter. Before we get into the types of Study MasterMind Groups, it’s paramount that you fully grasp the importance of the value of this investment.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Chapter 11
WHY BOTHER WITH STUDY M ASTER MIND GROUPS? This is of critical importance. If you’re doing all of this just to get better grades in your next exams, you’ve missed the point completely. This is not about a short term approach to your schoolwork and studies, it’s all about creating what I call an Exponential Mindset™that goes way beyond your next test. Acquiring the skill of managing MasterMind Groups is something that you will take into your career and personal life. This is not unlike studying algebra, trigonometry and calculus. You will probably never solve another equation in your life, but the ability to think logically is what you’re actually learning. A Study MasterMind Group is about establishing a framework that you can quickly and easily acquire more information, process it effectively and know where it all fits into the bigger picture. I need to explain that I have achieved several ‘dream goals’ before my 40th birthday that individually, most people will never accomplish in their entire lifetime. I say that to make the point that this book is based on strategies, techniques and a mindset that is by definition out-of-the-ordinary. As you continue to read and apply these principles in your studies and beyond, you will start to produce results that are without wanting to sound sensationalist, extra-ordinary. For example, leveraging Study and Post-Study MasterMind Groups, you can expect to: •
Get the best grades. This means you graduate with honours or other distinction that sets you apart from the crowd. This is important in an increasingly competitive job market. Get the best internship opportunities. Before you even graduate, when you develop an Exponential Mindset™, you’ll start to attract opportunities that previously were out of reach. Opportunities will present themselves to you as if by magic. The Law Of Attraction, once triggered can manifest astonishing circumstances that for onlookers appear as ‘pure luck’. Of course with time and experience, you know you can manufacture your breakthroughs, almost on command.
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Get the best graduate job offers. A Study MasterMind Group is the first step in your personal differentiation. Without it necessarily assisting you in your job search directly, it will without a doubt set you apart when job hunting. Your skill as a learner and communicator will be superior to your classmates and will stick out like a foreign accent. Employers will pick up on your superior syntax, advanced vocabulary and clarity of communication. This of course will come to you effortlessly – in contrast to your fellow classmates who will muddle their way through fewer job interviews. Get the best job opportunities. Just getting a job is not enough to craft a career. Every job you take molds you into the person and professional you eventually become. Gone are the single-job careers. Most people will have close to 10 different careers by the time they turn 40. Most won’t achieve financial independence in their lifetime, many leaving debts for their children to deal with. However there is a select few more not only achieve financial independence, but live a fulfilling and rewarding life – the most successful of these ALL leverage the MasterMind Principle in one way, shape or form.
That is what this book is all about – to lay the foundation for your future success. There are two sayings, mottos or mantras that come to mind… The first was quoted at the beginning of this book: "Today’s dreams are the foundation for tomorrow’s reality."
-- Dr. Marc R. Dussault This book is a cornerstone principle that will cement your future success. It is, one of the most important investments you can make in yourself and your future earning potential. Your focus right now is getting better grades so you can graduate and start your career. That is a worthwhile dream. If you didn’t have it, you’d be out of school and out of luck. In this digital information age, the more education you get, the higher your earning capacity. But then again, you know that or you wouldn’t be reading this! The second saying is: “You want to live a life of revolution by design rather evolution by default to avoid extinction by stagnation.” -- Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Since you’re reading this right now, you have nothing to worry about in respect of stagnation, but evolving by default happens to more than 80% of the population because it’s so easy to fall into the Vortex Of Mediocrity™, becoming complacent and apathetic. That’s where a Study MasterMind group comes in. You have to determine and V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Did You know? 80% Of the population gets sucked into the Vortex Of Mediocrity ™, a force stronger than gravity.
Final Comments For Students
outcome you want – and it’s not just about getting an A in physics or history. It’s about crafting and designing WHO and WHAT you want to become…
This is all about you crafting the ultimate person you want to become...
That’s right – imagine becoming the ultimate person you ever dreamed of being?!?! That is why the next chapter is so important – by creating your own customised Study MasterMind Group, you are in effect crafting who and what you become…
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How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Chapter 12
T YPES OF STUDY M ASTER MIND GROUPS By now, you should be excited about getting ‘out there’ and creating your Study MasterMind Group. As presented in a previous chapter, the type and outcome of the group is important for all the reasons we’ve been discussing.
COURSE FOCUSED M ASTER MIND GROUP This is the most basic type of group that has a singular and unilateral purpose – to improve your grades in a give course, subject or project. It remains more that a traditional study group, but only because of its exponential dimension. This is the fastest and easiest to setup and should be your first attempt into this new realm. V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Final Comments For Students
PROGRAM FOCUSED M ASTER MIND GROUP This type of Study MasterMind Group takes the course-focused group to a multi-course dimension spanning multiple semesters and different subjects. This now requires the selection of members that you know are going to make it through the academic process successfully.
C AREER FOCUSED M ASTER MIND GROUP This level of Study Mastermind Group transcends your current context of being a student and introduces the element of what’s going to happen next, after graduation. The members of this group may be in the industry or profession you wish to enter. They might be in a related field. The link for this type of group is that you want to make a career of There is a specific type of what you’re studying and learning. A simple example is that if you wish to become an academic, you would be well served with a Masters or Ph.D. student within your group as well as a faculty member. If however you wish to be a lawyer, solicitor or legal advocate of some kind, then a completely different candidate should be chosen.
Study MasterMind Group for every situation, but don’t get caught up in the definitions – by design, MasterMind Groups are flexible and fluid and will change and evolve with you over time.
This kind of Study MasterMind Group is largely subject/topic independent. With an overarching span, you want to approach and attract people who are different and gifted in their abilities to learn new things, creativity, innovation and out-of-the-box thinking are what you should seek out. People who would enjoy a website like (www.Antimimeticisomorphism.com )for example. A speed reader (www.SpeedreadingVideo.com ) would be a must in this group as would a speed learner. (www.SpeedLearningVideo.com ).
DEVELOPMENT FOCUSED M ASTER MIND GROUP Learning is one component of Personal Development. When you create a (personal) development focused group, you want to make sure you include people who have participated in a variety of programs and events across the self-help spectrum. This includes Anthony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Dr John Gray, Robert Cialdini, Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Jim Rohn and others.
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Personal development is not unilaterally about learning, but also applying yourself in a variety of situations and circumstances beyond your career. By definition this type of group remains outcome focused. When you elevate your aspirations to a purpose driven life, then the next type of group is preferable.
HOLISTIC FOCUSED M ASTER MIND GROUP The name says it all – this type of MasterMind Group is all-encompassing all the dimensions of your life, being and spirit. Without getting existential about it, it embraces the physical and spiritual influences that shape who you are and want to become. Once you have clarity, you’ll want to ascend to the ultimate MasterMind Group…
DESTINY FOCUSED M ASTER MIND GROUP This is a group designed to fulfil your life’s purpose and mission. For me, it’s “to continue living and expanding my dream as I empower others to discover and live theirs.” The most intimate of groups, it’s also usually the smallest. Members may or may not know they are part of it. All billionaires admit to having such a group (in one way, shape or form) – that kind of tells you something doesn’t it? This is of critical importance. If you’re doing all of this just to get better grades in your next exams, you’ve missed the point completely. This is not about a short term approach to your schoolwork and studies, it’s all about creating what I call an Exponential Mindset™.
All billionaires admit to having a Destiny Focused MasterMind Group (in one way, shape or form) – that kind of tells you something doesn’t it?.
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Final Comments For Students
Chapter 13
You see, there are lots of students who read truck-loads of books trying to soak up every little detail they think will be on exams… But that’s a lot of wasted effort. That is a lot of long lonely nights alone burning the midnight oil. In fact burning out. Without a Study MasterMind Group, you’re on your own when you don’t have to be. What the MEGA RICH and SUPER SUCCESSFUL know is this: In today’s shaky, fickle and unpredictable economy you can never know everything you need to know to be successful . It's a physical, emotional and intellectual impossibility. There aren't enough hours in the day.
You don’t have to know it all… You Just have to know this…
Leveraging The Study MasterMind Group concept you don’t have to 'know it all' either. Once you create a successful Study MasterMind Group, using the full power of the ‘third mind’, you’ll start to know exactly what’s on your next exam, test or pop quiz. We all know that hindsight is 20/20, but what if you have 20/20 foresight?
These strategies are priceless for you as a student – not just so you get the best grades, but also so you develop and become the best candidate for future job interviews and ultimately the career you want. After all is said and done, the ONLY reason you’re in school is to get a great job and have a fantastic career that is fun, fulfilling and pays you well. Well guess what? Only 10% of graduates will ever get close to the career fast track. Almost half will fall off the so-called ladder of success. Here’s the thing that you want to remember:
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
The ones that get ON the career fast track and run up the ladder two rungs at a time are not the smartest. They just have strategies others don’t know about. Strategies like MasterMind Groups. But here’s the thing that sets the super rich and ultra wealthy from the (average) masses: They think and act differently. Now that you know about Study MasterMind Groups and MasterMind Groups in general, it’s all up to you to do something with it. Success is not about what you know, it’s about what you DO with what you know. With a ‘third mind’ helping you along the way to avoid problems you didn’t know exist – how can you possibly fail?!?! You can only fail if you don’t have that ‘third mind’ guiding you, like night vision goggles in the dark…
“I can show you the door, but you are the one who must walk through it.” – Morpheus
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Napoleon Hill introduced the MasterMind concept in his infamous Think and Grow Rich but expanded considerably on this unique subject, dedicating triple the number of pages in his follow-up book entitled Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion revised in 1992 and published by Signet Books. 2 Hughes, Murray, 2005, The Undeniable Power of a MasterMind Group, http://www.007workfromhome.com/ MasterMind-group.php 3 Hill, Napoleon, 1963, Think and Grow Rich, Ballantine Books, pg. 168 4 Hill, Napoleon, 1963, Think and Grow Rich, Ballantine Books, pg. 169 5 Hill, Napoleon, 1963, Think and Grow Rich, Ballantine Books, pg. 169 6 Hill, Napoleon, 1963, Think and Grow Rich, Ballantine Books, pg. 171 7 Ron Oltmanns, Ron, 2005, The Top 10 Concepts in Forming a Mastermind Alliance http://www.danblanchard.com/FreeS tuff/OltmannsMastermind.htm 8 Hill, Napoleon, 1963, Think and Grow Rich, Ballantine Books, pg. 170 9 Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Way To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 10 Greenstreet, Karyn, 2005, “How to Create and Run a MasterMind Group”, www.PassionForBusiness.com 11 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter; Greenstreet, Karyn, 2005, “How to Create and Run a MasterMind Group”, www.PassionForBusiness.com; 12 Zust, Christine W., 2002, Leaders Gain Valuable Insights Through MasterMind Groups , Zust & Company, http://www.zustco.com
Hughes, Murray, 2005, The Undeniable Power of a MasterMind Group, http://www.007workfromhome.com/ MasterMind-group.php 14 Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Way To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 15 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 16 Lanz, Gayle, 2003, Master Your Business Through Mas termind Groups, Birmingham Business Journal, http://www.globalmastermind.net/art icles/index.htm 17 Lanz, Gayle, 2003, Master Your Business Through Mas termind Groups, Birmingham Business Journal, http://www.globalmastermind.net/art icles/index.htm 18 Lanz, Gayle, 2003, Master Your Business Through Mas termind Groups, Birmingham Business Journal, http://www.globalmastermind.net/art icles/index.htm 19 © Essential Connections 20022005 20 Zust, Christine W., 2002, Leaders Gain Valuable Insights Through MasterMind Groups , Zust & Company, http://www.zustco.com 21 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 22 Hill, Napoleon, 1963, Think and Grow Rich, Ballantine Books, pg. 96 23 Zust, Christine W., 2002, Leaders Gain Valuable Insights Through MasterMind Groups , Zust & Company, http://www.zustco.com 24 Zust, Christine W., 2002, Leaders Gain Valuable Insights Through MasterMind Groups , Zust & Company, http://www.zustco.com 25 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Beginning A
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault
Mastermind Group , http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=26 26 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Beginning A Mastermind Group , http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=26 27 Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Wa y To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 28 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMin d - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 29 Lanz, Gayle, 2003, Master Your Business Through Mas termind Groups, Birmingham Business Journal, http://www.globalmastermind.net/art icles/index.htm 30 Zust, Christine W., 2002, Leaders Gain Valuable Insights Through MasterMind Groups , Zust & Company, http://www.zustco.com 31 Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Wa y To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 32 Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Wa y To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 33 Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Wa y To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 34 Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Wa y To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 35 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMin d - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 36 Lanz, Gayle, 2003, Master Your Business Through Mas termind Groups, Birmingham Business Journal, http://www.globalmastermind.net/art icles/index.htm
How to Create a Fun, Effective and Powerful Study MasterMind Group to Catapult Your Grades Sky High
Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Way To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 38 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 39 © Essential Connections 20022005 40 Greenstreet, Karyn, 2005, “How to Create and Run a MasterMind Group”, www.PassionForBusiness.com 41 Greenstreet, Karyn, 2005, “How to Create and Run a MasterMind Group”, www.PassionForBusiness.com 42 Lanz, Gayle, 2003, Master Your Business Through Master mind Groups, Birmingham Business Journal, http://www.globalmastermind.net/art icles/index.htm 43 Greenstreet, Karyn, 2005, “How to Create and Run a MasterMind Group”, www.PassionForBusiness.com 44 Greenstreet, Karyn, 2005, “How to Create and Run a MasterMind Group”, www.PassionForBusiness.com 45 Greenstreet, Karyn, 2005, “How to Create and Run a MasterMind Group”, www.PassionForBusiness.com 46 Zust, Christine W., 2002, Leaders Gain Valuable Insights Through MasterMind Groups , Zust & Company, http://www.zustco.com 47 Zust, Christine W., 2002, Leaders Gain Valuable Insights Through MasterMind Groups , Zust & Company, http://www.zustco.com 48 Adrianse. Lora J, 2004, MasterMinding Your Way To Greater Success, www.connectionscoach.com 49 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 50 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 51 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 52 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter 53 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Facilitator Responsibilities ,
http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=65 54 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Facilitator Responsibilities , http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=65 55 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Participant Responsibilities , http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=64 56 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Participant Responsibilities , http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=64 57 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Mastermind Agenda, http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=67 58 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Mastermind Agenda, http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=67 59 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Mastermind Agenda, http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=67 60 National Association of Women Business Owners Louisville, Kentucky, 2005, Mastermind Agenda, http://masterminds.dottrend.com/site/ viewCategory.asp?idCategory=67 61 National Association of Women Business Owners, 2005, Recommendations for a MasterMind - Information for a Geographic Area Meeting - Greater Tucson Chapter If you have any additional information or references you’d like to share or contribute, please feel free to contact me at www.marcdussault.com
V 1.0 © 2010 Dr. Marc R. Dussault