Complied Criminal Law 1 Questions 2006-2012 Revised Penal Code Book 1
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Criminal Law Book 1 Sample Exam Questions (Bolded questions are for Crim 2) (Friends, for private use and review lang mga ito ah !o not reprodu"e or share without informing me #$% 1 #here are &ve limitations of Congress on the ena"tment of 'enal laws Enumerate ea"h $ "iting the provisions under )rti"le * of the Constitution (Che"k $our Consti "odals for this% + ) is legall$ married to B in the 'hilippines ) got a o in -ongkong and soon after went there -e met C in -ongkong and got married a If B found out about the marriage, what case can she le? Exlain .f B was ale to su""essfull$ &le a "riminal "ase if an$, will it prosper/ 0h$/ " If ! and C went bac" to the #hiliines and started li$ing together, what crime was committed? Exlain d 0ould $our answer e the same if instead of going a"k to the 'hilippines, ) and C instead lived together in -ongkong/ Explain * Enumerate * asolutor$ "auses under the evised 'enal Code in"luding the provisions the$ are found 2 ))), a minor, was "aught stealing an internet prepaid "ard from a "omputer shop while the attendant was us$ loading another "ustomer3s "ell phone -e was then "aught and rought to the near$ poli"e station for 4uestioning while waiting for his parents and the !S0! representative a ))) read aout ) 5*22 on the internet and said that he is exempt from "riminal liailit$ sin"e he ust turned 16 $ears old $esterda$/ .s he "orre"t/ b% If &ou are the ling rosecutor, what crime will &ou le and its elements? " .f $ou are the attorne$ for the "omputer shop owner and it was de"ided that the "hild does not have an$ "riminal liailit$, what is the remed$ $ou "an provide/ 6 ) owns a huge par"el of land in )ra and hired F to e its "aretaker Earl$ in the morning, 7 saw ripe fruits on the trees in the estate and de"ided to enter the premises F rememers that if another in"ident of stealing o""urs in the estate he will e sa"ked $ ) -e then sees 7 gathering almost a asket of fruits -e then gras his gun and shot 7 whi"h he meant as a warning shot #he ullet hit 7 killing her a% 'hat crime did commit? #he attorne$ of F said that his "lient a"ted in self defense -ow is this to e presented in "ourt/ " )s the prose"uting attorne$, what will e $our reuttal to the self defense/ d Can the emplo$er of F, who is ), e held liale for the death of 7/ Explain 8 #hirdie was so mad with the 9a$or e"ause of her failure to give him the promised !u"ati when she won the ele"tions -e then set &re on her mansion and it got totall$ destro$ed a% 'hat crime did hirdie commit?
#he "lerk of "ourt informs $ou that there is a &ne of ':;;; for the "rime "ommitted 0hat is the gravit$ of the "rime/ : C is planning to open a "omed$ ar so she de"ided to sell her luxur$ "ar to her seatmate < < writes to her a "he"k of '+9illion as pa$ment for the "ar =pon maturit$ of the "he"k, C de"ides to go to the ank to en"ash it #he teller informs C that the a""ount spe"i&ed on the "he"k is in"orre"t < is not one of the a""ount holders of the "he"k a% If &ou are the rosecuting attorne& and C comes to &ou, what case will &ou le in the information? < was later found guilt$ and was senten"ed to serve 'rision 9a$or 9aximum to e"lusion #emporal 9inimum #he udge failed to appl$ the .ndeterminate Senten"e Law .f $ou are the appellate "ourt or the Supreme Court, what will the proper senten"e e provided that the a""used surrendered voluntaril$ and pleaded guilt$ efore the prose"ution presented its eviden"es/ > ? was driving his rand new 7# on the wa$ to the Bar Exam Saluong )long the ?LE@, another super "ar owner A was over speeding A then de"ided to overtake a 1;wheeler tru"k ut due to his mis"al"ulation failed to exe"ute it and instead hit the "ar of ?, "ausing an a""ident ? sustained ph$si"al inuries and was for"ed to sta$ in the hospital for 26 da$s -is "ar was salvaged ut needed huge amounts for its repair a #he in"ident o""urred after the Supreme Court de"ided the "ase of 'eople v .vler .f $ou were the defense attorne$, how would $ou defend A if a "ase of e"kless .mpruden"e resulting in 'h$si"al .nuries and a "ase of e"kless .mpruden"e resulting in damage to propert$ were &led/ b% 'hat is *ec"less Imrudence?