Digests of cases in criminal law 1Full description
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Criminal Procedure under Justice Ingles' Class
Criminal ProcedureFull description
selected cases on motion to quash
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People v. Formigones People v. Agliday US v. Vincentillo
Crim Case Digests Title 9Full description
Crim Rev Digests Compilation 1
Crim Pro Syllabus of Sir Arno SanidadFull description
Alonzo vs PPFull description
was capricious or oppressive& the tate must not be depr depriv ived ed of reaso easona nabl ble e oppo opport rtun unit ity y in prosecuting the accused.
People People v Tee GR No. 140546 140546-47 -47 (Janua (January ry 20, 2003) "r!#$ o% #e a&&u$e' #o $pee'y #ral"
T T a$ a$ /n an anuary 2000& two two informants namely& Tudlong and 1ading arrived at the o3ce of 4I56 (4riminal Investigation and 5etention 6roup) 6roup) in 7aguio 4ity& and reported to 8/2 8/2 9erna ernand ndez ez&& 4hie 4hieff of the the tat tatio ion n 5rug 5rug :nforcement ;nit (5:;)& that a certain <:stela Tuan< Tuan< had been selling marijuana marijuana at 7arangay 6abriela ilang& 7aguio 4ity. 8/2 9ernandez set out to verify the report of Tudlong and 1ading. /n the after afternoo noon n of the the same same day& day& he gave gave Tudlong Tudlong and 1ading 8-00.00 to buy marijuana& marijuana& and and accom accompa panie nied d the two infor informan mants ts to the accu accused sed Tuan=s uan=s house. house. Tudlon udlong g and 1adin 1ading g entered the house& while 8/2 9ernandez waited at the adjacent house. 1ater& Tudlong and 1ad ing came out and showed 8/2 9ernandez the marijuan marijuana a they bought. bought. ;pon returning returning to the 4I56 4I56 o3ce o3ce&& 8/2 8/2 9erna ernand ndez ez re>u re>ues este ted d a laborato laboratory ry e*amina e*amination tion on the specimen specimen and yielded positive results for marijuana. 8/2 8/2 9erna ernand ndez ez&& toge togeth ther er with with the the informa informants& nts& ,led the !pplicat !pplication ion for a earch earch Warrant Warrant before udge Iluminada 4abato4ortes (udge (udge 4ortes) 4ortes) of the ?unicipal ?unicipal Trial 4ourt in 4ities (?T44)& 7aguio 4ity on anuary 2@& 2000. Two Two hours later& at around around three o=clock& udge 4ortes 4ortes personal personally ly e*amine e*amined d 8/2 9erna 9ernande ndez& z& Tudlong& Tudlong& and 1ading& after which& she issued a earch Warrant& Warrant& which stated Tuan=s residence residence as Athe Athe house house of the the accus accused ed :stela :stela Tua Tuan n at 7rgy. 7rgy. 6abriela ilang& 7aguio 4ityB. :ven though accused accused Tuan was not around around&& the 4I56 team was allowed allowed entry entry into into the house house by ?agno ?agno 7aludda (?agno)& accused=s father& after he was show shown n a copy copy of the the ear earch ch Warra arrant nt.. 8/2 8/2 9erna ernand ndez ez guar guarded ded the surr surrou ound nding ings s of the the house house&& while while 8/" 8/" 4arre 4arrera ra and 8/2 4have 4havez z searched inside. They saw& in the presence of ?agno& a movable cabinet in Tuan=s room& below of which they found a brick of marijuana and a ,rearm. ,rearm. 1ater Tuan Tuan arrived and thereafter& thereafter& the police o3cers asked Tuan to open a cabinet& in which they saw more bricks of marijuana. The defen fense& se& on the the other ther hand and& disc isclaim laime ed owne owners rshi hip p of the the bric bricks ks and and alle allege ged d that that a ear earch ch Warra arrant nt was was issu issued ed for for her her hous house e because of a >uarrel with her neighbor named 1our 1ourdes des :still :stillor ore e (:stil (:stillor lore). e). The CT4 foun found d
a$ The case involves an automatic review of judgment made against Tee who was convicted for for illeg legal posses ssess sion of mar mariju ijuana ana and and sentence sentenced d to death. death. The defense assailed assailed the decision decision of the court for taking admissible admissible as evidence the marijuana seized from the accused by virtue virtue of allegedl allegedly y general general search search warrant warrant.. They further contend that the accused was deprived of his right to speedy trial by failure of the prosecu prosecution tion to produc produce e their their witness witness who failed failed to appear appear duri during ng the 20 hearin hearing g dates dates thereby slowing down the trial procedure.
$$ue Whethe Whetherr or not not the subst substan antiv tive e right right of the the accused for a speedy trial prejudiced during the hearing of the case.
*el' The court ruled that the substantive right of the accu accuse sed d for for a fair fair and and spee speedy dy tria triall was was not not violated. It held that the peedy Trial !ct of "##$ provid provides es that the trial trial period period for the crimina criminall cases should be in general "$0 days. %owever& in determining the right of an accused to speedy trial& courts should do more than a mathematical computation of the number of postponements of the scheduled hearings of the case.The right to a speedy trial is deemed violated only when' (") the proce proceedi eding ngs s are are attend attended ed by ve*a ve*atio tious us&& capricio capricious& us& and oppressi oppressive ve delays+ delays+ or (2) when unjusti, unjusti,ed ed postpone postponement ments s are asked asked for and secured+ or (-) when without cause or justi,able motive a long period of time is allowed to elapse without the party having his case tried. It was shown by the records that the prosecution e*erted eorts in obtaining a warrant to compel the witness to testify. The concept of speedy trial is necessarily relative where several factors are weighed such as the length of time of delay& the reason of such delay& and conduct of prosecution and the accused and the prejudice and damaged caused to the accused of such delay. The court did not ,nd ,nd the 20 days days of delay delayed ed heari hearing ng unre unreaso asonab nable le length length of time time as to consti constitut tute e deprivat deprivation ion of the constitu constitution tional al rights rights of the accused for a speedy trial in addition to the fact that that court court trial trial may be alway always s subje subjecte cted d to postponement for reasonable cause of delay. In the absence of showing that the reason for delay
! magistrate=s determination of probable cause for the issuance of a search warrant is paid great deference by a reviewing court& as long as there was substantial basis for that determination. ubstantial basis means that the >uestions of the e*amining judge brought out such facts and circumstances as would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that an oense has been committed& and the objects in connection with the oense sought to be seized are in the place sought to be searched.uch substantial basis e*ists in this case. udge 4ortes found probable cause for the issuance of the earch Warrant for Tuan=s residence after said judge=s personal e*amination of 8/2 9ernandez& the applicant+ and 1ading and Tudlong& the informants. 8/2 9ernandez based his !pplication for earch Warrant not only on the information relayed to him by 1ading and Tudlong. %e also arranged for a test buy and conducted surveillance of Tuan. 2. ;+. 'e$&rp#on o% #e pla&e #o 9e $ear&e' $ $u?&en# % #e o?&er $ervn! #e arran# &an, # rea$ona9le e/or#, a$&er#an an' 'en#%y #e pla&e n#en'e' an' '$#n!u$ # %ro< o#er pla&e$ n #e &o<&lu$on o% all o#er$, an' on nury unerrn!ly lea'$ #e pea&e o?&er$ #o #, $a#$Ae$ #e &on$##u#onal reure
C;7:F 5:1 4!TI11/ v. 8:/81: /9 T%: 8%I1I88IF: 6.C. Fo. "$@"2$& -0 anuary 20"2& T%IC5 5IGII/F (8eralta& .) %aving been established that the assistance of the barangay tanods was sought by the police authorities who eected the searched warrant& the same barangay tanods therefore acted as agents of persons in authority. 8olice /3cers headed by 8/- 7ienvenido ?asnayon went to serve a search warrant from the Cegional Trial 4ourt (CT4) to 8etitioner Cuben 5el 4astillo in search of illegal drugs. ;pon arrival& somebody shouted AraidB which prompted the police o3cers to immediately