Chapter 1 $he Problem and #ts Bacground #ntroduction La
Consolacion University Philippines Online Entrance Examination College Department Mode Modern rn techn tec hnolo ology gy no%a no%aday days sSystem has has been been for inter intercha chang ngin ing g e&ery e&ery no% no% and and then then..
Ad&ancement Ad&ancement o' #n'ormation #n'ormation $echnologi $echnologies es is gi&ing lots o' bene'its 'or all institutions institutions and business establishments. (ith the use o' ad&ance technology) transactions) processing and operati operations ons became became 'aster) 'aster) accurate accurate and e''ecti e''ecti&e. &e. As time goes goes by) by) computer computers s Submitted by: became &ery use'ul in minimizing the amount o' time needed to accomplish a tas. #n this Roberto Martin C. Ponce Christopher Allan B.asCal generation) these machines can no% be considered necessities. Renz Angelo R. Valeriano Jan Patric !. "ionisio #n the 'ield o' education) education) implementations o' computerized computerized based systems such as BS#$ #V automated *nrollment System and #n'ormation +ioss are mostly applied in the di''erent institutions institutions here in the Philippines. But most o' these institution institution are using manual system in term terms s o' admi admini nist ster erin ing g *ntr *ntran ance ce *,am *,amin inat atio ion) n) %hic %hich h is &ery &ery time time cons consum umin ing) g) unorganized and sometimes inaccurate %hen it comes to checing o' papers. Some school schools s alrea already dy implem implemen ente ted d the the autom automat ated ed entra entrance nce e,ami e,amina natio tion. n. An entra entranc nce e e,amination is an e,amination that many educational institutions use to select students 'or admission. $hese e,ams may be administered at any le&el o' education) 'rom primary to highe higherr educ educati ation on)) altho althoug ugh h they they are more more commo common n at highe higherr le&els le&els.. Autom Automat ated ed *ntrance *,amination System is a system that %ill pro&ide -uestion through computer 'or those %ho %ill tae the test.
$his system is better than the paperbase system because it %ill lessen the time $he study aims to create an automated entrance e,amination and to impro&e the that o' students because a'ter they tae the e,am the result %ill be posted manual e,amination in !a Consolacion 0ni&ersity Philippines) conducted at the automatically %ith the remars as they passed or 'ailed the gi&en test. #n order to ha&e guidance o''ice a high per'ormance in conducting the college entrance e,amination) the paperbase system should be replaced by automated one. Statement o' the Problem $he researchers/ came out %ith the idea o' de&eloping a system about the $he research aims to de&elop an automated college entrance e,amination automated e,amination to minimize the %or o' the guidance o''ice and to mae it system that %ill help the !a Consolacion 0ni&ersity Philippines and its Client 'or easier 'or administering e,amination. $hrough the use o' Automated *ntrance administering test. *,amination System) it %ill pro&ide 'aster transaction and results o' the test is generated in less time. $he system handles all the operations) and generates reports A'ter conducting some researches 'rom the articles) through inter&ie% and needed by the administering o''ice. obser&ation) the researchers ha&e gather in'ormation needed in order to achie&e the desired output. !ocale o' the Study
!a Consolacion 0ni&ersity Philippines 1!C0P2) the onlye,amination Catholic 0ni&ersity in 5. (hat is the current status o' system use 'or entrance in college Bulacan is o%ned) managed and operated by Augustinian Sisters o' 3ur !ady o' department o' !C0P6 Consolacion 1AS3!C2. !ately !C0P hadbe t%o separate campuses) one beside in the 7. (hat de&elopmental model could used in de&eloping the the proposed system6 historical Barasoain churcho'inthe San 4abriel Malolos and thesystem6 other in Catmon) 8. (hat are the 'eatures automated entranceCity) e,amination Malolos butacceptable no%) all departments Barasoain campus are trans'erred Catmon the 9. o% is the onlineincollege entrance e,amination systemat'or the client main campus. in the terms o': A. Accuracy; B.
0sers B. Reliability; Menu. $hrough this menu) users can easily add) edit) update and delete certain username C. 0ser'riendliness; and pass%ord. and $his menu could only be access %ith an admin account type ". Security o' username. $here are t%o 172 types o' user account: the user account type and *. theMaintainability admin account type. $he user account type can only accessed the log in>out menu and the register menu. $his account type %ill be used 'or by the students $heoretical her personal in'ormation be'ore the e,amination proper %ill get started. $he 'ollo%ing are the mechanics o' the system %ith its corresponding *,amination Result Menu. An admin account type o' username can only &ie%ed description. this result menu. !isted on this menu are the names o' the e,aminees together %ith the !ogin>out Menu. !ogin menu enables the users to access the system date o' their e,amination) their scores and their e,amination status %hether they depending on the type o' account the user has. passed or 'ailed the entrance e,amination. !ogout menu enables the users to e,it or close the application.
Pro'ile Menu. $his pro'ile menu %ill enable the user to &ie% all the e,aminees/ #t %ill generate a hard so't copy o' the !ogin Report) *,amination result and a pro'ile. $he personal in'ormation that they ha&e pro&ided in the register menu %ill be %oring #n'ormation System. listed on this menu. #t is accessible only by an admin account type username. ?uestion Ban. $his menu allo%s the administrator to create) update and delete processed to produce a use'ul output needed the 1.Student Data All o' the gathered data %ill System #lanning. e,amination -uestions. $he -uestions %ere being randomized in the actual e,am. 2.Gathered Needed Data. 2. $e%uirements and &nalysis. by clients and systemfor users. 3.Design and develop needed system. 3.System Design. &*(+,&(-D -N($&NC- -&,)N& 4.Conduct test through specic numer of4.System respondents. Development. !."uestionnaires !.#rogram Conceptual
$he #P3 1#nput Process 3utput2 is use'ul 'or planning) processing and troubleshooting 'or de&elopment o' a system.
0sing #P3 model pro&ide &isual
presentation that help e,plaining comple, process.
$he #P3 are methods used to describe the system by its 'unction. #t is made up o' three important components: 152 #nput @ $he data needed by in'ormation system such as the Students #n'o) !ogs and System 0sers. $hese also include the so't%are use in de&elopment o' the in'ormation system.
#n creating the 40#) the Visual programming language are needed. MS Access is the database to be used 'or the storage o' the system data. $he hard%are re-uirement are destop computers and Printer 'or printing the result. 172 Process @ $hese in&ol&e the encoding
Scopes and "elimitations Signi'icance o' the Study $he system is a net%orbased system; it has a ser&er side and a client side. $he ser&er part o' the system %ill manage all o' the -uestions) 'or security $he result o' the study %ill be use'ul to the #nstitution because this system %ill reasons the administrator o' the system is one %ho can add) update and delete the test pro&ide an accurate and e''ecti&e Automated *ntrance *,amination System %hich %ill -uestions. $he e,amination result %ill be automatically generated a'ter students ha&e bene'it the 'ollo%ing: done taing the e,am. !"i#ance Co"nselor an# $ssistants . $he system %ill automatically compute $he client side is %here the students %ill tae the e,am. $he -uestions are and ran the scores) thus the guidance counselor %ill no longer chec the hundred randomly generated on each machine or computer) meaning the -uestion displayed in 'olds o' e,amination papers %hich is prone to errors. $hey can no% 'ocus on their other one monitor %ill not be the same on another. Set o' e,amination -uestions co&ers only responsibility. multiple choice and not co&ers essay type -uestions and other set o' -uestions Incoming %reshmen&Transferee St"#ents . Because entrance e,amination %ill administered by the guidance o''ice. be done through computers) students %ho %ill tae the entrance e,amination %ill no longer bring any pencils and as soon as they 'inished the e,amination) results %ill be "e'inition o' $erms released.
Application form – #t re'ers to a 'orm that you complete in order to apply 'or a place or
course. Server is a computer program or a machine that %aits 'or re-uests 'rom other
machines or so't%are 1clients2 and responds to them. Client is an indi&idual computer that accesses the in'ormation and programs stored
on a ser&er as part o' a net%or en&ironment. Network-based system @ a system that can be accessed by di''erent users in multiple