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Automation Studio Pro
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Automation Strategy
Prepared By
Reviewed by
Name Role Signature Date MM/DD/YYYY
_Automation Project Sign-Off Signature Name Date MM/DD/YYYY
Approved By
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Test Automation Plan Table Of Contents
I. Overview........................................................................................................................... 3 A. Purpose & Scope......................... ........................... .......................... .........................................3 B. Objective........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .........................3 C. Test Automation Scope........................ ........................... ........................... ...............................3
II. Automation Approach....................................................................................................4 A. Data Driven ................................................................................................................................5 B. Script Development........................ ........................... ........................... .....................................5 C. Automation and Conventions......................... .......................... ........................... .....................6 D. Test Automation Standards....................... ........................... ........................... .........................6 E. Automation Matrix .....................................................................................................................9 F. Script Maintenance........................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ............9 G. Evaluation of Errors and Failures........................... ........................... ........................... ..........10 H. Test Automation Environment.......................... .......................... ........................... .................10 I. Test Data........................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... 11
III. Problem Reporting and Data Recording....................................................................11 IV. Assumptions, Dependencies, Concerns and Risks.................................................11 V. Automation Team Roles and Responsibilities...........................................................11 VI. Milestones and Deliverables......................................................................................12 VII. Test Team Training Requirements............................................................................12 A. Training Schedules to offshore team......................... ........................... .................................12
VIII. References Glossary Reference...............................................................................12 IX. Appendix A.................................................................................................................. 13 X. Change Log.................................................................................................................. 13
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Test Automation Plan
I. Overview A. Purpose & Scope The purpose and scope of the document is to prepare a plan for Test automation of Project. The scope of this document includes the following: 1) Plan for Test Automation and coverage 2) Automation Checklist
3) Plan for Environment
B. Objective The objective of test automation is to automate the following modules present in the –Item Groups •
C. Test Automation Scope 1. Test automation environment will be setup at offshore by the offshore QA testing team. 2. The offshore QA testing team will also do test scripting, verification and validation of results with co-ordination from the onsite testing team. 3. will be used for automation. 4. Automation Testing scope is limited to Playback the scripts in the following OS and Tools.
Tool Version
Operating System Windows XP/NT/2000
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Test Automation Plan
II. Automation Approach The automation project will follow Module Centric Approach as its framework. It will have Requirements Phase, Module Phase, Design Phase, Script Creation, Script Review and Acceptance testing. Requirements Phase involves gathering automation test requirements from the manual test cases. This involves identifying test cases for automation and prioritizing based on the needs. The complexity factor for each script is also defined. The Automation Project Plan and Automation Request Matrix would be the deliverables at the end of this phase. Module Phase involves grouping similar test cases into groups and analyzing the functions performed in each group. The common functions are written as a single function and can be used as reusable function across scripts. The module flow diagram and script flow diagram will be incorporated in the Design document. Design Phase involves creation and review of design document for all Automation tasks. The deliverable for this phase would be Automation Design Document. Script creation phase will start once the design review is complete. Script Creation will be done at Offshore. This involves creation of scripts for all modules based on the priorities. QTP 6.5 is used for creation of scripts. If any other higher version of this tool is found appropriate it will be used for automation. Unit testing will be performed by the developer with the Sample data. Script review will be done at offshore. The respective leads and Automation leads at offshore will perform the review. Acceptance testing will be done by the Onsite leads. The respective leads will perform the acceptance testing based on the real time data. Training will be provided to all onsite team once the acceptance testing is completed.
All the test cases identified, as part of this project will be translated into automated scripts. Since re-usability and modularity are key points in the automation effort, we have created an automation framework called Module Centric Approach. The main objective of this approach is to increase reusability of codes, reduce redundancy in codes, and easy for maintenance. The similar functions are written as reusable actions and will be called from the script. Functions will also be written to perform alternative or negative steps to verify negative and error conditions in the Test cases. Rather than retrieving the data from within the function, arguments and data will be passed as parameters in the function call. Making the scripts function-centric will improve the ability of an automation team to reuse the code. All steps will be documented in the function for reference. Any pre-requisites for the function to run successfully will be documented in the design document and in the comments in the function header. The Datatable is a feature available in Tool that will be extensively used in order to automatically read from a data file and populate screen fields with data during run-time. Data driven will be done by maintaining a Data file (.xls file), which will contain the input data for the corresponding test case. This Excel file is divided into various sections and each of these sections provide the number of records to be added into the section and the data. The data file name will be documented in the script for reference. There will be a master script(action) calling all the child scripts(actions). All scripts will have appropriate verification points. Verification points for key intermediary functional results or states in the flow will be inserted in-between steps and
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Test Automation Plan
at the end of a script to verify the expected results. The verification points should also check for every error condition possible from the UI. On test execution of each test script, the test log will be used to verify the results for verification point passes and for the items that have not passed. Entry Criteria Once the test cases(scenarios) are identified for automation from the manual test cases, test criteria are defined, the application under test is ready for recording, and the automation process could start.
Exit Criteria Once the acceptance testing for a script is complete and the status for the request is changed to Closed, the automation process will stop. A. Data Driven A data driven approach will be followed in the preparation and execution of scripts. As mentioned earlier in this document, all the major Functional Flows that are going to be automated using QTP will have one or more Data tables created for the screen input like dates, names etc. The script can read from and input to screen during run-time. The datatable feature is available QTP, Test->Settings ResourcesDatatable. The script will read and fetch the datatable name and the field name respectively and populate edit controls in the screen. A sample Datatable used for searching the Item group is attached in the appendix for reference. B. Script Development The automation scripts will be created in a modular fashion. This means that scripts will be made re-usable. This also means breaking down the functionality into user defined functions to make it easier for debugging and maintenance. The table below is an example of how a product specific test case script can be broken down into child and parent scripts. module contains about test cases and in the module phase detail analysis would be done and the test cases would be modularized based on functions . The functions that are distinct to the test cases would be developed as Parent script and functions that are common to most of the test case would be developed as Child scripts. Example: Test AutomationMajor Flow NameMajor functions thatScript Names Document Name (Parent Scriptare occurring more Name) than once (Child Script)
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Test Automation Plan
C. Automation and Conventions Design Document Design Document will be prepared for all the scripts as part of the Design phase. It includes scope of the script, Purpose, Group strategy and logic frame, Module descriptions, pre requisites, module flow, Script flow, Developer Notes and References. a) The Design Document Template has to be followed for all the scripts. Script Flow The script flow will be created for all the scripts for better understanding and will be attached with the design document. Module Flow The module flow will be created for all the scripts for better understanding and will be attached with the design document.
D. Test Automation Standards The Scripting standards have to be followed for all the scripts. Script Readability The Script written/recorded should be readable and presentable. The script should be in such a way that the flow of the script is traced easily. To achieve these goals we have the following scripting standards Every logical step should be preceded by a comment. The Comments should follow the comment standards. Indentations should be strictly followed Every script should have a script level comment clearly mentioning the test case that is emulated by the script, author, preconditions, parameters (if applicable), post conditions, and brief description. The script header template for this comment must be maintained across all the scripts. Script Modularity Modularization of scripts helps in script maintainability. The following are the standards followed for modularizing the scripts. Each, logically separate, operations should be in a user defined Procedures or functions or script. These sub scripts can be called wherever needed.
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Test Automation Plan
Subroutines can be of three types based on the operation performed by that subroutine. There are different domains of functionality that exist in the application. Depending on that the common subroutines are classified as General purpose subroutines, which are not domain specific, and are shared between the domains Domain specific subroutines, which are specific to that domain, and are used for emulating operations within the boundary of that domain. Thus only the scripts that touch this particular domain will be required to use these particular subroutines. Common functions or Utilities, these are at a lower layer of abstraction, and cover single/small functionality. •
Exception Handling To maintain a smooth flow of the script one should ensure that all the unexpected behaviors of the application are handled during Playback of the GUI script. The standards followed for these are as follows After every step, care should be taken for possibility of any warning/error message popup. An if-then-else structure should be used to ensure this. No application specific popup should be treated as unexpected active window by robot. Existence of the window should be verified before any operation on that window. Sufficient timeout should be used. Necessary verification point should be included to check whether the step was successful. There should not be any possibility of infinite loops in the script. Places where such possibility exists are loops that simulate waiting for application to respond, like waiting for tab to appear etc. In any scenario, the script should terminate naturally, and should log possible reason for failure, in case the test case fails. Keeping a timeout for such loops can ensure this. Consistent naming convention in scripting will improve readability. The steps as to what each script does and other comments wherever necessary will be given at the beginning of every script All user interaction recordings will be carried out consistently with the mouse click action and few keyboard actions (wherever required) and identification of menus and combo box items should be by name and not by ID. The reason recordings will not be based on keyboard actions is that there are no hot keys available for screen level controls. Hence screen navigation using keyboard will be a cumbersome task. The recording will be carried out in a known desktop, which will be documented so that the same settings can be duplicated in another machine.
Format of the header Note: The Header lines should be commented. ####################################################### ################ Test Tool/Version : Test Tool Settings : Recorded Browser/version : Function Automated : Preconditions : What must be set before the script runs Post-conditions : The state of the system when the script completes Test Case Automated : Parameterization Done :
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Test Automation Plan
Author : Testing Services Script Name : Script Created on : Reviewed By : Review Comment : Modified On : Modified Comment : ####################################################### ################
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Test Automation Plan
E. Automation Matrix The list of Automation tasks that have been identified is mentioned in the below document Automation Matrix.doc
F. Script Maintenance There is a high maintenance overhead for automated test scripts as they have to be continuously kept up to date, otherwise you will end up abandoning hundreds of hours work because there has been too many changes to an application to make modifying the test script worthwhile. As a result, it is important that the test scripts are kept up to date. Thus once the scripts are created, they need to be version controlled for their changes. In When WinRunner is connected to a TestDirector ( which is a defect tracking/test management tool) project with version control support, one can update and revise the automated test scripts while maintaining old versions of each test. This helps keep track of the changes made to each test script, see what was modified from one version of a script to another, or return to a pr evious version of the test script. Here, we will discuss how to have version control of the scripts using CM Synergy, a third party version control tool. The process can be similiar if any other tool is used like VSS or CVS. 1. The requester submits a change request in accordance with the “Script Request Process”. 2. The automation engineers review the change request and assign it to an appropriate engineer. In order to determine who best to address the request, the following items are taken into account: a. Each developer’s availability b. The level of effort of the change request c. Each developer’s familiarity with similar requests d. Each developer’s familiarity with the module(s) to which the script/tool applies e. For updates to existing scripts, each developer’s familiarity with the script’s source language is considered. 3. The scripter then Checks out the latest version of the scripts from CM Synergy and markes the “Automation Request” status in Test as “In Development”. 4. Perform the changes to the script and does a unit test of the same. 5.
If the unit test passes then change the status of the Automation request in Test director to “Development Completed”. Else continue from Step 4
Acceptance testing will be performed by the concerned person who raised the automation request.If it passes then change the status of the Automation request in Test director to “Closed”. If it fails then start from Step 4. 7.
If the status of the automation request is closed then change the test case status in test director to “Baselined”. 8. The scripter then Checks In all the modified scripts with updated readme
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Test Automation Plan
document to CM Synergy and make the script ready for use. 9.
The status of the test case will be changed to “Baselined” if the automation of the test case is complete.
G. Evaluation of Errors and Failures Some of the failure conditions during script execution have been tabulated for reference. S. No Symptom Problem Possible Action Remarks Description 1.
The script stops abruptly
The script runs to completion but there are Context sensitive errors
Failure to find a window The system resources are low Failure to find a file or directory (as defined in the Excel Spreadsheet)
Failure of verification point.
Break in flow due to a failure to identify a UI feature or control in the screen
Re-run the script by using a breakpoint Re-boot the machine
Correct the spreadsheet and re-start the script
Put files in the correct location and re-start the script Analyze the failure to confirm if it is a defect and log the defect in Test director The verification Point may need to be overwrite as the baseline may have changed. Fix the problem by updating the baseline. Fix the problem by tweaking script or by rerunning the script.
H. Test Automation Environment Licensed to be installed on Offshore QA machine with at least 128 MB RAM and at least 5 GB hard disk space should be available. User ids will be setup by the administrator to login and work on the repository from the QA machine. Test environment to execute the scripts has to be performed as per the notes available in the design document of every script. Recording and Execution of the script will be done as mentioned below
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Test Automation Plan Tool
Tool Version
Operating System
Windows XP/NT/2000
Test Data
Test data will be taken from the database.
The onsite team will provide test data on request.
The offshore team will prepare Datatable based on the test data for automation needs.
Problem Reporting and Data Recording The Results of the script execution of the Application test cases will be reported in the log files of the tool used for automation.
The Results of the script execution of the component cases will be reported as defect files.
IV. Assumptions, Dependencies, Concerns and Risks The tool with working licenses should be available for the environment to be set up and scripts to be run. Onsite team leads have to inform the offshore team about the changes in the test cases and test data and GUI layouts. Offshore Testing team has to update the datatable if there is any change in the test data. V. Automation Team Roles and Responsibilities Role
Onsite Lead
Reviews Design Document, Script and acceptance testing
Automation design document. Scripts Approved Scripts Final Signoff Automation Result Summary
Automation Report
Test Team Training Requirements
Training Requirement
Training Approach
Target Date for Completion
Roles/Resources to be Trained
Script Execution and Datatable modification on Tools
Training will be conducted after acceptance testing.
Onsite Team
Tool Advanced Scripting
Training will be conducted on need basis
Offshore team
Testing Services Automation team
A. Training Schedules to offshore team Product
Training Description
Target date of Completion
Resources to be trained
VIII. References Glossary Reference Term TD APS RBRR QTP GUI OS
Definition Test Director Ahold Pricing System Rules Based Recommended Retails Quick Test Professional Graphical User Interface Operating System
Pertains to: Test Management Tool Application Application QTP 6.5 Objects in a screen
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Test Automation Plan
User Interface
IX.Appendix A
Automation Check List X. Change Log Please note that this table needs to be maintained even if a Configuration Management tool is used. Version Changes made Number V1.0 Initial Draft