A….About Al-Fatah Al-F AlFatah atah is the the leadin leading g depar departme tmenta ntall stor store e of the land land of pure, pure, Pakis Pakistan tan.. Serving since 1941, Al-Fatah has been oering an assortment of products to its precious customers. From grocer! to crocker!, garments to "e#eller!, to!s to kids #ear, kitchen#are to ornaments, electronic gadgets to $tness e%uipments, beaut! products to health care accessories our valuable customers $nd each and ever! product of the best %ualit! under one roof. Around thousands of customers per da! %uench their thirst of shopping from this landmark that has been their trust#orth! shopping mall for more than seven decades no#. &urrentl! three spacious branches of Al-Fatah are providing services in 'ahore and Faisalabad. (he mega pro"ect of Al-Fatah Store is under construction in 'ahore. (he prospects of Al-Fatah Al-Fatah are %uite bright as #e plan to e)pand our chain of stores not onl! in 'ahore but in other parts of the countr! as #ell including *slamabad, +arachi and Pesha#ar etc.
Cosmetics Crockery Decoration Electronics Gifts House ware Kids wear Lingerie Ladies' Wear Men's Wear Perfumes Sorts Suermarket
lrfan l%bal Sheikh, irector of Al-Fatah said, Al Fatah has emerged as one of the most admired retail chains #hich has revolutionied the shopping d!namics b! oering a #ide arra! of product lines on a convenient /one stop shop0 concept. Al Fatah #ill bring signi$cant value addition to this prestigious mall0s segmentation #here brands from all genres are no# housed. (he opening of Al-Fatah departmental store #ill undeniabl! foster health! foot trac at all hours that #ill serve as one of the vital factors in the commercial success for all brands operating at (he &entaurs 2all.
B….Al-Fatah Retail Strategy
Al-Fatah long range sustainable gro#th is our persistent
focus on creating
value for customers. Five focus point guide us in this #ork (ransform, 3ro#th, improve, e)pand, innovative and provide the products to customer at cheaper rate.
Al-Fatah Target Market Al-Fatah is no more an e)clusive shopping-place for the large section of general public and all segments of the societ!. Al-Fatah has embarked upon a
number of imaginative measures, to make itself the leading choice for shopping b! all.
Metro Cas! " Carry Pakistan #P$t% Ltd
C!en &ne Stores Limited
Hyer star Suer Store
anner Store (nternational #P$t% Ltd)
Canteen Stores Deartment * CSD Pakistan
Decent Deartmental Store
+alal Sons Deartmental Store
C….Sustainable Competitive Avantage (here are dierent strategies #hich the +5 retail store adopt to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. &ustomer 'o!alt! 'ocation &ustomer Service etc
Customer Loyalty +eeping touch #ith customers using email marketing, thank !ou cards and more treating its team #ell so the! treat customers #ell sho#ing that care and remembering #hat the customer like and don0t like
Location (he location of Al-Fateh retail outlet in the 'ahore is ideal place. Al-Fateh main retail outlet in 'ahore is located on 'ibert! #hich is the hub of the 'ahore cit!. (he people of that surrounding area prefer to purchase from the Al-Fateh. 6ther retail outlet of Al-Fateh 'ibert! and *%bal (o#n is also on famous place.
Customer service &ustomer service is high in the departmental store Al-Fateh provides customer service to its customers, during and after purchasing. 3ood customer service provides an e)perience that meets customer e)pectations 5ad customer service can generate complaints.
Vendor Relation: (he Al-Fateh retail store directl! takes the product from the compan! there is no intermediate involved. 7henever there #ill be shortage of product in the market the Al-Fateh store never suer from the shortage of product. 8eason of strong relation #ith its vendor because the Al-Fateh ful$lls the commitment #ith its vendor. ealing
is on credit base Al-Fateh al#a!s do pa!ment to its vendor on time never dela! pa!ment
D….!ener o" Al-Fatah Dinnerware Wholesale
Vintage International Co. Sharif & Company Mars Industries S.I.R. Melamine Ware Crystal House Electronic Supplier
Danish Electronics Eleators Faisalabad !niersal Scales "#t$ %td %ahore Eastern utomation & Control Serices 'ms Electronic Communication Machco (e)
#….$o% Does The Retailer Motivate &ts #mployees
&reating a Friendl! 7ork nvironment :se food as incentive 8ecogniing and 8e#arding ;our mplo!ees 8e#ard !our emplo!ees for hard #ork eveloping 3reat 8elationships in the 7orkplace &reate social events
F….ho% the Retailer keep its operation at lo% 'ost (here are no intermediates bet#een manufacturer and +5 store. (he! have their o#n transportation s!stem #hich reduce the cost .(he retail store use of "ust in
time< strateg! #hich reduce the product carr!ing cost. 6n particular events the compan! changes its strateg! "ust in time< to safet! stock<.
(….(ro%th Strategies Do They Fallo%
H*.Mission Statement of l+,atah Store 7e are committed to delivering sustainable value for our shareholders and enhancing lives ever! da! through the high %ualit! food, clothing and home products #e oer in our stores and online.
I*.SW-( nalysis of l+,atah Store
Strengths= (hose internal %ualities #hich give an organiation competitive edge over other organiations.
&ompetitive edge over competitors=
Secure, safe and #ell established area of 'ahore and other cities of Pakistan
5uilding #ide parking area
Products of ever! class of people
igh %ualit! in products
7ell furnished, air conditioned outlets.
igh >ualit! services
Sales at discount rate from the market ? utilit! store
7ell kno#n chain of stores, lo#er cost of advertising
7eakness= Attributes that are harmful for an organiation, in achieving its ob"ectives
7eaknesses 8elated to marketing=
'acking in the area of advertising
@o proper scheduling of promotional activities.
iscount for special peoples
6pportunities= )ternal factors that are helpful for achieving the ob"ectives of the organiation.
&S has=
Potential to increase market share
8egular and lo!al customers
as! e)pansion of business
(hreats= )ternal factors that are harmful for achieving the ob"ectives of the organiation.
Al-Fatah is facing threats from private stores.
6ering competitive discount to all customers
Focusing more on advertising and promotion
ave reachable locations for local customers
*. Case of Selection of (heir Retail Site
/*.-rgani'ational Structure 6rganiational structure 6rganiational hierarch! chart
%*. Incenties for employees
M*. Employee Commitment
0*. Ealuation of Store Employees
-*. #reent of Shoplifting &ustomers do their shopping o#n self and on each oor some emplo!ee observe the customers #hile shopping. 7hen customer $nished its shopping then the store emplo!ee take the goods of customer to its vehicle. *n this sense the! provide customer service as #ell prevent shop lifting from the store.
#*. Conclusion
Al-Fatah has seven epartments, #hich are performing their functions ecientl!, out of these marketing department is lacking in the area of advertising and promotion
Al-Fatah has self service stores !et it provides fe# services and it is lacking in providing that service due to lo#er #orkforce.
Al-Fatah is facing management problems like iscipline and time management.
Al-Fatah has a #ell developed inventor! management s!stem, ead %uarter purchase most of goods and respective companies deliver goods on outlets.
Fe# items are purchased locall! like ice creams, milk, !ogurt and read! to cook food etc.
8ole of *( department is distinct because of=
5illing soft#are
Feeding of stock into the s!stem
3eneration of sale reports on dail! bases.
Al-Fatah should focus on the advertising and promotion.
Al-Fatah should plane advertising and promotion activities #ell before time.
iscount should be given to all customers.
Should have enough #ork forces that can serve the customers according to their needs