Participant’s Name:
All of life comes to us with ease and joy and glory!
November, 2008
ACCESS™ LLC, Santa Barbara, California © Gary M. Douglas, 2007 All Rights Reserved. This material cannot be altered without the express, written permission of Gary M. Douglas.
Table of Contents Introduction to Access .............................................................................. 3 The Clearing Statement............................................................................ 4 Bars - The Foundation.............................................................................. 5 Clearing Statements About Learning The Bars........................................ 6 Summary of the Bars................................................................................ 7 Opening Procedure for Running Bars (Energy Pull) ............................. 13 Sample Bar Session ............................................................................... 18 Follow the Energy in Running Bars ........................................................ 22 Emotional Roller-Coaster ....................................................................... 22 The Next Classes ................................................................................... 23 Overview of ACCESS ............................................................................. 25 Contact Us .............................................................................................. 26 Visual Guides.......................................................................................... 27
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Introduction to Access Access is a set of tools and processes that are designed to create clarity and ease, joy, and glory in your life. Access is not about doing anything to you or for you. It is about unlocking you from what’s keeping you from experiencing the greatness you already are. The truth is that we are infinite beings. The four things an infinite being does is perceive, know, be and receive. Unfortunately most of us function from finiteness instead of infiniteness. Our lives are full of trauma and drama, upset, intrigue, and struggle as a result. Access is designed to give you awareness. It’s not about educating you on the rightness and wrongness of your life. You are not wrong. It’s about gifting you tools to assist you in becoming more aware in ALL areas of your life. What if you were willing to have more in your life? More Joy? More ease? The target of Access is for you to generate a different life than you currently have. Access is about empowering you to know what you know and to get you to know that you have choice. We can set ourselves free by undoing our addiction to polarity and functioning instead from allowance. Allowance is different than acceptance. Allowance is everything is an interesting point of view. Whenever we align and agree with something, or resist and react to something, we are not in allowance and we are not free. In order to resist and react to anything, we must agree with it to some degree. Both resistance and reaction and alignment and agreement keep us stuck in polarity, which is the biggest addiction there is. When we can function from the point of view that everything is just an interesting point of view, then we will be free. We can set ourselves free by reminding ourselves © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
that everything we think, feel, believe, decided or judged is just an interesting point of view. The mantra of ACCESS is:
All of Life Comes to Me with Ease and Joy and Glory* *Exuberant expression and abundance of life Using this ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening will change your life.
The Clearing Statement One of the tools of Access is the clearing statement. The clearing statement is designed to bring up energies and clear them. It is explained in Foundation; it is included in this class so you can experience a bit of what Access is about, and to assist you in learning the bars. Fortunately, you do not have to understand it for it to work. It is designed to bypass your logical mind. If your logical mind could solve the things that were not working in your life, wouldn’t it have done so already? The clearing statement is designed to access your “insane mind” which is where the answers to the interesting life you are creating lie. In short, what the clearing statement is asking is what you are creating unconsciousness about that keeps you stuck in the part of reality you are looking to change. For anything not to be working for you, you have to be unwilling to perceive, know, be, or receive some aspect of it. The clearing statement is designed to bypass your thinking logical mind. It is designed to give you more awareness and more ability to function from consciousness even if you don’t understand the words, and even if you don’t understand cognitively what is creating the limitation.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
The purpose of the clearing statement is to bring up as much of the energy of limitation and judgment as possible about the item you are clearing and then blast it out of existence. We want to do this so we can clear as much as possible at one time.
Bars - The Foundation The brain is a capacitor. A capacitor is a device that holds an electrical charge. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions all have an electrical component. Any time we decide that something is significant, important or should be held onto, we store it in our brain. It's like a giant computer and it has billions of years of considerations stuck in it. Whenever you as a being take on a new body, you bring all the thoughts, feelings, and emotions you made significant into your new body. The result is that with each body you take on you become more solidified in the rightness and wrongness of your points of view. This leads to less and less freedom and possibility with each successive lifetime, instead of more and more. If there were a way to dissipate every thought, feeling, emotion, attitude, and belief you have accumulated from every previous lifetime you have ever had, it would have the effect of erasing all of your limitations from the past. If the past did not exist in any form of solidity, what could and would you choose as your future? This is where the bars come in. They electro-magnetically erase the limitations you have created based on your fixed points of view from the past. There are thirty-two bars or points on the head including Healing, Body, Sexuality, Aging, Hopes and Dreams, Communication, Awareness, Creativity, Money and Control, Power, Creating Life Forms, and Creating Connections, among others. Activating these points by allowing the energy to flow through these bars releases the electrical charge that holds all considerations, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, decisions, emotions, or © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
attitudes you have ever stored or decided were important in any and all lifetimes. This allows us to finally achieve the potential we have always known we had and yet had not been able to attain. Your whole life can change just from a bars session. One bars session will release 5-10,000 years of thoughts, feelings, considerations, ideas, beliefs etc. that you have stored. If you would like to have more ease and space in and with your body, then run bars. It’s also helpful after running the verbal processing that we do in all classes. Every time you do a bars session on someone else, all the considerations that they have that are like the ones you have go away at the same time. You give a session, you get a session, and if you do this as a practitioner, you get paid too. The worst thing that can happen from a bars session is you feel like you got a great massage. The best thing that can happen is your whole life can change. Bars can be used to facilitate change in all areas of your life. For example, when run on children before exams, it can have a dramatic effect on their grades. When run regularly on pregnant women, they report that labor is much shorter and the birthing process is much easier. Also, many people report that having their bars run assists them in sleeping more soundly.
Clearing Statements About Learning The Bars What energy, space and consciousness can you and your body be that would allow you to receive and run bars with total ease? Everything that doesn’t allow that to show up destroy and uncreate it. Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds What energy, space and consciousness can you and your body be that would allow you to destroy all limitations of learning and awareness you © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
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make more real than you? Everything that doesn’t allow that to show up destroy and uncreate it. Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds. How many decisions, judgments, conclusions and computations do you have that keep you from knowing how easy learning and running bars can be? Everything that doesn’t allow that to show up destroy and uncreate it. Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds. How many decisions, judgments, conclusions and computations do you have that keep you from knowing how easy your whole life can be? Everything that doesn’t allow that to show up destroy and uncreate it. Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds. How many points of view, decisions, judgments, conclusions and computations have you bought from others that enforce you never having the life of ease, joy and glory that is truly possible to have and be? Everything that doesn’t allow that to show up destroy and uncreate it. Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds.
Summary of the Bars If you have trouble knowing where a particular bar is, all you have to do is ask for the name of the bar a few times and it will turn on and make your hand attach to the right place. Your body will plug in. You cannot do this wrong, and you cannot hurt anyone by doing their bars.
Basically the bars are the hard drive of your computer bank. It’s like literally the stuff you have stored lifetime after lifetime. And what this does is it deletes the files so that those things are no longer in your file and they don’t just automatically come up. So the thing about the bars is all these thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, attitudes and emotions © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
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will come up without you even knowing where they come from, why they are and what they are. Why do we do the energy pulls? The energy pulls you start at the head using the power band and the third eye in order to move the energy through the body because we have stopped the ability in our body to receive. So we start at the top of the head and pull energy through the body and up and out the top of your head while you are doing it as a way of energizing the body so it will learn to flow again because we do so many thoughts, feelings and emtions to stop the flows in our body. We actually start to hurt it, disintegrate it, and degenerate it. Then we go down to the feet and put our fingers in the bottom of the feet pulling energy down through the head, through the body, through our hands and out the top of our head as a way of flowing the energy in that direction. Then we do it through the hands when we pull it down through the head, through the shoulders and out the hands. What occurs is all the energy flows of the body can be available which allows for an easier dissipation of thoughts, feelings and emotions that you have and your bars can dissipate more easily and the body becomes more comfortable. That’s one of the reasons we say, “Worst case scenario you feel like you’ve had a great massage, best case scenario your whole life can change.” The Power Band The Power Band is literally where you activate all the other bands and it is also where you have stored all your consideration about what power is. In Access we talk about the Potency of things because you as the being you are through the energy, space and consciousness you are you would be a catalyst for change rather than having the power to change. As a catalyst for change anything that is willing to change can and anything that won’t change can’t and you don’t have to try and control it to make it happen. Implant Band The Implant Band is plastered to the Power Band as though they are one, but they are not. The Implant Band is where you have all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, attitudes, and emotions that you either aligned and agreed with or resisted and reacted to which allowed you to be implanted in the first place. It affects all the other parts of your © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
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body and deals with everything that has been implanted in you in any lifetime and if you do it enough, you won’t have it any more. Awareness Awareness has to do with all the places where we have judged our awareness and found it lacking or decided it was a lacking when it actually wasn’t. So some of the considerations we go into more about how we are not aware then how we are aware. In so doing we create this place where we try to eliminate our awareness rather than having it. When we run the bars it eliminates all the places where we decide we can’t be aware and starts to open the doors to bigger awareness. Time and Space Time and Space has to do with all the places in which you think time and space are connected and must out of necessity be tied together which eliminates the capacity to have the energy, space and consciousness which will generate you life and puts you into the matter, energy, space and time concept in order to create control. Tunnels of Time and Space The Tunnels of Time and Space have to do with opening the doors to that which accesses all time and all space simultaneously. When you open the tunnels of time and space what you are opening to is the capacity to go to any time or any space which gives you access to all lifetimes including the future. Circle of Manifestation The Circle of Manifestation is about how you alter things so that what shows up in your life is something greater, not something less. The Circle of Manifestation activates that place where you can allow things to show up in your life because to manifest means to “show up” and people say all the time, “I want to manifest…” meaning that they want it to happen. “I want it to show up” what does that mean? It shows up how it shows up. Manifestation is “how” it shows up, not “that” it shows up. So it’s like literally therein lies the door so you don’t have the consideration of what you think it must come in as or how it must manifest.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Restructuring Restructuring is done from time and space back to the power band and that done simultaneously with reactivation and recreation. What that is about is restructuring your body to the new place that it is in so that it doesn’t go back to the old way of functioning. It’s eliminating all those points of view which would allow it to go back to its old form so that it doesn’t fall back into the same lack that it had before. Crown of Mystar The Crown of Mystar has to do with going into the mysteries of the universe. When you open that it’s about opening to everything you decided is a mystery in the universe that you can’t know. Communication Communication is about all the places where you decided that communication is verbal not through awareness and through non verbal techniques. What you do in that is you create the space where you can be and do everything you can be and do. Aging Toaster The Aging Toaster is designed to take care of all the considerations you have about what it means to get old, to die, and to have your body fall apart and all that kind of stuff. It is designed to hold all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, attitudes and emotions that you have formed in any lifetime about what that means. Body and Sexuality The Body and Sexuality has to do with the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, attitudes and emotions you have stored there in any lifetime about your body or about sexuality. It’s every judgment we have about our bodies that are located in that area. It’s almost like they lock in. Restructuring, Reactivation and Recreation Are the points of view you have that would actually cause something to come back into existence to be taken out of the body when you’ve done either body work or you’ve done processing or you’ve done bars. It’s © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
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one of the reasons they are one of the last bars to use. Sadness and Joy Sadness and Joy are all the considerations we have about what’s right about being sad or what’s right about being joyful. Mostly it’s what’s right about being sad? And what’s wrong about being joyful? Because joy is not considered an appropriate activity here. People will always say, “What’s wrong with you?” when you are sad. And when you are joyful they say, “What drug are you on?” Because they assume there must be something wrong with being joyful as well. Form and Structure Form and Structure has to do with things we think are important in this reality. It’s the structure off which you build your reality based on the past. It’s like looking to the past to make sure you don’t make a mistake. All it does is because those points of view are already there you make the same mistake over and over again with a slight variation on the theme as though you are getting better. It doesn’t. So that releases all the form and structure you created around anything. Hopes and Dreams Hopes and Dreams is where you think that if you hope hard enough and dream hard enough things are going to happen and so you store all of those points of view you have about your hopes and dreams which never come to fruition that you figure might come to fruition and if your lucky enough should they happen to come to fruition and it never does. Healing Healing is all the considerations about what it means to be a healer, what it means to not be a healer, and all the points of view you have about the body healing or not healing. It also includes the parts of your capacity to heal the earth that we deny and refuse as much as possible because the thing is that for many people who have a “healing ability” they will have an awareness of their body hurting and more often than not you want to ask the question, “Is this mine? Someone else’s or something else?” If it is something else 99% of the time it ends up being the earth needs some kind of facilitation from us. So it’s like you have to be willing to give whatever energy you have available that the earth desires and needs that will facilitate it. © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Money Money is all the considerations you have about money. Having it, not having it, wanting it, not wanting it, being willing to have it, not willing to have it, and every point of view you have ever taken about money. Control Control is all the things we think we are going to get from control. Control is sort of what we do instead of being functional in this reality. We try and control everything so it turns out a certain way. It’s all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, attitudes or emotions we have stored in any lifetime so that we can control what occurs in our lives. Creativity Creativity is all the elements you have about what it means to create. That means all the sources for matter, energy, space and time that you use to try and create things. Notice it’s not about generating your life. Generating your life is a totally different thing because that’s based on the energy, space and consciousness you are which is really what generates your life. Creating Connections and Creating Life Forms Those are all the points of view we have about what matter, energy, space and time it takes to create. How much time it takes to create a connection, how much would we have to do? How much matter and energy would we have to contribute in order to create a connection or in order to create a life form. It’s like in order to create the life form of a body requires you to do sexuality, requires you to do copulation, requires you to do a whole lot of things and these are all the matter, energy, space and time it takes to create a life form. Now that’s also the same thing with a book. So it’s like typing creates a certain amount of matter, time is part of what it takes to create a book and we don’t think we can do these things easily and quickly. It’s the same thing with a song or anything else. Kindness, Gratitude, Peace and Calm These are three you run together. Peace and Calm is something we don’t have here on planet earth, it doesn’t exist on planet earth and it’s © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
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something you seldom allow to be in your existence. Peace and Calm is something you need to eliminate with your adrenaline overload you function on nonstop. Kindness is something that we always question. It’s all the points of view we have about if somebody is really being kind or are they trying to create an obligation. If somebody gives you a gift is it done from kindness or is it done from obligation? Often time’s people do gifts from obligation not from kindness. When you have someone who gives real kindness it “feels” different. Mostly these are the considerations about when you thought somebody did a kindness and they created obligation instead. Gratitude is the mistaken identity that in life “love” is what we get and actually if you have gratitude you can have no judgment. These are the judgments about what we have misapplied as love and what it does is it starts to eliminate all those places where you have misidentified and misapplied what gratitude is in favor of love or some other erroneous point of view of what gratitude is.
Opening Procedure for Running Bars (Energy Pull) First we place one hand on the Power Band, and three fingers of the other hand on the Third Eye. We begin by pulling energy up through the feet, through the body into the Third Eye and Power Band and into our hands and arms and up and out our crown. Next we place our middle finger under the ball of the feet and pull energy from the crown down through the body, into the feet into our hands, up and out through our crown. Pull energy from the client’s palms, client’s hands on top (manicure position), middle fingers in the middle of each other’s palms. We pull the energy down through their crown, into our hands, and up and out our crown.
1. Power Band Back of head (base of skull), about the size of a dollar bill.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
2. Implant Band Directly behind ear behind a bone or ridge in a dip or valley between Power Band and Circle of Manifestation
3. Healing Bar Center of temples
4. Hopes & Dreams Below healing bar, angled slightly toward ear
5. Form & Structure Corner of temple at corner of eye ridge near the eyebrow
6 & 7. Sadness & Joy Egg-shaped - just above eyes. Sadness is on the right. Joy is on the left.
8, 9 & 10. Kindness, Gratitude, Peace & Calm Finger at top of ear, back four fingers; a triangle with its base against the ear and its apex pointing toward the Circle of Manifestation.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
11. Aging Toaster Three-quarters of an inch apart at top of skull, in a line from the inside corners of the eyes, and in line with the centre of the ear.
12. & 13. Body & Sexuality Three-quarters of an inch away from each side of the Aging Toaster in line with the center of the eyes, and in line with the centre of the ear. On the right side, Body and on the left side, Sexuality.
14. Bridging Bar Runs across the front of Body, Sexuality and the Aging Toaster.
15. & 16. Recreation & Reactivation Three-quarters of an inch away from Body & Sexuality, just over the curve of the skull in line with the outside corners of the eyes.
17. Money Three fingers up from top of ear
18. Control Half-finger down and finger back from Money
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
19. Awareness Second finger up toward Money; one-half finger back
20. Creativity Three fingers back from Money
21. Creating Connections 45º angle down from Creativity
22. Creating Life Forms Behind and a little down from Creating Connections
22. Communication 23º forward, up two and one-half fingers from the front of the ear where it connects to the head
23. Time and Space Up four fingers from front of ear where it connects to the head, at approximately a 30º angle.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
24. Circle of Manifestation It’s the yarmulke on the back of head. The points of the circle touch Body & Sexuality, Aging, Creativity and Power.
25. Crown of Mystar Circles the top of the skull, approximately at the hairline in front; the whole top of the cranium. Use two thumbs in front and two fingers on each side of the head.
26. Tunnels of Time and Space Two points each, above Sadness & Joy
27. Restructuring of Bodies One and one-half fingers up from Communication is Time & Space. With index fingers on Time & Space, touch top end of Power Band with little fingers, other fingers in a straight line across the side of head.
End all sessions with a combination known as “Restructuring of Bodies.” This is the combination of Time and Space (which is one and one-half fingers from Communication), Power Band and Recreation & Reactivation. With index fingers on Time and Space, touch top end of Power Band with little fingers, other fingers in a straight line across the side of head on their horseshoe. Place thumbs on Recreation & Reactivation (which is ½ of an inch away from Body and Sexuality just over the curve of the skull in line with the outside corners of the eyes).
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
If you run Circle of Manifestation AFTER doing Restructuring of the Bodies, then manifestation will occur consistent with who the person is after everything they released in their bars session. Two off-the-body bars follow Restructuring of the Bodies: Tunnels of Time & Space and Crown of Mystar. They are done one at a time. Tunnels of Time & Space is halfway between Joy and Sadness and the original hairline. There are two tunnels on each side. With two fingers on each side, start just above the forehead and pull your fingers slowly upwards perpendicular to the forehead. When you find the place that feels right, hold it. Thirty seconds on this bar is enough for most people. You can then continue pulling upwards and this will feel good to most people. You can do this for longer if you wish. It is recommended not to repeat this particular bar during the same session as it can be uncomfortable for the person receiving. Crown of Mystar is a circle in the same plane as the top of the head (NOT at an angle like the Circle of Manifestation). Move your hands away slowly while pulling energy until you come to the place above the head where the density of energy changes and then hold your hands off the head until you feel your own crown open up.
Sample Bar Session Implant Band Behind the ears, about one-half inch from the top of the ear, in the shape of the ear over a ridge, a bone, and into a little dip or valley. That valley is what contains the Implant Band. We access it by placing three fingers there. The Implant Band is plastered at the ends of the Power Band, which is just inside our skull.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Money, Control, and Creativity, Body & Sexuality Money: Starting at the top of the ear, where it connects to the top of the head, straight up the space of three fingers. It is a bar that goes through the head. INDEX Finger. Control: A half finger down and two fingers back from Money. MIDDLE Finger. Creativity: is three fingers back from Money. RING Finger. Body & Sexuality: three-quarters of an inch away from each side of the Aging Toaster, in line with the center of the eyes. Body is on the right, and Sexuality on the left side. THUMBS. (Note: it may be more dynamic to run Money, Control, and Creativity on their own, separate from Body and Sexuality.) Creativity, Creating Life Forms, Creating Connections, Creativity: is three fingers back from Money. INDEX Finger. Creating Connections: 45º angle down from Creativity. Creating Life Forms: behind and a little down from Creating Connections. Healing, Sadness & Joy, Body and Sexuality Healing Bar: center of temples. MIDDLE Finger. Sadness & Joy: egg-shaped, just above eyes. Sadness is on the right. Joy is on the left. INDEX Finger. Body & Sexuality: three-quarters of an inch away from each side of the Aging Toaster, in line with the center of the eyes. Body is on the right and Sexuality is on the left side. THUMBS.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Form & Structure, Hopes & Dreams, Awareness, Control, Bridging Bar Form & Structure: corner of temple at corner of eye ridge near the eyebrow. INDEX Finger. Hopes & Dreams: below Healing Bar, angled slightly toward ear. MIDDLE Finger. Awareness: Two fingers up from the ear and a half finger back from Money. RING finger. Control: A half finger down and two fingers back from Money. PINKIE finger. Bridging Bar: Runs across the front of Body, Sexuality, and the Aging Toaster. THUMBS. Aging Toaster Aging Toaster: ½ to ¾ of an inch apart at top of skull, in a line from the inside corners of the eyes. NAIL BEDS. Time & Space, Communication Communication: 15º forward, up two and one-half fingers from the front of the ear. MIDDLE Finger. Time and Space: up one and one-half finger from Communication. INDEX Finger. Peace & Calm, Kindness & Gratitude Peace & Calm, Kindness & Gratitude: finger at top, middle of ear, back four fingers. Third and fourth fingers are on Kindness and Gratitude. Between and under them is Peace & Calm. Triangle with its base against the ear and its apex pointing toward the Circle of Manifestation.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Restructuring of Bodies, Recreation, Reactivation This is the combination of Time & Space (which is one and one-half fingers from Communication), Power Band and Recreation & Reactivation. With index fingers on Time & Space, touch top end of Power Band with little fingers, and other fingers in a straight line across the side of head on their horseshoe. Place thumbs on Recreation & Reactivation (which is three-quarters of an inch away from Body & Sexuality just over the curve of the skull in line with the outside corners of the eyes).
Circle of Manifestation Circle of Manifestation: It is the yarmulke at the back of head. The points of the circle touch Body & Sexuality, Aging, Creativity and Power Band. THUMBS & Index and Middle Fingers. The last two bars that follow are run without touching the head! Tunnels of Time and Space (off the head!) These four points are towards the hairline from Sadness and Joy. With two fingers above each eyebrow, pull slowly straight upwards, in a line perpendicular to the plane of the forehead. Crown of Mystar (off the head!) The Crown of Mystar is a circle at the top of the head. With your thumb and forefingers forming a circle, start off the head and move your hands away from the head until you find a distance which feels “right.” There will be a slight difference in density in the energy closer to the head and away from the head when you are in the right spot.
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Follow the Energy in Running Bars If someone comes to you and they are speaking to you about their life being out of control, then control should be the first thing you run after the implant band. If they come in talking about how they never have enough time in their day, time is what you should run. If they say, “My body hurts all the time,” body and sexuality is what you run after the implant band. It’s called following the energy and listening to the person who comes for the session with you.
Emotional Roller-Coaster After ACCESS classes, some may experience being on an emotional roller coaster because the physical body is having difficulty adjusting. What happens is your body no longer recognizes you, the being. It has to get used to you. It tries to get the old you back. Be aware of a homeopathic PMS formula whose primary ingredient is sepia that may be of assistance. Both males and females may take this to keep the emotional roller coaster from being a handicap. It has been determined that Sepia is the primary necessary ingredient that facilitates calming. The recommended dose is 3-4 times per day, about 6 of the little pills. The Bach flower essence “rescue remedy” can also be helpful. Ask your body how much of each of these you need. You may find you require 4-5 droppers-full instead of 4-5 drops. Also, be very aware of the body's need for salt, sugar and water. The body's need for salt, sugar and water is very intense because Access causes major discharges of the brain’s synapses as the electromagnetic component of thought is released. This creates an electrical discharge which requires salt and water. And since the brain’s only food is sugar, it uses up to 90% of the sugar in our bodies. With the massive discharge
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
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of the synapses that occurs with Access, the brain often requires much more sugar than usual. It is imperative that you listen to your body and consume the amount of salt, sugar, and water that your body desires—not the amount that you are used to consuming from your past points of view.
The Next Classes ACCESS: The Foundation This class invites you to look at where we have used reason, justification, beliefs and judgments to create our reality and keep us in the “I have no choice” universe. The foundational tools of Access can assist you in eliminating the trauma, drama, upset and intrigue from your life, giving you a sense you and allowing you to begin to generate your life the way you would like it to be. The clearings you receive from this class will allow you to claim, own and acknowledge your potency and ability to change and transform what isn’t working for you and give you access to you! “How does it get any better than this?”
ACCESS Level 1 This class expands on the possibilities opened up in the Foundation class and covers areas such as the 5 elements of intimacy, sexualness, money, abundance and wealth. You will also learn another amazing, hands on body process called MTVSS. The clearings allow you to eliminate the reasons, justifications, beliefs and judgments that have been creating limitations so it is no longer necessary to function from opposition or separation. It becomes possible to have relationships with people that are rewarding, and we begin to understand what it means to
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
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truly create our life as we desire it. This class will give you even greater awareness of infinite beingness and infinite choice.
ACCESS Level 2 & 3 (Facilitated by Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer) These classes invite you to go beyond this reality and create your life as even more than extraordinary – to step into a phenomenal life. The clearings address where you have made other people’s reality more valuable than your awareness and ranges over subjects such as bodies and embodiment, what is really going on with so-called “disabilities” and the acknowledgment of the talents and abilities of humanoids that have been covered up, sublimated, suppressed and hidden for so long. We clear the choices for limitation in the punishment and reward system and discover the joy of what is possible in the simultaneity of gifting and receiving.
You will have the choice to step into the power and potency of allowance and oneness for creating change on the planet as you find new abilities, new awareness’s, and new capacities showing up in your life without effort and with great wonder. We will also discover the tools that allow us to facilitate this experience for other people. We start to realize how magical we are and the magic that we can create in our own lives and others’. “What would it take to truly create a phenomenal life?”
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Overview of ACCESS For almost 20 years ACCESS has been taught, demonstrated and has benefited people all over the world. The results have been dramatic. ACCESS has been used successfully with many other holistic and medical techniques. The outcomes for both the client and the practitioner are great. People who take the ACCESS workshops and classes and who do ACCESS regularly, experience an increased sensitivity in their hands, an increase in their intuition and perception and in their ability to see and feel energy flows and blockages. With every session they feel better, clearer, more open and more sensitive to the world around them. Life improves and the areas that are not working become easier and finally cease to be a problem. The first class in Access is Bars. The purpose of Bars is to teach people that they can actually receive. Receiving is not done on this planet. Doing, doing, doing in order to make sure you don’t have to receive is what’s done on this planet. This has to change. You have to be willing to receive. Foundation, Level 1, 2, & 3 are verbal processing to open the doors to awareness of energies that you have available to you that you have never known were yours to have. The 3-day body class is facilitated by Steve Comer. The body classes give you awareness of energies you can perceive, energies you can access that you have not yet accessed, and the possibilities for a level of potency and power that you never knew you had. Each one of them opens a door to some energy you have available that you have never used, you have never bothered to access, you have never bothered to be. The Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB) is facilitated by Dain Heer. You learn in that class how to be the energy you are, instead of being the doo-doo head you have been being. It’s about being and the energy © Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
you can be. That energy you can be is what’s going to be needed on planet earth if this place is to survive.
Contact Us Access, LLC. USA Gary Douglas, Founder 3463 State Street, PMB 488 Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 331-8413
Dr. Dain Heer, Facilitator 3463 State St., PMB 488 Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 331-9421
Access Seminars Australia Pty Ltd. PO Box 270 Albion, QLD 4010 Australia Contact Simone Milasas Aust: 0412 888 645 or USA: 805 813 7454
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
Visual Guides
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.
November, 2008
© Access LLC. Santa Barbara, CA. 2006 by Gary M. Douglas. All Rights Reserved.