12th House (Hidden/Moksha) in Astrology 12th house is the last house in the zodiac where life begin and end. This is the house which connect us between materialistic and non-materialistic world. Ruled by planet Jupiter , It is a water sign !isces". 12th house represents feet and an#les in our body.
(i think it is important to understand 12th house.. it will be worth your time) 12th house is the most mysterious, un#nown and hidden house. $ur entire e%istence is dependent on these hidden, mysterious forces.12th house represent the hidden enemy, loss of ene energy rgy,, for foreign eign land or fore foreign ign &our &ourney neys, s, libe liberati ration, on, isol isolate ated d plac places es li#e &ail, asylum and hospital. This is the house where we can be isolated through sorrow or peace. 1st house is the physical body and before that we ha'e12th house. (o 12th house also represents life state between reality and unreality. It is our subconscious mind min d and hidden hidden na natur ture e fro from m wh which ich we ca can n co conn nnect ect to the di'ine di'ine na natur ture e of thi this s mysterio myst erious us world. world. )ere we can do astral tra'el tra'el and also can see gho ghost. st. The people people who ha'e strong 12 house connection can easily access to this world. This is the house of hospital, &ail, isolation, meditation, spiritualism, di'ine #nowledge and last house of liberation from the physical life mo#sha". sometimes god put us in a situation to purify our soul in any of these situation which is 'ery unpleasant in life. if get sic# we get lot of time thin# and purify our conscious. In this house we intentionally or unintentionally unintent ionally abandon abandon e'erything to get mo#sha. It is mo#sha house through pain li#e in *th house which is also beyond our control. ele'enth house is &ust before 12th house. In 11th house we ha'e highest desire to do something for the people, after achie'ing e'erything in life what to do ne%t. The people who are satisfied from materialistic world want to get away from this world, they &ust ga'e their things to others and come in 12th house to #now the truth of the life. This is th Thi the e ho hous use e of es esc cap apis ism, m, th tho ose peo eop ple wh who o ar are e we wea ak in th thei eirr lif ife e respo re spons nsi iil ilit ity y or ha! ha!e e so some me wea weakn knes ess s in the their ir mi mind nd co come me in 12 12th th ho hous use e to escape from life through e"g taking drugs and alcohol" #ne can find peace from these things also, ut this is the temporary peace"
It is the house of imagination, secret desire, sleep, dreams, fantasy, se% pleasure, and entertai ente rtainmen nmentt lis listeni tening ng musi music". c". +ost +ostly ly all the thin things gs repr represen esentt by 12t 12th h hou house se are related with the effect on subconscious mind. e feel good when we are sleeping, dreaming, meditating, escaping from reality, ta#ing drugs and entertained. This is the pri'ate part of self, where one can let go of the pressure of outside world and float in peace of inner self. This house connect us to the deepest of our consciousness where we can connect with the one. Its is our soul which is permanent permanent this body is perisha perishable. ble. 12th house is the house from which we must let go of things and learn to be alone as e'erything is temporary in life, it will change and we will lose e'erything e'entually. It is through the twelfth house that we lose things and must remain with the only thing that can ne'er be ta#en away. That is
$esult of planets in the 12th house% onsult
about u/r 12th )ouse "
&un% (un is ego, 'itality of the body, the supreme power when it in 12th house it lose its 'itality, wea# self-image, lac# of self-confidence and confusion about the necessary selfidentity. (un is considered dead in the 12th house because all the thing which is ruled by sun suffer. Moon% +oon is mind, mind can easily disturbed by unpleasant thing, if moon in the 12th house the nati'e may want to escape from emotional burdens of the family. The nati'e do e%cessi'e daydreaming and fantasize but nati'e can be creati'e in dreamy life. Mars% +ars is the planet of courage, discipline and personal strength. +ars in the 12th house shows interest in swimming, yoga, and all physical acti'ity which e%ert energy. The nati'e may ha'e disturbed sleeping patterns. Mercury% +ercury is the planet of fun, intelligence, writing and communication. +ercury in the 12th house shows good fantasy writer, miscommunication and unhealthy escapism through entertainment 'upiter% Jupiter is the planet of hope, wisdom and e%pansion. Jupiter in the 12th house shows 'ery dreamy and li'ing in his own world. 0ut the nati'e is 'ery aware of the deep and dar# secrets of the world. The nati'e ha'e good #nowledge of the spiritual life,and can be a good teacher. enus% enus is the planet of happiness and pleasure, enus in the twelfth house shows a lot of hidden desires and potential for escapism into sensual pleasures, including se%. The nati'e do lot of beautiful daydreaming if enus in !isces sign the person can be 'ery de'oted or spiritual in nature. &aturn% (aturn is significator of the 12 house if (aturn in the 12th house the nati'e 'ery interested in the deeper mysteries of life. (aturn represents fear, (aturn in the twelfth house learn to li'e in uncertainty without fear. $ahu% Rahu is the materialistic desire, if Rahu didn/t e%it we can not come in this life, it is our past life desire which we want to fulfill in this life. Rahu in the 12th introspection re'ol'ing around letting go of material things of past li'es. The nati'e is not interested in the present materialistic world, search for some peace of mind by a'oiding daily life. The nati'e can be prone to high le'els of escapism by alcohol and drugs or searching other world through spirituality or by doing meditation. etu% etu in the 12th house is one of the most spiritual placements in astrology. )ere the nati'e dealt with duty of his life and fulfill his #arma because Rahu in the 3th house, in 0haga'ad gita lord rishna say those fulfill their duty can attain mo#sha. Those people who li'e their life according to their desire can ne'er attain mo#sha. $ne should
be #arma yogi. etu in 12th house can gi'e mo#sha by fulfilling the duties which is needed in this life.