JOINTS Central drop panel assembly with steel column.
Four channel sections will be placed, according to the Technical Documentation, centered about the floor depth. The anchorage shall be incorporated to the support in the shop. The sections will be welded to each other and to the support all around the contact perimeter, with a 5/16 in. thick weld. At the oint, the interrupted channel will ha!e a continuous co!er plate of steel with a total area matching that of the top flange of the section, welded all around with a "/16 in. thick weld. A spiral of #$ flat wire conforming to A%T& A $', with a ( in. spacing, shall be placed in both arms of the steel anchorage. The recommended crosspieces are for building floors with con!entional li!e loads and reasonabl) balanced spans. *n all other cases an indi!idual stud) is re+uired.
Adjacent drop panel assembly with steel column.
Four channel sections will be placed, according to the Technical Documentation, centered about the floor depth.
The anchorage shall be incorporated to the support in the shop.
The sections will be welded to each other and to the support all around the contact perimeter, with a 5/16 in. thick weld.
At the oint, the interrupted channel will ha!e a continuous co!er plate of steel with a total area matching that of the top flange of the section, welded all around with a "/16 in. thick weld.
A spiral of #$ flat wire conforming to A%T& A $', with a ( in. spacing, shall be placed in both arms of the steel anchorage.
The recommended crosspieces are for building floors with con!entional li!e loads and reasonabl) balanced spans. *n all other cases an indi!idual stud) is re+uired
The embedded beam orthogonal to the edge, which makes up one arm of the crosspiece beams in central drop panels, ma) carr) stirrups depe nding on the magnitude of the punching shear, etc.
The crosspieces made up of '5-'( ma) carr) stirrups, depending on the magnitude of the punching shear. The sie of the stirrups must be defined for each case. The stirrups ma) be simple closed elements that help support the top la)ers of reinforcement, although this is generall) done b) the shrinkage steel resting on the lost filler blocks. *n the case of remo!able formwork, such reinforcement must rest on chairs to pro!ide the proper concrete co!er.
The indicated reinforcement ha!e a range of application in t)pical residential proects in other obs it must be adapted to the particular conditions.
Construction of Wae Raft Slab Syste! 1. Ensure building site is level and all plumbing pipes are fed in place as per plan.
!. "pread a layer o# sand or metal dust approimately 50 mm thic$ over building area and screed level. %lace !00&m plastic sheeting and tape laps. '. "et up #orm(or$) set out *a+e ,a#t %ods in a grid pattern using multispacers provided (hich #orm all beams. -. ut the *a+e ,a#t %ods to ft around plumbing pipes etc. using sharp handsa( or po(ersa(. %lace rein#orcing bars in multispacers positioned bet(een void #ormers. 5. %lace steel mesh on top o# *a+e ,a#t %ods and chair steel mesh at a rate o# bar chairs per *a+e ,a#t %od. . %our concrete) part fll the ribs to hold the *a+e ,a#t %od in position be#ore pouring 5 mm thic$ slab (ith !5 mm minimum cover over rein#orcing mesh or as per engineers instructions2.
http://(((.ab.dea$in.edu.au/online/vgallery/!00-/srt!51/team10/"ite 3!0%ages/"tructural3!0"ystems/(a+eslab.html *hat is *A44E "A6
a t(o8(ay concrete slab rein#orced by ribs in t(o directions.
#ormed o# pre8#abricated) reusable metal or fberglass #orms (hich allo( construction to proceed #aster than (ith custom (ood #orms.
used in airports) par$ing garages) commercial and industrial buildings) bridges) residences and other structures re9uiring etra stability.
A;A<=A>E" :
?ts compleity typically renders a less economical than other system (ith comparable span and load carrying capability.
%rovides support #or heavier loads at slightly longer span.
4aster to construct than (ood #orms.
?"A;A<=A>E" :
,e9uires special or proprietary #orm (or$.
>reater @oor8to8@oor height.
arge vertical penetrations are more dicult to handle.