Soal MTCTCE 1. You You have 10Mbps download link available to be used by your clients on the LA. You You want to use !C" and allow #1$k %a&i%u% download 'or each client. The correct ar(u%ent ar(u%ent values 'or the re)uired re)uired )ueue type are* A. kind+pc) pc),li%it+10000000 pc),classi-er+src,addr pc),classi-er+src,address ess . kind+pc) pc),rate+#1$000 pc),classi-er+src,addr pc),classi-er+src,address ess C. kind+pc) pc),li%it+10000000 pc),classi-er+dst,address /. kind+pc) pc),rate+#1$000 pc),classi-er+dst,address $. ow is the /C! server able to track lease association with a particular client The identi-cation can be achieved* A. ased on 2syste% identity2 option . ased on 3hostna%e4 option C. ased on 3caller,id4 option 5dhcp,client,identi-er 'ro% 67C$18$9 /. ased on MAC address: i' 3caller,id4 option is not speci-ed. 8. The cache hit /SC! 5T;S9 nu%ber under the . You You need to redirect a browser pa(e 'ro% a search o' 2&&&2 in (oo(le to another website such as Choose correct pro&y access rule. A. ?ip pro&y access add dst,host+@&&&@ action+deny redirect, . ?ip pro&y access add dst,host+@.(oo(le.@ path+@&&&@ action+deny redirect, C. ?ip pro&y access add path+@&&&@ action+allow redirect, redirect, /. ?ip pro&y access add dst,host+@&&&@ action+allow redirect, #. Address,list ti%eout could be used 'or A. /eletin( an address list entry 'ro% address,list a'ter ti%e runs out . /eletin( an address list entry a'ter a speci-ed ti%e C. Can only be used with the tar(et 2add,dst,to,address,list2 o' ip -rewall . You You want to oBer a static route to your /C! clients 5besides the de'ault, de' ault,
route9. M %a&,li%it+M priority+> ,)ueue 22 parent+2MG2 li%it,at+10M %a&,li%it+1M ,,)ueue 2A2 parent+22 li%it,at+1M %a&,li%it+10M priority+1 ,,)ueue 22 parent+22 li%it,at+$M %a&,li%it+8M priority+8
Select the correct answer 'or the worst case scenario when all )ueues are tryin( to (et all available traDc. A. )ueue 2AA2 will (et 8M: 2A2 $M: 2AC2 >M: 2A2 10M: 22 $M . )ueue 2AA2 will (et #M: 2A2 $M: 2AC2 M: 2A2 10M: 22 $M C. )ueue 2AA2 will (et #M: 2A2 $M: 2AC2 M: 2A2 10M: 22 8M /. )ueue 2AA2 will (et 8M: 2A2 1M: 2AC2 M: 2A2 1M: 22 8M E. )ueue 2AA2 will (et #M: 2A2 $M: 2AC2 >M: 2A2 10M: 22 $M 10. =s it possible to use the serial port o' MikroTik to co%%unicate with an e&ternal device connected by null,%ode% cable
A. Yes: when other is a MikroTik router. . Yes: i' port is not bein( used C. Yes: it is always possible by ?syste% serial,ter%inal co%%and. 11. You want to use !C" and allow $#k %a&i%u% download and upload 'or each client. Choose correct ar(u%ent values 'or the re)uired )ueue. A. kind+pc) pc),li%it+#000000 pc),classi-er+dst,address . kind+pc) pc),li%it+$#000 pc),classi-er+dst,address C. kind+pc) pc),li%it+$#000 pc),classi-er+src,address /. kind+pc) pc),li%it+#000000 pc),classi-er+src,address E. kind+pc) pc),li%it+1$#000 pc),classi-er+dst,address 1$. An =! packet has %atched all the conditions o' a -rewall rule and the action reHect and the option ic%p,network,unreachable was initiated ' or that packet. M priority+8 =' all )ueues are utiliKin( the %a&i%u%. what will be the traDc distribution A. ,#M: C1,1M: C$, $M . ,#M: C1,$M: C$, 1M C. ,$M: C1,$M: C$, >M /. ,>M: C1,$M: C$, $M E. ,>M: C1,$M: C$, >M 1>.
1#. A -rewall rule is used to redirect all inco%in( /S re)uests.
1F. Man(le 6outin( 5routin(,%ark9 is possible: by usin( chains* A. preroutin( and 'orward . input and output C. preroutin( and output /. 'orward and postroutin( E. 'orward and output $0.
A. S7" . !C" C. 7=7; /. !7=7; E. 6E/
$1. You have a )ueue structure* )ueue 2!2 %a&,li%it+10M , )ueue 2M2 parent+2!2 li%it,at+>M %a&,li%it+M , , )ueue 2C12 parent+2M2 li%it,at+1M %a&,li%it+M priority+> , , )ueue 2C$2 parent+2M2 li%it,at+1M %a&,li%it+>M priority+1 , , )ueue 2C82 parent+2M2 li%it,at+$M %a&,li%it+M priority+ , )ueue 272 parent+2!2 li%it,at+#M %a&,li%it+M , , )ueue 2/12 parent+272 li%it,at+8M %a&,li%it+>M priority+# , , )ueue 2/$2 parent+272 li%it,at+$M %a&,li%it+#M priority+$
A. /$ . C8 C. C$ /. C1 E. /1 $$. Choose correct state%ents 'or MikroTik pro&y. A. /estination AT rule is re)uired to utiliKe transparent pro&y 'acility . To deny access to a speci-c website: cachin( should be enabled C. Controls do%ains or servers which are allowed to cache by !ro&y /. Can deny access to a speci-c do%ains or servers: but not speci-c web pa(es $8. You have a )ueue structure* )ueue 2!2 %a&,li%it+10M , )ueue 2M2 parent+2!2 li%it,at+>M %a&,li%it+M , , )ueue 2C12 parent+2M2 li%it,at+1M %a&,li%it+M priority+> , , )ueue 2C$2 parent+2M2 li%it,at+1M %a&,li%it+>M priority+1 , , )ueue 2C82 parent+2M2 li%it,at+8M %a&,li%it+M priority+ , )ueue 272 parent+2!2 li%it,at+#M %a&,li%it+M , , )ueue 2/12 parent+272 li%it,at+8M %a&,li%it+>M priority+# , , )ueue 2/$2 parent+272 li%it,at+$M %a&,li%it+#M priority+$ =' )ueues 2C$2 and 2C82 are not re)uirin( any traDc: how is all the available bandwidth (oin( to be distributed in worst case scenario when all other )ueues are tryin( to (et all available traDc A. )ueue 2C12 will (et #M: 2/$2 $M: 2/12 8M . )ueue 2C12 will (et $M: 2/$2 #M: 2/12 8M C. )ueue 2C12 will (et >M: 2/$2 M: 2/12 >M /. )ueue 2C12 will (et >M: 2/$2 8M: 2/12 8M E. )ueue 2C12 will (et 8M: 2/$2 8M: 2/12 #M
$>. You are usin( !ort Scan /etection 'eature in MikroTik 7irewall.
A. $0,10$> . 1,0 C. 1,1000 /. 10$>,10000 E. 1,10$> $#. =' router receives packet with TTL+1 then* A. packet will be 'orwarded only to ne&t L8 device . packet will always reach its destination C. packet will not be 'orwarded