Invlr lt all get . maxdl cabx get . bbpool altkc get . bandwidth get . increase get . CeExtForEul get . mc get . radio no st plug get . cqi get . queueSelectAlgorithm get . hsScchMinCodePower get . hsScchMaxCodePower get . hspower get . maxHsRate get . flexiblescheduler get . eulmaxshorate get . steeredHsAllocation get . hsdpacapability get . edchcapability get . edch get . max get . eul get . edch2mstticapability get . dscp get . maxtotal get . antennasuper get . atenuation get . featureStateEnhancedLayer2 lpr upgradepackage get 11 get nodebf lst carrier get . HierarchicalCellStructure
cek license
USEFUL COMMANDS on RBS get . power get . feature get . license get 0 get 10 get . at al lga lgo st cell st aux st ret get . noofradio get retdevice get asc get . electricalantenna get . sectorantenna antennatype get . cqiAdjustmentOn get . hsScchMaxCodePower get . queueSelectAlgorithm get . eulMaxShoRate get . featureState16Qam get . featureStateHsdpaFlexibleScheduler get . flexibleSchedulerOn get . supportOf16qam get . featureStateHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocati get . dynamicHsPdschCodeAdditionOn get . eulMaxOwnUuLoad get . eulNoERgchGroups get . eulSlidingWindowTime get . maxEAgchPowerDl get . maxEAgchPowerDlTti2 get . maxNumEulUsers get . maxNumHsdpaUsers get . maxNumHsPdschCodes get . maxUserEHichERgchPowerDl get . maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2 get . steeredHsAllocation get . featureStateHsdpaIncrementalRedunda get . featureStateEul2msTti get . hsIncrementalRedundancyOn get . dlLicFractBbPool2 get . ulLicFractBbPool2 get . maxhsrate
get . featureStateGrake get . eulMaxAllowedSchRate
alt | egrep 'utrancell1|Utrancell2' alt | grep congestion
Info -> to check all power related parameters -> to check all feature related parameters -> to check all license related parameters -> to check NodeB type and other -> to check nodeSystemClock -> to check atenation -> to check alarms -> to check alarm history -> to check operational history -> to check cell status -> to check AuxPlugInUnit staus -> to check Retu Device Group -> to monitor RadioLink on NodeB -> to check RETU status -> to check RETU staus -> to check e-tilt -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter
Command Health Check: Check alarm Check history alarm Check transmission Check traffic Check low current Check vswr Check aal2path Check realtime performance Check neighbor relation Check MRR
-> to check specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter
Command > alt > lga > pget e1 > get radio no > lh ru fui get devstat > lh ru fui get vswr > rbs: get aal2pathvcctp, rnc: aal2pathvcctp=bxxx (bxxx can be seen from aal2path rbs) > pmr –m 4 | grep cell > lpr utranrelation=cell_name > pmx prach pmprogationdelay -m 24 -a
MO hsdsch hsdsch
Parameter numHsPdschCodes numHsScchCodes
FileName SiteID
RNKRW01 3453160G RNKRW01 3453160G RNKRW01 3453160G
345JK3G435811 345JK3G435812 345JK3G435813
uarfcnDl 3087 3087 3087
FileName SiteID
RNKRW01 3453160G RNKRW01 3453160G RNKRW01 3453160G
F4 F4 F4
Masuk RNC
amos RNJKT31
1 Command
lt all
2nd Command
st 348JK3G41579 348JK3G41579
3 Command
lst 348JK3G41579
4th Command
lst 348JK3G415791 lst 348JK3G415792 lst 348JK3G415793
SiteID 3483740G 3483740G 3483740G
Masuk RBS
UtranCellId 348JK3G415791 348JK3G415792 348JK3G415793
amos 3483740G
uarfcnDl 3087 3087 3087
userLabel X3451872G_3G_SABAJAYA X3451872G_3G_SABAJAYA X3451872G_3G_SABAJAYA
2nd Command lst 348JK3G415791 lst 348JK3G415792 lst 348JK3G415793
LOCK-UNLOCKED LOCK lbl UtranCell=348JK3G415791 lpr UtranCell=348JK3G415792 lpr UtranCell=348JK3G415793
UNLOCKED ldeb UtranCell=348JK3G415791 ldeb UtranCell=348JK3G415792 ldeb UtranCell=348JK3G415793
Masuk RNC
amos RNJKT31
1 Command
lt all
2nd Command
st 348JK3G41579 348JK3G41579
3 Command
lst 348JK3G41579
4th Command
lst 348JK3G415791 lst 348JK3G415792 lst 348JK3G415793
SiteID 3483740G 3483740G 3483740G
Masuk RBS
UtranCellId 348JK3G415791 348JK3G415792 348JK3G415793
amos 3483740G
uarfcnDl 3087 3087 3087
2nd Command
X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMlst 348JK3G415791 X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMlst 348JK3G415792 X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMlst 348JK3G415793
GET Cek Cell Configure / Not Configure lpr UtranCell=348JK3G415791 lpr UtranCell=348JK3G415792 lpr UtranCell=348JK3G415793
Masuk RNC
amos RNJKT31
1 Command
lt all
2nd Command
st 348JK3G41579 348JK3G41579
3 Command
lst 348JK3G41579
4th Command
lst 348JK3G415791 lst 348JK3G415792 lst 348JK3G415793
SiteID 3483740G 3483740G 3483740G
Masuk RBS
UtranCellId 348JK3G415791 348JK3G415792 348JK3G415793
amos 3483740G
uarfcnDl userLabel 2nd Command 3087 X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMANAH lst 348JK3G415791 3087 X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMANAH lst 348JK3G415792 3087 X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMANAH lst 348JK3G415793
MO hsdsch hsdsch hsdsch
GET Parameter1 numHsPdschCodes numHsPdschCodes numHsPdschCodes
Actual Propose 5 5 5
numHsPdschCodes 6 get UtranCe set UtranCe set UtranCell=348JK3G415791,hsdsch numHsPdschCodes 5 6 get UtranCe set UtranCe set UtranCell=348JK3G415792,hsdsch numHsPdschCodes 5 6 get UtranCe set UtranCe set UtranCell=348JK3G415793,hsdsch numHsPdschCodes 5
Masuk RNC
amos RNJKT31
1 Command
lt all
2nd Command
st 348JK3G41579 348JK3G41579
3 Command
lst 348JK3G41579
4th Command
lst 348JK3G415791 lst 348JK3G415792 lst 348JK3G415793
SiteID 3483740G 3483740G 3483740G
Masuk RBS
UtranCellId 348JK3G415791 348JK3G415792 348JK3G415793
amos 3483740G
uarfcnDl 3087 3087 3087
2nd Command
X3483740G_3G_ lst 348JK3G415791 X3483740G_3G_ lst 348JK3G415792 X3483740G_3G_ lst 348JK3G415793
MO hsdsch hsdsch hsdsch
GET Parameter1 numHsScchCodes numHsScchCodes numHsScchCodes
Actual Propose 1 1 1
numHsScchCodes 4 get UtranCe set UtranCell=348JK3G415791,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 4 4 get UtranCe set UtranCell=348JK3G415792,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 4 4 get UtranCe set UtranCell=348JK3G415793,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 4
FallBack set UtranCell=348JK3G415791,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 1 set UtranCell=348JK3G415792,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 1 set UtranCell=348JK3G415793,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 1
Masuk RNC
amos RNJKT31
1 Command
lt all
2nd Command
st 348JK3G41579 348JK3G41579
3 Command
lst 348JK3G41579
4th Command
lst 348JK3G415791 lst 348JK3G415792 lst 348JK3G415793
SiteID 3483740G 3483740G 3483740G
Masuk RBS
UtranCellId 348JK3G415791 348JK3G415792 348JK3G415793
amos 3483740G
2nd Command
3087 X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMlst 348JK3G415791 3087 X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMlst 348JK3G415792 3087 X3483740G_3G_DESA_SUKAMlst 348JK3G415793
MO RbsLocalce RbsLocalce RbsLocalce
GET Parameter1 hsScchMaxCodePower hsScchMaxCodePower hsScchMaxCodePower
Actual Propose -20 -20 -20
numHsPdschCodes 0 get . hsScchMaxCodePower hget . hsScchMaxCodePower 0 0
SET set . hsScchMaxCodePower 0 set . hsScchMaxCodePower 0 set . hsScchMaxCodePower 0
FallBack set . hsScchMaxCodePower -20 set . hsScchMaxCodePower -20 set . hsScchMaxCodePower -20
Masuk RNC
amos RNJKT31
1 Command
lt all
2nd Command st 348JK3G41579
3rd Command lst 348JK3G41579 4th Command lst 348JK3G415791 lst 348JK3G415792 lst 348JK3G415793 RNC_Name RNJKT31 RNJKT31 RNJKT31
SiteID 3483740G 3483740G 3483740G
UtranCellId 348JK3G415791 348JK3G415792 348JK3G415793
2nd Command lst 348JK3G415791 lst 348JK3G415792 lst 348JK3G415793
lst 348JK3G41089
MO hsdsch hsdsch hsdsch
Parameter1 numHsPdsch numHsPdsch numHsPdsch
Parameter2 numHsScchCodes numHsScchCodes numHsScchCodes
Parameter3 hsScchMaxCodePower hsScchMaxCodePower hsScchMaxCodePower
numHsPdschCodes get UtranCell=348JK3G415791,hs get UtranCell=348JK3G415792,hs get UtranCell=348JK3G415793,hs
numHsScchCodes get UtranCell=348JK3G415791,hsdsch nu get UtranCell=348JK3G415792,hsdsch nu get UtranCell=348JK3G415793,hsdsch nu
hsScchMaxCodePower get UtranCell=348JK3G415791,hsds get UtranCell=348JK3G415792,hsdsch hsScchMaxCodePower get UtranCell=348JK3G415793,hsdsch hsScchMaxCodePower
get . UtranCell=348JK3G410891,hsdsch hsScchMaxCodePower
set UtranCell=348JK3G410891,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 1
set UtranCell=348JK3G410891,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 1 set UtranCell=348JK3G410892,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 1 set UtranCell=348JK3G410893,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 1
set utrancell=352SM3G415131,hsdsch numHsScchCodes 4 15792,hsdsch hsScchMaxCodePower 15793,hsdsch hsScchMaxCodePower
get UtranCell=348JK3G410891, RbsLocalcell hsScchMaxCodePower
get UtranCell=348JK3G415471,RbsLocalcell hsScchMaxCodePower