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Descripción: resumen carpio
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the Legend "Bernardo Carpio"
Impression in the Legend "Bernardo Carpio"
The King in the story was bad and he is very cruel. That is my impression because the King wanted Bernardo Carpio die. Even thou the King knows that Bernardo Carpio is innocent and very kind.
!hen the orbidden love aair between his sister Inanta and political rival ancho was discovered by the King #lonso$ #lonso$ he ordered the imprisonment o Inanta and the murder o ancho. The young Bernardo was able to escape the urious King #lonso #lonso only to be discovered later. But the boy has grown as a giant. The cruel king wanted Bernardo to suer the same ate as with his parents so he ordered a shaman to have him locked%up until he meets his death deep within the hallows o the mountain in &ontalban. The shaman was able to lure Bernardo into the trapped. It is said that whenever an earth'uake occurs$ it is caused by Bernardo tr ying to escape rom the bowels o the mountain.
Cultural$ (istorical and )lace
Bernardo Carpio is known to have a special strength and have been trapped by the two rocks that whenever he tries to go out$ there will be an earth'uake. This happened at an &ateo *i+al.
)ositive points o the Legend
I have learn that don,t be so envious.
I conclude that$ -od created all o us with dierent git o talents. -od gave each o us talent to share what you have to others.