Unitt 1- Bur Uni Bursti sting ng at the the sea seams ms (Sh (Sh!! !!ing ing an an" " #ashi #ashin$ n$ Unit %- I&'e gt the hum! 's I&m ti)e" ## (T* untries+ ne ,anguage$ Unit - A ne tri) !n. (Ins!iring Persna,ities$ Unit /- Be,,s an" *hist,es (Tehn,g.$ Unit 0- B," n the ar!et (2$ Unit 3- The *r," an" his *i#e (Men an" 4men$ 4men$ Unit 5- I&m n the Fene (Im!rtant "eissins$
Unitt 6- On Uni Onee u!n u!n a time time(St (Str. r. te, te,,in ,ing$ g$ Unit 7- A 2reath # #resh air (the en'irnment$ Unit 18- C,ean 2i,, # hea,th (hea,th$ ( hea,th$ Unit 11- Art is ,ng an" ,i#e is shrt (Is this Art$ Unit 1%- Tar e'er.ne *ith the same 2rush (steret.!es$
Unitt 1Uni 1- Behin Behin" " ,s ,se" e" " "rs rs (te (terr rrr'is r'isin in$$ Unit 1/- An" a,, that 9a:: (the *r," # musi$ Unit 10- 4e #rge the hains *e *ear in ,i#e (Di)ens$
Unit 1- Bursting at the seams (Shopping and fashion) OBECTI;ES - T un"erstan" g,2a, an" s!ei#i in#rmatin # rm ra, an" *ritten teuate strategies= - T "e'e,! an" use "i##erent ,earning strategies+ in,u"ing ICT+ in re,atin t sh!!ing an" #ashin= - T ,earn a2ut the essentia, issues re,ate" t sh!!ing an" #ashin= CONTENTS Block 1? Cm!rehensin # in#rmatin #rm #ae-t-#ae interatin a2ut sh!!ing an" #ashin= Block 2? Sia, interatin a2ut sh!!ing an" #ashin= Block 3? Cm!rehensin # the main i"eas an" s!ei#i in#rmatin in te
1= Cm!etene in Linguisti Cmmuniatin (LC$ %= Mathematia, m!etene an" 2asi m!etenes in siene an" tehn,g. (MST$ = Digita, Cm!etene (DC$ /= Learning t ,earn (LL$ 0= Sia, an" Ci'i Cm!etenes (SCC$ 3= Sense # initiati'e an" entre!reneurshi! (SIE$ 5= Cu,tura, a*areness an" e
INICIO PERIODO LECTIVO: Institutos Educación SECUNDARIA - Resto cursos de ESO [ 13 de septiembre 2017]
FINALIZACIÓN DEL PERIODO LECTIVO: • Institutos Educación SECUNDARIA [excepto el alumnado de 2º de Bacillerato !ue "inali#ar$ sus acti%idades lecti%as en "unción de las necesidades deri%adas de la reali#ación de la e%aluación "inal de Bacillerato & los procedimientos de admisión en la 'ni%ersidad] [ de !"#i$ 201(]
September %&1'
O/t$ber &1'
N$2ember &1'
($ T" )e T* Fri S+ S"
($ T" )e T* Fri S+ S"
($ T" )e T* Fri S+ S"
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1 ( 1* 22 2,
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27 2( 2, 0
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Apri5%&10 (+r/* &10 T" )e T* Fri S+ S"
($ ($ T" )e T* Fri S+
2 , 1+ 2 0
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0 1
I 1ST TERM Thrughut the #irst term+ starter unit+ an" units 1+%++/+0+3+5+6+7 *i,, 2e taught= STARTER UNIT OBECTI;ES AND @E COMPETENCES Thrughut this unit+ stu"ents *i,,? Re'ie* an" !ratie !re'ius 'a2u,ar. an" grammar *hih ma. 2e #rgtten= CLC+ L%L @n* " Re'ie* an" !ratie !resnet sim!,e an" ntinuus+ >uestins *ith "o# / $hat + unta2,e an" ununta2,e nuns+ %here is / %here are+ et=
1- Cm!etenia en Cmuniain LingGstia (CCL$ (CLC$ %- Cm!etenia matemHtia . m!etenias 2Hsias en ienia . ten,gGa (CCMT$ (CMST$ - Cm!etenia "igita, (CD$ (DC$ /- A!ren"er a a!ren"er (CAA$ (L%L$ 0- Cm!etenias sia,es . G'ias (CSC$ (CSC$ 3- Senti" "e iniiati'a . es!Gritu em!ren"e"r (SIE$ (SIE$ 5- Cnienia e
*LU"/ C0"*0
*LUBL* L*0//3 S"/$0$S
C4**M*/" /$C"0S /$ 5*6 CM7*"*/C*S
Comprehension strategies: - M2i,i:atin # !rir in#rmatin n t.!e # tas) an" su29et=
EC1=1=I"enti#. essentia, in#rmatin+ main !ints an" mst re,e'ant "etai,s in 2rie# an" *e,,-struture" ra, te
LS1=1= Ca!tures )e. !ints an" re,e'ant "etai,s # 2rie#+ artiu,ate" messages+ annunements+ messages an" mmuniatins in a s,* an" ,ear *a. (eg hange # 2ar"ing gate at an air!rt+ in#rmatin n ati'ities at a summer am!+ r a inema$+ !r'i"e" that the austi n"itins are g" an" the sun" is nt "istrte"=
AI1=1=1= Listen t "iretins+ instrutins+ annunements+ an" a!ture essentia, in#rmatin= CLC+ S* AI1=1=%= Use the "igita, resures # the urse t ns,i"ate the )n*,e"ge a>uire" in the unit= CCL8 $C
- I"enti#iatin # the te
Socio-cultural and sociolinguistic aspects:
AI1=%=1= Listen t "ia,gues LS1=%= SJe un"erstan"s the a2ut e'er."a. tas)s an" euestins n #ami,iar an" e'er."a. t!is= CLC stu". r *r) enters$= AI1=%== Listen an" inter!ret "ia,gues a2ut e'er."a. situatins+ res!eting sia, n'entins= CLC8 SCC8 S*
sia, n'entins+ urtes. nrms an" registers ustms+ 'a,ues+ 2e,ie#s an" attitu"es nn'er2a, ,anguage=
Communicati'e functions: - Initiatin an" maintenane # !ersna, an" sia, re,atinshi!s= - Desri!tin # !h.sia, an" a2strat >ua,ities # !e!,e+ 29ets+ !,aes an" ati'ities= - Narratin # !ast an" asina, e'ents+ "esri!tin # !resent states an" situatins+ an" euest an" ##er # in#rmatin+ in"iatins+ !inins an" !ints # 'ie*+ a"'ie+ *arnings an" *arnings= - E
S!ntactic-discursi'e structures 1= ral 'ocaular! commonl! used% (ree!tin$ Sound8 accentual8 rh!thmic and intonational patterns.
an" *r) ha2its+ ,eisure ati'ities$+ ,i'ing n"itins (en'irnment+ sia, struture$+ inter!ersna, re,atins (2et*een men an" *men+ in (gestures+ #aia, euent use re,ate" t teuent,. use" in ra, mmuniatin+ as *e,, as their assiate" meanings (eg interrgati'e struture t ma)e a suggestin$= EC1=3= Regni:e mmn ra, 'a2u,ar. re,ate" t e'er."a. issues an" genera, t!is r re,ate" t their *n interests+ stu"ies an" u!atins+ an" in#er #rm nteuent r mre s!ei#i use=
LS1== It i"enti#ies the genera, meaning an" the main !ints # a #rma, r in#rma, n'ersatin 2et*een t* r mre inter,utrs that ta)es !,ae in his !resene+ *hen the su29et is #ami,iar t him an" the s!eeh is artiu,ate" ,ear,.+ at me"ium s!ee" an" in a stan"ar" 'ariet. # the ,anguage= LS1=/= In an in#rma, n'ersatin in *hih he she !artii!ates+ he she un"erstan"s "esri!tins+ narrati'es+ !ints # 'ie* an" !inins n !ratia, matters # "ai,. ,i#e an" n su29ets # his her interest+ *hen s!)en ,ear,.+ s,*,. an" "iret,. an" i# the inter,utr is *i,,ing t re!eat r re!hrase *hat has 2een sai"= LS1=0= It in,u"es+ in a #rma, n'ersatin+ r inter'ie* (eg in stu". r *r) enters$ in *hih .u are as)e" a2ut !ersna,+ e"uatina,+ u!atina, r interest matters+ as *e,, as sim!,e an" !re"ita2,e mments re,ate" t them + as ,ng as he an as) #r smething t 2e re!eate"+ ,ari#ie" r e,a2rate" n *hat has 2een sai" t him= LS1=3= Distinguish+ *ith the su!!rt # the image+ the main i"eas an" re,e'ant in#rmatin in !resentatins n e"uatina,+ u!atina, r interest t!is (eg n a urriu,ar theme+ r a ta,) t rgani:e team *r)$=
AI1==1= Presene n'ersatins n the su29et # unit. an" e
AI1=/=1=Listens in#rma, n'ersatins re,ate" t the unit t!i an" a!tures the 2asi in#rmatin= CLC8 CMS" AI1=/=%= Listen t in#rma, n'ersatins re,ate" t siu,tura, an" interurriu,ar issues= CLC8 SCC
AI1=0=1= Listen t #rma, "isussins a2ut the unit t!i an" a!ture s!ei#i in#rmatin= CLC8 CMSC AI1=0=%= Listen t #rma, n'ersatins re,ate" t siu,tura, an" interurriu,ar issues= CLC8 SCC AI1=0== Listen t inter'ie*s an" e
AI1=3=1= Listen t rer"ings n the su29et # the unit an" inter!ret the in#rmatin= CLC8 CMS" AI1=3=%= Listen t rer"ings n siu,tura, issues an" ana,.:e the "i##erenes *ith res!et t neKs *n u,ture= CLC+ CC*+ SCC AI1=3== Listen t rer"ings n inter urriu,ar t!is an" m!,ete re,ate" ati'ities= CLC+ CC*+ CMS" AI1=3=/= It uses au"i-'isua, resures t strengthen the )n*,e"ge a>uire" in the unit= CLC8 CMS"
AI1=5=1= Listen t e<er!ts
LS1=5= It i"enti#ies the essentia, in#rmatin # te,e'isin !rgrams n e'er."a. a##airs r their interest artiu,ate" *ith s,*ness an" ,arit. (eg ne*s+ "umentaries r inter'ie*s$+ *hen the images he,! un"erstan"ing=
#rm ra"i r te,e'isin sh*s an" euire" in the unit= CLC8 $C AI1=5== It uses au"i-'isua, resures t strengthen the )n*,e"ge a>uire" in the unit= CLC8 CC*
UNIT 1 SECTION 1? ORAL TETS COMPREJENSION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION %? ORAL TETS PRODUCTION? EPRESSION AND INTERACTION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION - 4RITTEN TETS COMPREJENSION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION /- 4RITTEN TETS PRODUCTION? EPRESSION AND INTERACTION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes Rein#rement an" e
UNIT % SECTION 1? ORAL TETS COMPREJENSION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION %? ORAL TETS PRODUCTION? EPRESSION AND INTERACTION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION - 4RITTEN TETS COMPREJENSION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION /- 4RITTEN TETS PRODUCTION? EPRESSION AND INTERACTION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes Rein#rement an" e
UNIT SECTION 1? ORAL TETS COMPREJENSION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION %? ORAL TETS PRODUCTION? EPRESSION AND INTERACTION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION - 4RITTEN TETS COMPREJENSION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes SECTION /- 4RITTEN TETS PRODUCTION? EPRESSION AND INTERACTION Cntents E'a,uatin Criteria E'a,ua2,e ,earning stan"ar"s Ahie'ement in"iatrs @e. Cm!etenes Rein#rement an" e