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Olympiads – Gateway to Global Recognition
India and the Olympiads
Mathematical Olympiad Program in India
Science and Astronomy Olympiad Programs in India
Stepping Stones – Grooming Young Minds
Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)
Silverzone Foundation
Unified Council (NSTSE)
Junior Science Talent Search Examination (JSTSE)
CBSE-TERI ‘Green Olympiad’
National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)
National Means-cum- Merit Scholarship Examination (NMMS)
Kishore VaigyanikProtsahanYojana (KVPY)
The Aakash Edge – How Aakashians Gain Competitive Advantage
OLYMPIADS – GATEWAY TO GLOBAL RECOGNITION Olympiads are a group of annual global competitions held in various areas of science for precollege students. The best 4-6 students from each country are selected through National Olympiads with the exception of the Olympiads in Linguistics - IOL (two teams per country), Informatics – IOI (two teams from the host country) and the Junior Science Olympiads – IOJS (for junior secondary students). There are twelve science Olympiads held across the world: 1.
The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO, since 1959; not held in 1980)
The International Physics Olympiad (IPhO, since 1967; not held in 1973, 1978, 1980)
The International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO, since 1968; not held in 1971)
The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI, since 1989)
The International Biology Olympiad (IBO, since 1990)
The International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO, since 1993)
The International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO, since 1996)
The International Geography Olympiad (IGeO, since 1996)
The International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL, since 2003)
The International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO, since 2004)
The International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA, since 2007)
The International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO, since 2007)
Each Olympiad is a separate exam with its own organizing body and a common set of rules and regulations. The objective behind conducting the Olympiad exams is that they help in promoting a career in science and serve as a platform to challenge the brightest minds in science across the world. This also serves as an indicator of the standard of science teaching in the country.
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Some Other Respectable Mathematical Olympiads European Girls Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO): The EGMO, which started in 2012, is a platform which seeks to promote a career in Mathematics amongst girl students by challenging the brightest four pre-university girl students from each participating country. The EGMO is a two day event with two written tests held on two consecutive days. Each test consists of three problems and the contest lasts for four and half hours on each day. India has been participating in the EGMO since 2015 and the selection process for EGMO is conjoined with that for the IMO (The International Mathematical Olympiad) which will be discussed later in this handbook. Asia Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO): The APMO, which started in 1989, is a contest specifically held for students in Asian countries and the countries in the rim of Pacific Ocean. Astudent can participate in APMO being in his/her own country. India has been participating in the APMO since 2015. The APMO is a one day event consisting of solving 5 problems in four and a half hours. The other rules and regulations for participating in APMO are much like the IMO.
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INDIA AND THE OLYMPIADS The HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) is the nodal centre of the country for Olympiad programmes in mathematics and sciences including astronomy. The programmes aim at promoting excellence in science and mathematics among preuniversity students. The Olympiad program for Mathematics is a five stage process, before the IMO. The Olympiad programmes in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy (junior and senior level) and junior science too are a four stage process, before the international event, for each subject separately. The first stage for each subject is organized by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). All the remaining stages are organized by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE). The programme is financially supported by Government of India, in particular, by Board of Nuclear Sciences (Department of Atomic Energy), Department of Science and Technology, Department of Space and Ministry of Human Resource Development.
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Mathematical Olympiad Program in India The Mathematical Olympiad Programme in India, which leads to participation of Indian students in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is organized by the HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) in collaboration with the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. The first stage of the Olympiad examination is conducted by IAPT, while the later stages are the responsibility of HBCSE. This programme is one of the major initiatives undertaken by the NBHM. Its main purpose is to spot mathematical talent among pre-university students in the country. In order to select the students for International Olympiads the country has been divided into regions with a regional coordinator responsible for each region (details of which are available on the HBCSE website). The Mathematical Olympiad programme consists of six stages. The Six Stages Stage 1: Pre Regional Mathematical Olympiad (PRMO) Stage 2: Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) Stage 3: Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) Stage 4: International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC) Stage 5: Pre-departure Training Camp for IMO Stage 6: International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) Stage 1: Pre Regional Mathematical Olympiad (PRMO) a.
PMRO is the first stage for IMO organized by IAPT.
Test paper will contain 30 Questions.
List of top 300 students who will be eligible for RMO from each region will be declared by mid September
Eligibility: Not older than 19 years of age as on 1st August and, in addition, studying in Class XI and below
Details of Examination fees and other details are available on the IAPT Website:
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Stage 2: Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) a.
Three Hours Written Test with six problems
Up to 30 students selected from each of the 25 regions for Stage 2 – INMO.
Conducted by Regional Coordinators under the guidance of HBCSE.
For EGMO participation up to five girls would be additionally selected apart from the regional quota of 30 students – independent of the number of girls who may be part of the general quota of 30 students.
Results of all the RMOs is declared centrally by the HBCSE.
Eligibility: Students who qualify PRMO
Stage 3: Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) a.
Usually held on the third Sunday of January
Four Hours Written Test
Top 30 Students from the country are chosen in order of merit
Next 45 Students who are in Class XI or lower are given INMO Certificate of Merit and are eligible to appear in INMO next year without going through the RMO, provided they are not in Class XII at the time of writing INMO.
In addition to the top 30, up to five girl students will be chosen based on their performance in INMO for participation in EGMO
Eligibility: Students who are selected in RMO in the previous year and those holding a INMO Certificate of Merit
Stage 4: International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC) a.
Month long training camp in April-May at the HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), Mumbai for INMO Awardees and the girls selected for EGMO.
INMO Awardeesof previous years eligible for IMO and EGMO are also invited, provided they have satisfactorily gone through postal tuition throughout the year.
On the basis of a number of selection tests through the Camp, a team of the best six students is selected from the combined pool of junior and senior batch participants.
The junior students will receive INMO certificate and a prize in the form of books.The senior students will receive a prize in the form of books and cash.
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Stage 5: Pre-departure Training Camp for IMO a.
Final round of training and orientation for the selected six students for ten days prior to departure for IMO and EGMO.
Stage 6: International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) a.
The six member team selected at the end of IMOTC accompanied by a leader, a deputy leader and an observer represents the country at the IMO, held in July each year in a different member country of the IMO.
Two written tests held on two consecutive days
Each test consists of three problems
Duration: Four and Half Hours
Selection of team members for IMO will be subject to their fulfilling criteria such as age limit, medical fitness, parental consent and others as specified by the council
Each selected student needs to have a valid Indian passport meeting the visa regulations of the host country.
Syllabus Pre-degree college mathematics - arithmetic of integers, geometry, quadratic equations andexpressions, trigonometry, co-ordinate geometry, system of linear equations, permutations and combination, factorisation of polynomial, inequalities, elementary combinatorics, probability theory and number theory, finite series and complex numbers and elementary graph theory The syllabus does not include calculus and statistics. The major areas from which problems are given are algebra, combinatorics, geometry and number theory. The syllabus is in a sense spread over Class XI to Class XII levels, but the problems under each topic involve high level of difficulty and sophistication. The difficulty level increases from RMO to INMO to IMO. Previous years Question papers available on the HBCSE website can provide a good idea of the types of question one can expect.
INMO Scholarship The INMO awardees who successfully complete IMOTC and who pursue B.Sc., or other courses as per the guidelines of the Board with mathematics as one of the principal subjects of study, are eligible to receive a scholarship of National Board of Higher Mathematics, which is at present Rs. 4,000 per month through the period of their undergraduate studies (subject to satisfactory progress). Enhance scholarship would be available for pursuing masters studies in Mathematics.
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Science and Astronomy Olympiad Programs in India HBCSE, which is the nodal agency for the Science Olympiad Program in the country conducts the program in close collaboration with Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), and the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences (ATBS). The first stage of the Olympiad examinations is conducted by IAPT, while the later stages are the responsibility of HBCSE. The Science Olympiad program also follows 5 stages which are: Stage I: National Standard Examinations (NSE) Stage II: Indian National Olympiad (INO) Stage III: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) Stage IV: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) Stage V: Participation in International Olympiad (IO)
Stage I: National Standard Examinations (NSE) Physics: NSEP; Chemistry: NSEC; Biology: NSEB; Astronomy: NSEA; Junior Science: NSEJS
Class Studying (In Addition to Age)
Not Older than 19 years as on 1st July of appearing year
Class XII or Lower as on Nov. 30 of appearing year
Not Older than 15 years as on 1st January of appearing year
Only from Class X or Class IX as on Nov. 30 of appearing year
Upto and Including Class XII of CBSE
Upto and Including Class XII of CBSE with greater emphasis on Physics, Mathematics and Elementary Astronomy
Upto and Including Class XII of CBSE with equal emphasis to Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
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Exam Details: Examination
Question Paper
Multiple choice questions of the following types: 1. 3-mark questions, each with only one of the four NSEP
09:30 am to 11:30 am
options correct, and 2. 6-mark questions, each with one or more than one option correct. To get credit, all correct
English, Hindi, Gujarati, Bangla
option(s) and no incorrect option(s) should be marked. NSEC
12:30 pm to 02:30 pm 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm
80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct. 80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct. 80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct. 80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct.
Enrollment Process: 1.
This stage is conducted by The Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)
Registration usually starts in the month of September.
Check with Principal or Head of Department/Institution whether your school/college is a registered centre. If, yes, all formalities can be completed in house.
If one’s school/college isn’t a Registered NSE Centre, a student has to approach a nearby Registered NSE Centre for enrollment. The IAPT (Indian Association of Physics Teachers) website will provide all the relevant information pertaining to locating a Registered NSE Centre and the enrollment process.
Details of Examination fees and other details are available on the IAPT Website:
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Stage II: Indian National Olympiad (INO) Organized by TheHomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) - the nodal centrefor Olympiad programmes in the country. Organized in the Subjects of Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics (INAO, INBO, INChO, INPO) Held at about 16 centres in the country List of selected students as per criteria given below is published in January following the year of appearance in NSE National Olympiads for different subjects held on separate days/times to assist students appearing in multiple exams All INO examinees are eligible for Travel and Dearness Allowance (TA/DA) as per the norms of the programme.
Eligibility: In order to appear in the Stage II exam a student has to satisfy all the following clauses pertaining to Stage I: a. Eligibility Clause:A candidate should have scored at least 50% of the average of the top ten scores in a subject rounded off to the nearest lower integer. b. Merit Index Clause:If a candidate scores 80% of the average of the top ten scores in a subject rounded off to the nearest lower integer he/she will automatically qualify for the Stage II Exam. c. Proportional RepresentationClause:To encourage representation from all States and UT’s, quota of representation from each State and UT as per National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) has been used as baseline for selecting students qualifying from registered NSE Centres in that State or UT. If NTSE quota for a state is S and the total number of students appearing in NSE across the country is T, then the total number of students to be selected for INO Stage II Exam from the state would be S/T times 300, rounded off to the nearest highest integer. This number would include those selected on the basis of Merit Index.All selected students must nevertheless satisfy the eligibility clause. d. Minimum Representation Clause:Subject to satisfaction of Eligibility Clause the number of students selected for INO from each state/UT must at least be one.
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e. Previous International Representation Clause:Candidates who have represented India internationally on a previous occasion in the IOAA, IBO, IChO, IPhO need not appear for NSE in that particular subject.Candidates who have represented India in the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) and the International Astronomy Olympiad Junior (IAOJr) need not appear for the Stage I NSEP and NSEA. A written request in this regard has to be made to the National Coordinator to directly appear for the Stage II INO Exam subject to fulfillment of other eligibility criteria like age, pre-college status etc. f.
Minimum Total Number Clause:In event of non selection of 300 students for a particular subject after application of all applicable clauses, additional students may be selected merit-wise, subject to fulfillment of Eligibility Clause (a) till the target number of 300 is reached.
There will be no other criterion or provision for selection to the Indian National Olympiad Examinations (INOs). Candidates must note that any other organization using the Olympiad title for conducting examinations is doing so unofficially and is not recognized internationally. Syllabus The syllabus for Stage II INO Examination is broadly equivalent to the NSEs in all the respective subjects. However, considering the status of the examination as a National Selection Exam for the International Stage the problems are set to be non-conventional and equivalent to those asked in the International Olympiads.
Stage III: Orientation cum Selection Camps (OCSC) Selection based on performance in INOs for a particular subject. The number of selections in a particular subject to be announced before the INO Examinations. In the event of a tie at the last position, all the students with the same marks at the last position will be selected for the OCSC. Conducted at HBCSE in Mumbai. Usually lasts for two to three weeks for each subject. Includes several theoretical and experimental tests. Selection of best students on the basis of merit and awarded prizes comprising of cash and books based on performance in theory and experiments. 4-6 Selections per subject are made for International Olympiads 10 | P a g e
Tentative Dates and Scheduling: OCSC Dates are announced by and on HBCSE on their website in January Dates are chosen keeping National Level Competitive Exams (IIT-JEE or AIIMS) in mind All eligible candidates are advised to select Mumbai as their examination centre for any competitive exam that are scheduled during the OCSC period. Selection for the National Team for the International Olympiads is subject to fulfillment of criteria such as age limits, pre-university status, medical fitness, parental/guardian consent. Each candidate must hold a valid Indian Passport as per the visa regulations of the host country before the commencement of the OCSC
Stage IV: Training of Indian Teams for International Olympiads at HBCSE Selected teams undergo a rigorous training program at HBCSE in theory and experiments usually for one/two weeks or longer depending on the subject wherespecial laboratories are set up at HBCSE for Astronomy and Observational Astronomy. Experts and Resource Persons from different fields are invited to the training camps.
Stage V: Participation in International Olympiad (IO) The selected students are for each subject are teamed together with 2-3 Teacher Leaders to accompany them for the International Olympiads which are held in a new participating country every year either in the month of July or December each year.
Some Other Respectable Science Olympiads We mention below a few other recognized international Olympiads in science disciplines but participation in them is not directly organized by HBCSE. 1.
Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO): Participation is organized by IAPT. Students aspiring for this Olympiad must normally appear in the first stage NSEP exam followed by the second stage INPhO exam. The details of further selection and training are decided by IAPT and one may consult their website (
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International Astronomy Olympiad - Junior (IAO - Junior): Participation is organized by the National Council of Science Museums (NCSM). Students aspiring for this Olympiad must normally appear in the first stage NSEJS exam followed by the second stage INAO exam. The details of further selection and training are decided by NCSM and one may consult their website(
International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO): Participation is organized by the Geological Society of India and one may consult their website for more information (
International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI): Participation is organized by the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science and one may consult their website for more information (
Important Policy Regarding Participation in Olympiad Training Camps In a given year, a student can participate in the orientation/training/selection camp of one subject including the IMOTC and OCSC for the five science subjects. A student who qualifies to appear in more than one subject in INMO/INO will be asked to arrange the subjects in order of preference of attending the IMOTC/OCSC.
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Stepping Stones – Grooming Young Minds The official Olympiad Programs in India begin for students from Class IX onwards. To provide a solid foundation and condition them to face the level of questions asked in the National and International Olympiads, several government and private societies and non-profit organizations conduct their own talent identification examinations using Olympiads as a prefix or suffix which give the much needed shadow practice and groom students from, as early as, Class 1 in a wide range of fields such as Information Technology (IT), English Language and the obvious exams in Mathematics and Science subjects. The Olympiads have often been subject to mild criticism in academic circles as being completely biased towards pure sciences. Students endowed with extraordinary talent in the fields of languages, programming etc. are left with no platform of the Olympiad level to display their talent. These private and non-profit organizations fill this void and provide a platform for expression of talent which has been accepted by thousands of schools in every nook and corner of the country. Most of these programs have set stringent rules for the registration process which makes it mandatory for the aspirant to approach one’s school for appearing in the exams. This ensures that no student can bypass the school and his/her school becomes the only window of communication with the examination governing body. Schools across the nation have also shown overwhelming enthusiasm in promoting these programs inside their campuses so that it adds the much needed impetus for a child’s career development and bestows upon him a firsthand experience of the competitive world. We have enlisted some of the most prominent amongst them in the following sections.
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SCIENCE OLYMPIAD FOUNDATION (SOF) About:A non-profit organization established by leading academicians, scientists and media personalities with the aim of promoting science, mathematics and computer education, the Science Olympiad Foundation has been striving for over a decade to promote scientific attitude through innovative activities and use of IT in learning process that involve school students across the country. Prominent Exams Conducted: 1. National Science Olympiad (NSO) a. Conducted for Students from Classes I to XII between last week of October and first week of November each year b. Questions based on Logical Reasoning and Boards Prescribed Syllabus of Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) of the corresponding Class for which the student has registered 2. International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) a. Conducted for Students from Classes I to XII between last week of November and first week of December each year b. Questions based on Logical Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning, Everyday Mathematics from the Boards Prescribed Mathematics Syllabus of the corresponding Class for which the student has registered 3. National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) a. Conducted for Students from Classes II to XII between last week of September and the first week of October each year b. Questions based on Logical Reasoning and the Boards Prescribed Syllabus of Computers and Information Technology (IT) of the corresponding Class for which the student has registered 14 | P a g e
4. International English Olympiad (IEO) in association with British Council a. Conducted for Students from Classes I to XII between the third and last week of January each year b. Questions based on Word and Structure Knowledge, Reading, Spoken and Written Expression from the Boards Prescribed English Syllabus of the corresponding Class for which the student has registered Eligibility: Open to Students from Classes I/ class II to XII, to participate and excel at National and International Level. However, all registrations will happen through the schools only. Exam Details: This exam is one of its kind considering the number of students participating across the country and penetration in schools. Students can hone their skills and polish their knowledge for the official Olympiads conducted by the nation’s nodal agency.
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SILVERZONE FOUNDATION About:Silverzone Foundation is an NGO, which aims in promoting competitive awareness of academics in school children in India and abroad. Over the years it has been in the process of creating this awareness among the students and school authorities by organizing and conducting International Olympiads. These Olympiads create a platform for students from all walks of life to appear in various levels of competitive exams in the National/International level. Through these exams the organization identifies the outstanding performers on the basis of merit and gives recognition in the form of Certificates, Medals, Trophies, and Prizes. Prominent Exams Conducted: 1. International Olympiad of Mathematics (SZ-iOM) a. Conducted for Classes I to XII between months of November and December in three levels(Level I: School Level ; Level II: City of School ; Level III: New Delhi) b. Questions from CBSE/ICSE or State Board Syllabus 2. International Olympiad of Science (SZ-iOS) a. Conducted for Classes I to XII between months of November and December in three levels (Level I: School Level ; Level II: School ; Level III: New Delhi) b. Questions from CBSE/ICSE or State Board Syllabus 3. International Informatics Olympiad 2015 (SZ-iiO) a. Conducted for Classes I to XII between months of November and December in three levels (Level I: School Level ; Level II: School ; Level III: New Delhi) b. Questions from CBSE/ICSE or State Board Syllabus Eligibility: Open to Students from Classes 1st to 12th to participate and excel at National and International Level. However, all registrations will happen through the schools only. Exam Details: Silver Zone foundation has taken care to offer a wide range of subjects ranging from languages like English and Hindi to French for students to display their talent and polish their acumen.
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UNIFIED COUNCIL Unified Council is a professionally managed progressive organisation in the field of education, established in the year 1998 by eminent personalities from various fields, including some academicians of international repute. Since its inception, Unified Council has brought together, the best brains in the field of education, in an endeavour to make the younger generation fundamentally stronger and to nourish their brains for a bright and enterprising future. The Unified Council Team comprises experienced teachers and professionals having an intense involvement with school education. Their hands-on experience helps the team create and implement solutions that are based on actual needs of schools and teachers. These solutions are based on the strong foundation of curriculum and educational research. It conducts National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE). National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE): a. Conducted for Classes II to XII generally in February b. Questions from CBSE/ICSE or State Board Syllabus Eligibility: Open to Students from Classes 2ndto 12th to participate. Registrationscan be done either through schools or individually. Website:
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Junior Science Talent Search Examination (JSTSE) Junior Science Talent Search Examination (JSTSE) is conducted by Science Branch of Dte. Of Education, Delhi every year usually in the month of January for the students of recognized schools of Delhi. Eligibility: Any student of recognized school studying in Class IX in Govt./Govt. Aided/Public/KV/Navodaya/NDMC and must have secured 65% marks in class VIII. Examination fee: No examination fee is charged from students for appearing in this exam. Type of Examination: The examination consists of two papers. a. Paper I is of General Knowledge consisting of 50 questions. This paper is of 50 marks and 50 minutes are allotted for this paper. b. Paper II is of General Science and Mathematics consisting of 150 questions. This paper is of 150 marks and 150 minutes are allotted for this paper.
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CBSE-TERI 'GREEN OLYMPIAD' GREEN Olympiad is an annual written examination on environment initiated by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in 1999. The exam is conducted by Sustainable Development Outreach & Youth Education Division of TERI and attracts participation from lakhs of school students across India and abroad. This Olympiad is designed in an innovative manner to test the knowledge of students in the field of environment and in turn create awareness about issues touching their daily lives. The purpose is to improve and expand environment education both at the national and international level. It aspires to develop human resources, institutional infrastructure and a diverse mixture of locale-specific, regional and national action plans to sensitize schools on the need for environmental protection. Eligibility: The student from classes IV to X enrolled in a school affiliated to recognized educational board or trust are eligible to appear from across India and abroad for the Green Olympiad. Type of Examination: The syllabus for the exam consists of Environmental Sciences such as air and water pollution, environment-friendly initiatives and practices, land and water resources, forests, wildlife, oceans, socio-economic aspects of natural resources, global climate change, and the roles of society to improve our environment etc. The test is of 1 hour duration. Website:
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NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATION (NTSE) About: The NTSE is a national level scholarship program to identify and nurture students with high intellect. It is one of the most sought after opportunity for students studying in Class X to gain recognition and display their talent at the national level. The total number of students competing for the coveted scholarship is near 5,00,000 from which only 1,000 awardees are selected (expected to be increased to 2,000). The NTSE program is the brainchild of NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) and it aims to identify and nurture talent in the fields of scientific research in India. The examination is conducted every year at two levels: Stage-I (StateLevel) and Stage-II (National Level), however, the students studying abroad are exempted for State LevelStage-I of NTS examinations as per NTS Scheme. Each Stage has three parts viz.: 1. Mental Ability Test (MAT) (50 questions and 45 minutes in both stages) a. To test the power of reasoning, capability to judge and visualize b. Questions from Pattern Recognition, Hidden figures, Coding-decoding, block assembly etc. 2. Language Test (LT) (50 questions and 45 minutes in both stages) a. To test reading comprehension, interpretation capability of various components of Languages (English/Hindi) b. Marks obtained in LT are not counted for final merit 3. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) (100 questions and 90 minutes in both stages) a. Questions in Science (40), Mathematics (20) and Social Science (40) Points to Note: Multiple choice based questions Exam for each stage is conducted in three sessions on one day only Stage – I (State Level) question paper carries no negative marking with 1 marks per correct answer
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Candidates scoring above the required percentage and standing within the specified number of ranks (state quota) will be eligible to appear in Stage – II National Level Examination Stage – II (National Level) question paper carries negative marking with 1/3 marks deducted for every wrong answer Successful candidates are awarded scholarships for pursuing higher degrees in the fields of science post Class XII Rewards: Students who qualify second stage are eligible for scholarship. The amount of scholarship is Rs. 1250 per month for Class XI and XII and Rs. 2000 per month for students studying under graduate and above.
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NATIONAL MEANS-CUM-MERIT SCHOLARSHIP EXAM (NMMS) The National Means-cum- Merit Scholarship Examination (NMMS) is conducted every year by Science Branch of Directorate of Education, Delhi usually in the month of November for the students studying in class VIII of Govt./Aided schools. It is a centrally sponsored scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Govt. of India. Eligibility: The student studying in class VIII and must have secured 55% marks (for general category) or 50% marks (for reserve category i.e. SC/ST/PH) in class VII. The annual income of the parents of the student appearing in the examination should not exceed ` 1,50,000/- from all sources. Type of Examination: The examination consists of two papers. I.
Mental Ability Test (MAT) (90 Questions and 90 minutes)
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) (90 Questions and 90 minutes): This consists of 8 subjects — Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, History, Geography, Civics and Economics.
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Kishore VaigyanikProtsahanYojana (KVPY) About:The "KishoreVaigyanikProtsahanYojana" (KVPY) is a program started in 1999 by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India to encourage students to take up research careers in areas of basic sciences, engineering and medicine. The aim of the program is to identify and encourage talented and motivated students to pursue career in research. This program aims to assist the students to realize their potential and to ensure that the best scientific talent is groomed for research and development in the country. Generous fellowship and contingency grant are provided to the selected KVPY Fellows up to the pre Ph.D. level or 5 years whichever is earlier. In addition, summer camps for the KVPY Fellows are organized in prestigious research and educational institutions in the country. The Department of Science and Technology, the nodal agency of the Government has entrusted the overall responsibility for organizing and running the KVPY Program to the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and set up a Management Committee and a National Advisory Committee (NAC) for overseeing its implementation. A core committee looks after both the dayto-day and academic aspects of the KVPY Program. The KVPY fellowship is granted in the following streams: 1. SA : Students enrolled in XI Standard in Science Streams having secured minimum 80% in Maths and Science in X Standard Board Exams. 2. SX : Students enrolled in XII Standard in Science Streams having secured minimum 80% in Maths and Science in X Standard Board Exams and are required to score a minimum of 60% in aggregate in Science subjects in XII Standard Board Examination. 3. SB :Students enrolled in the 1st year of undergraduate program in Basic Sciences and having secured a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in SCIENCE subjectsin the XII Standard Board Examination. In the 1st year final examination of the degree course they must secure 60% marks before taking up the fellowship, if awarded. 23 | P a g e
SELECTION PROCEDURE Aptitude Test: After scrutiny of application forms and meeting the eligibility criteria for various streams, all eligible students will be called for a written aptitude test conducted both in Hindi and English at different centers across the country on the First Sunday of November. The details of the venue of the aptitude test for the eligible students and their seat number will be published in the KVPY website during the second week of October (Online mode only). Interview: Based on the performance in the aptitude test, short-listed students will be asked to appear for an interview which is the final stage of the selection procedure. The merit list is based on 75% weight-age for Aptitude Test marks and 25% weight-age for the interview marks in all the streams. Fellowship: The fellowship awarded as per the current scheme is: BASIC SCIENCES
Monthly Fellowship
Annual Contingency Grant
Rs. 5000
Rs. 20000
Rs. 7000
Rs. 28000
SA/SX/SB - during 1st to 3rd years of - B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math. / Integrated M.Sc. /M.S. SA/SX/SB - during M. Sc. / 4th to 5th years of Integrated M.Sc. /M.S./M.Math./M.Stat.
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The Aakash Edge – How Aakashians Gain Competitive Advantage Integrated Programs for NTSE, Olympiads and Class X Class X is the most significant milestone in a student’s career when they begin to give shape to their careers and subsequently the stream (Science/Commerce/Arts) which would take them on the chosen path. Aakashians are blessed to have an ecosystem which is replete with some of the most hard-working and proactive faculty members who have been there, done that and who know how to give wings to each student by customizing their pedagogy and guidance to suit each child. The detailed focus on fundamentals of scientific concepts in class is an extremely insightful feature in helping each student prepare for the NTSE exams which serves as an important assessment tool for each student as to where they stand nationally and how to further strategize for career building. Each Aakashian is of the viewpoint that NTSE and the International Olympiads are just another challenge in their journey towards success and stardom on the national stage. Strategy Formulation It has been brilliantly said by the ancient Chinese War General Sun Tzu that each battle is first won in the mind before the field and this lies at the core of our pedagogy at Aakash. No National or International Level Competitive Exam is insurmountable for an Aakashian considering the potent mixture of assessment tools provided to them at every step. Our faculty members make it a prerogative to focus initially on the fundamentals of each topics in the subject and then gradually moving on to the application of the concepts – which essentially is what each competitive exam all about. To sum it all up – Aakashians are nurtured to first identify each block before building the whole Rubik Cube using the right strategy. One Step at a Time Each student seeking admission into Aakash is a seed with concepts in the form of essential micronutrients in its belly. Each seedling needs the right temperature, moisture and environment
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to sprout and grow into a healthy and blooming plant. Likewise, we at Aakash ensure that every student is fed with just the right dosage so that they adapt and learn through curiosity and desire. Moving too fast or too slow would make them lose interest and become demotivated. Utmost care is taken to ensure that fundamentals have been absorbed before application oriented questions are discussed in the classroom.
The Aakash Ecosystem – Nurturing the Competitive Spirit Engineering and Medical Entrance Exams keep getting tougher to crack each considering the number of aspirants which increase exponentially with each passing year and the cap on the number of attempts being reduce over a period of time either through State or National legislatures. Currently the maximum number of attempts for a student to crack JEE (Advanced) is just two. This creates a nauseating pressure on the child’s brain. Aakashians are nurtured and trained to handle this incredible pressure gradually over a period of time in such a fashion that it has often been observed that when Aakashians appear for the main exam in the State or the National Level, they are more relaxed and confident than when they appear for their Unit or Quarterly Examinations at Aakash. Students, who have been with Aakash Institute in their formative years from Class VIII through Class XII are way ahead others in the competitive arena. In fact it is often believed that some of the students studying in Aakash seek question papers for Medical and Engineering level exams from the respective executives in their centres and have to be discouraged from doing so by their teachers so that they do not rush too ahead in pursuit of knowledge and disregard their classmates in school.
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ANNEXURES Mathematical Olympiads at a Glance Subject Applicable For Students From Classes Stage I
MATHS Std. XI and Lower (Std. XII students are not allowed to appear) Pre-Regional Mathematical Olympiad(PRMO)
Organizing Body Release Of Notification & Enrolment
Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) through Regional Coordinators
Exam Date
Result Declaration
Latest by Mid-September
Between 3 week of May to 3 week of June nd
half of August
Eligibility Age
Should not be older than 19 yrs as on 1st August of the appearing year
Should be studying in Class XI or lower
Pre-degree college mathematics - Usually of Class XI &XII
Exam Pattern
30 questions
No. Of Examinees Selections
Top 300 from each region
Stage II
Regional Mathematical Olympiad(RMO)
Organizing Body
HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) through Regional Coordinators
Release Of Notification & Enrolment
In September (with result of PRMO)
Exam Date
Between 1st and 3rd week of October
Result Declaration
Latest by Mid-December
PRMO qualified
Should not be older than 19 yrs as on 1st August of the appearing year
Should be studying in Class XI or lower
Pre-degree college mathematics - Usually of Class XI &XII
Exam Pattern
6 Problems - 3 hours
No. Of Examinees
Approx. 60,000 (Across all 25 regions of the country)
30 from each region + 5 girls irrespective of the number of girls in the top 30
Stage III
Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO)
Governing Body
HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE)
Release Of Notification
Mid-December to January First Week
Exam Date
Third Sunday of January
Result Declaration
Last week of February
Same as RMO
Exam Pattern
6 Problems - 4 hours
No. Of Examinees
500 - 700 (Selected from RMOs)
30; Additional 5 Girls for participation in European Girls Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO)
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Stage IV
International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC)
Governing Body & Venue
HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), Mumbai
Release Of Notification
January –Februrary
Scheduled Dates
Best 6 for IMO and Top 4 Girls for EGMO
Stage V Duration
Pre-Departure Training Camps 10 Days prior to departure for IMO
Stage VI
International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)
Exam Date
One member country of the IMO
6 Students with 2 Teacher Leaders and 2 Observers
Exam Pattern
2 Days (4.5 hours per day to solve 3 sums) Winners Receive Gold, Silver, Bronze Medals and Honorable Mentions at the Awards Ceremony after the event
Result Declaration
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Science & Astronomy Olympiads at a Glance SUBJECT Applicable For Students From Classes
Stage I
Organizing Body Release Of Notification & Enrolment Exam Date
CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY ASTRONOMY XII appearing or lower Must not have completed (or scheduled to complete) class 12 board examination earlier than 30 November of the year appearing for the NSEs (e.g 2017 this time) National National National National Standard Standard Standard Standard Examination Examination Examination Examination in in Physics in Chemistry in Biology Astronomy (NSEP) (NSEC) (NSEB) (NSEA)
3rd/4th Sunday of November
3rd/4th Sunday of November
3rd/4th Sunday of November
3rd/4th Sunday of November
Should be studying in Class XII or lower in the appearing year and must not be appearing in NSEJS
Stage II
CBSE Standard XI/XII (NSEP only) Part I : 60 MCQ; Single Option Correct; (+3/-1) Part II : 10 MCQ; Multi Option Correct; (+6 if all options correctly marked, no negative marks)
Should not be younger than 13 yrs as on 31st December and not older than 14 yrs as on 1st January (both dates inclusive) of the appearing year Should be studying in class X or lower in the appearing year and must not be appearing in NSEA/NSEB/NSEC/NSEP
CBSE Standard X For NSEC, NSEB, NSEA & NSEJS 80 MCQs, Single Option Correct (+3/-1)
Approximately 30000-40000 students across the country Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO)
Governing Body Release Of Notification
Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO)
Approx. 300 - 400 Indian Indian National National Astronomy Biology Olympiad Olympiad (INAO) (INBO)
Approx. 60,000
Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO)
HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) 1st./2nd Week of January
Exam Date Result Declaration Syllabus Types Of Questions No. Of Examinees Selections
3rd/4th Sunday of November
January 1st. Week
Should not be younger than 14 yrs as on 30th June and not older than 19 yrs as on 1st July (both dates inclusive) of the appearing year
No. Of Examinees Selections
National Standard Examination in Junior Sciences (NSEJS)
Notification is usually released in the months of July / August with last date of enrolment in 2nd Week of September
Types Of Questions
Std. X and Lower
Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)
Result Declaration Eligibility:
Last Weekend of January 1st. Week of March CBSE Standard XI/XII
CBSE Standard X
Subjective Problems Approx. 300 - 400 35 (Approx.)
35 (Approx.)
35 (Approx.)
50 (Approx.)
35 (Approx.)
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Stage III
Orientation-Cum-Selection Camps (OCSCs)
Governing Body & Venue Release Of Notification Scheduled Dates
HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), MUMBAI Dates to be announced on HBCSE Website by Mid-January April - June
Stage IV
Team Selection & Training of Indian teams for International Olympiads at HBCSE
One - Two Weeks
Content Selections
Stage V
Experts from various fields are invited to conduct a rigorous training program at HBCSE in theory and experiments and finally select the best of the lot to participate in the International Olympiads 5 Students
4 Students
4 Students
International Physics Olympiad (IPhO)
International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO)
International Biology Olympiad (IBO)
Exam Date Team
5 Students International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA)
July 5 Students 2 Teacher Leaders
4 Students 2 Teacher Leaders
6 Students International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)
December 4 Students 2 Teacher Leaders
5 Students 2 Teacher Leaders 1. Theoretical Exam 2. Data Analysis Exam 3. Observational Exam 4. Team Competition
6 Students 3 Teacher Leaders
Three Exams on Three Days: 1. Test examination 2. Theoretical examination 3. Experimental examination
Exam Pattern
2 Days one for theoretical and another for practical
Result Declaration
Winners Receive Gold, Silver, Bronze Medals and Honorable Mentions at the Awards Ceremony after the event
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ORGANIZING BODY Minumim number of nominations from a school
1 to 12
SOF WORLD A minimum of 10 students need to be registered from each school
July-August Conducted on two dates generally in December (Students can opt for any one date)
Within 8 weeks of the examination Students of classes 1st to 12th
Class V to XII: (Duration: 60 minutes) (a) Logical Reasoning (15 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (b) Mathematical Reasoning (20 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (c) Everyday Mathematics (10 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (d) Achievers Section (5 Questions): Each question carries 3 marks
Students who qualify for the 2nd level exam include. (a) Top 5% of candidates class wise who appear for the 1st level exam. (b) State wise top 25 rank holders class wise. (c) Class toppers from each participating school where at least 10 students from a class appear in the exam & scores 50% qualifying marks. nd Students of classes 1 and 2 are not required to appear for the 2 level exam and are ranked based on their performance in the first level exam.
Include medals, certificates etc
Class 3 to class 12
Generally in February
Students qualifying level I
Class V to XII: (Duration: 60 minutes) (a) Mathematics (45 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (b) Achievers Section (5 Questions): Each question carries 3 marks
Include cash awards, medals, gifts, certificates etc. The International toppers from each class are awarded at a grand prize distribution ceremony held in Delhi, presided over by an eminent personality. Prizes for state winners and school winners are sent to their respective schools
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NATIONAL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD (NSO) Applicable For Students from Classes
1 to 12
SOF WORLD A minimum of 10 students need to be registered from each school
July-August Conducted on two dates generally in November (Students can opt for any one date) Within 8 weeks of the examination st
Students of classes 1 to 12
Class V to X: (Duration: 60 minutes) (a) Logical Reasoning (10 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (b) Science (35 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (c) Achievers Section (5 Questions): Each question carries 3 marks Class XI and XII: (Duration: 60 minutes) (a) Physics & Chemistry (25 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (b) Achievers Section (5 Questions): Each question carries 3 marks (c) Mathematics/Biology (20 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark
Students who qualify for the 2 level exam include (a) Top 5% of candidates class wise who appear for the 1st level exam. (b) State wise top 25 rank holders class wise. (c) Class toppers from each participating school where at least 10 students from a class appear in the exam & scores 50% qualifying marks. nd Students of classes 1 and 2 are not required to appear for the 2 level exam and are ranked based on their performance in the first level exam.
Include medals, certificates etc
Class 3 to class 12
Generally in February
Students qualifying level I
Class V to X: (Duration: 60 minutes) (a) Science (45 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (c) Achievers Section (5 Questions): Each question carries 3 marks Class XI and XII: (Duration: 60 minutes) (a) Physics & Chemistry (25 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark (b) Achievers Section (5 Questions): Each question carries 3 marks (c) Mathematics/Biology (20 Questions): Each question carries 1 mark
Include cash awards, medals, gifts, certificates etc. The International toppers from each class are awarded at a grand prize distribution ceremony held in Delhi, presided over by an eminent personality. Prizes for state winners and school winners are sent to their respective schools
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INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIAD OF MATHEMATICS (iOM) Applicable For Students from Classes
1 to 12
Class III to XII: There will be 50 questions and the duration will be of 60 minutes. 15% to 20% questions from 'Mental Ability' will also be included.
Your School
Generally August - September Conducted on two dates, in November and December (Schools can opt for any one date)
January Students of classes 1st to 12th
Top 500 Olympiad rank holders from each class The Awards, prizes, medals and certificates will be awarded. All the participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).
Your School
After declaration of result of level I
March st
Top 500 Olympiad rank holders of the 1 Level from each class will compete for top nd st positions in 2 level examination. All Class 1 rank holders with minimum 75% of Marks with Minimum 75 Students from a particular school are also eligible for Level 2. The Awards, prizes and certificates will be sent to the school. All the participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).
New Delhi
After declaration of result of level II
July/August st
Olympiad 1 Rank Holders of classes 6 to 12 from 2
Top 2 students of the 3rd level participants will be sent for educational excursion to NASA.
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INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIAD OF SCIENCE (iOS) Applicable For Students from Classes
1 to 12
Class III to XII: There will be 50 questions and the duration will be of 60 minutes. 5% to 10% questions from 'Applied Science' will also be included.
School itself Generally August - September Conducted on two dates, in November and December (Schools can opt for any one date) January st
Students of classes 1 to 12
Top 500 Olympiad rank holders from each class
The Awards, prizes, medals and certificates will be awarded. All the participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).
City Centre/Your School After declaration of result of level I Jan/Feb March Top 500 Olympiad rank holders of the 1st Level from each class will compete for top nd st positions in 2 level examination. All Class 1 rank holders with minimum 75% of Marks with Minimum 75 Students from a particular school are also eligible for Level 2. The Awards, prizes and certificates will be sent to the school. All the participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).
New Delhi After declaration of result of level II July/August
Olympiad 1st Rank Holders of classes 6th to 12th from 2nd level
Top 2 students of the 3rd level participants will be sent for educational excursion to NASA.
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National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) Applicable For Students from Classes ORGANIZING BODY
1st to 12th Unified Council
Generally July-August
Generally in February
March nd
to 12
For Classes VI to X: 100 Questions (a) Mathematics (25 Questions) (b) Physics (25 Questions) (c) Chemistry (20 Questions) (d) Biology (20 Questions) (e) General Questions (10 Questions) EXAM PATTERN
For Classes XI & XII (PCM): 100 Questions (a) Mathematics (40 Questions) (b) Physics (25 Questions) (c) Chemistry (25 Questions) (d) General Questions (10 Questions) For Classes XI & XII (PCB): 100 Questions (a) Biology (40 Questions) (b) Physics (25 Questions) (c) Chemistry (25 Questions) (d) General Questions (10 Questions) Duration of the examination for all classes: 90 minutes
A student of any class who achieves 100% marks will be awarded with a prize money of ` 2 Lakh. If none of the students achieves the same, then the student who achieves the highest percentage of marks among all the classes will be awarded with ` 1 Lakh. If there is more than one student who achieves the same, the prize money will be distributed equally. Awards also include tablet PC, momento, medals, certificates etc. Merit/Participation Certificates will be issued to all the students who will take NSTSE based on their performance.
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IX appearing students Science Branch, Directorate of Education, Delhi July-August Generally in January March
Any student of recognized school studying in Class IX in Govt./Govt. Aided/Public/KV/Navodaya/NDMC and must have secured 65% marks in class VIII.
Consists of two papers: (a) General Knowledge - Consists of 50 MCQs each of 1 mark and time alloted is 50 minutes (b) General Science and Mathematics - Consists of 150 MCQs each of 1 mark and time alloted is 150 minutes
150 150 scholarships
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CBSE-TERI 'GREEN OLYMPIAD' Applicable For Students From Classes Minimum number of nominations from a school
IV to X enrolled in a school affiliated to recognized educational board or trust are eligible to appear from across India and abroad for the Green Olympiad A minimum of 10 students per level
For class IV-V
For class VI-VIII
For class IX-X
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) August Generally held on two dates, in August and October (Students can opt for any one date) Generally in January Environmental Sciences 1 Hour Nearly 2, 00,000 students from over 2000 schools from across the country and abroad All participants are eligible to receive Certificate of Distinction / Merit / Participation according to their performance. Certificate for the coordinating teacher at school level.
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National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) Applicable For Students From Classes
Studying in Class X
National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
STAGE I(State Level): July-August STAGE II(National Level): Stage I qualified candidates are directly notified by the NCERT
Any student studying in class X can appear
STAGE I : Conducted by States/UTs in the month of November STAGE II : Stage-I qualifying candidates across the country will be allowed to appear for stage-2 conducted by NCERT in May(second Sunday)
STAGE I: January- March(by respective States/UTs) STAGE II: August(By NCERT)
Each stage consists of three parts: a. Mental Ability Test (MAT) b. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) c. Language Test (LT)
STAGE I : (No negative marking) a. Mental Ability Test (MAT) (50 Questions) : Pattern, Deduction Based MCQs to test mental ability/speed(45 minutes) b. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) (100 Questions) : MCQ from Mathematics, Science and Social Science broadly based on the prescribed respective State Board Syllabus from th th Std 9 to 10 class(90 minutes) c. Language Test (LT) (50 Questions)(English/ Regional language) : MCQs focused on vocabulary, grammar and basic understanding and this exam is for qualifying purpose only (40% of maximum score)(45 minutes) STAGE II : (+1 for correct reponse ; - 1/3 for each incorrect response) a. Mental Ability Test (MAT) (50 Questions) : Pattern, Deduction Based MCQs to test mental ability/speed (45 minutes) b.Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT)(100 Questions): MCQs from Mathematics , Science and Social Science broadly based on the prescribed syllabus of NCERT for Class 9th and 10th( 90 minutes) c. Language Test (LT)(English/ Hindi) (50 Questions) : MCQs focused on vocabulary, grammar and basic understanding and this exam is for qualifying purpose only (40% of maximum score) its marks are not counted in the merit list (45 minutes)
Around 5 lakh students across the country in stage-I
Approx. 4000 students are selected from stage-I and finally 1000 students are awarded scholarship
a. Class XI and XII : Rs. 1250 per month b. Undergraduates and Postgraduates : Rs. 2000 per month c. Ph.D. candidates : As per UGC norms
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National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Exam (NMMS) Applicable For Students of Class
VIII appearing
Ministry of Human Resource and Development
Notification is usually released in the months of July / August with last date st of enrolment in 1 Week of October
Generally in November
January to March (by respective states/UTs)
Students who have scored 55% and above marks in class VII exam (5% relaxation for reserved category)
Consists of two parts: (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT) - Consists of 90 MCQs and time alloted is 90 minutes (b) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) - Consists of 90 MCQs and time alloted is 90 minutes
MAT - Verbal and non-verbal meta-cognitive abilities like reasoning and critical thinking. The questions in the test may be on analogy, classification, numerical series, pattern perception, hidden figures etc. SAT - Covers subjects Science, Social Studies and Mathematics as taught in classes VII and VIII.
1,00,000 scholarships to students. Scholarship of ` 6000/- per annum (` 500/- per month) per student is awarded to selected students every year for study in classes from IX to XII in State Government, Government aided and local body schools. There is quota of scholarships for different states/UTs. Students whose parental income from all sources is not more than ` 1,50,000/- are eligible to avail the scholarships.
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Kishore VaigyanikProtsahanYojana (KVPY) Applicable For Students From Classes
Science students of class XI, XII and graduation first year
a. SA : Class XIb. SX : Class XIIc. SB : Graduation First Year
Indian Institute of Science
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
May – July
1 Sunday of November
January, February
a. Aptitude Test (75% Weightage in Merit List) – Online mode b. Interview (25% Weightage in Merit List)
a. SA : Enrolled in Class XI in the appearing year b. SX : Enrolled in Class XII in the appearing year c. SB : Students enrolled in the 1st year of undergraduate program in Basic Sciences namely Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics & Biology leading to B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. a. b.
SA: Minimum of 80% (70% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects in the X Standard Board examination SX: Minimum of 80% (70% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects in the X Standard Board examination and a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the XII standard Board Examination SB: Minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Mathematics) in the XII Standard Board Examination. In the 1st year final examination of B.Sc./B.S./B.Math./B.Stat./Int. M.Sc./M.S. they must secure 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks before taking up the fellowship, if awarded
There is no prescribed syllabus for the Aptitude test. The exam aims to test the understanding and analytical ability of the student than his/her factual knowledge. However, students are tested for the syllabus up to class X/XII/1st year of B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. as applicable
a. SA : MCQ - Science and Maths - All Compulsory b. SX & SB : Four sections in Part I (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics) and four sections in Part II (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics). Candidates are allowed to answer any THREE of the four subjects in Part I and any TWO of the four subjects in Part II
1 to 1.5 Lakh Students across the country
600 - 700 Students (approx.) are awarded fellowships
SA/SX/SB -during 1st to 3rd years of B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Integrated M.Sc. /M.S. : Monthly Fellowship - Rs.5000 ; Annual Contingency Grant - Rs. 20000 SA/SX /SB - during M. Sc. / 4th to 5th years of Integrated M.Sc./M.S/M.Math./M.Stat. Monthly Fellowship - Rs. 7000 ; Annual Contingency Grant - Rs.28000
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Mathematical Olympiad SequEvent ence
Science & Astronomy Olympiads SequEvent ence
International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC) for IMO
Notification starts for Satage I: Pre Regional Mathematical Olympiad (PRMO)
Pre-Departure Training Camp for IMO
Team Selection & Training of Indian Teams for International Olympiads at HBCSE
International Mathematical Olympiad
International Physics, Chemistry, Biology Olympiads (IPho, IChO, IBO)
Notification starts for Satage I: National Standard Exams NSEP, NSEC, NSEB, NSEA, NSEJS
Result of PRMO and RMO registration opens RMO Exam Across All Regions -
RMO Results Declared. Registration for INMO Exam
Feb. March
INMO result Declared -
NTSE Sequence
Orientation-CumSelection Camps (OCSCs) Start for International Olympiads
KVPY Sequence
NTSE Stage II Exam
Notification Released
NTSE Final Results
Enrolments Start for NTSEStage I: State Level
Exams: NSEP, NSEC, NSEB, NSEA, NSEJS 1. International Olympiad for Astronomy and Astrophysics(IOAA), International Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO) 1. International Olympiad for Astronomy and Astrophysics(IOAA), International Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO) 2. Registration for Stage II Stage II Exam Held: INPhO, INChO, INBO, INAO, INJSO Result Declared: INPhO, INChO, INBO, INAO, INJSO
NTSE Stage I Exam: State Level
Result Declaration
Interview Starts
NTSE Stage I Result
Final Result Declaration
Disclaimer :The information provided in the the booklet may change as per the notification of governing bodies of different exams.
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