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Punjab NTSE Stage I 2014 paper SCERT Punjab, Chandigarh conducts the Stage I NTSE paper. First Part is related to MAT Second Part is of SAT (Physics, Chemistry, Bio, Maths, History, Geography, C...Full description
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Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ? (A) Electric current is not a vector quantity (B) Electric lines of force are closed curves. (C) Magnetic lines of induction are closed curves. (D) changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a coil
A cylindrical rod is reformed to twice its length with no change in its volume. If the resistance of the original rod was R, the new resistance will be : (A) R (B) 2R (C) 4R (D) 8R
What are the charge carriers inside the cell : (A) Positive ions only (C) Both Positive and negative ions
(B) Negative ions only (D) Free electrons
The electric heater converts 1 kJ of electrical energy to heat energy every scond with 100% efficiency. The power produced is : : (A) 1 W (B) 1 kW (C) 1 MW (D) 1 kJ
You are given a wire 1 m long. In which one of the following cases, the energy drawn from the battery will be the largest ? Assume that the internal resistance of the battery is zero. (A) Full length of the wire connected across the battery (B) Half length of the wire connected across the battery (C) Wire cut into four equal parts and they are connected in parallel to each other across the battery (D) Wire is cut into two equal parts and they are connected in parallel to each other across the battery
Electrons are constantly in motion within metals but there is no currents until a potential difference. is established across it because : (A) Electrons do not take part in conduction of current. (B) Electrons become only free when potential difference is applied across the conductor. (C) Electrons move from one point to another only when potential difference is applied across the conductor (D) None of these
The unit for electric conductivity is : (A) ohm per cm (B) ohm × cm
A rheostat in an electric circuit is connected to (A) stop the flow of current in the circuit. (B) apply a constant resistance in the circuit. (C) apply a variable resistance in the circuit. (D) start the flow of current in the circuit.
(C) ohm per second
(D) mho × m–1
A conductor has a positive charge of 3.2 x 107 coulombs. (A) The conductor has 3.2 x 107 electrons in excess. (B) The conductor has 2 x 1026 electrons in excess. (C) The conductor is deficient with 3.2 x 107 electrons. (D) The conductor is deficient with 2 x 1026 electrons.
The S.I. unit of the slope of voltage (V) versus current (I) is : (A) Conductance (B) Ohm (C) Resistance (D) Ohm–1
Alloys are usually used in electrical heating devices because : (A) Resistivity of an alloy is generally higher than that of constituent elements (B) Alloys do not oxidize readily at high temperature (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
A wire of resistance 1 W is stretched to twice its length. Then the percentage increase in its resistance is: (A) 100%
Resistance n, each of r ohms when connected in parallel to give an equivalent resistance of R ohms. If these resistances were connected in series, the combination would have a resistance in ohms, equal to : (A) n2R (B) R/n2 (C) R/n. (D) nR
(A) 4r/3 3.
(D) r
(B) 2/3r
(C) r/4
(D) r/2
(C) Ohm
(D) Maxwell
Laws of heating are given by : (A) Faraday
(C) 4r
Find the resistance between x and y :
(A) 4r/3
(B) 2/3r
(B) Joule
Consider a circuit which contains a resistance free battery and a single resistance R. If a second resistance is added in parallel with R. (A) the voltage across R will decrease (B) the current through R will increase (C) the total current drawn from the battery will increase (D) the power dissipated in R will decrease current drawn from battery will increase
What type of radiations are emitted by a 100 W electric bulb when it is glowing ? (A) visible light
(B) ultraviolet rays
(C) infrared rays
(D) both (A) and (C)
When two electric bulbs of 40 W and 60 W are connected in parallel with a source, then the : (A) bulb of 40 watt gives more light (B) intensity of both bulbs are same (C) intensity depends on the type of electric source (A.C. or D.C.)
(D) bulb of 60 watt gives more light 8.
Find the effective resistance between the points P and Q of the circuit shown below.
Which of the rays shown reflecting off the mirror in this diagram is incorrect ?
(A) # 1 2.
(C) # 3
(D) # 4
In the diagram, a ray of light is incident on a plane mirror at an angle of 300. Calculate the new angle of incidence if the mirror is rotated through 100.
(A) 100 3.
(B) # 2
(B) 200
(C) 600
(D) 700
A pin forms an image in a plane mirror . Now the mirror is moving towards the pin with velocity 5 cm/sec . Then the velocity of the image as seen by a stationary observer will be : (A) 0 cm/sec (B) 5 cm/sec (C) 10 cm/sec (D) 15 cm/sec
If a light ray strikes perpendiclar to the mirror surface ,then find out the angle of deviation. (A) 1800 (B) 1200 (C) 1600 (D) 1700
A plane mirror is rotated by an angle about the plane perpendicular to the plane of incidence. The reflected ray will turn by an angle : (A) (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) None of these
What should be the minimum height of plane mirror required to view complete image of a wall of height H behind you,If you are in the middle of the mirror and wall : (A) H/2 (B) H/3 (C) H/4 (D) H
The wavelength of visible light is in the range (A) 4 x 10-7 m to 8 x 10-7 m (C) 4 x 103 m to 8 x 103 m
(B) 4 x 107 m to 8 x 107 m (D) 2 x 10-3 m to 3 x 10-4 m
Linear magnification : (A) has ‘cm’ as its S.I. unit. (C) has ‘per cm’ as its S.I. unit.
(B) has ‘m’ as its S.I. unit.. (D) is unitless.
Ronnie wears glasses of power –8D. His far point is : (A) 25 cm (B) 12.5 cm (C) – 25 cm
(D) –12.5 cm
The angle beyond which when a ray is incident, it is completely reflected back is called : (A) angle of deviation (B) critical angle (C) incident angle
(D) angle of inversion
A plane mirror produces a magnification (A) of 1 (C) of zero
(B) of -1 (D) between zero and minus infinity.
Which one of the mirror below (in the absence of the other mirrors) would cause light from a distant source on the left side of the paper to be focussed to a point that is closest to the mirror ?
Which of the following conditions are necessary for total internal reflection to take place at the boundary of two optical media ? 1. Light is passing from optically denser medium to optically rarer medium. 2. Light is passing from optically rarer medium to optically denser medium. 3. Angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. 4. Angle of incidence is less than the critical angle. (A) 1 and 3 only
(B) 2 and 4 only
(C) 3 and 4 only
(D) 1 and 4 only
How much water should be filled ina container 21 cm in height, so that it appears half filled when viewed
4 ] 3 (A) 8 cm. (B) 10.5 cm. (C) 12 cm. (D) 14 cm. A photograph of a horse is taken by a camera whose lens has been painted with black stripes. The photograph will be of a (A) Horse with same brightness as would have been if lens was not painted. (B) Zebra with same brightness as would have been if lens was not painted. (C) Horse with less brightness as would have been if lens was not painted. (D) Zebra with less brightness as would have been if lens was not painted. from the top of the container ? [refractive index of water =
The figure shows a ray of light incident on a convex lens, parallel to its principal axis. Obviously the emergent ray passaes through the principal focus F. Which of the following statements is correct ?
2 F
(A) The ray bends downwards only once inside the lens. (B) The ray bends downwards at each surface. (C) The ray bends downwards at the first surface and upwards at the second surface. (D) The ray bends upwards at the first surface and downwards at the second surface. 5.
Which of the following does NOT represent correct refraction ?
n=1.3 n=1.5
n=1.8 n=1.5
n=1.8 n=1.5
How will the image formed by a convex lens be affected if the central portion of lens is wrapped in black paper? (A) No image is formed by the remaining portion of lens. (B) There will be no effect. (C) The full image will be formed but it will be less bright. (D) The central portion of the image will be absent.
When a monochromatic light is incident on a prism, (A) dispersion will take place (B) lateral displacement will take place (C) emergent ray will be parallel to incident ray (D) bending of light ray will take place
The linear magnification for a mirror is the ratio of the size of the image to the size of the object, and is denoted by m. Then m is equal to (symbols have their usual meanings) :
uf uf
uf u f
f uf
(D) none of these
Number of images formed in the following case will be : [Gray lines shows the blackened portion of lens]
(A) Zero
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Infinite
Raju finds that he can see tiny particles when a beam of sunlight enters a smoke-filled room through a small hole. The phenomenon, which accounts for it is (A) reflection (B) refraction (C) Tyndall effect (D) dispersion
Path of a light ray reflected by two plane mirrors is shown in diagram. Then what is the angle of incidence for the second mirror if the final ray is perpendicular to initial. 30°
Match the column:
Column–I (d kWy e-I)
Column–II (d kWy e-II)
(p) Angle of reflection will be .
(q) Angle of reflection will be greater than .
(r) Angle of reflection will be less than .
(s) Direction of the reflected ray must be below horizontal.
In which of the following cases will there be no dispersion when sunlight passes :
The angle beyond which when a ray is incident, it is completely reflected back is called : (A) angle of deviation (B) critical angle (C) incident angle
(D) angle of inversion
A beam of light passes from air into a substance X. If the angle of incidence is 45 and the angle of refraction is 30, then the refractive index will be (A) 1.33 (B) 0.45 (C) 1.42 (D) 2.42
Which one of the following diagrams correctly illustrates the refraction of a normally incident ray of light through a glass slab ?
The difference between blue and red light is that (A) blue light has lower energy than red light (B) blue light has a higher frequency than red light (C) blue light has a longer wavelength than red light (D) blue light has a faster speed in a vacuum than red light
The lateral displacement of an incident ray passing out of a rectangular glass slab is : (A) directly proportional to the angle of incidence. (B) independent of the thickness of the glass slab. (C) inversely proportional to the thickness of the glass slab. (D) directly proportional to the square thickness of the glass slab.
In the absence of atmosphere, the length of the day on earth will (A) decrease (B) increase (C) remain the same (D) depend upon the weather