This is the outline from my Bitcoin speech from my Speech 100 class. The accompanying PowerPoint slides can be found under "Introduction to Bitcoin".
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Prof. Meyn
Mental Illness Illness Title: What is mental illness and how can it be treated? Purpose: To inform the audience on mental illness and the different treatments. treatments. A. Introduction
Raise your hand if you understand what a mental illness is? Raise your hand if you know someone who suffers from a chronic mental illness? Those of you who raised your hands have an idea of what mental illness is and their everyday II. struggle. III. I work with over 5 individuals that suffer from chronic mental illness and need e!tra su""orts to live in our community. I.
When mental illness strikes# it can turn lives u"side down. Today I will define mental illness
including who is more at risk# the different diagnoses# diagnoses# and the different treatment o"tions. Transition Transition *Let’s first define and understand what mental illness is. B. Body B. Body I. What is mental illness and who are more at risk?
to NAMI National Alliance on Mental illness & $. %ccording to NAMI illness & % mental illness is a condition that affects a "erson's thinking# feeling or mood. (uch conditions may affect someone's ability to relate to others and function each day. )ach "erson will have different e!"eriences# even "eo"le with the same diagnosis. % mental illness isn*t the result of one event. Research suggests suggests multi"le multi"le causes such as genetics# genetics# environment environment## and lifesty lifestyle le influence. influence. % stressful stressful +ob or home life makes some "eo"le more susce"tible# as do traumatic life events like being the victim of a crime. ,iochemical "rocesses and basic brain structure may "lay a role# too. a.
My individua individuals ls e!"lain e!"lain mental mental illness illness to me as trying trying to convince convince themsel themselves ves and society society that that how they feel# what they see or what they hear does e!ist to them. b. Remember when everyone was trying to figure out the color of the infamous dress. Peo"le didn*t understand how someone could not see the color that they saw. This is the constant feeling of someone who has a mental illness. Trying to e!"lain how they feel or e!"lain what they see or hear and no one understands. c.
Mental illnesses are medical conditions +ust as diabetes is a disorder of the "ancreasmental illnesses are brainbased conditions that often result in a variety of sym"toms that can affect daily life.
/. Who is affe affecte cted d by mental mental illnes illnesss
a. Ment Mental al illn illnes esss comm common only ly "res "resen ents ts itse itself lf duri during ng young oung adul adulth thoo ood d acco accord rdin ing g to The The Kim Kim Foundatation i.0oung %dults often begins with a series of transitions. These may include heading off to college# entering the workforce# marriage# children# divorce# +ob changes# +ob changes# or a +ob loss. )ach of these transitio transitions ns can bring added stressors stressors and uncertainty uncertainty.. In addition addition to dealing dealing with such life changing events# mental illnesses often strike. The "rime of an individual*s individual*s life is usually late teen years or when an individual is in their early twenties. ii. %t times as the sym"toms "ersist# sym"toms "ersist# young young adults often go undiagnosed. Prolonged sym"toms of mental illness can have devastating conse1uences. b. Men versus women according according to American to American Psychological Psychological Association Association i. Mental illness affects both women and men e1ually. ii. Women Women are more more likely likely than than men to e!"eri e!"erienc encee an an!iet an!iety y or mood mood disor disorde der# r# such such as de"res de"ressio sion# n# while while men are more more likely likely than than women women to e!"eri e!"erienc encee an im"uls im"ulsec econt ontrol rol or substance use disorder. %lthough we discussed the statistics of mental illness- mental illnesses can affect "eo"le of any age# race# religion# or income. Mental illnesses are not the result of "ersonal weakness# lack of character# or "oor u"bringing. Transition Transition *Now that we have some insight on what mental illness is let us discuss the different illnesses II. The 2(M 3 list over to / different mental illness diagnoses. Mental illness is broken down into categories4 an!iety disorders# mood disorders# disorders# and "sychotic and "sychotic disorders We will discuss the fre1uently diagnosed illnesses. $. (chi6o (chi6o"h "hren renia ia 7Psy 7Psycho chotic tic diso disorde rder8 r8 a. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness categori6es schi6o"hrenia as an illness interfering with a "erson*s ability to think clearly# manage emotions# make decisions and relate to others. (chi6o"hrenia im"airs a "erson*s ability to function to their "otential when it is not treated. 9nfortunately# no single# sim"le course of treatment e!ists. )nvironmental stressors and genetic risk riskss are are now now thou though ghtt to both both cont contri ribu bute te to this this illn illnes ess. s. (chi (chi6o 6o"h "hre reni niaa caus causes es unus unusua ual# l# ina""ro" ina""ro"riate riate and sometim sometimes es un"redict un"redictable able and disorgan disorgani6ed i6ed behavior behavior.. The a""arent a""arent erratic erratic behavior is often caused caused by the delusions delusions and hallucinations hallucinations that are sym"toms sym"toms of schi6o"hrenia. b. There are five ty"es of ty"es of schi6o"hrenia4 Paranoid ty"e# 2isorgani6ed ty"e# :atatonic ty"e# 9ndifferentiated 9ndifferentiated ty"e# and Residual ty"e. 2iagnosis de"end on which sym"tom is more "revalent. /. ,i"o ,i"ola larr 7Mo 7Mood od diso disord rder er88 a. ,i"olar ,i"olar disorder disorder## also known known as manicde"ress manicde"ressive ive illness# illness# is a brain disorder disorder that causes causes unusual unusual shifts in a "erson*s mood# energy# and ability to function according to The Kim Foundation. Foundation . The reoccurring e"isodes of mania 7high8 and de"ression 7low8 can last from one day to several months. Peo"le living with bi"olar disorder often e!"erience two intense emotional states. These two states are known as mania and de"ression. % manic state can be identified by feelings of e!treme irritability and;or eu"horia# along with several other sym"toms such as agitation# surges of energy energy## reduced reduced need for slee"# slee"# talkative talkativeness ness## "leasure "leasureseeki seeking ng and increased increased risktaki risktaking ng behavior.
Ma+or Ma+or de"ressi de"ression on is also also known known as clinic clinical al de"ressi de"ression# on# involve involvess a combin combinati ation on of sym"t sym"toms oms such as de"ressed mood 7sadness8# "oor concentration# insomnia# fatigue# a""etite disturbances# e!cessive guilt or ho"elessness and thoughts of suicide. Ma+or de"ression is a mood state that goes well beyond the tem"orary feeling of sad or blue. It is a serious medical illness that affects one*s one*s though thoughts ts## feelin feelings gs## behav behavior ior## mood mood and "hysic "hysical al health health for more more than than two weeks. weeks. 2e"ression is often a lifelong condition in which "eriods of wellness alternate with recurrences of illness. b. %n abnormal activity of of neural circuits may be the cause. cause. Transition Transition *Now that we know what w hat mental illness is including who is more likely affected and we know at least often diagnosed disorders! we can now talk a"out treatments III. Remember the dress# what if there was a medication or a treatment that allowed you to see the color everyone else sees# but it came with side effects. Mental illnesses are "ersistent illnesses- they need continuous maintenance to hel" "revent the reemergence of sym"toms. The management of the illness include attention to a "erson*s lifestyle# their stress management# su""orts from loved one and medication o"tions. There is no one a""roach. $. (elf (elfM Med ediicate cated d a. Many individu individuals als with mental mental illness illness self self medicate# medicate# which which mean they use use addictive addictive or habituat habituating ing drugs to relieve their sym"toms.
>. )lectroconvulsive thera"y 7):T8 a. %ccording to Mayo :linic ):T is a "rocedure# done under general anesthesia# in which
small electric currents are "assed through the brain# intentionally triggering a brief sei6ure. ):T seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can 1uickly reverse sym"toms of certain mental illnesses like de"ression. b. Memory loss and delayed s"eech is the common side effect. If mental illnesses are left untreated# the sym"toms can become more "ronounced. Recognition and diagnosis of any condition in its earliest stages is im"ortant so it can be treated effectively. )ffective )ffective treatment "lans include medication# "sychothera"y# education# selfmanagement strategies and e!ternal su""orts such as family# friends and community su""ort grou"s Transition Transition *Now we know what mental illness is# the different types of mental diagnoses# and the treatments availa"le to treat them.
C. $onclusion
In conclusion# men tal illness is a condition that can disru"t a "erson*s thinking# feeling# mood# ability to relate to others and daily functioning. Mental illnesses are brainbased conditions that often result in a variety of sym"toms that can affect daily life. Teens and young adults are at a time in their life when many "sychiatric illnesses can begin to manifest because of all the changes and "ressure. (chi6o"hrenia# bi"olar# and ma+or de"ressive disorder are three commonly diagnosed mental illnesses. illnesses. Mental illness has many treatment o"tions such as medication# "sychothera"y# and electroconvulsive thera"y. Recovery is "ossible# it may not mean returning to the same life before the onset of a mental illness# but with effective treatment and su""ort most "eo"le who live with mental illness can significantly reduce the im"act of their illness and live satisfying lives.
%ork $ited
American Psychological Association http:&&'())&(&mental+illness.asp, http:&&