Janna Frank Section 04 April 14, 2011 Topic: Comprehensive sex education in public schools Thesis: Evidence-based sex education, in the form of the Per sonal Responsibility Education Program, should be taught in public schools, because it has been proven to decrease the occurrence of both teen pregnancy, and sexually transmitted disease. I.
Introduction A. Attention Gaining Device: In 2002, there were an estimated 750,000 unwanted teenage pregnancies and over 15,000 new cases of HIV among 15-21 year olds in the United States. (Ventura, et. al) B. Significance for this audience: audience: In a Specifically Specifically in a rural setting, sex education has been found to contain inaccurate information; parents should make themselves aware of the curriculum used to educate their children. C. In the last decade, Congress primarily backed abstinence-only programs. However, amid health care reform re form last year, the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) was implemented.
Body A. Point: Teens need need more information on how to prevent prevent pregnancy and STDs. a. 70% of teens have had sexual intercourse by the age of 19. b. 41% and 75% do not have information on condoms and contraceptives B. Point: Abstinence-only sex education is not effective in preve nting pregnancy. a. Since 2006, there has been an increase in teen pregnancy- mainly attributed to a decrease in contraceptive use. b. In a 2007 study mandated by Co ngress, it was found that students educated with an abstinence-only program were no more likely to abstain from sex, have protected sex, or delay sexual activity, than those who had not been in the program. C. Counterpoint: Sex before marriage is immoral; therefore, abstinence-only education is the only acceptable program. a. Comprehensive sexual education includes abstinence, and should consider the diversity of values and beliefs. It should be taught as a supplement to parental guidance, placing an emphasis on parents’ responsibility to address questions and concerns their children may have on sex. D. Point: Sex education should be implemented in the form of PREP. a. The Personal Responsibility Education Program promotes abstinence as the most effective and safest way to prevent unintended pregnancy and STDs. The curriculum also addresses reproductive anatomy, contraception, STDs, responsible sexual decision making, and healthy re lationships. b. Children are exposed to sexuality from an e arly age, and an opendialogue can help guide them both emotionally and informatively.
Janna Frank Section 04 April 14, 2011 III.
Conclusion A. I’ve shared with you the eye -opening statistics of today’s teens and sex. B. I’ve explained how comprehensive programs include age-appropriate, medically accurate information. C. I’ll leave you with this recent news story: Ninety teens in one Memphis high school were pregnant this past year. Their sex ed programs are taught in ninth grade, at a time when few have begun sexual activity. D. Continuing education in subsequent years would help to address and acknowledge the developmental changes in teens from year to year. E. The Personal Responsibility Education Program is one way to ensure the safety of our children.
Janna Frank Section 04 April 14, 2011 References Abma JC et al., Teenagers in the United States: sexual activity, contraceptive use, and childbearing, National Survey of Family Growth 2006 –2008, Vital and Health Statistics, 2010, Series 23, No. 30. Boonstra H, Sex education: another big step fo rward—and a step back, The Guttmacher Policy Review , 2010, 13(2):27 –28. Trenholm, C., Devaney, B., Forsten, K., Quay, L ., Wheeler, J., & Clark, M. (2007). Impacts of Four Title V, Section 510 Abstinence Education Programs. Mathematica Policy Research, 1. Retrieved April 5, 2011, from http://www.mathematicampr.com/publications/PDFs/impa Ventura Stephanie J., Joyce C. Abma, W illiam D. Mosher, and Stanley K. Henshaw. Recent Trends in Teenage Pregnancy in the United States, 1990-2002. Health EStat. National Center for Health Statistics. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hestats/teenpreg19902002/teenpreg1990-2002.html