2 2-liter bottles (Clean & dry, dry, with lid) 1 1-liter bottle (Clean & dry, with lid) 1 20oz bottle (Clean & dry d ry,, with lid) Approx 18" aqari! tbin #eedle-nosed pliers $!all pipe%tter (r snips) 'easrin %ps (1 and 1 %p size) *nnel $!all tpperware %ontainer with lid +aies tility ni.e or razorblade Co..ee .ilters /nredients 1 1 %p A!!oni! #itrate (et by %ttin open %old pa% s /ts the little white balls +e %are.l what yo by, so!e %old pa%s are a!!oni! nitrate-.ree ther !aterials %an be sed, bt were oin to do it this way) 2 12 %p 1003 4ye (aa $odi! 5ydroxide A6ailable at hardware stores in the drain %leaner se%tion - 7rano Crystals, or any other powdered lye wors) %ps Cole!an Ca!p *el (nine startin .lid 9diethyl ether:, or ;'&< naphtha %an also be sed) = x 4ithi! strips (et by %ttin open nerizer AA 4ithi! batteries - >his ?>+ ttorial 6ideo shows @AC>4? @AC>4? how to et yor 4ithi! strips) 100!l #< sol6ent o. yor %hoi%e (@ylene o r 'B is re%o!!ended - easily .ond at yor lo%al hardware store in the paint se%tion) -= boxes 120! 12-hor psedoephedrine 5Cl (<$) >he hihest %ont yo %an .ind ($da.ed or a eneri% eqi6alent 'AB $D <$ /$ >5 #4? #4? AC>/; AC>/; /#D7/#>)
E abot 1 %p iodized salt 8 = %ap.ls sl.ri% a%id (A6ailable as liqid drain %leaner) D !riati% a%id (Also sold at hardware stores) F 7enatred al%ohol or /sopropyl al%ohol 10 18 %p o. distilled water (
ae the 20oz lid and %t a hole in it bi enoh to .it the aqari! tbin /t shold be sn 2 Ct one o. the 2-liters in hal. 7is%ard the top Crsh the pills into a .ine powder se a %o..ee rinder, blender, or i. worse %o!es to worse, hand %rsh the! with a pair o. pliers or so!ethin <t the powder into a baie >he beaty o. "shae n bae" is yo dont ha6e to %lean yor pills to extra%t <$ Gst %rsh and toss inH = 'easre ot and %rsh the a!!oni! nitrate (optional) /. it is dry enoh, o ahead and %rsh it #ot i!portant that yo do this, tho h /t helps ensre e6en %ooin, bt is not i!perati6e <t it in a baie 'easre ot the lye +e %are.l not to to%h this st.. /t eats anythin orani% (?) and also rea%ts with !etal <t in a baie 'easre ot the Cole!an .el or #aphtha <t it into the 1-liter E Ct open the batteries ?o !st do this qi%ly be%ase lithi! rea%ts with !oistre in air and will be%o!e hot, possibly %at%hin .ire i. it is 6ery h!id otside se the pipe%tter to %t the oter hosin o. the battery se the needle nosed pliers to peel down the hosin to expose the strip >here will be a bla% strip in between 2 pie%es o. paper >his is the one yo want + CAD*4 4/>5/' $>D/<$ 'AB A $5? C' /#> C#>AC> I/>5 '>A4 7 #> >C5 >5 $>D/< I/>5 ?D +AD 5A#7$ /* ? CA# A;/7 /> 7 #> > /> I>HHHHH n%e yo et the strip ot o. the battery, it %an be stored in denatred al%ohol, and will no loner rea%t with air as lon as it is %apped 4ithi! strips brn ;/4#>4? when they %o!e into %onta%t with water +e CAD*4HH o ti!e 1
Add yor 100!l @ylene or 'B sol6ent At this point, yo will see the inredients startin to rea%t, it will prod%e bbbles in the botto! = Add the lithi! strips >ae the! ot o. the denatred al%ohol, tear the! into s!aller pie%es, and add the! to the !ixtre Add yor lye 'AB/# $D to %o6er yor 4ithi! strips Add the 1= %p o. water >he water i%s o.. the rea%tion, bt ? '$> > >5 CA< # /''7/A>4? A*>D A77/# >5 IA>D De!e!ber 4ithi! rea%ts intensely with water and is potentially daneros >he lithi!-water rea%tion at nor!al te!peratres is bris bt not 6iolent, thoh the hydroen prod%ed %an inite 7o not add the water i. yor 4ithi! has not been bried and is #7D ?D 4? E Add the Cole!an .el or #aphtha to this !ixtre >he !ixtre will be rollin now (it will loo lie its boilin real h ard) #I >5/$ /$ >5 >D/CB? A#7 '$> /'<D>A#> J >he rea%tion bilds p ne%essary pressre inside the bottle, dont worry - yo will need to let this rea%t I/>5 >5 CA< # .or at least 2 !intes 4et the 4ithi! do its thin .or a .ll 120 se%onds ;entin or releasin pressre within the .irst 2- !intes will reatly a..e%t yor .inal yield A.ter 2 or !intes yo will see the 4ithi! startin to et s!aller, shri6elin p into s!all +ronze .oil looin balls with holes throhot >his is when yo '$> ;#> by slihtly ns%rewin the %ap to release the as KKKA*>D >5 4/>5/' >D#$ +D#L 'AB $D > B< A# ? # >5 5 +>>4H /> CA# A$/4? +/47 < M/CB4? A#7 @<47 /* #> ;#>7 he as %o!in ot o. the bottle is straiht a!!onia 7o not breathe it and eep it away .ro! yor eyes A;/7 B# >5 CA< ** D ;#>/# >5 +>>4 A$ 'C5 A$ <$$/+4 ?o !ay ha6e to add !ore lye throhot the pro%ess to eep the !ixtre rollin n%e e6ery 20 !ins or so ?o !ay not ha6e to, thoh /. yo do, add abot hal. o. the a!ont as in the beinnin, and do it qi%ly
*or at least = !intes eep 6entin and swirlin the !ixtre ntil it stops rollin and yo ha6e hard whitish balls (%alled bones) in the botto! o. the bottle >his is a sinal that the rea%tion is o6er 4et the %ontents rea%t ntil yo noti%e the whitish balls - so!eti!es will tae 1-2 hors <t a %otton ball in the .nnel hole and 2 %o..ee .ilters o6er and .ilter the liqid into the 2-liter (the one yo %t in hal.) 7ispose o. the trash a%%ordinly se %ation, the bottle and trash are noti%eable waste ite!s >ry to dispose o. it in di..erent lo%ations >he trash %an still be .inerprinted $ ?D 5A7 assin the liqid #ow that the daneros part is o6er, on to the 7<H All ready s!ellin s%%essN wait and see KKKK>his is a s!elly and 6iolent pro%ess so yo shold do it otside i. possibleKKKK KKIAD#/#KK KKK5Cl A$ /$ #A$>? $>** A#7 I/44 D$> A#?>5/# /# $/5>H 'ae sre yor tbin is %o!pletely airtiht be%ase yo do not want leasHKKKK >ae the 20oz bottle and pt abot 1 %p salt in it Add = %ap.ls o. sl.ri% a%id (or !riati% a%id) and pt on the lid yo !ade with the aqari! tbin 'ae sre its tiht >his is yor assin iz!o <t the end o. the hose Ost nder the sr.a%e o. the liqid and sqeeze the as into it ?o will see the !eth droppin or "snowin" to the botto! o. the liqid $%h a beati.l siht <ll ot the hose and let the 20oz .ill ba% p with as aain Depeat this ntil the !eth stops droppin as !%h *ilter the powder ot o. the liqid >his pro%ess is nown as a pll A.ter the dope is .iltered, yo %an do p to !ore plls .ro! the sa!e liqid sally the se%ond pll is the best (!ost prod%t, hihest qality) ?o will ha6e to re-!ix the salt and sl.ri% a%id in the 20oz sin .resh inredients, be%ase it wont last lon 'ae sre not to s% p any o. the liqid into the 20oz, or yo will ha6e to !ae a new one >he as inside the 20oz is a bad little dde itsel., so se a twist tie or a rbber band to eep the tbe %losed (.old it in hal. and tie it) >hats it 4et the !eth dry on the .ilters, s%rape it o.., and 6oila ?o %an e6en se the .ilters in drins to et hih >he hihest the dinosars e6er been is o.. .ilters #oteJ Dinsin yor !eth with 7D? AC># (dry yor a%etone by bain pso! $alts at =00. .or = hors, por the baed epso! salts into yor a%etone %ontainer and let sit o6erniht) /. yor !eth brns lea6in reside in yor pipe and tastes nasty, a dal sol6ent re%rystallization is hihly re%o!!ended