“Nazi Methamphetamine”Tabletop Recipe: Standard Equipment Needed (5 Grams: 7.5 Grams Iodine Prill or Iodine Crystals Ephedrine or Pseudoephedrine….1665 Pills produces 5 Pure Grams Sodium Hydroxide…………………1 Pint ed !e"il #ye$.5 Grams ed%Phosphorus…...5&&& ed%Phosphorus…...5&&& 'atch(oo)*s+5&ml Glass ,las)…………………+ +&oPlastic u/*s…………………+ Co00ee ,ilters………… …………….6 Electric Co00ee Cup armer….16** or lon/er u(( u((er er Hos Hoses es…. …... ..$Pl $Plasti astic c Gallon Gal lon u/*s….. u/* s…...1 .1 The push/pull does not take a lot of skill but does take a bit of understanding of what one is dealing with. First of all this method does require some very watched items. Red R ed phosphorous and iodine crystals can bring unwanted attention if ordered from different supply companies. If by chance cha nce one cannot can not seem see m to t o obta obtain in thes these e item items s anywhere, there is still hope. It is possible to obtain these items T! "over the counter#at your nearest supermarket. If one can get one$s hands on lab grade without getting a one% way ticket to the slammer, it is well worth it. The striking pads of matchbooks contain a small amount of red phosphorous. It is not pure, so consider cleaning it up a bit before use. It is possible to convert iodine i odine tinctures to iodine crystals. Tinctures can be found on the shelves of many different supermarkets, and come in &' ml bottles of () iodine in solution. Tinctures are also available at cattle supply houses, in pint and gallon si*es, which contain +) iodine in solution. Iodine pill, a common name for iodine powder or pellets often available in cattle supply stores as well, works great ust the way it is. There are many different ways to collect red phos phorous from the striking pads of match books. -craping it off with a ra*or blade is a simple collection process. better way is to cut the strikers off and soak them
in acetone until the red phosphorous falls off. It takes a very large number of strikers to obtain a large enough pile to do anything with, but it is a proven method in use by many people. hen all of the phosphorous falls off the paper, remove the paper, filter the acetone/red phosphorous through two coffee filters, rinse with distilled water, and let dry. 0ow mi1 up a solution of (') sodium hydro1ide. That is (') grams of sodiu m hydro1ide in 2'' ml of distilled water. 3lace the dry red phosphorous in a beaker or flask of choice and add the hydro1ide solutio n to it. 4eat this mi 1ture on low heat for a few hours, and then filter through two coffee filters again. hen dry, rinse with hot distilled water a few times and let dry. This will produce a more pure powder that will fire off a push/pull reaction.
To convert () iodine tinctures, the following are used56'' ml () iodine tincture 2(6 ml muriatic acid "hardware store strength# (&6 ml hydrogen pero1ide"&) topical solution# 78( ml distilled water To convert +) iodine tinctures, the following are used52 pint of +) tincture & pints of &) pero1ide ( o*. of muriatic acid $/a cup of distilled water 3our the tincture in a one%gallon milk ug, add the muriatic acid, and mi1 it all together well. 9et this mi1ture sit for half an hour. 0ow add the &) hydrogen pero1ide, with thorough mi1ing, and let it sit for another half an hour. 0e1t, add the distilled water and shake vigorously until your arms tire, then let it sit for another half an hour. There should be an orange layer on top of a dark grey layer. The grey layer is what you want. The grey layer is iodine crystals that have crashed out of solution. 3our off the orange layer, add more fresh distilled water to them, and shake again. 9et it sit for a few minutes, and then pour off the orange solution again. Repeat this process three times, and after the third time, pour the
contents through two coffee filters. 0ow one must wring dry the crystals in the coffee filters. ring dry, put them in another stack of coffee filters, and wring them out again. :eep doing this until one gets a nice solid dry ball of crystals. That is it. ne should have nice iodine crystals that will work in the reaction. -tore the crystals in a dark%colored ar or bottle. arnin/2 hen making one$s own crystals from tinctures, wear eye protec tion and chemi cal resistant gloves. Remember that iodine is poisonous, so be safe, and work outdoors. ,i/ure 3& the Push4Pull Set p SPPE*S8 #I!S 9 HSES SE:#E! IGH; s one can see from Figure ;', it is very easy to construct the apparatus for this reaction. small clear beer bottle can replace the flask if one is not on hand. This setup easily scales larger or smaller for different si*e batches. If, for e1ample, one wants to d o a ('%gram batch, use a 6'' ml flask or bottle and two 8;%o*. plastic
can either put the drain hose from the second tank down the drain past the u trap or in a bucket of cat litter. eigh out the pseudoephedrine/ephedrine 4!l and place inside the flask or bottle, no more than a 2'% gram batch in a
(6' ml si*e flask or bottle. 0e1t weigh out the iodine crystals and put them i n s i d e w i t h t h e pseudoephedrine/ephedrine 4!l. =i1 them together very well and stopper the flask or bottle and place it in the free*er for around &%; minutes. eigh out the red phosphorous. Take the flask from the free*er, the reactants should be dark and may be a dark thick%looking mud. 3lace the red phosphorous in the flask, mi1 in good with a glass rod, and hook it up to the water tanks. If the drain hose is down the drain, it is time to turn on the water to keep the fumes down. If using lab grade chemicals, one may have to add a few drops of distilled water to get the reaction going. For T! chemicals, one should need no water> ust heat the reactants a little and it should be fine. ?o not flood the reaction with water@ 3lace the flask on a coffee cup warm er o r in a hot w ater bath . hen t hereaction starts, take it off the heat. ?uring the first phase of the reaction, the mi1ture turns to a thick liquid and starts bubbling. The small bubbles will be somewhat silvery looking. -ome gas may
now be pushing into the first water tank and wa%ter into the second. The contents inside the flask will raise some. light yellow%colored mist and white fog inside the flask is normal. !ontinue to add, on and off, heat to maintain an easy bubbling reaction, at least around 26%(' minutes or until bubbling begins to slow. In the ne1t phase, increase heat to the flask> slowly raise it up to between 28'A% 27'A F. The reaction should begin to bubble very rapidly. The color of the reaction will change to a dark purple or reddish with a yellow tint. The small reaction bubbles will start turning into big bubbles that collapse into large holes. The reaction should be pushing gas into water tanks, but a lot harder this time. The contents will rise quickly, and may start to smoke. If so, remove from the heat and swirl the contents around in the flask to get the smoking to stop. -wirling will also keep the Breactants from rising too high. 9et react until all Cseems to be dead inside the flask "no reaction# even with applied heat. pull may be noted. If not, that is all right too. -ometimes there is no pull with small reactions. Tilt the flask. If reactants slowly flow off the bottom and sides and are not longer stuck, it should be finished. 9et cool to room temperature, and then add 2'' ml of distilled water. 0e1t, in an open flask and on water bath, heat the mi1ture at 26'A F for &' minutes in order to free the contents. Filter all the red phosphorous out of the mi1. couple of coffee filters also works well for filtering the red phosphorous out, the color should be clear to pale yellow. If one gets a dark orange or red color that does not filter out, the reaction might not be complete or the adulterants in the pills may have messed it up. If this is the case, try putting the red phosphorous back into the water from which it was filtered. 4eat it up to about (''A F for two hours to complete it. If this does not work, the crap in the pills may have messed the reaction up. 0ow it is tim e t o base and e1tract the meth base with a non%polar solvent such as
toluene. ash the solvent/base layer with distilled water a few times, and dry with dehydrated Dpsom salts.