A research paper about Obesity in the United States.
Maricela Ponce English 1A 7 December 2016 LGBTQ in Educaion !"sem Discriminaion is de#ined as $ %he un&us or 're&udicial reamen o# di##eren caegories o# 'eo'le or hings( es'eciall" on he grounds o# race( age( or se)*+ ,omo'hobia is a huge o'ic ha angers 'eo'le because he" disagree -ih lgb. righs* The /nied !aes has deal -ih man" discriminaions hroughou ime and homo'hobia has been a huge a o'ic #or "ears* Lgb. righs has been ada'ed and has been more acce'ing hroughou his 'eriod o# ime* E.uali" #or all needs o e)is* Peo'le in he caegor" LGBTQ sill #ace some discriminaion hroughou heir lies* There are la-s ha 'roec heir righs bu oher 'eo' le ma" hae he lac o# educaion on -ha i is lie o be a ga"( rans( bi( lesbian ec* 3 im'acs he LGBTQ members because o# he lac o# educaion* Man" be#ore #aced he su''or and guidance is no in heir reach* There#ore( hese 'eo'le need he su''or and guidance -hile he" are #acing roubles* 4o onl" should he school be inoled in hese issues bu he" should be giing hese sudens guidance( as -ell as 'arens inoled in he idea and 'rocess o# hel'ing hem ou b" being educaed hemseles* The lac o# educaion has an e##ec o he "ouh b" causing discriminaions due o he lac o# educaion( hose -ho conribue o he hared* !o LGBTQ sands #or Lesbian( Ga"( Bi Trans( Trans( Queer 5and or Quesioning ec* 3 is a arie" o# indiiduals -ho sel# ideni#" -hen he" are -ihou a doub oa" -ih -ho he" are* Tha is he mos im'oran 'ar #or eer" LGBTQ indiidual because i is he momen he" #ind hemseles* 8oming ou o hemseles is im'oran because ha is -hen he" #ind heir oice and he oice o hae he courage o also come ou in 'ublic* 8oming ou is a huge se' because no
eer"one -ill reac 'leasan* Teachings abou LGBTQ righs had been a o'ic ha schools and uniersiies discussed on * Earl" in he 1990s Lgb gained is a-areness and i -en #rom %abnormal+ conce' o socie" o a research o'ic o anal":e and discuss* Lesbian and ga"s sub&ec eoled ino e)'ressie and 'oliical sub&ecs and i sared being inroduce more ino schools as a sub&ec o each* Anger had risen as -ell hroughou is hisor"* A e)am'le o# debae ha''ened be-een he earl" 19900;s* 3n 4e- rier >illard >illard >illard >illard brough o eer"one?s 5'arens aenion ha i# eachers -ere eaching and -ere ga" he eachers -ould end o# %#alling in loe+ -ih heir child 5sudens* >aller encouraged homo'hobia because he -as agains he idea o# a ga" 'erson being e.ual lie he res he encouraged schools o no hire hose ha -ere ga" ga " or hose -ho had %g a" mannerisms+ as -ell as o #ire eachers -ho -ere discoered o be ga"*
Eer" 'ar o# he communi" #aces heir o-n discriminaions #or e)am'le( ga"s and lesbians are haed on #or being -ih a man or a -oman* Bise)uals -ere he sar o# he ga" righs moemen( bu oer ime he" go discriminaed on b" heir o-n members* Bise)ual -omen are #ro-ned u'on in he lesbian communi" because he" beliee ha bi -omen are #aing heir se)uali"* Bise)ual men on he oher hand( are are seen as ga"s -ho are a#raid a#raid o come ou com'leel" b" he ga" communi" and heerose)ual 'eo'le* 5Daid There is also he role religion and saus( bu hose -ho disagree are oerall uneducaed* T"'es o# discriminaion has on e##ec on LGBTQ* Peo'le on he dail" hae negaie commens o sa" o he LGBTQ communi"* Es'eciall" hose -ho are "oung -ho are and ou or are being oued -ih hae#ul slurs lie $ %3 hae ga"s*The" should be banned #rom his counr"***Ge counr"***Ge a-a" #rom me( "ou #aggo* 3 can; sand he sigh o# "ou@*These .ueers mae m" somach urn*+These are onl" .uie a #e- hae#ul -ords he" hae o #ace -ihin socie"* !ocie" has a -a" -ih using -ords and -ords lie %#aggo+ is o#en used b" he aniga" homo'hones o mani'ulae and scare he LGBT "ouhs* !o( %#aggo+ or %ga"+ are used in a negaie sense -hile r"ing o e)'ress abou somehing eiher %no coo l+ or %dumb+ 5,uman =ighs >ach >ach C* 4o onl" are hese -ords hur#ul he" i sho-s a ho- an indiidual using hese -ords are are er" aniga" and discriminaing each member een more* 3n a sud" made b" !haron 8ole she discusses ho- one hal# o# LGBT ha are ou are no cared #or b" heir 'arens* Parens ge u'se b" heir se)aul 're#erence* A .uarer o# hose members are in heir earl" "ouh are ased or 'u ou o leae heir homes* 8ole e)'lains ha hose ha are re&eced and a a er" "oung age as -ell( he" generall" do no learn o communicae -ell and no non o- ho- o build a relaionshi' -ih ohers such as 'eers or #amilies* 8onse.uenl" i leaes hem #eeling #eeling alone a some er" hard imes and maing hemseles isolaed #rom he res o# socie"* # course no- here is
guidance such as going online and searching #or some hel' bu no man" hae he o''oruni" o #ind i* 3n school here could be a eaching #or sudens in class so he" can guide hem o hel' #or hose ha are huring hem* Pam'hles and such o hel' hem #ind he hel' he" canno reach because i is no a er" huge o'ic o s'ea abou in school* The negaie e##ecs o# also coming ou is he iolence and being harmed b" ohers 5!ee ig 1!ome o# hose hae ha each lgb. member #ace -ih are boh erball" and 'h"sicall" abused b" 'arens * 3n addiion( roughl" abou F0 o# "ouhs ha are homeless are classi#ied as LGBT "ouhs* 5,uman =ighs # Educaion* ,uman righs aricle 'oins ou ha* %27 o# male eenagers -ho classi#ied hemseles as ga" or bise)ual le# home due o .uarrels -ih #amil" members oer heir se)uali"*+ se)uali"*+ 5,=E 3n oher -ords( 'arens oerall hae a huge 'ar ha aes 'lace -hen i comes o discriminaion #or lgb. because he" had 'u all heir rus ino elling heir 'arens because he" #el com#orable com#orable -ih -ho he" are and ge heir -ors #ear reacion* 5!ee #ig 2
ig 1* !ource* %Gro-ing /' LGBT in America$ Hie- !aisics*+ ,uman =ighs 8am'aign( !ure"* >eb* >e b* 7*Dec* 2016 4oe* The sure" -as aen o see ho- each indiidual has #aced iolen acs u'on hem and he sure" resul sho-ed ha because o# heir se)uali" he " -ere bullied b" ohers*
!ource* %Gro-ing /' LGBT in America$ HieHie- !aisics*+ ,uman =ighs 8am'aign( !ure"* >eb* 7*Dec* 2016 4oe* As said 26 #eel ha acce'ance is heir 'roblem -hen i comes o coming ou*
negaie e##ecs he" ge b" ohers harms heir 'er#ormance -hen i comes o school and heir li#e* erall he discussion in#orms ha sudens also conribue o discriminaion be-een lgb. because he" can? acce' -ho he" are* !ome 'osiie acions ha should be aen 'lace b" he school?s educaion s"sem is encouraging 'arens o -elcome hose o creae a sa#e enironmen around* or schools here should be acions ha need o ae 'lace saring a a er" "oung age* 3?s a concern concern o hose -ho #eel shu ou because 'eo'le are no educaed on -ha o sa" o a 'erson -ho is ga"* 3n he aricle %Lesbian( % Lesbian( Ga"( Bise)ual( Transgender( Transgender( Queer( and Quesioning ingesinges
an" an" o#