A Review on Design of Automated vertical wall tile washing system Akshay V. Sakharkar Department of Mechanical Engineering Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering Nagpur, India a!shaysa!"#$%gmailcom
Sachin T. Bagde Department of Mechanical Engineering Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering Nagpur, India
Abstract Wall tile cleaning or washing is a daily routine work in every public service industries like hotel, hostel, houses, marriage hall etc. So wall tile cleaning is usually a tedious, monotonous, boaring daily routine work which consume lots of time for maintaining sanitation and hyginic environment of bathrooms. n todays scenario none of autonomous wall tile washing system avail availabl ablee in mark market et for for verti vertical cal tile tile wash washing ing,, so that that every everyone one uses uses porta portable ble manua manuall lly y operated tile washing e!uipment."owever there are small number of paper presented their work in development of climbing robot but it only use for dust cleaning by means of vaccume e!ui e!uipm pmen entt # its its not not so effi effici cien entt to clea clean n tile tile perf perfec ectl tly. y.So So ther theree is hu huge ge dema demand nd for for development development of such system which re!uired re!uired less time for cleaning. cleaning. This paper present present $esign development and fabrication of vertical wall tile washing system. This work can be usefull in improving life style of mankind.
%eywords &all &a ll cleaning machine, Cleaning e'uipment, Mechanism
ntroduction (ousehold cleaning of tiles is a repititive tas! carried out )y num)er of people everyday (ence there is need of )ringing revolution in the field of science and technologies, which could helps eaisly in repetative tas! which we perform daily Also Also cleaning is tedious and monotonous *o) which is consider to )e a low s!ill and low esteem *o) for which more than +- of the ccost is la)our related cost In various pu)lic service industries tile cleaning procedure should )e irritative and more compelling )ecause regular cleaning is re'uired henceforth peoples not intrested to spend
lots of time on wall tile washing )y manual wor! .ecause of this reason people are attracted towards electro/mechanical machine where they can do wall tile cleaning in very fast mannershing In this wor! of design a machine system for cleaning tile, floor, wall a automatic and many more semi/automatic model was design, developed and fa)ricated also performance evalution has )een done )ut only for floor tile washing and not for case of wall tiles In todays scenario none of the autonomous wall tile system are availa)le to consumer in the mar!et 0o eliminate the same pro)lem in cleaning wall tiles which was arises )efore inventing autonomous floor tiles cleaning system, its necessity of time to develop wall tile washing system In genral Design of this vertical wall tile washing system compries a stell frame, metal )ar restoring cham)er for steam, detergent li'uid and clean water 0his cham)er connected to remova)le rod frame on which scru))er mounted 0hree fle1i)le pipes with pumps and no22le from each compart of cham)er where mounted on head of scru))er allow to move along with it 0he mechanism for vertical motion for the scru))er is incorporated )y rope and pulley mechanism same as that in automatic plastering machine 3ystem comprising a microcontroller )ase system for performing operation of in*ection of steam, detergent li'uid and water )ase on operator selection
&iterature review "4 5A 0echnological 3urvey on Autonomous (ome Cleaning Ro)ots6 )y a)hishe! pandey, 789 In this paper descri)e a servey of different modes of autonomous home cleaning ro)ots In this present era, people live a very )usy life :eople in cities have irregular and long wor!ing times In such a situation a person will always find ways of saving time household chores are the ones that are most dreaded upon And cleaning a home tops the list It is not only time consuming, )ut also its very tiring Especially for wor!ing women it )ecomes difficult to handle )oth home and office wor! together 3he has to do the household chores in the morning, go to wor! and do the wor!s there and return home in the evening to again start her chores at home 0hus she lives a dual life In this dual life, autonomous cleaning ro)ot )ring rela1ation )y saving some of her precious time Authors made a servey of various model availa)le in mar!et as of first genration Room)a had three )uttons for room si2e use for floor dust cleaning ;ater on the second/generation Room)as <=# series=4 replaced their predecessors and some advancing feature may added to it as larger dust )in, )etter software that calculates roo m si2es, dirt detection and fast charging After that third genration > series Room)a, then it superseded )y ? series @ later on Room)as 8 series ro)ot were launched with num)er of imporovement )ut all this series of home cleaning ro)ot are used only for clening floor dust only $4 5.uilding a Mo)ile Ro)ot for a loor/Cleaning Bperation in Domestic Environments6 )y ordi :alacn,7#9 0his paper descri)e Domestic ro)ots are one of the new industrial challenges And they proposed a specifically designed a floor/cleaning ro)ot for this function In 0his paper
attention is focus on actuators, sensors and electronics and their usa)ility 0he practical implementation of a cleaning ro)ot is an interdisciplinary pro)lem )ut here some aspect to )e focuse toward an implementation usefull for this ro)ot are sensor placement,motor control, ro)ot control, and safety In this paper they proposed design of cleaning ro)ot having $+ 1$8cm wide, $ cm )rush width, and "# cm height, its design is very simple and cheap having only three parts a roller )rush, a dustpan and )roomstic! 0hey discuss design of ro)ot and their compati)ility )etweeen human )eing and cleaning ro)ot is analysed with conclusion that ro)ots cleaning operation is isolated from human )eing 0heir wor! proposal of cleaning ro)ot is limited upto the floor surface cleaning only 4 5A 3urvey of 0echnologies for Clim)ing Ro)ots Adhesion to 3urfaces6 )y Manuel 3ilva, A 0enreiro Machado, Fo2sef G 0ar 7>9 0his paper presented a survey of several crawling, wheeled and legged clim)ing ro)ots, adopting different technologies for the adhesion or to made contact with the wall surfaces Henrally clim)ing ro)ots are )eing developed for the application of cleaning vertical wall surface or ceiling where difficult to reachregarding to ma!e a contact with vertical surface it should a)le to produce a sufficient gripping force using light weight weight mechanism so that its limitation is made to use only single application of dust cleaning only In this paper authors presented a survey after review of three different technologies used for ro)ots adhesion to surface 0he mostly usa)le techni'ues is suction force, so that 0he vacuum type principle is light and easy to control is used More than the one vacuum cup is used in each feet in order to prevent loss of contact with the surface due to some irregularities or gaps or pore in wall surfaceacuume pump on )oard increase ro)ots weight and ultimately cost also where it fails to stic! on wall 0his type of adhesion as some ma*or draw)ac!s as the system is light weighted so not use for the application of mopping, washing a wall surfaces, and it doesnJt affort enough force for cleaning a strong and stic!y particles on the surfaces Another principle adopted for creating the adhesion force is magnetic adhesion Magnetic attachment can )e highly desira)le due to its inherent relia)ilityK furthermore, the method is fast )ut it implies the adoption of heavy actuators And main disadvantages regarding this techni'ue is that useful only in specific environments where the surface is ferromagnetic and, therefore, for most applications it is an unsuita)le choice thus it fails to ma!e contact on simple wall surfaces Bne more techni'ue used for adhesion is gripping to the surfaces where the ro)ots are moving .ut its very difficults to ro)ots to clim) on surface with heaivy duty e'uipment of mopping, washing and multifunctional cleaning e'uipment #4 5Mopping module design and e1periments of a multifunction floor cleaning ro)ot6 )y Yun)o (ong, Rongchuan 3un, Rui ;in, 3humei Yu and ;ining 3un 7?9 In this paper authors firstly proposed the design of a multifuction cleaner ro)ot together with mo)ile platform and vacuum cleaning module 0hen they descri)es the design and wor!ing process of mopping ro)ots inally they carried out two e1periment to validate the effectiveness of cleaning ro)ot 0he device descri)ed in this paper is a !ind of intelligent cleaning ro)ot In general, it is composed )y drive part, sensor part, functional parts and control part, power supply part and so on (ere the functional part is independent from cleaning ro)ot 3o the cleaning ro)ot can connect several functional modules, which ma!es a cleaning ro)ot achieve many cleaning
functions Currently they achieving well performance of vacuum cleaning and mopping the floor surface only
the )asic cleaning functions, namely
'esearch (ap rom the literatuer servey, it is found that to minimi2ation of la)our cost and to avoide a lots of time consuming in cleaning of floor &all tiles there is re'uirement of )ringing revoltion in this field )y achiving automation 3ome of literature where made in use of manual e'uipments which ma!e monotonous life of cleaner arious research paper were presented their wor! in field of tile cleaning was related to development of floor tiles washing system only, out of which most of which made the application of only dust cleaning vaccume cups which was fails to clean the very stic!y paricles, this system not play a role of stic!ing on wall and mopping the surface with re'uired force at a time 3ome literature also show the cleaning system are heivy duty which doesnJt ma!e its use for wall tile cleaning Also some paper where present various technologies for clim)ing ro)ots which are very light duty and uses vaccume for suc!ing dust )ut they also fails to performs against clening strong stic!y paricles on wall tiles )ecause it doesnJt act ma1imum force to clean surface rom literature it found that most of the (eavy duty automatic floor washing system were eaisly availa)le to consumer which was not use for wall tile washing and some clim)ing ro)ots also availa)le which ma!e use of vaccume for dust cleaning only and doesnJt efficient for washing wall tiles After gone through various literature survey, industrial survey, mar!et survey research gap we identified the pro)lem as there is no efficient system set up availa)le in mar!et for consumer to clean the wall tile separately All this research gap made aware that only automated floor cleaning system were availa)le @ everyone uses manually operated floor tile cleaning e'uipment for wall tile cleaning, so that there is huge demand of automatic wall tile cleaning system in )ul! 3o there is scope for design, development of automated &all 0ile &ashing 3ystem to eliminate tedious *o), manual wor!, to save time and to made less )ody contact with cleaning agent
)b*ective and Scope
0o ma!e consistent wall tile cleaning process )y using automated wall tile washing system Bur aim of this innovative idea is to mopping, scru))ing, stripping, polishing, washing the
vertical wall tiles automatically Bne of the o)*ect is to provide
efficiency of steam, cleaning agent , water and detergent consumption Another o)*ect is to provide such a machine having improved operating time and energy
saving characteristics 0his system can )e use at domestic level and ensure minimum human interfare to avoid )ody
contact with cleaning agent
an automatic wall tile cleaning machine with improved
Acknowledgment 0he author would li!e to e1press his sincere than!s to his guide Dr 3achin 0 .agde for his valua)le references and support throughout the seminar wor!
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