Chapter 1 1. Which of the following protocols are examples of TCP/IP transport layer protocols? (Choose two answers.) a. Ethernet b. HTTP c. IP d. UDP e. !TP f. TCP 2. Which of the following protocols are examples of TCP/IP "ata lin# layer protocols? (Choose two answers.) a. Ethernet b. HTTP c. IP d. $%P e. !TP f. TCP g. PPP 3. The process of HTTP as#ing TCP to sen" some "ata an" ma#ing s&re that it is recei'e" correctly is an example of what? a. amelayer interaction b. Adjacent-layer interaction c. I mo"el these answers answers are are correct. correct. d. *ll of these 4. The process of TCP on one comp&ter mar#ing a TCP segment as segment +, an" the recei'ing comp&ter then ac#nowle"ging the receipt of TCP segment + is an example of what? a. %ata encaps&lation b. a!e-layer interaction *"-acentlayer interaction interaction c. *"-acentlayer d. I mo"el these answers answers are correct. e. *ll of these ". The process of a we ser'er a""ing a TCP hea"er to the contents of a we page, followe" y a""ing an IP hea"er an" then a""ing a "ata lin# hea"er an" trailer is an example of what? a. Data encap#$lation b. amelayer interaction c. I mo"el these answers answers are are correct. correct. d. *ll of these %. Which of the following terms is &se" specifically to i"entify the entity create" when encaps&lating "ata insi"e "ata lin# layer hea"ers an" trailers? a. %ata
b. Ch&n# c. egment d. &ra!e e. Pac#et '. Which I layer "efines the f&nctions of logical networ#wi"e a""ressing an" ro&ting? a. ayer + b. ayer 0 c. (ayer 3 d. ayer 1 e. ayer 2, 3, or 4 ). Which I layer "efines the stan"ar"s for caling an" connectors? a. (ayer 1 b. ayer 0 c. ayer 5 d. ayer 1 e. ayer 2, 3, or 4 *. Which of the following terms are not 'ali" terms for the names of the se'en I layers? (Choose two answers.) *pplication a. *pplication b. %ata lin# c. Tran#!i##ion d. Presentation e. +nternet f. ession
b. Ch&n# c. egment d. &ra!e e. Pac#et '. Which I layer "efines the f&nctions of logical networ#wi"e a""ressing an" ro&ting? a. ayer + b. ayer 0 c. (ayer 3 d. ayer 1 e. ayer 2, 3, or 4 ). Which I layer "efines the stan"ar"s for caling an" connectors? a. (ayer 1 b. ayer 0 c. ayer 5 d. ayer 1 e. ayer 2, 3, or 4 *. Which of the following terms are not 'ali" terms for the names of the se'en I layers? (Choose two answers.) *pplication a. *pplication b. %ata lin# c. Tran#!i##ion d. Presentation e. +nternet f. ession
Chapter 2 1. In the *6 for a small office, some &ser "e'ices connect to the *6 &sing a cale, while others connect &sing wireless technology (an" no cale). Which of the following is tr&e regar"ing the &se of Ethernet in this *6? a. ,nly the deice# that $#e cable# are $#ing Ethernet. b. nly the "e'ices that &se wireless are &sing Ethernet. c. 7oth the "e'ices &sing cales an" those &sing wireless are &sing Ethernet. d. 6one of the "e'ices are &sing Ethernet. 2. Which of the following Ethernet stan"ar"s "efines 8igait Ethernet o'er $TP caling? a. +987*ET b. +997*ET c. 1/AE-T d. 6one of the other answers is correct. 3. Which of the following is tr&e ao&t Ethernet crosso'er cales for :ast Ethernet? a. Pins + an" 0 are re'erse" on the other en" of the cale. b. Pin# 1 and 2 on one end of the t he cable connect to pin# 3 and % on the t he other end of the cable. c. Pins + an" 0 on one en" of the cale connect to pins 5 an" 1 on the other en" of the cale. d. The cale can e &p to +999 meters long to cross o'er etween &il"ings. e. 6one of the other answers is correct. 4. Each answer lists two types of "e'ices &se" in a +997*ET networ#. If these "e'ices were connecte" with $TP Ethernet cales, which pairs of "e'ices wo&l" re;&ire a straightthro&gh cale? (Choose three answers.) a. PC an" ro&ter b. PC and #0itch c. H& an" switch d. o$ter and h$b e. Wireless access point (Ethernet port) an" switch ". Which of the following is tr&e ao&t the C!*/C% algorithm? a. The algorithm ne'er allows collisions to occ&r. b. Colli#ion# can happen b$t the algorith! define# ho0 the co!p$ter# #ho$ld notice a colli#ion and ho0 to recoer. c. The algorithm wor#s with only two "e'ices on the same Ethernet. d. 6one of the other answers is correct. %. Which of the following is tr&e ao&t the Ethernet :C fiel"? a. Ethernet &ses :C for error reco'ery. b. It is 0 ytes long. c. +t re#ide# in the Ethernet trailer not the Ethernet header. d. It is &se" for encryption.
'. Which of the following are tr&e ao&t the format of Ethernet a""resses? (Choose three answers.) a. Each man&fact&rer p&ts a ∋&e $I co"e into the first 0 ytes of the a""ress. b. Each !an$fact$rer p$t# a $ni$e ,U+ code int o the fir#t 3 byte# of the addre##. c. Each !an$fact$rer p$t# a $ni$e ,U+ code into the fir#t half of the addre##. d. The part of the a""ress that hol"s this man&fact&rer
Chapter 3 1. Which of the following est "escries the main f&nction of I ayer + as &se" in W*6s? a. :raming b. Deliery of bit# fro! one deice to another c. *""ressing d. Error "etection 2. In the caling for a lease" line, which of the following typically connects to a fo&rwire line pro'i"e" y a telco? a. =o&ter serial interface witho&t internal C$/%$ b. CU6DU c. =o&ter serial interface with internal transcei'er d. witch serial interface 3. Which of the following is an acc&rate spee" at which a lease" line can operate in the $nite" tates? a. +99 !ps b. +99 >ps c. 2"% 7bp# d. 3.1 !ps 4. Which of the following fiel"s in the H%C hea"er &se" y Cisco ro&ters "oes Cisco a"", eyon" the I stan"ar" H%C? a. :lag b. Type c. *""ress d. :C ". Two ro&ters, =+ an" =0, connect &sing an Ethernet o'er !P ser'ice. The ser'ice pro'i"es pointtopoint ser'ice etween these two ro&ters only, as a ayer 0 Ethernet ser'ice. Which of the following are the most li#ely to e tr&e ao&t this W*6? (Choose two answers.) a. =+ will connect to a physical Ethernet lin#, with the other en" of the cale connecte" to =0. b. 1 0ill connect to a phy#ical Ethernet lin8 0ith the other end of the cable connected to a deice at the 9A: #erice proider point of pre#ence. c. =+ will forwar" "ata lin# frames to =0 &sing an H%C hea"er/trailer. d. 1 0ill for0ard data lin8 fra!e# to 2 $#ing an Et hernet header6trailer. %. Which of the following Internet access technologies, &se" to connect a site to an IP, offers asymmetric spee"s? (Choose two answers.) a. ease" lines b. D( c. Cable +nternet d. 78P
'. :re" has -&st a""e" % ser'ice at his home, with a separate % mo"em an" cons&mergra"e ro&ter with fo&r Ethernet ports. :re" wants to &se the same ol" phone he was &sing efore the installation of %. Which is most li#ely tr&e ao&t the phone caling an" phone &se" with his new % installation? a. He &ses the ol" phone, cale" to one of the ro&ter/switch "e'ice
Chapter 4 1. Which of the following are f&nctions of I ayer 5 protocols? (Choose two answers.) a. (ogical addre##ing b. Physical a""ressing c. Path #election d. *ritration e. Error reco'ery 2. Imagine that PC+ nee"s to sen" some "ata to PC0, an" PC+ an" PC0 are separate" y se'eral ro&ters. 7oth PC+ an" PC0 sit on "ifferent Ethernet *6s. What are the largest entities (in sie) that ma#e it from PC+ to PC0? (Choose two answers.) a. :rame b. egment c. Pac8et d. 2 P%$ e. (3 PDU f . + P%$ 3. Which of the following is a 'ali" Class C IP a""ress that can e assigne" to a host? a. +.+.+.+ b. c. +0@.+0@.+0@.+0@ d. 001.+.+.+ e. 4. What is the assignale range of 'al&es for the first octet for Class * IP networ#s? a. 9 to +04 b. 9 to +03 c. + to +04 d. 1 to 12% e. +0@ to +A+ f. +0@ to +A0 ". PC+ an" PC0 are on two "ifferent Ethernet *6s that are separate" y an IP ro&ter. PC+
%. Imagine a networ# with two ro&ters that are connecte" with a pointtopoint H%C serial lin#. Each ro&ter has an Ethernet, with PC+ sharing the Ethernet with =o&ter+ an" PC0 sharing the Ethernet with =o&ter0. When PC+ sen"s "ata to PC0, which of the following is tr&e? a. o$ter1 #trip# the Ethernet header and trailer off the fra!e receied fro! PC1 neer to be $#ed again. b. =o&ter+ encaps&lates the Ethernet frame insi"e an H%C hea"er an" sen"s the frame to =o&ter0, which extracts the Ethernet frame for forwar"ing to PC0. c. =o&ter+ strips the Ethernet hea"er an" trailer off the frame recei'e" from PC+, which is exactly recreate" y =o&ter0 efore forwar"ing "ata to PC0. d. =o&ter+ remo'es the Ethernet, IP, an" TCP hea"ers an" re&il"s the appropriate hea"ers efore forwar"ing the pac#et to =o&ter0. '. Which of the following "oes a ro&ter normally &se when ma#ing a "ecision ao&t ro&ting TCP/IP pac#ets? a. %estination !*C a""ress b. o&rce !*C a""ress c. De#tination +P addre## d. o&rce IP a""ress e. %estination !*C an" IP a""ress ). Which of the following are tr&e ao&t a *6connecte" TCP/IP host an" its IP ro&ting (forwar"ing) choices? (Choose two answers.) a. The host always sen"s pac#ets to its "efa< gateway. b. The ho#t #end# pac8et# to it# defa$lt gate0ay if the de#tination +P addre## i# in a different cla## of +P net0or8 than the ho#t. c. The ho#t #end# pac8et# to it# defa$lt gate0ay if the de#tination +P addre## i# in a different #$bnet than the ho#t . d. The host sen"s pac#ets to its "efa< gateway if the "estination IP a""ress is in the same s&net as the host. *. Which of the following are f&nctions of a ro&ting protocol? (Choose two answers.) a. Aderti#ing 8no0n ro$te# to neighboring ro$ter# b. earning ro&tes for s&nets "irectly connecte" to the ro&ter c. (earning ro$te# and p$tting tho#e ro$te# into the ro$ting table for ro$te# aderti#ed to the ro$ter by it# neighboring ro$ter# d. :orwar"ing IP pac#ets ase" on a pac#et
Chapter " 1. Which of the following is not a feat&re of a protocol that is consi"ere" to match I ayer 1? a. Error reco'ery b. :low control c. egmenting of application "ata d. Coner#ion fro! binary to AC++ 2. Which of the following hea"er fiel"s i"entify which TCP/IP application gets "ata recei'e" y the comp&ter? (Choose two answers.) a. Ethernet Type b. 6*P Protocol Type c. IP Protocol d. TCP Port :$!ber e. UDP Port :$!ber 3. Which of the following are typical f&nctions of TCP? (Choose fo&r answers.) a. &lo0 Control =0indo0ing> b. Error recoery c. 5$ltiple
". What "o yo& call "ata that incl&"es the ayer 1 protocol hea"er, an" "ata gi'en to ayer 1 y the &pper layers, not incl&"ing any hea"ers an" trailers from ayers + to 5? (Choose two answers.) a. 5P%$ b. Ch&n# c. eg!ent d. Pac#et e. :rame f. (4PDU %. In the $= httpB//, which part i"entifies the we ser'er? a. http b.!
c. d. httpB// e. The file name.html incl&"es the host name. '. When comparing oIP with an HTTPase" missioncritical &siness application, which of the following statements are acc&rate ao&t the ;&ality of ser'ice nee"e" from the networ#? (Choose two answers.) a. ?o+P need# better =lo0er> pac8et lo##. b. HTTP nee"s less an"wi"th. c. HTTP nee"s etter (lower) -itter. d. ?o+P need# better =lo0er> delay.
Chapter % 1. Which of the following statements "escries part of the process of how a switch "eci"es to forwar" a frame "estine" for a #nown &nicast !*C a""ress? a. +t co!pare# the $nica#t de#tination addre## to the bridging or 5AC addre## table. b. It compares the &nicast so&rce a""ress to the ri"ging, or !*C a""ress, tale. c. It forwar"s the frame o&t all interfaces in the same *6 except for the incoming interface. d. It compares the "estination IP a""ress to the "estination !*C a""ress. e. It compares the frame
y PC+ sen"ing a frame with a "estination a""ress of 0000.0000.0000. If the next frame to reach the switch is a frame sent y PC5, "estine" for PC0
Chapter ' 1. In what mo"es can yo& exec&te the comman" #ho0 !ac addre##-table ? (Choose two answers.) a. U#er !ode b. Enable !ode c. 8loal config&ration mo"e d. Interface config&ration mo"e 2. In which of the following mo"es of the CI co&l" yo& iss&e the comman" reload to reoot the switch? a. $ser mo"e b. Enable !ode c. 8loal config&ration mo"e d. Interface config&ration mo"e 3. Which of the following is a "ifference etween Telnet an" H as s&pporte" y a Cisco switch? a. H encrypts the passwor"s &se" at login, &t not other trafficD Telnet encrypts nothing. b. ; encrypt# all data e
Chapter ) 1. Imagine that yo& ha'e config&re" the enable #ecret comman", followe" y the enable pa##0ord comman", from the console. Fo& log o&t of the switch an" log ac# in at the console. Which comman" "efines the passwor" that yo& ha" to enter to access pri'ilege" mo"e? a. enale passwor" b. enable #ecret c. 6either d. The pa##0ord comman", if it
d. The ip defa$lt-gate0ay co!!and in global config$ration !ode e. The pa##0ord comman" in console line config&ration mo"e f. The pa##0ord co!!and in ty line config$ration !ode %. Which of the following "escries a way to "isale IEEE stan"ar" a&tonegotiation on a +9/+99 port on a Cisco switch? a. Config&re the negotiate di#able interface s&comman" b. Config&re the no negotiate interface s&comman" c. Config&re the #peed 1 interface s&comman" d. Config&re the d$ple< half interface s&comman" e. Config&re the d$ple< f$ll interface s&comman" f. Config$re the #peed 1 and d$ple< f$ll interface #$bco!!and# '. In which of the following mo"es of the CI co&l" yo& config&re the "&plex setting for interface :ast Ethernet 9/2? a. $ser mo"e b. Enale mo"e c. 8loal config&ration mo"e d. *6 mo"e e. +nterface config$ration !ode
Chapter * 1. In a *6, which of the following terms est e;&ates to the term VLAN ? a. Collision "omain b. 7roa"cast "omain c. &net d. ingle switch e. Tr&n# 2. Imagine a switch with three config&re" *6s. How many IP s&nets are re;&ire", ass&ming that all hosts in all *6s want to &se TCP/IP? a. 9 b. + c. 0 d. 5 e. Fo& can
b. *6 00 is liste" in the o&tp&t of the #ho0 r$nning-config comman". c. *6 00 is not create" y this process. d. *6 00 "oes not exist in that switch &ntil at least one interface is assigne" to that *6. '. Which of the following comman"s i"entify switch interfaces as eing tr&n#ing interfacesB interfaces that c&rrently operate as *6 tr&n#s? (Choose two answers.) a. #ho0 interface# b. #ho0 interface# #0itchport c. #ho0 interface# tr$n8 d. #ho0 tr$n8#
Chapter 1 1. Imagine that a switch connects thro&gh an Ethernet cale to a ro&ter, an" the ro&ter
2. * switch is cale" to a ro&ter whose host name is Hannah. Which of the following C%P comman"s co&l" i"entify Hannah
". The following line of o&tp&t was ta#en from a #ho0 interface# fa61 comman"B :&ll"&plex, +99!ps, me"ia type is +9/+997aseT. Which of the following are tr&e ao&t the interface? (Choose two answers.) a. The spee" was "efinitely config&re" with the #peed 1 interface s&comman". b. The spee" might ha'e een config&re" with the #peed 1 interface s&comman". c. The "&plex was "efinitely config&re" with the d$ple< f$ll interface s&comman". d. The "&plex might ha'e een config&re" with the d$ple< f$ll interface s&comman". %. Which of the following comman"s list the !*C a""ress tale entries for !*C a""resses config&re" y port sec&rity? (Choose two answers.) a. #ho0 !ac addre##-table dyna!ic b. #ho0 !ac addre##-table c. #ho0 !ac addre##-table #tatic d. #ho0 !ac addre##-table port-#ec$rity '. n a Cisco Catalyst switch, yo& iss&e a #ho0 !ac addre##-table comman". Which of the following answers list information yo& wo&l" li#ely see in most lines of o&tp&t? (Choose two answers.) a. * !*C a""ress b. *n IP a""ress c. * *6 I% d. Type (roa"cast, m<icast, or &nicast > ). ayer 0 switches W+ an" W0 connect thro&gh a lin#, with port 89/+ on W+ an" port 89/0 on W0. The networ# engineer wants to &se @90.+ tr&n#ing on this lin#. The #ho0 interface# g61 #0itchport comman" on W+ shows the o&tp&t liste" hereB
W+J #ho0 interface# gigabit61 #0itchport 6ameB 8i9/+ witchportB Enale" *"ministrati'e !o"eB tr&n# perational !o"eB tr&n# Which of the following m&st e tr&e on switch W0
Chapter 1 =Parte 2> 1. *n Ethernet frame arri'es at switch W+, entering on port :9/+. :9/+ "oes not tr&n#. W+ forwar"s the frame o&t :9/0. Which of the following statements is tr&e ao&t the logic W+ &ses when forwar"ing the frame? a. :orwar" ase" on !*C tale entries for the :9/+
W+J #ho0 interface# f611 #tat$# Port 6ame tat&s lan %&plex pee" :a9/++ connecte" 5 af&ll +99
Type +9/+997aseT
* frame arri'es on this same switch
e. 19A3+B9099.++++.++++ %. Which of the following facts "etermines how often a nonroot ri"ge or switch sen"s an @90.+% TP hello 7P%$ message? a. The hello timer as config&re" on that switch. b. The hello timer as config&re" on the root switch. c. It is always e'ery 0 secon"s. d. The switch reacts to 7P%$s recei'e" from the root switch y sen"ing another 7P%$ 0 secon"s after recei'ing the root 7P%$. '. What TP feat&re ca&ses an interface to e place" in the forwar"ing state as soon as the interface is physically acti'e? a. TP b. EtherChannel c. =oot 8&ar" d. Port:ast
Chapter 2 =Parte 2> 1. n a 0A39 switch, which of the following comman"s change the 'al&e of the ri"ge I%? (Choose two answers.) a. #panning-tree bridge-id value b. #panning-tree lan vlan-number root Kpri!ary L #econdaryM c. #panning-tree lan vlan-number priority value d. #et #panning-tree priority value 2. Examine the following extract from the #ho0 #panning-tree comman" on a Cisco switchB
7ri"ge I% Priority 5044+ (priority 5043@ sysi"ext 5) *""ress
[email protected]@9 Which of the following answers is tr&e ao&t the switch on which this comman" o&tp&t was gathere"? a. The information is ao&t the TP instance for *6 +. b. The information is ao&t the TP instance for *6 5. c. The comman" o&tp&t confirms that this switch cannot possily e the root switch. d. The comman" o&tp&t confirms that this switch is c&rrently the root switch. 3. * switch
W5J #ho0 interface# #tat$# Port 6ame tat&s lan %&plex pee" Type :a9/+5 connecte" + ahalf a+99 +9/+997aseT 8i9/+ connecte" + af&ll a+999 +9997aseT
W5 has no TPrelate" config&ration comman"s. The hello recei'e" on :a9/+5 lists root cost +9, an" the hello recei'e" on 8i9/+ lists root cost 09. Which of the following is tr&e ao&t TP on W5? a. W5 will choose :a9/+5 as its root port. b. W5 will choose 8i9/+ as its root port. c. W5
Chapter 11 =Parte 1> 1. Host * is a PC, connecte" to switch W+ an" assigne" to *6 +. Which of the following are typically assigne" an IP a""ress in the same s&net as host *? (elect two answers) a. The local ro&ter
'. * networ# engineer spen"s time thin#ing ao&t the entire Class 7 networ# +40.+3.9.9, an" how to s&net that networ#. He then chooses how to s&net this Class 7 networ# an" creates an a""ressing an" s&netting plan, on paper, showing his choices. If yo& compare his tho&ghts ao&t this networ# efore s&netting the networ#, to his tho&ghts ao&t this networ# after mentally s&netting the networ#, which of the following occ&rre" to the parts of the str&ct&re of a""resses in this networ#? a. The s&net part got smaller. b. The host part got smaller. c. The networ# part got smaller. d. The host part was remo'e". e. The networ# part was remo'e". ). Which of the following terms are not &se" to reference the one n&mer in each s&net &se" to ∋&ely i"entify the s&net? (elect two answers.) a. &net I% b. &net n&mer c. &net roa"cast d. &net name e. &net a""ress
Chapter 12 =Parte 1> 1. Which of the following are not 'ali" Class * networ# I%s? (Choose two answers.) a. +.9.9.9 b. + c. + d. A.9.9.9 2. Which of the following are not 'ali" Class 7 networ# I%s? a. + b. +A+.022.9.9 c.
[email protected] d. + e. *ll are 'ali" Class 7 networ# I%s 3. Which of the following are tr&e ao&t IP a""ress +40.+3.AA.12
Chapter 13 =Parte 1>
1. Which of the following answers lists the prefix (CI%=) format e;&i'alent of a. /+A b. /09 c. /05 d. /01 e. /02 2. Which of the following answers lists the prefix (CI%=) format e;&i'alent of a. /03 b. /0@ c. /04 d. /59 e. /0A 3. Which of the following answers lists the "otte""ecimal notation (%%6) e;&i'alent of /01? a. b. c. d. 022.022.022.+A0 e. 4. Which of the following answers lists the "otte""ecimal notation (%%6) e;&i'alent of /59? a. 022.022.022.+A0 b. c. d. e. ". Wor#ing at the help "es#, yo& recei'e a call an" learn a &ser
b. O01 c. HO@ d. HO4 '. *n engineer is thin#ing ao&t the following IP a""ress an" mas# &sing classless IP a""ressing logicB +, Which of the following statements are tr&e when &sing classless a""ressing logic? (Choose two.) a. The networ# part
Chapter 14 =Parte 1>
1. When thin#ing ao&t an IP a""ress &sing classf&l a""ressing r&les, an a""ress can ha'e three partsB networ#, s&net, an" host. If yo& examine" all the a""resses in one s&net, in inary, which of the following answers correctly states which of the three parts of the a""resses will e e;&al among all a""resses? Pic# the est answer. a. 6etwor# part only b. &net part only c. Host part only d. 6etwor# an" s&net parts e. &net an" host parts 2. Which of the following statements are tr&e regar"ing the inary s&net I%, s&net roa"cast a""ress, an" host IP a""ress 'al&es in any single s&net? (Choose two.) a. The host part of the roa"cast a""ress is all inary 9s. b. The host part of the s&net I% is all inary 9s. c. The host part of a &sale IP a""ress can ha'e all inary +s. d. The host part of any &sale IP a""ress m&st not e all inary 9s. 3. Which of the following is the resi"ent s&net I% for IP a""ress +9.4.AA.+55/01? a. + b. + c. +9.4.AA.9 d. +9.4.AA.+0@ 4. Which of the following is the resi"ent s&net for IP a""ress
[email protected]/59? a.
[email protected] b.
[email protected] c.
[email protected] d.
[email protected].+0@ ". Which of the following is the s&net roa"cast a""ress for the s&net in which IP a""ress +40.5+.44.09+/04 resi"es? a. +40.5+.09+.022 b. +40.5+.022.022 c. +40.5+.44.005 d. +40.5+.44.094 %. * fellow engineer tells yo& to config&re the %HCP ser'er to lease the last +99 &sale IP a""resses in s&net +9.+.1.9/05. Which of the following IP a""resses co&l" e lease" as a res< of yo&r new config&ration? a. +9.+.1.+23 b. +9.+.1.021 c. +9.+.2.099 d. +9.+.4.099 e. +9.+.022.099