University of Vermont Department of Medical Laboratory and Radiation Sciences (802) 656-3811,
MLRS 56: PRINCIPLES OF MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY SYLLABUS SUMMER 2012 COURSE DESCRIPTION Laboratory experiences dealing with the structure, physiology, and control of microorganisms, in particular those of medical importance. 1 Credit Note: This course must be taken in conjunction with MLRS 54: Principles of Microbiology (Lecture). There are no prerequisites, however, a basic understanding of biology and chemistry is assumed. SCHEDULE CRN 60357, May 21- June 15, 2012, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00-7:00 PM
INSTRUCTOR Kari Hodge, 301 Rowell,
[email protected] RECOMMENDED TEXT Foundations in Microbiology, Talaro (7th edition) BLACKBOARD This course utilizes Blackboard. You must print off all exercises before coming to laboratory. ATTENDANCE Please make every effort to attend lab; due to the nature of the course, it may not be possible to make up lab exercises. If you know in advance that you cannot attend a lab section, please notify the course instructor or the course TA as soon as you can. If an emergency arises and you cannot attend lab, please notify the course instructor as soon as possible. LABORATORY SAFETY No food (including gum) or drinks are allowed in the laboratory. No shorts, sandals, or opentoed shoes may be worn. Students must treat all microbiological samples as potentially hazardous, using Standard Precautions at all times. Please refer to the MLRS Laboratory Safety Policy for more information.
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Introduction, Microscopy, and Ubiquity of Microorganisms
Ubiquity continued, Staining, Isolation Techniques
Isolation Cont’d, Selective and Differential Media, and Unknown day 1*, Quiz 1
5/31 Selective and Differential Media II, GPC, GNR I, Unknown Day 2
GPC II, GNR II, Unknown Day 3, Quiz 2
GNR III, Control of Microbial Growth, Requirements for Growth, Unknown Day 4
Control of Microbial Growth II, Requirements for Growth II, Parasites and Fungi, Unknown Day 5
6/14 Final; Lab Report due
*A laboratory report will be required for the “Unknowns” exercise. COURSE OBJECTIVES & GOALS 1. Introduce the student to procedures for the proper care and use of the compound microscope. 2. To develop microscope skills by learning the proper way to use a microscope in the interpretation of Gram stained smears. To become adept at preparing smears, performing a Gram stain, and interpreting Gram stained smears. 3. To demonstrate that microorganisms are ubiquitous and illustrate the necessity of using aseptic technique when working in the laboratory. 4. To become adept at streaking bacterial cultures on an agar plate, using a technique that will separate or dilute the individual bacterial cells in order to isolate colonies. To master the technique of aseptic transfer of bacteria between broth cultures and agar plates. 5. To become adept at streaking bacterial cultures on an agar plate using a technique that will separate or dilute the individual bacterial cells resulting in isolated colonies. To become familiar with the use of common types of culture media. 6. To become acquainted with the diverse atmospheric requirements of microorganisms. 7. To gain expertise in differentiating between bacterial species based on their temperature sensitivity and classifying bacteria based on their temperature preference for growth. 8. To become familiar with key biochemical tests and media including the principle, inoculation, incubation and interpretation particular to the test or media. 9. To evaluate the effectiveness of alcohol as an antiseptic. 10. To become familiar with key biochemical tests and media used in the identification of Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Gram negative rods (GNR). 11. To examine a variety of fungal and parasitic species. 5/12 KH
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12. Identify any and all organisms present in mixed broth culture, based on Gram staining, biochemical tests, and media used in the course. ACADEMIC HONESTY AND CLASS DECORUM Honesty and proper decorum is required at all times. Cheating, plagiarism, falsifying laboratory results and any other form of dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in grading penalties up to and including failure of the course. Refer to the UVM Code of Academic Integrity. CELL PHONES Cell phones must be turned off before entering the laboratory. Use of a cell phone during laboratory will result in a grading penalty. COURSE EVALUATION The Division of Continuing Education and the Department of Medical Laboratory and Radiation Sciences would appreciate your feedback in the organization and presentation of this course. CE will send you an evaluation via your UVM webmail. MLRS will make a survey available via Blackboard. Completion of one of the two surveys will earn you an additional point on your final exam. GRADING The grade will be determined as follows: Study Questions: Quizzes: Laboratory Report: Laboratory Final: Article Response:
25% 15% 25% 25% 10%
Study Questions: Homework assignments in the form of study questions will be used to assess your comprehension of the material as the course is progressing. For labs begun on Tuesday, study questions are due on Thursday. For labs which meet on Thursday, the study questions are due on Tuesday. These must be submitted in hard copy and must be typed, doublespaced, and spell checked. Laboratory Report: An important component of the medical profession is learning how to communicate effectively in writing. A lab report, which describes procedures and findings from the “Unknowns” lab, will be used to assess your ability in written expression. A rubric can be found on the Blackboard site. Article Response: Another important component of the medical profession is to be cognizant of current research and/or trends in your chosen field. A variety of current articles in microbiology will be posted on Blackboard. You will be responsible for reading one article and posting one discussion board entry on the Blackboard site. Additionally, you will be responsible for reading other posts and responding to one other entry.
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Exams: One exam at the end of the course will be administered. It will consist of written and practical components. REASONABLE ACCOMODATIONS FOR LEARNING DISABILITIES In keeping with University policy, any student with a disability who needs academic/classroom accommodations should contact ACCESS. ACCESS coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. They are located at A170 Living/Learning Center, and can be reached by phone at 802-656-7753, or by e-mail:
[email protected]. Visit their website RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS All students at UVM have the right to practice the religion of their choice. If you wish to observe any religious holiday(s) during the semester, you must submit a written request to your instructor by the end of the Add/Drop period. You will be permitted to make up any class work missed as a result of a religious holiday observance.
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