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Proposed project name Project preparation Purpose and objective of proposal Executive summary
Primary calculator project preparation
Group discussion Ask information from seniour Draw the proposal Searching internet
Purpose and objective of project The Primary Calculator provides basic calculation for Mathematic subject to help primary school students inprove their calculation method. Our main website includes the topics of Multipulation,Addition,Substraction and Division. These may help them a lot. They may also save their time during the calculation,solving the problem step by step and so on.Th e project’s purposes are: 1. Train the student using calculator methods solving the Mathematics problems. 2. Get the correct answers. 3. Allow student’s to interactively to calculator 4. Provide the data underlying the Primary calculator in an easy-to-use format 5.
Have the capability of being updated as new data becomes available.
6. Meet the project goals and objectives 7. Expected outcomes, deliverables and beneficiaries
8. Help those students solve their Mathematic problems in a few second
We want this project website to be visually appealing,highlight our main,be effectively and efficient. Put the most important equation up front. Say what the project will do for them and the benefits. Use simple method.
METHODOLOGY Example : folow the rules,folow the equation in the text books and use the calculator to solve it.
Project Time scales
Start and end dates (depend on lecturer)
Project management
Project will be managed by team members
Work will be organized by team members after we get the green light from the lecturer.
Communications among the team members
Shows the co-operation
Resource requirements
1. Human Capital
Koh Li Qi complete the proposal,give ideas
Choy Chee Mei complete the proposal,give ideas
Koh Chee Song complete the proposal,give ideas
2. Hardware
3. Software
Risk analysis and management(not enough time)
Project description
Revise based on knowledge of chosen software / hardware, detailed user requirements and data, software selection process workings, statement of work
Revise accordingly
Additional details:
On going support software,Visio Basic,Notes pad vendor contract and service(XXX)
HERE MAYB WILL DRAW ABIT PLAN FOR THE WEBSITE FRONT PAGE…???IZIT OK???...CORRECT IT YEA..THANX^^…I juz try to do it nia…I xpandai also loo..hehe