Peter Eisenman Exploring the Possibilities of Form

Author:  Tanay Ambavane

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presentacion 2014

The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture, Peter EisenmanFull description

The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture, Peter Eisenman

The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture, Peter Eisenman

Descripción: Crane House Digital Collection- Outdated Materials

An attempt to bring the ancient notion of 'Form' into the modern scientific context, but also to broaden the horizons of modern science by including aspects related to the 'Soul.'

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If you thought stamp collecting was a boring pastime practised by people who had nothing better to do, you’re in for a great surprise. Stamp collecting has been called the hobby of kings and has...

Peter Eisenman, Interiority from Diagram Diaries

Peter Eisnemen, plan, encouter