The Unlimited Possibilities of Prayer

Author:  mrvictor

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Prayers and formulas to enhance the spirituality, to enhance the inner power towards enlightment.

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Bishop David Oyedepo book on the Power of Faith. Christian Books teaching Faith.

A mystic, part of Ultimate Realty, at prayer.

Descripción: Crane House Digital Collection- Outdated Materials

Introduction, Provisional Translation, Transcription, MS, Printed Text and Notes to "The Prayer of the Forty Idrīsid Names" (arbaʿūn al-asmāʾ al-idrīsīya).

Introduction, Provisional Translation, Transcription, MS, Printed Text and Notes to "The Prayer of the Forty Idrīsid Names" (arbaʿūn al-asmāʾ al-idrīsīya).

Introduction, Provisional Translation, Transcription, MS, Printed Text and Notes to "The Prayer of the Forty Idrīsid Names" (arbaʿūn al-asmāʾ al-idrīsīya).

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