Prayers and formulas to enhance the spirituality, to enhance the inner power towards enlightment.
Prayer of the Children SATB sheet musicFull description
Bishop David Oyedepo book on the Power of Faith. Christian Books teaching Faith.
A mystic, part of Ultimate Realty, at prayer.
Power of Prayer
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Descripción: Crane House Digital Collection- Outdated Materials
Power of Prayer
Introduction, Provisional Translation, Transcription, MS, Printed Text and Notes to "The Prayer of the Forty Idrīsid Names" (arbaʿūn al-asmāʾ al-idrīsīya).
Introduction, Provisional Translation, Transcription, MS, Printed Text and Notes to "The Prayer of the Forty Idrīsid Names" (arbaʿūn al-asmāʾ al-idrīsīya).
Introduction, Provisional Translation, Transcription, MS, Printed Text and Notes to "The Prayer of the Forty Idrīsid Names" (arbaʿūn al-asmāʾ al-idrīsīya).
Indigenous peoples have historically been subjected to repeated loss of basic human rights and dignity. Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) requires authorization by the indigenous people before imp...
Prayer is an effort to communicate with God, or to some deity or deities, or another form of spiritual entity, or otherwise, either to offer praise, to make a request, or simply to express o…Full description
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The true aim of our Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit. As for fasts, and vigils, and prayer, and almsgiving, and every good deed done because of Christ, they are only means of ...
THE ORDER OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT Carmel takes its name from Mount Carmel in Palestine where it originated. Yet historical records give us no clear idea of its beginnings. Mount Carmel was inhabite...
The powerful book of the Bible payer is a must to all the Christians who want to make impact in their christian lives. Read the book and enjoy it.Full description
7 pages
Prayers, testimonies on fasting prayers
Title: THE UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES OF PRAYER Text: Jeremiah 33:3 Introduction: One of the most glorious prayer-promises in the Bible is in Jeremiah 33:3. It shows how much God is willing and waiting to answer our prayer when we come humbly before Him Psalm 81:10! We ask for a little, when He is inviting us to ask Him for a lot! Body: There are two sides to every prayer – the human and the divine Man’s side is the asking and God’s side is the answering There are two persons involved in prayer – the one who prays and the One who answers. It also means that prayer is conditional: the answer to prayer is conditional upon our praying. Look up and consider Matthew 18:19; James 4:2. 1. MAN’S PART: THE ASKING SIDE OF PRAYER It is not a difficult and complicated process Man-ward side of prayer is contained in the three words “Call to me…” : Prayer is calling upon God These three words tell us three things about prayer:(1) The source of prayer. Where does it begin? Prayer begins with God. He takes the initiative. Romans 8:26 : The Holy Spirit He makes man the channel of the petition
(2) The simplicity of prayer. Could anything be simpler than just to ‘call’? Look up Genesis 4:26; 2 Samuel 22:4; 1 Chronicles 4:10; Job 12:4; Psalms 4:3; 50:15; 53:4; 91:15; 99:6; 102:2; Isaiah 55:6; Jonah 1:6; 2 Timothy 2:22. (3) The scope of prayer. How far does prayer reach? What are the limits of prayer? The answer to these questions is : ANYONE can pray (Romans 10:12-14) ABOUT ANYTHING (Mark 11:24) ANYWHERE (Matthew 18:19-20) and at AT ANY TIME (Psalm 55:17; Daniel 6:10; 1 Thess. 5:17). 2. GOD’S PART: THE ANSWERING SIDE OF PRAYER God immediately responds when man ‘call’ It is impossible really to pray and not to have an answer, for God says, ‘You call, and as surely as you call I will answer.’ What kind of an answer does God give? (1) A CERTAIN ANSWER – “I will answer…” God guarantees answer and We should take God at His word (1) The answer may be DIRECT - Isaiah 65:24. (2) The answer may be DIFFERENT - 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. (3) The answer may be DELAYED. ‘Wait! I am going to answer your prayer in my time.’ (4) The answer may be a DENIAL - 1 Kings 19:4 Sometimes God says ‘No!’ and it is for our good.
(2) A PERSONAL ANSWER – “I … you”. 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 In receiving a revelation from the Lord and the promise of the sufficiency of His grace, Paul received a far more wonderful answer to his prayer than if God had removed the ‘thorn’; and just as God’s answer to Paul was a personal one, so His answer to you and me is personal. (3) A VISIBLE ANSWER. - “tell you” (or “show you”), Matthew 6:6. We can say, ‘That is the answer to my prayer. (4) A MIGHTY ANSWER. “great and unsearchable” ‘inaccessible things’, ‘hard things’ Things that humanly speaking are impossible. Joshua 10:12-14; 1 Samuel 1:10-11 and 20; 1 Kings 17:1; James 5:16-17; 2 Kings 4:3236; Daniel 2:28-30; Acts 12:5-18
(5) AN OVERWHELMING ANSWER - “things you do not know”. Ephesians 3:20 – God always gives more than all we ask or imagine. Conclusion: 1 Samuel 12:23 - Prayerlessness is Sin Prayerlessness is a sin against God Because it hinders God’s purposes and prevents Him from accomplishing His mighty works. Some things can only happen by prayer, and when we do not pray these things do not happen! Prayerlessness is a sin against others Notice in 1 Samuel 12:23 “…for you.” The world filled with people who are spiritually and morally broken, not to pray for them is to deprive them of His healing. Prayerlessness is a sin against others ourselves Prayer changes the pray-er! Prayer bring blessings to the heart and life of a person