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Parallel Circuit Parallel circuit is a circuit wherein each device is placed in its own separate branch. The presence of branch lines means that there are multiple pathways by which charge can traverse the external circuit. Each charge passing through the loop of the external circuit will pass through a single resistor present in a single branch. When arriving at the branching location or node, a charge makes a choice as to which which branch branch to travel travel through through on its journey journey back to the low potent potential ial terminal.
Resistance in Parallel Circuit esistors are said to be connected together in parallel when both of their termin terminals als are are respe respecti ctivel vely y conne connecte cted d to each each termin terminal al of the other other resis resistor tor or resistors. The e!uivalent resistance of the circuit is the summation of the reciprocal " #$ % value of the individual resistances with the inverse of their algebraic sum. The total circuit circuit resistance " T % of any two resistors connected together in parallel will always be less than the value of the smallest resistor in that combination.
Current in Parallel Circuit &urren &urrentt 'owing 'owing through through each resistor resistor would de(nitely be di)erent di)erent as the value value of the resis resistor tors s varies varies.. *ut, *ut, using using +hms +hms -aw, -aw, the curre current nt throug through h each each resistor can be determined. nd the smaller the resistance, the more current will 'ow through the resistor resistor.. The total current, / T in a parallel resistor circuit is the sum of the individual currents currents 'owing in all the parallel branches. The amount of current current 'owing in each parallel branch is not necessarily the same as the value of the resistance in each branch determines the current within that branch. Total current can be calculated using the principle of 0irchho)s &urrent -aw "0&-% which states that the total current leaving a circuit is e!ual to that entering the circuit.
Voltage Drop of Each Resistor in Parallel Circuit The potential drop of each branch is e!ual to the potential rise of the source. 1eaning, voltage across each resistor is the same as the voltage across the parallel combinati combination. on. The total total voltage voltage drop in the external external circuit is e!ual e!ual to the gain in voltage as a charge passes through the internal circuit. /n a parallel circuit, a charge does not pass through every resistor2 rather, it passes through a single resistor. Thus, the entire voltage drop across across that resistor must match the battery voltage. /t doesnt matter whether the charge passes through resistor #, resistor 3, or resistor 4, the voltage drop across the resistor that it chooses to pass through must e!ual the voltage of the battery.