(nat-m) Farrington E. Today we begin our study of Natrum muriaticum or common table-salt. This has always been held up to us as an opprobrium against medicine, and as a confirmation of the fallacies of homeopathy. A physician once said to me !"hat# will you use a substance which is used in almost e$ery food and call it a medicine medicine,, and say that you obtain good effects from it %! & can assure you, gentlemen, as & assured him, that Natrum mur. is a medicine, and & can assure you, too, that that $ery man afterwards became a warm ad$ocate of the medicinal $irtues of Natrum muriaticum. & tell you that when you potenti'e a drug you will find that you no longer ha$e to depend upon the ordinary laws of dietetics, hygiene or chemistry, but you step into a realm which is distinct from the laws of chemistry and of physics. edicines are then no longer subect to the coarser laws. Natrum mur. was repro$ed by the Austrian pro$ers, a company of physicians who made heroic pro$ings of some drugs, some of them dying from the effects of their pro$ings, so large and powerful were the doses of the medicines they too*. +ne of the pro$ers, whose name & ha$e forgotten, f orgotten, said, when he published his pro$ings of Natrum mur.,, that the higher potencies of the drug produced the most symptoms, and these mur. symptoms, moreo$er, were more $aluable than those produced by the low. &t is true of Natrum mur. as of most other drugs, that the high potencies act best. ou will notice on the board that & ha$e placed ARGENTUM NITRICUM and APIS as complementary to Natrum mur. ARGENTUM NITRICUM holds a complementa complementary ry relation to Natrum mur. &t also, at times, antidotes. &t acts as a chemical or as a dynamic antidote according to the uantity of the drug ta*en. The relation between APISand Natrum mur. is particularly e$ident in the treatment of chills and fe$er, and s*in affections. alt is one of the substances used to antidote the poisonous effects of bee-stings. "hen Natrum mur. has been abused as a condiment, SWEET SPIRITS OF NITRE may be used as a successful antidote. ome other effects of Natrum mur. are antidoted by ARSENICUM, and still others by PHOSPHORUS. & do not now recall any remedy inimical to Natrum mur. Natrum muriaticum or /hloride of odium may be considered first in its physiological relations, so that we may learn something of its $alue as a medicine. &t enters into e$ery tissue of the body, e$en into the enamel of the teeth. pea*ing now physiologically physiolog ically,, it is regarded as a stimulant to the $arious tissues into which it enters. &t e0ists in uite considerable uantities in the $arious humors of the eye, particularly in the aueous humor and crystalline lens, and also in the $itreous humor. &t has been said that its function here is to preser$e the transparency of the respecti$e tissues. 1irchow, in his PATHOLOGY , uotes an authority who ga$e /hloride of odium to dogs until he produced opacity of the crystalline lens. 2ence, cataract may be produced by Natrum mur. /hloride of odium in the stomach stimulates digestion and this, too, within the bounds of physiology. physiology. &t stimulates digestion digestion in $arious ways. First, it promotes the fla$or of food. "e all *now how insipid certain articles of diet are unless salted. "e *now from physiology physiolog y that if a substance has its taste enhanced, its digestibili digestibility ty is also increased. That which is agreeable, digests more readily than that which is unsa$ory. alt also acts on the stomach itself by fa$oring the secretion of gastric uice. alt acts on the glands producing an increase in the glandular secretions. Thus we find it acting on the sudorific glands and also on the mucous glands. chussler argues that salt is e0creted through the mucus. That is true. Therefore he says that as salt has a function here, it must be the remedy for all catarrhs. That is too
sweeping a conclusion for so limited a premise. &t is true that if you e0amine healthy mucus you will find that it contains considerable salt. &t is true also that /hloride of odium produces an e0cessi$e flow of normally constituted mucus, From t his you may ta*e a useful hint. "here$er you find a catarrh with a copious secretion of clear normal mucus, there Natrum mur. can come in as a remedy. "e find it acting also on the sebaceous glands. These little glands are uite numerous in certain parts of the body, particularly around the wings of the nose and the chee*s. Their function is to lubricate the s*in. Natrum mur. stimulates these. The s*in becomes oily in appearance. "e notice this particularly in the face, in the scalp, and more than li*ely, in other parts of the body. alt also has a stimulating effect on the ner$ous system, *eeping up its tone. uscular tone is also fa$ored by the presence of salt within the tissues of the muscles. This brings me to hint to you that common salt may be used as an e0ternal application in wea*nesses of the muscles and ner$es that fa$or deformities of the limbs. "hen you first notice that a child is wal*ing on the side of its feet, or when you meet with a case of post-diphtheritic paralysis, you may use friction with salt to great ad$antage. & do not mean to say that it will cure all deformities, for some arise from inflammation of the anterior gray cornua of the cord. /hloride of odium cannot cure then, for this trouble is due to organic disease. Again, we may freuently use salt in the form of the sit' bath, for obstinate amenorrhoea. "e shall freuently find Natrum mur. indicated when the blood is impo$erished. The nutrition of the whole system therefore suffers. "e find it indicated in anaemia, particularly in anaemia pro$o*ed by loss of fluids, hence often with women who suffer from menstrual disease and with men who suffer from loss of semen. "e shall often find it indicated in scorbutic states of the system when the patient suffers more or less from scur$y. &t is uite li*ely that the prolonged use of salt meat is a common cause of scur$y. &n these cases, the mouth becomes sore, ulcers form on the tongue and on the gums, and the breath has a foetid odor. The tongue presents a mapped appearance. This symptom we find in other remedies, as ARSENICUM, RHUS TOX., KALI BICHROMICUM and TARAXACUM. Again, as a result of this impo$erishment of the blood, we find the ner$ous system suffering secondarily. Natrum mur. may be gi$en for the following symptomatic indications The patient is emaciated, and this emaciation is $ery mar*ed. The s*in is rather harsh and dry and of a yellowish hue. The patient feels greatly e0hausted from any little e0ertion of mind or body. +n account of the anaemia, we ha$e the circulation readily e0cited so that e$ery little e0ertion produces throbbing all o$er the body. The patient suffers freuently from palpitation of the heart, and this, too, is e0cited by e$ery emotion. &t is often described by the patient as a sensation as though a bird3s wing were fluttering in the left chest. entally, we find these patients sad and tearful. ou will seldom find Natrum mur. indicated in chronic affections unless there is this low-spirited condition of the mind. The patient seems to be made worse by any attempt at condolence. /onsolation may e$en ma*e her angry. This tearful condition is accompanied by palpitation of the heart and intermittent pulse. Now, this intermittent pulse does not necessarily imply organic disease of the heart, but simply a ner$ously wea* heart. At other times, you will find the patient decidedly hypochondriacal, ust as we ha$e already found with NATRUM CARB. This hypochondriasis is directly associated with indigestion, as in Natrum carb. 4ut there is this difference. "ith Natrum mur., the remedy under consideration, this hypochondriasis *eeps step with the degree of constipation, not alone with the indigestion, as in the other.
&n addition to this melancholy mood we also ha$e irritability de$eloped by Natrum mur. The patient becomes angry at e$ery little trifle. 2e stores up in his mind e$ery little real or imaginary offence. 2e wa*es up at night with palpitation of the heart and can not go to sleep again, because past unpleasant e$ents occupy his mind. Now in these mental symptoms, Natrum mur. runs against se$eral drugs. +ne of these is PULSATILLA , which is the most lachrymose remedy of our materia medica. 4ut 5ulsatilla has rather a tender, yielding disposition, that li*es consolation. The more you console her, the better she li*es it. SEPIA is more similar to Natrum mur. than is 5ulsatilla, in that both remedies ha$e this low-spiritedness and $ehement angry disposition combined. 4oth ha$e &ndian-li*e hatred of those who ha$e inured them. &n fact these remedies are complementary to each other. The epia patient, howe$er, has mar*ed indifference to her household affairs. The patients who suffer from these mental symptoms calling for Natrum mur. are generally chlorotic. They suffer from leucocythaemia. The menses are often late and scanty or else cease altogether. "hen the menses ha$e not entirely ceased and are scanty, they are accompanied by such mar*ed symptoms as these 6ecided increase of the sadness before menses7 palpitation of heart which, too, is apt to be of this fluttering $ariety, and throbbing headache, which headache continues persistently after the menstrual period. The Natrum mur. patient freuently suffers too from uterine displacements. he has uite characteristically prolapsus uteri, which is particularly induced when she gets up in the morning. The symptom reads, !"hen she gets up in the morning, she must sit down to pre$ent prolapsus.! This is a functional disease altogether. There is no organic change in the uterus, but there is great rela0ation in the ligaments which support that organ. As she arises in the morning, rela0ed instead of refreshed after her night3s sleep, the uterus falls and she has to sit down to pre$ent this dragging. ou will find these uterine symptoms accompanied by bac*ache and decided spinal irritation, which is greatly relie$ed by lying flat on the bac* or by pressing a pillow firmly against the bac*. That & ha$e confirmed o$er and o$er again for Natrum mur. &n addition, you will ha$e a characteristic symptom of the bladder that is ust as often present as is the prolapsus itself, and that is, cutting in the urethra after urination. That symptom, & ha$e seen successfully applied many times. 4ac*ache and morning aggra$ation are symptoms which will aid you in the selection of Natrum mur. Natrum mur. produces a headache, worse from any use of the mind. &n the morning on awa*ing, there is throbbing, mostly in the forehead, as if from many little hammers beating in the head. This, too, is worse from any use of the mind. The pain is so se$ere at times as to ma*e the patient almost maniacal. "ith this *ind of headache, the tongue is dry and almost clings to the roof of the mouth, although it may loo* moist when put out. There is great thirst. The pulse is almost always intermittent. This helps you to distinguish it from its complement, SEPIA, which has a similar symptom. & do not want you to forget that sharp headache of epia, that sharp pain in the lower part of the brain, apparently in the meninges, shooting upwards. The patient can bear neither light nor noise. The pain is usually attended with nausea and $omiting as a secondary symptom. Natrum mur. also produces a headache simulating that of BRYONIA7 sharp stitching about the head and sore bruised feeling about the eyeballs, especially when the eyes are mo$ed. & may say that these headaches of Natrum mur. are particularly common in school children at the age of ten or ele$en. CALCAREA OSTREARUM is also a good remedy here. ou may ha$e occasion to use Natrum mur. in ciliary neuralgia, especially when the pains are periodical, returning from sunrise to sunset, being worse at mid-day.
SPIGELIA is a drug which also has headache or ciliary neuralgia, coming and going with the sun and worse at mid-day. GELSEMIUM and GLONOIN ha$e not so much neuralgia as throbbing in the head, which grows worse and worse with the sun. Natrum mur. also causes headache with partial blindness7 here it resembles KALI BICHROMICUM, IRIS and CAUSTICUM. Natrum mur. has a $ery powerful influence on the $arious portions of the eyes. Now, all o$er the body, the drug produces wea*ness of the muscles. This is especially manifest in the muscles of the eyes. The muscles of the lids feel stiff when mo$ing them. 8etters blur and run together when loo*ing steadily at them, as in reading. ou see that there is mar*ed asthenopia. Natrum mur. is especially indicated when the internal recti muscles are affected. These asthenopic symptoms depend upon a general brea*-down. The spine is wea* and irritated, digestion is slow and imperfect, and nutrition is not as rapid or as complete as it should be. Another form of eye disease in which Natrum mur. is indicated, is scrofulous ophthalmia. ou will be called upon to use the drug in such cases when nitrate of sil$er has been abused. There are smarting and burning pains and a feeling as of sand beneath the lids. The tears are acrid and there is $ery mar*ed spasmodic closure of the eyelids. ou can hardly force the lids apart. 9lcers form on the cornea. The eyelids themsel$es are inflamed and agglutinated in the morning. &n addition to these eye symptoms, these scrofulous children suffer from eruptions particularly mar*ed at the border of the hair. cabs form on the scalp and from these there oo'es a corrosi$e matter. There are moist scabs in the angles of the lips and wings of the nose, and with these, emaciation. &n scrofulous ophthalmia you should compare with Natrum mur., ARGENTUM NITRICUM, ARSENICUM and GRAPHITES . For scabs in the corners of the mouth and wings of the nose, compare ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM, GRAPHITES and CAUSTICUM. Natrum mur. also causes half-sight. 2ere you should compare AURUM, LITHIUM CARB., LYCOPODIUM and TITANIUM. Natrum mur. acts on the mucous membranes. "e find it indicated in catarrh with mucous secretions abnormal in uantity rather than in uality. This hypersecretion of mucus is accompanied by paro0ysms of snee'ing. Fluent alternates with dry cory'a. E$ery e0posure to fresh air gi$es the patient cold. The wings of the nose are apt to be sore and sensiti$e. There is almost always in the Natrum mur. catarrh, loss of smell. Natrum mur. is one of the best remedies for haw*ing of mucus from the throat in the morning, when the symptoms call for no other remedy. The tonsils are often $ery red. The u$ula is elongated, probably from rela0ation of its muscles. There is a constant feeling as of a plug in the throat. The patient cho*es easily when swallowing. The tongue is coated in insular patches. The cough arises from the accumulation of clear mucus in the posterior nares, pharyn0 and laryn0. +f course, there is hoarseness. Another form of cough calling for Natrum mur. is cough arising from tic*ling in the throat or at the pit of the stomach. This *ind of cough is accompanied by bursting headache, here reminding one of BRYONIA, and sometimes by in$oluntary spurting of urine as we find under SCILLA and CAUSTICUM, and often, too, by stitches in the li$er. Natrum mur. has mar*ed action on the male genital organs. &t causes great wea*ness of these, gi$ing rise to seminal emissions during sleep. These are followed by debility and great wea*ness. The genital organs are greatly rela0ed. "et dreams may e$en occur after coitus. That may seem to you an anomalous symptom, but it is not. 6uring
the act of coitus, erections are not strong and the eaculation of semen is wea* or e$en absent. The conseuence is, there is not an entire emptying of the seminal $esicles. There is still irritation remaining there. "hen the man goes to sleep, this irritation, by refle0 action, e0cites lasci$ious dreams. As conseuences of the e0cessi$e seminal loss, we find bac*ache, night-sweat, wea*ness of the legs and the melancholy which is characteristic of the remedy. Natrum mur. is not alone among the soda salts in this class of ailments. NATRUM PHOS. was pro$ed by gentlemen in this college. They had seminal emissions e$ery night. At first, there seemed to be erethism with lasci$ious dreams but, later, emissions too* place, one or two in a night, without any sensation whate$er. These were followed by wea*ness of the bac* and by trembling of the *nees, which felt as though they would gi$e way. ou will find, too, that gonorrhoea is curable by Natrum mur., especially when chronic. The discharge is usually clear (it may be sometimes yellowish). There is well-mar*ed cutting in the urethra after urination. Nutrition is greatly impaired under Natrum mur. as & ha$e already told you. Emaciation is mar*ed in almost e$ery case in which it is the similimum. "e may ma*e use of this fact in children who suffer from marasmus from defecti$e nourishment. They are thin, particularly about the nec*. They ha$e a ra$enous appetite, and despite this, they grow thin, at least they do not grow fat. 2ere you find it comparable with IODINE , but the peculiar emaciation of the nec* disproportionate to that of the body is sufficient to distinguish it from that drug. &n addition to this you may ha$e, at times, well-mar*ed thirst. The child cra$es water all the time. This is what the laity term inward fe$er. There is constant heat and dryness of the mouth and throat which the water relie$es. &f there is constipation when Natrum mur. is the remedy, there is a $ery characteristic stool, hard, difficult to e0pel, Assuring the anus, and as a conseuence there is bleeding with the stool. +f course, smarting and soreness is the result of this laceration of the anus. Natrum mui:, li*e the other salts of soda, is a first-class remedy in the treatment of dyspepsia. "e find it indicated when farinaceous food, particularly bread, disagrees. The symptom reads, !2e is a$erse to bread of which he was once fond.! +n the other hand, there is cra$ing for oysters, fish and salty food or for bitter things. After eating, the patient is $ery thirsty. There is a distressed indescribable feeling at the pit of the stomach. This is relie$ed by tightening the clothing, ust the opposite toLACHESIS and HEPAR, and precisely the same as FLUORIC ACID. The constipation which & ha$e described causes hypochondriasis. The patient is low-spirited and illhumored, and this mental condition seems to *eep pace with the degree of constipation. "hen the bowels are mo$ed, the mind is relie$ed. ou must use this symptom rationally. Those who ha$e been accustomed to ta*ing purgati$e medicines will almost always feel badly if their bowels remain costi$e longer than the usual time. They ha$e dull headache, nasty taste in the mouth, etc., and when the bowels mo$e, they feel better. 2ere NUX VOMICA is the remedy. &t is not often that undisturbed constipation produces this condition of mind, but when it does, Natrum mur. is the remedy. "e find Natrum mur. indicated in affections of the coarser tissues, for instance, of the s*in. & ha$e already told you how it affects the sebaceous glands. "e find that it produces urticaria. The itching is $ery annoying. &t occurs about the oints, particularly about the an*les. "heals form on different parts of the body and these itch, smart and burn. Especially do we find Natrum mur. indicated when these symptoms accompany intermittent fe$er, or occur after e0posure to damp cold, especially at the seaside. E0ercise ma*es this nettle-rash intolerably worse. ;ust here we find Natrum mur. complementary to Apis.
APIS is an e0cellent remedy in the treatment of urticaria, but it is not so good, & ha$e found, in the treatment of the chronic form of the disease. 2ere we ha$e to use other drugs, as Natrum mur., and abo$e all CALCAREA OSTREARUM.
There is another form of eruption yet to be thought of for Natrum mur., and that is herpetic eruptions. Thus, we find particularly characteristic of Natrum mur., what are called hydroa-labialis. They are little blisters which form on the borders of the lips and which accompany e$ery mar*ed case of chills and fe$er indicating Natrum mur. . They are a*in to what are commonly *nown as fe$er blisters. HEPAR, NATRUM MUR. and RHUS TOX., are the remedies which ha$e this symptom most mar*ed.ARSENICUM also has it. &n the $ery beginning of these cold sores, the application of camphor will stop the trouble. &f, howe$er, they are well ad$anced, HEPAR relie$es them and pre$ents their return. /amphor is not a curati$e remedy, but 2epar is. 2erpes circinatus, a $ariety of ring-worm, calls for Natrum mur. +ther remedies for this trouble are SEPIA, BARYTA CARB., and TELLURIUM. Another form of eruption calling for Natrum mur., is ec'ema, which appears in thic* scabs, oo'ing pus, and matting the hair together, a crusta lactea in fact. 8astly, & come to spea* of the well-*nown application of Natrum mur. to intermittent fe$er. There it shares the honors long accorded to /inchona and Arsenic. Natrum mur. is to be considered when the chill comes characteristically between ten and ele$en A.. The chill begins in the small of the bac* or in the feet. &t is accompanied sometimes by thirst, and by aching pains all o$er the body. ometimes, urticaria complicates the case. Fe$er is usually $iolent. Thirst increases with the heat. The headache becomes more and more throbbing. o se$ere is t his cerebral congestion at times, that the patient becomes delirious. 4y and by, sweat brea*s out uite copiously and it relie$es the headache and also the other symptoms. This is the chill curable by Natrum mur. "hen chill occurs at <= A.., as a result of hectic fe$er or phthisis, STANNUM is to be used and not NATRUM MUR.
Basic features: Natrum Group NATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOMOEOPATHY 1999 Jul / Aug VOL VIII NO 4.
Compi!" $% & T K Ka'i(i')anat*an 'Nat-mur / Nat-ar! / Nat-" / Nat-#$%& / Nat-%ur / Nat-&ul#$ / Nat-ar& Even a brief study of endocrinology, as Dr H A Roberts points out, will clearly indicate that majority of the syndromes which we come across in, in our practice, are caused by glandular dysfunction or influenced by glandular preparations. We may, therefore, assume that the constitutional Homoeopathic remedy will have its use in correcting these imbalances. n this conte!t, he discusses the value of our polycrests, including the Natrum group in dealing with such issues.
Natrum Group Mentals: D+ Ro$!+t' 'a%' ,T*! !n!+a 'tat! o. m!nta "!p+!''ion an" oomin!'' /*a+a/t!+i0!' t*! Natrum +o1p2 It '!!m' a' i. t*!% amo't "!i*t in ma3in t*!m'!(!' an" ot*!+' mi'!+a$! $% oo3in on t*! "a+3 'i"!4 $% t*!i+ 't+on a(!+'ion to /on'oation4 an" t*!i+ at!+natin ai!t% an" oom2 P+o.o1n" a/tion i' '!!n on& ". #ental state $. %hysical functions &. 'hemistry of fluids (. %athology of the organs. This thus results in: )*udden failing of strength
)*udden e!cessive draining of body fluids. )sudden depletion of the se!ual organs because of e!cessive stimulation )rapid changes in the blood )*udden and profound emaciation, often following previous obesity. )+his group of remedies affect the thyroid gland maredly and has the subjective sensation of compression, as if a lump or plug in the throat. View From Periodic Table Dr Rajan Sankaran examines this group from their position in the periodic table Natrum, Kali, Magnesium and Calcium are cations and the! ha"e to gi"e one electron to become stable #ecause of this$ %atrum has the feeling of being incomplete This dictates the need to find a supporti"e relationship The anions$ on the other hand$ ha"e excess electrons& the! ha"e to accept more electrons to be stable Such elements 'like Phos, Sulph etc( too feel the need for a relationship$ but the! ha"e to make a lot of effort to keep the relationship )n %a* cations the stress is on an indi"idual relation on a +:+ basis whereas in Kali it is more reacti"e and has +: group,famil! -+he Natrum person does not need many but just one and is therefore very much dependent on that one relationship, without which she feels very isolated and, therefore, very insecure. t is this tremendous need and dependence on that relationship that maes the Natrum patient very vulnerable to hurt. ut of this vulnerability he develops a fear of people and tries to avoid contact. +he Natrumsare surely much more reactive than #g or 'a people. +hey respond with great sensitivity, especially to the feelings of others and also on what others say and thin about them- /Rajan *anaran0 Dr Scholten$ on the other hand, has adopted the group analysis method to understand compound salts. He says that the essential themes of 1atrum are /"0 grief /$0 being closed and alone /&0 restriction, denial and prohibition /(0 sensitive and vulnerable and /20 inclination to withdraw. +hey are glum, melancholic and pessimistic. +hey get stuc in the past. +hey eep their problems inside3 they are closed and do not feel lie taling about it and thus carry the burden of their sadness alone. +hey hide their grief from the outside world. +hey feel that they have lost the faith that things could become all right again and will not put any effort into regaining what they had lost. +hey can also have the feeling that it is forbidden to be happy. +hey are very sensitive and vulnerable and feel that much has been taen away from them. Hence they are easily frightened and all une!pected things hurt them more. +heir melancholic mood maes them sensitive to soft music. 1ow let us tae the above framewor as the general group properties, and add to that the individual 1atrum salts own peculiarities. 1. Natrum-Mur Emotionally sensitive and vulnerable but 4uite clear and strong at the mental and physical levels. #entally they have a high degree of objectivity and awareness as well as responsibility. Hence they lend a sympathetic ear to those who are distressed. +hey internally absorb the pain of others but dwell on it later and wonder.
-How would react in such a situation5 Would able to tae it5- 6ut as far as they themselves are concerned, they are so sensitive that they feel hurt by the slightest comment or gesture that might imply ridicule or rejection. 1atrum)mur adolescents are reluctant to date for fear of rejection. After being hurt several times, they become introverts and turn to emotionally safe activities lie boos and music etc. +hus they become 4uite content in their isolation3 self)contained, trying to solve their problems by themselves. /Dr 7ithoulas0 +he issue of emotional pain, in them or in others, would be the end of world for them. +hey are incapable of inflicting pain on others and hence become serious. +hey may appear cold and overly objective to others because they are so intent on not revealing their own emotional vulnerability or creating injury for others. +his combined with the sense of responsibility, results in guilt feeling, which becomes a strong motivating factor. /8 7ithoulas0 +hey develop intense emotional and sentimental attachments for people but they do not show their feelings. A daughter may have strong feelings for her father but may not show it. 6ut when the father dies, the daughter grieves silently and to the surprise of others becomes very introverted. +here is no moaning or crying in front of others. +his internal state continues until she finally breas down. +hen there is uncontrolled, hysterical sobbing, which lasts till she is once again able to gain control and composure. As the emotional vulnerability becomes increasingly pathological, the patient becomes depressed. +his depression is inconsolable even suicidal. He puts on the saddest music he can find, which adds to the depression. Eventually when the depression passes he regains his proper perspective and here music will relieve the remnants of depression./ 8 7ithoulas0 Dr Rajan *anaran sums up the mental mae)up of Natrum-mur as under9) + +he main feeling is of being betrayed :disappointed by the person with whom he :she sees a relationship. - 7ery organi;ed, independent and dependable3 reserved, with a wall of unapproachability, but e!tremely cheerful.. Difficult to mae them e!press their feelings but once they open up, then there is a flood of grief. *ensitive, romantic, can be passionate with much desire for music. . +hey have a fear of being hurt, disappointed and hence are reserved. At the same time there is tremendous insecurity with fear of being alone, of robbers etc /lie Nat-carb0 Delusion she loos wretched and a feeling that they are not good enough. / +here is a bitter feeling, tremendous anger, irritability, hatred and malice. Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences. 0 +hus a contradictory state results9 in order to avoid disappointment they enter into a relationship in which right from the start there is no e!pectation of total commitment, lie falling in love with a married man3 silent and one)sided love. n the bacground there is always a history of problems or 4uarrels with their parents or disappointment in love, or tremendous grief after death of a dear one. )n group anal!sis$ Dr Scholten links 1uriaticum to mother and 2arbonicum to father 3is concepts for Natrum-mur are:4 Natrum Muriaticum
*adness < depression 'losed, alone Restriction Denial, forbidden *ensitive Holding on
*elf)pity 'are 1urturing #other Attention *elf)awareness
1o mother and no care3 thus the delusion that his mother is dead. 1at)mur could be needed for mothers who are strict and cold and who feel that it is bad to spoil children. +hey are the one who leaves the children alone with their grief leaving them to cry. +his is e!emplified by the following actual situations9 •
• •
+he child in an incubator, where the mother is absent. %hysical care is present but warmth and love are absent. +he case of a man who dreams of concentration camps. *cholten9 *he cannot become a mother due to infertility etc. The standard situation for Natrum-mur is one of berea"ement& a feeling of being all alone in the world 2. Natrum-Carb a. Dr 7ithoulas says here the sensitivity, a 1atrum trademar, is more refined and not coarse. +hey will serve someone they lie very well but not intrude. +here is a dignity with which they prepare everything and then withdraw, respecting the privacy of the other person. 8raceful withdrawal is the appropriate term. b. At the same time they have difficulty in assimilating certain noises, certain foods, certain things and certain persons. =ent points out9 -a state of trepidation from the slightest noise, the slam of the door3 nervous e!citement and palpitation with great prostration3 weaness from slightest e!ertion of mind and body3 internal and e!ternal trembling. +he rattling of paper causes palpitation, irritability and melancholy. 6ooeepers lose their ability to add up the figures. n reading a page, the previous one goes out of the mind. >orgets what he reads3 confusion of mind follows and then he is unable to perform any mental labour3 ending in brain fag.c. +hey can have deep aversion to one member of the family and cannot stand him3 they will not tell but will wal away when that person comes in. d. #usic causes a tendency to suicide +his is the only remedy under the rubric -suicidal disposition, music from- /*R ?@03 playing piano is so e!hausting that she must lie down3 music causes great sadness which increases to religious insanity. e. Rajan *anaran says -1at)carb people are 4uite independent and self)sufficient, living their lives alone though having good contact with others. *ociable, lo4uacious and vivacious3 organi;ed, sincere, honest and non)manipulative. *ensitive to the suffering of others. +here are also two other prominent feelings) of ennui and apprehension arising from forsaen feeling. +he ennui produces an intolerable melancholy, a sad and despondent mood. +hey are very sensitive, to their loved ones and to breaing of relation)ships. +hey are unsuccessful in forming relationships and blame themselves for
it. /Del he cannot succeed, does everything wrong0. +hey get estranged from their family and friends and bear all this grief silently. +hey can have a severe inferiority comple! in forming relationships. f. *choltenBs group analysis is as under9 Natrum Carbonicum 8rief < depression 8iving meaning 'losed, alone *tating values Restriction *elf)worth Denial, forbidden Dignity *ensitive *hyness Holding on Worer:>ather 6asic features9 1atrum 8roup 1A+1AC R1AC > H#E%A+HF "??? ul : Aug 7C 7 1 (. 'ompiled by 9 + = =asiviswanathan 'Nat-mur / Nat-carb / Nat-n / Nat-phos / Nat-flour / Nat-sulph / Nat-ars 7ariations on this are9 • •
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Would rather be alone in dignity than feel denied by others. He is being slighted and thought worthless. He is alone in the appreciation of himself and it is held in dignity. He has no value in society) is an outcast. Has no father /'arbonicum in)group analysis represents the father0. Abandoned by father. Dr Rajan says that he has found in such people a history of disturbed relationship with one of the parents)forsaen by father or mother. 3. Natrum-Phos a. -Anger over trifles and complaints from ve!ation. An!iety in the evening and night3 in bed3 before midnight3 after eating3 with fear3 during fever3 about future3 about health3 worse on waing. 'omplaints from bad news. Aversion to company. 'oncentration difficult. 'onfusion of mind in the morning < evening after eating3 after mental e!ertion. Delusions9 frightful 3 thins he sees dead people3 imagines3 thins he is going to have typhoid fever3 that he hears footsteps in the ne!t room. Discontented and discouraged and easily distracted. Dullness of the mind while reading. #ental e!ertion brings on many complaints3 a dread of mental and physical wor3 great prostration of mind3 very e!citable. >ear at night3 of impending disease3 that something will happen3 of misfortune3 on waing3 hysterical3 in a hurry. 1o one is fast enough to suit him. mpatient and indifferent to everything even to his family. *adness in evening, after coition during fever and from music. He is e!tremely sensitive to music, noise and to his surroundings. He grows serious and silent3 sits by himself 4uite still for a long time. He is easily startled from fright, from noise, on falling asleep and during sleep. His friends call him suspicious. He grows timid and bashful. Weeps easily.- /Dr =ent0 b. Dr Rajan *anaran adds9 -the main feeling of Natrum-phos is -the person love is indifferent to me- +hey are self)possessed. *elf) dependent and very helpful. 7ery friendly. *ensitive and sympathetic. Discouraged and imbecility. c. Dr *choltenBs theme9
Natrum *adness < depression 'losed, alone Restriction Denial, forbidden *ensitive Holding on
Phosphoricum 'ommunication *ympathetic >riends, ac4uaintances, neighbours 6rothers Homesicness 'uriosity < travel Restlessness: fears d. +he theme according to group analysis is9 2ommunication )s Forbidden) they wal around with a secret. ". >eeling that they have something which they are not allowed to share with others. +hus they carry the heavy burden of the secret. +heir fear of telephone is a typical e!pression of this fear3 afraid that they will say something wrong or say too much. $. 'ommunication is very sensitive and refined3 could mean culturally refined and also delicate with respect to other peoplesB feelings. +hey e!pect others to treat them the same way. +hey thin they have to sort out problems by themselves. &. >eel their thining process is slow and hence are slow learners. (. Alone as they do not have any brothers or sisters. >eel lonely and depressed as they go their own way. +his could be the situation of9 An only child A child whose brother died. 1ot having friends. Coss of friend. #oving house. 4. Natrum-Nitricum Dr Scholten has discussed this salt in his book and the theme of the group anal!sis is: Natrum Nitrium *adness < depression Enjoyment 'losed, alone 1eed for space, e!pansion Restriction 8oing out Denial, forbidden 'ongestion, e!plosive *ensitive +ension Holding on Rela!ation
+he theme, which emerges, is of not being allowed or not being able to enjoy life. +heir attitude is puritan. -Enjoyment is sinful-. A variation of the theme is found in people who can enjoy things only when they are alone. 5. Natrum-luoratum Dr *cholten says that there is a strong relationship between this remedy and incest. Natrum *adness, depression 'losed and alone Restriction Denial, forbidden
Fluoratum 8lamour and glitter #oney, cars, clothes *e! Hard, fast, hurried
*ensitive Holding on
%sychopathic *uperficial contacts
+he first theme is forbidden se! and the most e!treme taboo is incest. +his maes it difficult, if not impossible for them to tal about it and have to deal with it themselves. 7ariations of the theme9 • •
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>eel alone in their se!ual e!periences. +he se!ual act may bring up such feelings of loneliness that they may start crying3 eventually they lie to avoid this contact. +hey feel alone in their glittering career though build good contacts to relieve this loneliness. +hey feel that such contacts are only superficial and meaningless3 hence remain reserved. !. Natrum-Sulph a. f we tae into account the sycotic nature, the hydrogenoid condition of the constitution, worse in wet weather plus the Natrum heredity, then we have one of the grand features of this medicine. t produces a bilious disturbance and with the liver comes a long list of mental symptoms mared with irritability, an!iety, desire to die, and aversion to life and to things in life that would mae people pleasant and comfortable. Desire to commit suicide but restrains for the sae of family. /Dr =ent0 b. Dr Rajan *anaran says that they are very independent, dignified persons who win respect and honour in their field of activity. +hey are also caring, helpful and responsible. A third stage is that they mae a lot of effort to eep the relationship but are taen advantage of3 made use of and treated badly. +hey get hurt and angry due to this. +he main feeling is - am :disgraced:insulted:not appreciated:scorned- and it is clearly seen in their dreams where they dream of being insulted and provoed. Natrum Sulphuricum *adness < depression 'lothing 'losed, alone 6eauty, grace < harmony Restriction oy Denial, forbidden Cove: relationships *ensitive ealousy Holding on c. +he theme, according to Dr *cholten, is that the! stand alone in matters of lo"e or the! are not allowed to appreciate it A loving relationship is not for them as we see from the rubrics9 Gestranged from the familyB or Gestranged from his wifeB He says that a situation where this remedy would be needed 4uite often is for those religious people in monasteries who are not allowed to have a relationship. Variations: 6ound to their partner, children etc, through duty. >eel responsible for their family and partner, which maes them feel restricted. Dr 7ithoulas says that being sensitive, they get hurt more and more and life becomes a burden. +hey will get depressed /it is one of the most depressed remedies0 and entertain thoughts of committing suicide. 6ut being responsible people, nowing that family and others are dependent upon them, they restrain themselves.
5 Natrum-"rsenicosum The main feeling is that 6) cannot trust and ma! be cheated b! the person with whom ) ha"e a relationship6 'Dr Rajan( This is corroborated b! the rubrics 6starting& suspicious$ mistrustful& fear of people& anxiet! and restlessness The! ha"e also two delusions: 4 Del neglected his dut! and fancies he has done wrong 'See the case in 2ases from our rich heritage$ where the patient felt guilt! for ha"ing gi"en up a child born out of wedlock$ which was cured b! this remed!(
Behind the Masks of the Feminine II
6y Hwaa rfan
Pr()*%u&l+, ( (#l%r( t$( 0(mal( %""(t*%" )*a t$( $%m(%#at$* r(m(+ Natrum mur*at*um, (#*t*"g a %ma" $% *& )(r+ mu$ a #r%ut %0 t$( I"u&tr*al R()%lut*%". Ra*&( *" a 0am*l+ $(r( m%t$(r !%"*"g *& (a/*"t(rru#t( at a"+ t*m( 0r%m t$( %m! t$r%ug$ t% $*l$%%, Natrum mur*at*um $a& gr%" u# *" a" (")*r%"m("t $(r( t$(r( *& "% t*m( 0%r ((# !%"& t% u"0%l2 a 0am*l+ a& a r(&ult t$at *& (m%t*%"all+ *&ta"t, %"&(r)at*)(, a" #r*"*#l( *" a ma""(r t$at (#r*)(& t$( !%"*"g a" #art**#at*%" t$at t$*& t+#( %0 %ma" "((& *" $(r l*0(. 1ow we e!plore another face of the feminine
Natrum carbonicum +he Natrum ar!%"*um type is the ne!t most prevalent after Natrum mur*at*um. +o understand the nature of a person in need of Natrum ar!%"*um one taes a loo at the element. Natrum ar!%"*um is more commonly nown as sodium carbonate 1a 5'6, not to be confused with bicarbonate of soda. nce referred to as washing soda, in its natural form it is derived from the ashes of many plants, and can be found at the bottom of dry laes in arid regions of the world, but can be e!tracted from common salt. %ure sodium carbonate is a white crystalline:powder compound that is soluble in water, has a cooling alaline taste, and decomposes at boiling point and in the presence of acid bubbling as it decomposes. Without odour at room temperature it absorbs moisture spontaneously on e!posure to air. +oday it used to soften water, and to mae glass as in the ancient times. When added to boiling water, the solution is used in ta!idermy to remove flesh from bones. As an electrolyte
/being salt)based0 it is used in chemistry to facilitate electrolysis. n industry it is used as descaling agent, and to remove grease. f inhaled the lungs become irritated. We can learn from this that as a person in her own right, "atrum ar!%"*um is more down to earth, spontaneous and open than Natrum Mur*at*um, albeit vulnerable, as we all are when placed under certain stressors. ust as "atrum ar!%"*um absorbs moisture, "atrum ar!%"*um the person is dry in nature, lacing imagination. *he is a little more aware of her vulnerabilities, and to remain in her center, the familiarity of loved ones is very important. +here is a 4uality of suggestibility about her which places her on unnown terrain without the support and protection of her family. At Dis-ease As is the underlying nature of Natrum there is a desire to be alone, but with the properties of 'arbon, there is weaness and from that weaness a slowness when in a state of dis)ease. All Natrum types, are conscientious, loyal, dutiful, dedicated and sensitive with a lingering grief. Natrum ar!%"*um would have e!perienced less emotional suppression than Natrum mur*at*um, is as conscientious as Natrum mur*at*um, but less a perfectionist, is as private, but more open, is as able to give /and e!press herself emotionally0, but more able to receive. +he difference between the previously e!plored Natrum mur*at*um and Natrum ar!%"*um is state of mind. Whereas Natrum mur*at*um is susceptible to depression, Natrum ar!%"*um is susceptible to an!iety. Homeopath %hilip 6ailey describes the general physi4ue of the Natrum ar!%"*um type as sinny to the point of being bony throughout with straight medium brown hair, and a frecled comple!ion with numerous tiny creases on the face /reflecting an!iety0. +he underlying thematic stress factor for allNatrum types is abandonment:rejection thus separation after inclusion i.e. being accepted and then rejected. +he stressor for the "atrum ar!%"*um type in childhood begins with the feeling of rejection from a parent. As it has been established within the field of neuroscience, unprocessed negative emotional e!periences tend to cast a shadow after the first e!perience, and any subse4uent e!perience that is remotely similar will conjure up the same reaction. Natrum ar!%"*um is ind, loving and giving, but if one is familiar with Natrum ar!%"*um in the form of the alaline soap that dries and cracs the sin, indicating a contraction:removal of moisture, and hence Natrum ar!%"*um will become an!ious and hold bac. *he is not so hard on herself as Natrum ar!%"*um, but she feels safe and secure in her comfort ;one where she is less nervous, and has more self confidence. Her self confidence comes from others which reflects the ar!%"*um nature within her, weaness showing as timidity. +he fact that the compound Natrum ar!%"*um has a tendency to absorb air, and absorb water, reflects how easily influenced Natrum ar!%"*um the person is, and how easily overwhelmed she is by stronger personalities /water, air, fire0. 'onsultant homeopath Rajan *anaran summari;es Natrum ar!%"*um as follows9 3T$( Nat+1m /a+$oni/1m %ma" "((& u&t %"( r(lat*%"&$*# a" *& )(r+ (#("("t %" t$*& %"( r(lat*%"&$*#, *t$%ut $*$ &$( 0((l& tr(m("%u& 0(ar, &a"(&&, a" &("&( %0 *&%lat*%"5Nat+1m /a+$oni/1m *& )(r+ &("&*t*)(, ((*all+ t% &(#arat*%" 0r%m t$( !(l%)( a" t% t$( !r(a*"g %0 r(lat*%"&$*#&. 6$(" t$( !(l%)( *& "%t t$(r( %r $( $a& g%"( aa+ t$(
#at*("t& &$% gr(at &a"(&&, r(at*"g t% &a mu&*, ((*all+ t$at 0r%m t$( #*a"%. T$(+ (&*r( t% ma( %"tat !ut $a)( !((" u"&u(&&0ul *" 0%rm*"g r(lat*%"&$*#& a" !lam( t$(m&(l)(& 0%r *t 78(lu&*%", $( a""%t &u((, %(& ()(r+t$*"g r%"g:. T$(+ !(%m( (&tra"g( 0r%m t$(*r 0am*l+ a" 0r*("& a" !(ar t$(*r gr*(0 &*l("tl+, 0((l*"g 0%r&a(". 3T$( Natrum ar!%"*um %ma" 0((l& l*( a" %uta&t a" *& ala+& at t$( r((*)*"g (" %0 a!u&( 7%;("( (a&*l+:5Natrum ar!%"*um #(%#l( a" $a)( a &()(r( *"0(r*%r*t+ %m#l(, ((*all+ *" t$( $(r( %0 0%rm*"g r(lat*%"&$*#& < t$(+ ma+ 0((l u"%rt$+ %0 l%)( %r %0 a"+ r(lat*%"&$*#. I $a)( 0%u" *" Natrum ar!%"*um a $*&t%r+ %0 *&tur!( r(lat*%"&$*# *t$ %"( %0 t$( #ar("t&, ((*all+ !(*"g 0%r&a(" %r "(gl(t( !+ t$( 0at$(r %r m%t$(r. A %ma" ma+ g*)( t$( $*&t%r+ %0 $a)*"g !((" "(gl(t( !+ t$( 0at$(r *" $*l$%%5It *& *"t(r(&t*"g t% "%t( t$at Natrum ar!%"*um %(& "%t $a)( a"+ 0(ar %r (lu&*%"& %0 a"*mal&. =$( *& %"l+ a0ra* %0 #(%#l(. T$(+ ar( &+m#at$(t* a" $(l# %t$(r&2 &("&*t*)( ((*all+ t% t$( &u;(r*"g %0 #(%#l( $% ar( l%"(l+ a" 0%r&a(" !+ &%*(t+, 0%r (am#l( *t$ !(ggar&. As such, Natrum ar!%"*um develops anticipatory an!iety about new social environs to the point of panicI +he element of anticipation can be so deep seated that it evolves into an anticipatory fear filled with irritability towards anything that is not common to her comfort ;one, and may tae it out on her loved ones, who represent her comfort ;one. *tartled by loud noise such as thunder storms /water, air, fire0, being electrolytic by Natrum ar!%"*um, develops an!iety even before thunder storms probably sensing atmospheric change /the GchargeB in the air0. Physiological Symptoms Natrum ar!%"*um the remedy has affinity with9 Primary +he nervous system +he digestive system
Secondary *in Hands Heels, anles #ucous membranes ust as Natrum ar!%"*um decomposes at boiling point /fire0, Natrum ar!%"*um the person is sensitive to heat, but is e4ually sensitive to cold /water0 and to draught& /air0. *ome of their symptoms of dis)ease are9 Air J +he Natrum ar!%"*um person has low toleration of any changes in air just as they have problems with any changes in their social environ. +his heat manifests in their symptoms of any change in weather9 heat, cold, draughts, moisture. n the body this manifests itself in the stomach, which tends to get bloated, with non)specific abdominal pain /an!iety0, and the respiratory system being susceptible to catarrhal coughs. Fire J +here is fire in their emotions when they become very irritable, and it is not unusual for them to curse, curse, their family, their spouse /where they feel safe0, but also represents the sense of separation they feel, and as the new day dawns, upon waing they want nothing more to not start that new day. n the physical level they feel worse in the heat, under the sun, and in the stomach this manifests as acids /citrus fruits, vinegar0 which
aggravates them. +hey tend to have the sensation of burning on the soles of their feet, and in the joints, as well a heartburn, and heatstroe. Water J *odium carbonate is drying causing a departure of moisture from the body. n Natrum ar!%"*um this manifests as loss of fluids in the form of mucous through catarrhal coughs, dry nasal passage representing air as if there is an obstacle /the obstacle the prevents her from doing the right thing0, but it only happens whilst taling, which represents communication which is a social activity0. Again, there is loss of bodily fluids in the form of diarrhea, which she will have after eating flour products, drining mil /including motherBs mil0, after eating vegetables, after nursing, and during a thunderstorm. Natr*um ar!%"*um is just one face of the feminine principle in sodium one that some women will be able to identify with especially as we live in a world today where the foundations of the family have been greatly undermined. We all have different susceptibilities, and what is enabling for some, is disabling for others. >or Natr*um ar!%"*um a sense of worth comes in the giving, she only now needs to learn to give to herselfI 7Do1$t *a' .o1+ "i(i'ion'& "i'p1tation8 "i't+1't8 (a/iation8 an" '1++!n"!+29 :Ai i$n :A$1 Tai$ ;a2'< Sources: 6ailey, %. KH%m(%#at$* P&+$%l%g+> P(r&%"al*t+ Pr%?l(& %0 t$( Ma%r @%"&t*tut*%"al R(m(*(&.L 1orth Atlantic 6oos. K*odium 'arbonate or *oda Ash.L *ttp&==)))2min!+a'0on!2/om=min!+a'='o"i1m-/a+$onat!2*tm 7ermeulen, >. 3Pr*&ma> T$( Ara"a %0 Mat(r*a M(*a Illum*"at(. Emryss, 1etherlands. $MM$.