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Turner Case Study
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Invitation - Mark Turner transcription soloDescrição completa
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Case digest
Turner Droplet Model It is generally believed believed that the liquids are both lifted in the gas flow as individual particles and transported as a liquid film along the tubing wall tubing wall by the shear stress at the interfae between between the gas and the li!uid before the onset onset of severe li!uid loading" loading" These mechanisms were first investigated by Turner Turner et al"# who evaluated two orrelations" Turner Turner disovered disovered that li!uid loading loading ould best be $redited by a dro$let dro$let %odel that showed when dro$lets %ove u$ &gas fl ow above ritial veloity' or down &gas fl ow below ritial veloity'" Turner Turner et al. develop developed ed a simple simple correl correlati ation on to predic predictt the so-cal so-called led critic critical al velocity in in near vertial gas wells assu%ing the dro$let %odel" In this %odel# the dro$let weight ats downward and the drag fore fro% the gas ats u$ward" (hen the drag is e!ual to the weight# the gas veloity is at )ritial*" +elow the ritial veloity# the dro$let falls and li!uids au%ulate
the Velocidad
wellbore" Critica
a velocidad cr!tica es generalmente definida como la m!nima velocidad de gas requ requer erid ida a en el tubi tubing ng de prod produc ucci ción ón par para move mover r las las gota gotas s de l!qu l!quid idos os "condensados y agua# en suspensión. In suspensión. In practice, the critical velocity is generally defined as the minimum gas velocity in the production tubing required to move liquid droplets upward , )veloity string* is often used to redue the t he tubing si-e until the .
ritial veloity is obtained" .owering the surfae $ressure &e"g"# by o%$ression' also inreases veloity" Turner/s orrelation was tested against a large nu%ber of real well data having surfae flowing $ressures %ostly higher than 1000 $si" a%ination of Turner/s data# however# indiates that the range of a$$liability for his orrelation %ight be for surfae $ressures as low as to 800 $si" Two variations of the orrelation were develo$ed# one for the transport of water and the
other for condensate. To better %ath the olletion of %easured field data# Turner ad3usted the theoretial e!uations for re!uired veloity u$ward by 20 $erent" 4ro% Turner/s original $a$er# after the 20 $erent e%$irial ad3ust%ent# the ritial veloity for ondensate and water were
Velocidades cr!ticas para levantar condensado y agua:
(here $ 5 $si" These theoretial e!uations o%es "in general# of critical velocity Vt to lift a liquid is:
where s 5 surfae tension# dynes6%# r 5 density# lb%6ft" These equations predict the minimum critical velocity required to transport liquids in a vertical wellbore. They are used %ost fre!uently at the wellhead with P being the flowing wellhead $ressure" $hen both water and condensate are produced by the well% Turner recommends using the correlation developed for water becau se water is heavier and requires a higher critical velocity.
MITIGACION DE METANO Posted: 12 Jun 2010 07:2 PM PDT
PM9 as y Petro!ui%ia +;sia PP+
o%$le3os $roesadores de as de PM9 en M ?io
Metano a Merados &M2M'
Metodolog@a de %itigai=n de e%isiones de %etano
!ui$os utili-ados $ara la detei=n de fugas de %etano
>uando un fluido $asa $or una tuberia a alta velocidad puede causar vibración y erosión en la tuberia# lo ual erosiona la $ared de la tuberia" i la veloidad del gas eede la veloidad erosional alulada $ara la tuber@a# la erosion de la $ared de la tuberia es inre%entala a rit%os !ue $ueden reduir la vida de la tuber@a signifiativa%ente" Por lo tanto es siempre necesario controlar la velocidad de trasmisión del gas en la linea para prevenir el e&ceso del limite" .a veloidad erosional $ara fluidos o%$resibles es e$resado o%o:
Donde: Ve5veloidad erosional 4t6segE
p5 densidad del gas .b%64tE F C es una te definida o%o 7
'órmula de la velocidad erosional de un gas en tuber!as(
Donde: Ve5veloidad erosional 4t6segE )5gravedad del gas# adi%enionalE *5$resiBn %ini%a en la tuberia# $siaE +5fator de o%$resibilidad en la $resi=n# te%$eratura es$e@fia# adi%ensionalE T5 te%$eratura del flu3o de gas E , 510"7 &4tHPsia6.b %olesH'" os valores recomendados para la velocidad del gas en transmisión en l!neas principales es normalmente / a 0/ de la velocidad erosional &3% un valor d 10K 1 %6seg o K 4t6seg es un valor ae$table $ara $ro$=sitos de diseLo'" ste valor $odr@a estar entre 1K17 %6seg $ara tuber@as no $rini$ales o laterales"