Mercadeo Verde o Green Marketing

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MERCADEODescripción completa

Environmental issue is an emerging trend now a day as almost every country's government and society has started to be more aware about these issues. This leads to a trend of green marketing used by the firms as one of the strategies in order to gain

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A evolução do conceito de Marketing.

The main interest all over the global is to protect environment. International evidence indicates humans are worried about the surroundings and are changing their behavior. Due to this, green advertising has emerged which speaks for growing marketpla

Acknowledging awareness on the numerous environmental related problems has led a shift in the way consumers assume about their life. Changes has been observed in consumer believes for a green lifestyle. People are now days actively trying to decrease

The paper is to study the concept of green marketing and its importance in environment and the government initiative. Green marketing has gained importance among the public due to non availability of resources and high price. All the resource are sca

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