Name of Lesson: Latitude and Longitude Group Members: Members: Jasmin Bandy, Cecily Garcia, Nancy Magana Grade Level:
4th Grade
Earth Science
Education Standards Addressed: (CA NGSS) 4-ESS2-2. naly!e and inter"ret data #rom ma"s to descri$e "atterns Speaking and Listening Standards Comprehension and Collaboration (Common Core State Standards)
o# Earth%s #eatures.
&. Engage e##ecti'ely in a range o# colla$orati'e discussions (one-on-one, (one-on-one , in grou"s, and teacher-led) *ith di'erse "artners on grade #our to"ics and te+ts, $uilding on others% ideas and e+"ressing their o*n clearly.
Overview & Purpose: (What the lesson is about.)
his lesson is designed to hel" students understand the Earth%s grid system. his lesson *ill introduce ne* 'oca$ulary, as *ell as ne* methods #or locating "laces on Earth. his lesson incor"orates indi'idual, grou", and class acti'ities that *ill hel" students gras" the material. he entire class *ill $e introduced to latitude and longitude, and then instructed to locate s"eci#ic coordinate on the glo$e. Students *ill then *or in grou"s to la$el their oranges. inally, students *ill com"lete a *orsheet that *ill hel" them "ractice locating coordinate "oints., they *ill use their oranges to hel" guide them through the *orsheet.
Objectives (Specify new skills the student will gain as a result of the lesson; focus on student (not) teacher behaviors.)
Warm-up andor !eview
("onnect current lesson with previous lessons; help students get in mood for class; #$% teacher dominated)
2. . 4.
Students *ill *or in grou"s to identi#y di##erent coordinates coordinates on the glo$e. Students *ill $e a$le to e+"lain ho* longitude and latitude are used #or locating "laces on earth. Students *ill $e a$le to use Earth%s grid system to accurately locate a "lace or #eature $ased on gi'en coordinates. 1e'ie* acti'ity #or 0rime Meridian, e3uator, e3uator, and and cardinal cardinal directions. irst student studentss *ill identi#y identi#y the cardi cardinal nal direction directionss (N, S, E, /) and locate them according to their classroom. eacher eacher *ill gi'e students students cardinal cardinal direction direction and and as them to *al o'er to that direction. s the acti'ity "rogresses "rogresses the teacher teacher *ill add other other locations locations discussed in the "re'ious lesson, such as "rime meridian, e3uator, North 0ole, South 0ole, Northern hemis"here, Southern hemis"here etc.
Materials Needed (Items needed to give lesson; e.g !ower!oint presentation transparencies art materials worksheets etc.)
tlas Glo$e /orld Ma" rans"arency 0o*er0oint /orsheet List o# "oints to "lot on the orange 1uler range- & "er student 0ermanent Marer(dar colors) 0encils Masing ta"e
"ntroductionPresentation (Intro provides interest&motivation; !resentation teacher introduces new information)
Practice#ctivit$ ('escribe the activity that students will do to reinforce this lesson)
Student valuation ('oes not always e,ual a test. Should be done during and after instruction; both formal and informal).
&. 5ntroduce, de#ine, and e+"lain e+"lain ne* terms6 terms6 latitude, latitude, longitude, longitude, s"ecial lines o# latitude, s"ecial lines o# longitude, degrees. degrees. 2. eacher eacher *ill em"hasi!e that latitude latitude measures measures degrees degrees #rom North and South, South, $ut runs east east and *est and and longitude measures degrees #rom East and /est and runs north and south. . eacher eacher *ill demonstrate demonstrate ho* to locate locate se'eral se'eral coordinates coordinates on the ma", either using class ma", trans"arency, or "o*er"oint. 4. eacher eacher *ill also also sho* students *here *here the lines lines o# latitude latitude and longitude are located in the class ma", as *ell as locating s"ecial lines o# latitude and longitude. 7. Each student student *ill $ring an an orange orange to class class to com"lete class acti'ity. 8. eacher eacher *ill ha'e e+tra e+tra oranges oranges 9ust in case some students students #orgot. :. Students *ill *ill $e ased ased to la$el the oranges using "ermanent "ermanent marers and a ruler. Students *ill $e encouraged to use di##erent color marers #or all the di##erent lines on the grid. ;. list list o# "oints that need to $e la$eled la$eled *ould $e gi'en to students. <. Students *ill *ill use their la$eled la$eled oranges oranges to com"lete latitude and and longitude *orsheet.
Students *ill $e di'ided into grou"s o# three or #our to *or as a team to com"lete a *orsheet. 5n the *orsheet students *ill $e gi'en "airs "airs o# coordinates coordinates o# Latitude and Longitude Longitude that *ill $e located using a ma". Students *ill use their la$eled oranges to guide them *hen com"leting the *orsheet. Students *ill create 2 3uestions regarding regarding the lesson. eacher *ould use the 3uestions to e'aluate students understanding. @ome*or
!esources Needed%sed (.g. Web books (provide appropriate academic style citation (! (! *+ etc.)
Education /orld. 1etrie'ed #rom htt"6==***.education*>le sson=dailyl"=dailyl"="d#s=dailyl"&?. "d# . accessed on Se"t 2?, 2?&8
'ontin(enc$ Plan (-ood idea to have some idea of what you will do if things dont go as planned i.e. technology does not work).
Self-valuation ('escribe how the teacher will assess what went well problems e/perienced what could be done differently etc.).
#dditional Notes:
5# the com"uter is not coo"erating, the teacher *ill ha'e a trans"arency sheet as $ac u", or lecture *ould $e done using classroom *orld ma". /hite $oard *ould $e used to illustrate the lesson%s o$9ecti'es. Aid e'eryone $ring an orange or is it $etter to "ro'ide the oranges to the students /as the orange e##ecti'e, or *ould a styro#oam $all *or $etter Log in 9ournal any 3uestion students had during lecture. /hat *ould $etter illustrate to student latitude and longitude /ould a 'ideo *or $etter to introduce longitude and latitude