From Greetings to Closing. All email phrases you need to know to make your general emails and business emails look great!Descripción completa
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Opening and Closing Formal and Informal Emails and Letters Brainstorm one standard/ neutral opening greeting, opening line, closing line and closing greeting into the middle column of the table below. Very formal
Standard/ Neutral
Opening greeting
Opening line
Closing line
Closing greeting
Name at the end
Write other (super) formal, standard and informal phrases for the starting and closing functions above.
Match the sections below to the boxes above. There are three sections which dont fit an!where because the! are not correct in emails and letters. Dear Sir or Madam Dear Prof. Smith/ Dr Smith/ Mr Smith/ Ms Smith Dear all/ Hi everyone Dear Steve/ Hi Steve Steve
"o Steve
Dear Mr Steve
Dear you all
"o #hom it may $on$ern%
"o% "he mar&eting team
Ho#*s it going+/ Ho# are things+/ Ho#*s life+
I am #riting to you $on$erning/ #ith regards to/ regarding/ in $onne$tion #ith/ in order to) "han& you for your interest in our $ompany. I hope you are #ell. I am #riting to you a(out/ to) ,e% "han&s for your email yesterday. "han&s for your -ui$& reply./ "han&s for getting (a$& to me so -ui$&ly. "han&s for your -ui$& replying. I loo& for#ard to see you soon.
I #rite to you a(out) If you need any more -uestions ust let me &no#.
I loo& for#ard to hearing from you soon. "han& you for your $ooperation. If you have any further -uestions please do not hesitate to $onta$t me. I*m loo&ing for#ard to hearing from you soon. If you need any more information please let me &no#.
"han&s in advan$e./ "han&s. "han&s again.
If you need any more info ust drop me a line. Please get (a$& to me asap.
0oo&ing for#ard to hearing from you. See you then.