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Grade 8 - Ang Katamaran ngm ga Pilipino ni Dr. JoseRizal
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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region X
Division of Valencia City VALENCIA VA LENCIA NATIONAL HIGH S CHOOL City of Valencia, Bukidnon Telefax No.: (088)-828-6203
Teacher: Alfredo T. Llasos, Jr. Subect: !o"#uter S$ste"s Ser%&c&n'
Lesson Date: 9/5/2016 9/5/201 6
At the end of the lesson, the learners (&ll be able to: e)#la&n *ccu#at&on +ealth and Safet$ ol&c$ • enu"erate #ersonal safet$ (h&le (or-&n' alon' !s • a##rec&ate &"#ortance of *+S #ol&c$ (h&le (or-&n' • II.
Subject Matter:
A. To#&c: To#&c: nstal nstall&n' l&n' and !onf&'u !onf&'ur&n' r&n' !o"#uter !o"#uter TLE_IACSS9-12ICCS-Ia-e-28 S$ste"s !!S *ccu#at&onal +ealth and Safet$ ol&c&es. B. eferences: De#art"ent of 3ducat&on ubl&c Techn&cal4 Techn&cal4o ocat&onal +&'h School odule 7 nstall&n' od !o"#uter S$ste"s and 8et(or-s.
!. Strate'&es: Strate'&es: *ral *ral rec&tat&on, rec&tat&on, de"onstra de"onstrat&on t&on and collaborat& collaborat&%e %e "ethod D. ater&als: ater&als: o(er#o&nt o(er#o&nt #resentat& #resentat&on, on, #a#er, #en and ant&4stat& ant&4stat&cc tools. III.
Learnin Ac Activities:
• • • •
A. rel&" rel&"&na &nar$ r$ Act& Act&%&t %&t$ $ ra$er • !hec-&n' of attendance • . e%&e( e%&e( on otherboard • D&fferent co"#onents of "otherboard • !. Less Lesson on ro# ro#er er 1. ot& ot&%at %at&on lash #&ctures to the screen. As- &deas to the learners about the #&ctures. As- the learners (hat the #&ctures &s all about. e%eal the to#&c for sess&on. 2. res resen enta tat& t&on on / D&sc D&scus uss& s&on on Def≠ • *ccu#at&onal +ealth and Safet$ *+S D&scuss ersonal safet$ (h&le (or-&n' alon' (&th !s D&scuss #recaut&onar$ "easures to ta-e (h&le (or-&n' &n co"#uter <. De%e De%elo lo#" #"en enta tall Act&% ct&%&t &t&e &ess !": Tell Tell the students to for" a 'rou# and an d choose a leader • Tell the students to create a role #la$ based on *+S #ol&c$. • The students (&ll #resent the&r out#ut &n front of the class. •
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region X
Division of Valencia City VALENCIA VA LENCIA NATIONAL HIGH S CHOOL City of Valencia, Bukidnon Telefax No.: (088)-828-6203
7. =ene =enera ral& l&>a >at& t&on on SAY: As-; • As a co"#uter techn&c&an, ho( &"#ortant to -no( *+S #ol&c$?
Eva#uati"n: 3)#la&n *ccu#at&onal +ealth and Safet$ ol&c$. • =&%e 5 e)a"#le of *+S #ol&c$. •
$e%e&ia# ' Enric(%ent: t (&ll de#end on the #erfor"ance of the class. •
Assin%ent: Tell the students to &n ad%ance about !o"#uter d&sasse"bl$ #rocedures. •