-ames a 'ood item at random Asks pupils to came to 'ront# point to and name te 'ood item
Acti"ity 1 Presentation and practice
Teacer. student
Asks te rest o' te class 'or *eri'ication
,ins up Te !eater poster on te board
1ook at te poster
,oints to te !eater conditions:
epeat a'ter te teacer
ole class
It’s hot.
Try to repeat tem alone
It’s cold.
1isten te recorder
Try to sin"
,oint and repeat
It’s sunny. It’s raining.
)3 ,oster
It’s snowing. 4ne at a time# and presents tem+ •
,oints to te !eater conditions in random order+
Asks te pupils to open teir books on pa"e 23
rites te number 23 on te board and old up te book
Says te instructions t!ice
,lays te recorder e$+)# pa"e 236
Acti"ity 2
7 says te instructions t!ice
. repeat a'ter te teacer
0isten and point
7 asks: What’s the weather like today? Can you
. listen to te son" and point to
ole class
te !eater conditions
7 points to te 'irst picture and says: What’s the
weather like today?
7 repeats !it te rest o' te pictures
Student. student
7 e$plains te acti*ity to te pupils
7 plays te recordin"
)) m
+ Acti"ity 3
7 says te instructions t!ice as se mimes tem
0ook and match
matc te sentences
e$+ 2# pa"e 236
accordin" to !at tey
ole class
7 tells te pupils to read and copy te sentences in
see in eac picture
Teacer. student
do tis
Student. teacer
teir notebooks
7 in*ites indi*idual people to point to te pictures#
book )0
Student . student
say !at te !eater is like as !ell as te number o' te picture: It9s sno!in"+ -umber ) It9s sunny+ -umber 2 It9s ot# -umber 8 It9s rainin"+ -umber It9s cold+ -umber 5 7allo!s tem to complete te e$ercise
;$ercise 8 on pa"e 85: %ircle te odd one+
8 mi
7e$plains te instructions as se mimes tem+ ;licits te name o' te items and mime te senses+ Asks te students to circle te items !e can9t smell# ear or taste+
7appreciates te acti*e people and encoura"es te less acti*e ones