Learning Spanish - 6b

Author:  Chima C. Ugwuegbu

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Unit 2: Using Spanish in Your Community This unit emphasizes nouns, plurals, definite article (the) and indefinite articles (a and an), and the verb to be. Unit Focus Communication • Greet others ...

El dinero (Money) When we purchase things in the United States, we use dollars (dólares). However, when you travel, you must check to see what currency, or money, each country uses. There are many ...

Gender of Nouns In Spanish all nouns have gender. Gender means sex, male or female. All nouns in Spanish are referred to as being masculine or feminine, even words that do not refer to people. That...

Práctica (Practice) Below are common phrases using the -er verb correr—to run. Notice that only the form of estar changes. Listen and repeat as the teacher models the following sentences using corr...