If you think about it, every true professional follows a script or format. For example, take your favorite actor or actress. They don't get in front of the camera or on stage and begin ad…Full description
If you think about it, every true professional follows a script or format. For example, take your favorite actor or actress. They don't get in front of the camera or on stage and begin ad…Descrição completa
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Introduction One of mechanism for separation process mainly to separate between solid and solid is cyclone. This simple mechanical device usually used to remove relatively large particles from gas stream. Compared to other separator, this is the easiest to recognise due to big and cone shaped bottom. Company that produce cement, feed mills, smelters and many other industrial sites. Possible location for cyclone separator will be on the roof of a plant or besides a building. Before a cyclone separator can be set up, we must know the amount of flue gas to be filtered because it the size of the cyclone depend on it. Since the cyclone can vary drastically in size. Ranging in size from a few centimetres in diameter when used in analytical equipment to several meters in diameter when used for air pollution control. Cyclone separator or cyclone are separation devices that use the principle of inertia to remove particulate matter from flue gases. When use as air pollution control mechanism, it known as precleaners as they are generally used to roughly remove larger pieces of particulate matter. Mainly because to prevent more fine filtration methods from having to deal with larger and more abrasive particles later on. As we go through the experiment, it can be used and operate in parallel and when this is set up, the system is called as multicylcone. This is consider cheaper comparing to other separator in the market due to inexpensive to construct since there is no moving parts. Fan is auxiliary since it moves the gas through the system. As for operating cost, it is cheap. To sum up the use of cyclone for air pollution control, it made to prevent particulate matter from machinery that produce that such as dryer, crusher, incinerator and kilns from releasing those matter to the atmosphere.
Diagram above show cyclone separator
Summary Vortex separation used by cyclone separator is to remove particulates from the air streams without the mean of using filters. Due to it is inexpensive to construct, it has been used widely in the industry due its low operating and maintenance cost because of not having moving part. Blower is considering as auxiliary part. Since there are many type of cyclone separator available in the market, tangential entry cyclone is the most common one to be used. As for this experiment, the main objective is to study the efficiency of the cyclone system especially the multicyclone. Cyclones with different body diameter and velocity of blower will be tested. After completing the experiment, it is proven that as velocity increase, the number of dust particles collected also increase. This experiment use corn flour as dust particles. When comparing all the system used, using double cyclone produce more efficient dust collection compared to single cyclone. This is due to the dust need to pass two cyclone before reaching the atmosphere. As different size of cyclone trap different size of dust, thus using double cyclones will trap more dust as each cyclone is specified to trap certain dust’s sizes.