Objective of the project and what are client expectations Your involvement and responsibility of your job and limitations of job, Project architecture and team structure.
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Requirements Gathering Phase(HLD & LLD) LL D) in Data Warehouse Project Project Life Cycle Business Analyst(BA): He is the person or a mediator between the client and the organization. •
First Business Analyst is going to interact with the client to know about the client business and pain-areas !rom that business analysis BA will prepa preparre the document document called called as Business requirement document or BRD or FSD(Functional Specifcation document) or SPEC.
From the B"#the de$elopment team will prepare the H%# and %%#. HLD(Hig!le"el!design!document)# #i$ide the B"# into di&erent modules !or re'ui re'uire reme ment nt analys analysis is prepa prepare red d by de$elo de$eloper pers. s. An H%# docume document nt is prepared based on Business "e'uirement. LLD(Lo$!le"el!design!document)# i$es i$es the detail detailed ed in!orm in!ormation ation about about each entity in the B"# or H%# prepared by de$elopers. t gi$es the details descriptions o! the each module in details which is completely based on H%#. •
%&P &nal'sis: *his is the comparison between client re'uirement and reporting tool !eatures like is the tool !ul+ll all the re'uirements o! the client or not.
PC(Proo PC(Proo o Concept) Concept): *his *his is the the dumm dummy y or a dupl duplic icat ate e mode modell where the de$elopment team will cook the data manually and prepares prepares a sample model which is going to send !or the client,s appro$al. ote: *he end product should be same with the /0. •
what are the major ifferences !etween HLD"DLD"LLD#
HLD -- High Level Design (HLD) is the overall system design - covering the system architecture and database design. It describes the relation between various modules and functions of the system. data flow, flow flow charts and data structures are covered under HLD.
High Level Design gives the overall System Design in terms of unctional !rchitecture details and Database design. "his is very im#ortant for the $"L develo#ers to understand the flow of the system with function and database design wise. In this #hase the design team, testers and customers are #lays a ma%or role. !lso it should have #ro%ects standards, the functional design documents and the database design document also.
LLD -- Low Level Design (LLD) is li&e detailing the HLD. It defines the actual logic for each and every com#onent of the system. 'lass diagrams with all the methods and relation between classes comes under LLD. rograms s#ecs are covered under LLD.
Low - Level Design (LLD) - "his document is need to do during the detailed #hase, the view of the a##lication develo#ed during the high level design is bro&en down into se#arate modules and #rograms for every #rogram and then documented by #rogram s#ecifications.
DLD -- Detailed Level Design (DLD) -- DLDs are referring to a #rocess &nown as to#-down design. In short, when you thin& about the #roblem you are trying to solve, you start at the highest level and then wor& yourself into the details. "his a##roach wor&s very well when you have an overall structure you want your a##lication to live within. !t the macro level you are considering how many machines will be needed to host your a##lication, which e*isting services you will need to use, etc. !s you dive dee#er, you are loo&ing at use cases (or user stories if you #refer that terminology), and error handling (use cases have both normal and error condition #aths to worry about). !s you go even further into the details, you are loo&ing at your algorithm, state transitions, logical se+uence, and how internal #arts of the code wor& together