Correction Instruction VIM 7.0 SP9, CI No. 54 Document Version: July 15, 2016 NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 9026 3400 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenTextt is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service OpenTex names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU# SKU#
Summary Note Number Date Released Date Revised Revision No Key words
: : : : :
VIM 7.0-SP9-CI-54 7/15/2016
Delivery Note, Proposal
Disclaimer OpenText strongly recommends to validate and test this Correction Instruction in the test system. Beyond of the installation of this patch as explained below, further adjustments to product settings or adjustments to customer specific extensions might be required.
Symptom Delivery note search proposes incorrect POs in indexing screen i.e. system showing other company code related POs.
Pre-Requisite VIM 7.0 SP6, 7.5 SP2
Solution Step 1 Go to SE37, enter function module name as “/OPT/VIM_GET_PROPOSAL” and click on change button.
Step 2 Search for the following context. lt_tab_ebeln LIKE TABLE OF ebelntab WITH HEADER LINE, ls_ekko LIKE ekko,
Step 3 Add the following code below the search cont ext wa_ekko wa_lfb1
TYPE ekko, TYPE lfb1,
"VIMI-17311 "VIMI-17311 NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
Step 4 After doing the above modification t he code should be as shown in the following screen shot.
Step 5 Search for the following context CALL FUNCTION '/OPT/VIM_DETERMINE_VENDOR'
Step 6 Add the following code above the search context lv_head-bukrs = head-bukrs. lv_head-lifnr = head-lifnr.
"VIMI-17355 SSAMALA "VIMI-17270
Step 7 After doing the above modification t he code should be as shown in the fol lowing screen shot.
Step 8 Search for the following context. SELECT SINGLE * FROM ekko INTO ls_ekko WHERE ebeln = xeksel-ebeln.
Step 6 Replace the search context with the following code *
"VIMI-17311 "VIMI-17311 NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
WHERE ebeln = xeksel-ebeln. * Start of INS VIMI-17311 IF wa_ekko-bukrs NE head-bukrs. SELECT SINGLE * FROM lfb1 INTO wa_lfb1 WHERE lifnr = wa_ekko-lifnr AND bukrs = wa_ekko-bukrs. IF sy-subrc = 0. CLEAR ls_ekko. ls_ekko = wa_ekko. ELSE. CLEAR lt_tab_ebeln. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ELSE. CLEAR ls_ekko. ls_ekko = wa_ekko. ENDIF. * End of INS VIMI-17311
Step 7 After doing the above modification t he code should be as shown in the f ollowing screen shot NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
Step 8 Search for the following context *Begin of VIMI-14029/ccheemar ls_rbkpv-lifnr = lv_lifnr. ls_rbkpv-selif = lv_lifnr1.
Step 9 Add the following code below the search cont ext * Start of INS VIMI-17270 IF ls_rbkpv-selif IS INITIAL AND NOT ls_rbkpv-lifnr IS INITIAL. ls_rbkpv-selif = ls_rbkpv-lifnr. ENDIF. * End of INS VIMI-17270
Step 10 After doing the above modification t he code should be as shown in the following screen shot
Step 11 Search for the following context * Start of INS VIMI-14170 IF NOT xmsel_lifs[] IS INITIAL. ls_rbkpv-xlifs = 'X'. ls_rbkpv-lifnr = lv_lifnr. ls_rbkpv-selif = lv_lifnr1. ENDIF. IF NOT xmsel_best[] IS INITIAL. ls_rbkpv-xbest = 'X'. ENDIF. * Start of INS VIMI-14170 NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
Step 12 Replace the search context with the following code * Start of INS VIMI-14170 IF NOT xmsel_lifs[] IS INITIAL. ls_rbkpv-xlifs = 'X'. ls_rbkpv-lifnr = lv_lifnr. * Begin of Changes VIMI-17355 SSAMALA * ls_rbkpv-selif = lv_lifnr1. IF NOT lv_value IS INITIAL AND ls_rbkpv-selif IS INITIAL AND NOT ls_rbkpv-lifnr IS INITIAL. ls_rbkpv-selif = ls_rbkpv-lifnr. ENDIF. * End of Changes VIMI-17355 ENDIF. IF NOT xmsel_best[] IS INITIAL. ls_rbkpv-xbest = 'X'. ENDIF. * Start of INS VIMI-14170
Step 13 After doing the above modification t he code should be as shown I the following screen shot NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
Step 14 Search for the following context ls_rbkpv-kursf
= ls_ekko-wkurs.
Step 15 Replace the search context with the following code *
= ls_ekko-wkurs.
Step 16 After doing the above modification t he code should be as shown in the fol lowing screen shot.
Step 17 Search for the second occurrence of the following context * Begin of insert VIMI-11960 IF NOT head-kursf IS INITIAL. ls_rbkpv-kursf = head-kursf. ENDIF. * End of insert VIMI-11960
Step 18 Replace the search context with the following code ** Begin of insert VIMI-11960 * IF NOT head-kursf IS INITIAL. * ls_rbkpv-kursf = head-kursf. * ENDIF. ** End of insert VIMI-11960
Step 19 After doing the above modification the code should as shown in the following screen shot. NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
Step 20 Activate the function module.
Step 21 Go to SE37, enter function module name as “/OPT/VIM_DETERMINE_VENDOR” and click on change button.
Step 22 At the end of the data declarat ion add the following code DATA: lt_ekbe TYPE TABLE OF ekbe. * Start of INS VIMI-17270 CALL FUNCTION '/OPT/VIM_READ_CONSTANT' EXPORTING prod_code = '005' param_name = 'PROPOSAL_ONE_VENDOR' IMPORTING param_value = lv_value EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. * End of INS VIMI-17270
Step 23 Search for the following context * If NPO -> vendor is the vendor in the header IF lv_ebeln IS INITIAL AND lv_lfsnr IS INITIAL. e_lifnr = i_index_data-lifnr. EXIT. ENDIF.
Step 24 Add the following code above the search context * Start of INS VIMI-17270 IF lv_ebeln IS INITIAL AND lv_lfsnr IS INITIAL AND NOT ls_list_dn IS INITIAL. NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
lv_lfsnr = ls_list_dn-lfsnr. ENDIF. * End of INS VIMI-17270
Step 25 After doing the above modification t he code should be as shown in the following screen shot
Step 26 Search for the following context IF lv_ebeln IS INITIAL AND ( NOT lv_lfsnr IS INITIAL ). SELECT SINGLE ebeln INTO lv_ebeln FROM ekbe WHERE xblnr = lv_lfsnr. ENDIF. IF lv_ebeln IS INITIAL. * CLEAR e_lifnr. "VIMI-11761b e_lifnr = i_index_data-lifnr. "VIMI-11761b EXIT. ENDIF. * Determine the vendor CLEAR: lv_lifnr1 , lv_lifnr2, e_lifnr. SELECT SINGLE lifnr INTO lv_lifnr1 FROM ekko WHERE ebeln = lv_ebeln.
Step 27 Replace the search context with the following context * Start of INS VIMI-17270 IF lv_ebeln IS INITIAL AND NOT lv_lfsnr IS INITIAL AND NOT lv_value IS INITIAL. SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_ekbe FROM ekbe WHERE xblnr = lv_lfsnr. IF NOT lt_ekbe IS INITIAL. SELECT ebeln lifnr UP TO 1 ROWS FROM ekko INTO (lv_ebeln,lv_lifnr1) NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_ekbe WHERE ebeln = lt_ekbe-ebeln AND bukrs = i_index_data-bukrs AND lifnr = i_index_data-lifnr. ENDSELECT. ENDIF. ELSE. * End of INS VIMI-17270 * Begin of VIMI-17355 SSAMALA IF lv_ebeln IS INITIAL AND ( NOT lv_lfsnr IS INITIAL ). ** SELECT SINGLE ebeln INTO lv_ebeln FROM ekbe WHERE xblnr = lv_lfsnr. ** ENDIF. ** IF lv_ebeln IS INITIAL. SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_ekbe FROM ekbe WHERE xblnr = lv_lfsnr. ENDIF. IF lt_ekbe IS INITIAL AND lv_ebeln IS INITIAL. * End of VIMI-17355 SSAMALA CLEAR e_lifnr. "VIMI-11761b e_lifnr = i_index_data-lifnr. "VIMI-11761b EXIT. ENDIF. * Determine the vendor CLEAR: lv_lifnr1 , lv_lifnr2, e_lifnr. * Begin of VIMI-17355 SSAMALA * SELECT SINGLE lifnr INTO lv_lifnr1 * FROM ekko * WHERE ebeln = lv_ebeln. IF lt_ekbe[] IS NOT INITIAL. SELECT ebeln lifnr UP TO 1 ROWS FROM ekko INTO (lv_ebeln,lv_lifnr1) FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_ekbe WHERE ebeln = lt_ekbe-ebeln AND bukrs = i_index_data-bukrs. ENDSELECT. ENDIF. * End of VIMI-17355 SSAMALA ENDIF. "VIMI-17270 CLEAR lv_value. "VIMI-17270
Step 28 After doing the above modification t he code should be as shown in the following screen shot NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
Step 29 NORTH AMERICA +800 499 6544
UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#
Step 30 Activate the function module
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UNITED STATES +1 847 267 9330
UNITED KINGDOM +44 0 1189 848 000
GERMANY +49 89 4629 0
AUSTRALIA +61 2 9026 3400
Copyright ©2013-2014 Open Text Corporation OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. All rights reserved. For m ore information, visit: SKU#