organic chemistry experiment..extraction alkene from alcoholFull description
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Methyl Ethyl Ketone from n-butene process with material balance from hydrogenation reactor with data from runs.
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wine preparation from bananaFull description
Quartet arrangement for Interlude 1 by Alt-J.
Descripción: MEK process flow sheet
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MEKFull description
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I’m Ruben S. Pepino, Jr. senior year in section dove and the proponent of the study study “Produc “Productio tion n of ethyl ethyl alcoho alcoholl from from ripe ripe banana banana (Musa (Musa paradis paradisiac iacal) al) peelings”. This study signify the use of waste from ripe banana (musa paradisiacal) peeling peelings s that that pollut pollute e our surroun surroundin ding g when when throw throw anywhe anywhere re after after eating eating ripe ripe banana fruits.
The study aims to produce Ethyl alcohol out of ripe banana extract added with yeast and ferment it for 3 months.
The researcher gathered waste ripe banana peelings from banana fruit stand at Agora Public Market Pagadian City. The waste ripe banana peelings were washed then scrapped the inner part of the peelings after scrapping, this was placed in the one (1) liter of water, heated until cooked in thirty (30) minutes. The extract is being pour into the sterilized bottle added with yeast and partially scaled. After being fermented over three (3) months, the extract is distilled to produce ethyl alcohol.