Environmental Monitoring ESM Andersen Instruments
The ESM Solutions for Particulate and Ambient Air Measurement
Collocated FH 62 I-R Monitors 120
C in µg/m3
-20 30. 12.
ISO 9001
05.01. Date
No. 1 in Continuous Particulate Monitoring
Suspended particles in ambient air serve as a transport medium for organic and inorganic compounds. When a person inhales these contaminated particles, bronchitis syndromes or lung and pulmonary health problems may occur. Air quality stations and networks observe the pollutant components for health protection of the population. Also around and in industrial sites they are measured for industrial hygiene. ESM Andersen Instruments has developed a wide range of instruments to provide complete solutions for all specific requirements in particulate monitoring. ESM Andersen Instruments GmbH is the former FAG Radiation Measurement Division. The company started with the development and industrial production in Erlangen/ Germany more than 50 years ago and is today one of the world leaders in particulate measurement. Together with our US sister companies Andersen and MIE we are members of the Thermo organization, a dynamically expanding group of laboratory and monitoring equipment producers.
comfortable in mobile applications. It is a firm device in which external vibrations do not effect the measurement. No warm-up time!
Size selective – Various inlets with different cutpoints allow a size selective concentration measurement. Ambient parameters (pressure and temperature) are measured to control the air flow rate (no cutpoint shifts). Due to the very low detection limits the FH 62 I-R is able to measure precisely very small particulate fractions.
THE FLAGSHIP The FH 62 I-R Particulate Monitor utilises the radiometric principle of betaattenuation by a dual beam compensation method. The special advantage is to measure the mass concentration continuously during sampling.
Applications Networks – The FH 62 I-R is designed to fulfill all needs of networking installations. The experience of more than 2,000 FH 62 monitors installed worldwide is included. It is a high performance solution with unmatched special features. Working place – A continuous monitor for a quick response, a wide measuring range, two selectable limit values and internal data storage for half hour average concentration values over a whole year. The sampled particles are available for a subsequent laboratory analysis. Mobile – The FH 62 I-R's quick response and very low detection limit make it very
Approvals and Suitability Tests USA Approval of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Beta Attenuation Monitor FH 62 I-N with PM 10 inlet: EPA-Test-No. EQPM-0990-076 (Fed.Reg., Vol. 55, No. 181-1990) EUROPE European TÜV Test Report no. 24022605 according to the European Standard EN 12341 to comply with the Council Directive 1999/30/EC.
Corresponding to the thoracic convention of ISO 7708, ISO 10473 (Beta Ray Absorption) GERMANY Suitability Test: TÜV Approval-Report no. 240 12 676 (1995); published in the Federal Gazette of Ministers (GMBI) No. 33 (1995) page 703. The instruments of the type FH 62 I: VDI-guideline 2463 part 5 (ISO/DP 10473). Radiation protection approval of the Federal Republic of Germany; License no. By 43/95
Dual Beam Compensation
Important Features
Operation Principle
Technical Data
The Single Filter Spot Principle is used: A new cycle starts when a clean section of the filter tape moves into the measuring position. The filter spot typically remains 24 h in place (2) until full load has been reached. Ambient air is pulled through the sampling system. Dust particles are deposited on the filter. The increasing dust layer weakens the intensity of the beta beam in the section (4-2-1). The electric signal at the output A is proportional to the actual sampled mass. From the temporal increase of the dust mass and the measured air flow rate, the concentration is calculated and displayed.
Measuring range: 0 to 5,000 µg/m3 or 0 to 10,000 µg/m3 Detection limits: typ. 4 µg/m3 (measured values) typ. 3 µg/m3 (1/2 hour average) typ. 2 µg/m3 ( 3 hour average) typ. 0.5 µg/m3 (24 hour average) Correlation coefficient: R ≥ 0.98 Precision of 2 monitors: 1 µg/m3 (24 h) Measurement: On-line, continuous mass and mass concentration during sampling. Automatic filter change typically every 24 h. Short term averaging: 4 seconds with 1 second scanning time Long term average concentration: 30 min; 1 h; 3 h; 24 h Air flow rate: 1 m3/h through the filter (no loss of particles due to flow splitter Internal flow rate measurement and control: stability < 1 % with RPM-regulated pump Time between calibration checks and maintenance: 12 months (if used as specified) = one year stand-alone running without any service Power supply: 100 V to 240 V; 50 to 60 Hz (± 10%) Dimensions: Width 483 mm (19") Height 310 mm (7 HU) Depth 320 (380) mm Weight: approx. 45 kg Source: Krypton-85; 1.85 GBq (= 50 milli Curie); special safety source Analog output signals: Two independent channels 0/4 ... 20 mA or 0/2 ... 10 V (selectable) Printer/computer connection: Two V 24/RS 232 C serial interfaces
Top quality measurement. Monitoring of extreme low concentration levels. Dual beam compensation method eliminates physically temperature and pressure changes. This provides a very stable measurement over a very long period. Easy set-up and operation. Time-saving air flow calibration with the ESM air flow calibration kit. Compared flow rates are calibrated easily by the operation menu. Simple and fast mass calibration with the ESM mass calibration kit. Results in the same sensitivity and accuracy e.g. of all units in a network. Automatic internal checks with status reports and detailed logbook entries for quality assured measurement data. No loss of volatile mass components. Accurate sampling efficiency without "flow splitter" or "dryer". Extremely low maintenance costs given by one year stand alone and maintenance-free operation. Special safety beta source box. Customer specific options.
The measuring head (1-7) is built symmetrically in respect to the beta source (4). Therefore air mass changes in the active volumes due to temperature or pressure changes as well as supply voltages drifts are compensated intrinsically. Ionization chambers are distinguished as detectors because they have the best long term stability, operational life time and the less influence on efficiency by high voltage and temperature changes. The current air flow rate is exactly measured with an orifice plate. The RPM-regulated rotary vane pump is provided for accurate air flow rate control.
Display Key´s
1 2 3 4 5 6
analog I/O
digital I/O
'ESM Andersen Instruments'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Measurement I-chamber Dust sampling Suction chamber Kr-85 gaseous source Compensation chamber 1 Compensation chamber 2 Compensation I-chamber
FH 62-1: Single Beam Compensation
THE ECONOMICAL SOLUTION The FH 62-1 utilizes as well as the FH 62 I-R the radiometric principle of beta-attenuation by an accumulated dust layer. In contrary to the FH 62 I-R it has a single beta beam. It is also designed to measure the mass concentration continuously and is a low budget alternative.
Technical Data
Operation Principle Good measurement stability is achieved compensating air mass changes in the active volume by temperature and pressure sensors.
I comp
1 Filter tape
2 3 4
analog I/O
digital I/O
1 2 3 4
Measurement I-chamber Dust sampling Suction chamber Kr-85 gaseous source
µg µg/m3
'ESM Andersen Instruments'
LC-Display & softkeys
I meas
The operation principle corresponds to the FH 62 I-R. The dust particles are sampled on a filter (2) and beta particles in the measuring path (4-2-1) are attenuated due to the increasing dust layer.
Measuring range: 0 to 5,000 µg/m3 and 0 to 10,000 µg/m3 Detection limits: typ. 7 µg/m3 (measured values) typ. 5 µg/m3 (1/2 hour average) typ. 3 µg/m3 ( 3 hour average) typ. 1 µg/m3 (24 hour average) Precision of 2 monitors: 2 µg/m3 (24 h) Air flow rate: 0.6 - 1.4 m3/h (selectable) Internal flow rate measurement and control: Stability < 1 % Power supply: 100 V to 240 V: 50 to 60 Hz (± 10 %) Dimensions: Width: 483 mm (19") Height: 310 mm (7 HU) Depth: 320 (380) mm Weight: approx. 40 kg Source: Krypton-85; 1.85 GBq (=50 milli Curie); special safety source Analog output signals: Two independent channels 0/4 ... 20 mA or 0/2 ... 10 V (selectable) Printer/computer connection: Two V 24/RS 232 C serial interfaces
Sampling Systems
Ambient Volatile Organic Collection System
(PolyUrethane Foam) Sampling System
Andersen AVOCS collects whole ambient air samples for subsequent laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOC's). The microprocessor controller provides a user-friendly interface, allowing maximum flexibility when selecting sampling options.
The PUF Sampler is a complete air sampling system designed to simultaneously collect suspended airborne particulates as well as trap airborne vapors at flow rates up to 280 liters per minute.
Microprocessor control with RS 232 standard. Remote module activation and programming. Up to 17 separate sampling periods. Capable of collecting multiple sequential samples into the same canister. Samples up to 16 canisters. Optional 16 port auto valve system. Samples can be segregated by wind speed or direction (sector sampling). Meets PAMS sampling requirements of eight (3) hour sampling periods totaling 24 hours, into eight individual canisters. User selectable flow rates with mass flow control option. Optional serial printer. Quality assurance checks.
The Model GPS-1 features the latest in technological advances for accurately measuring airborne particulates and vapors. The PUF Sampler is equipped with a bypass blower motor arranged with an independent cooling fan. This feature permits the motor to operate at low sampling flow rates for extended periods without motor failure from overheating.
Air Sampling SUMMA Canisters SUMMA Electropolished Stainless Steel Canisters meet all requirements of US EPA Compendium Method TO14. The canister meets EPA protocols for collection of ambient volatile organic compunds (VOC) ensuring long term sample stability, even in the ppb range. A 6 liter canister can be set for flow rates of 2 up to 500 scc/min to facilitate short or lengthy sampling times ande ease of operation.
Particulate Sampling
e s i o n w o l Ve r y High Volume PM 10 and PM 2.5 Samplers
FH 95 Particulate Sampler The universal particulate sampler is the initial stage for the manual measurement of the particulate mass concentration, the black carbon content or the chemical laboratory analysis for inorganic and organic substances contained in the particles. Manual sampling with gravimetric evaluation (balancing) is used as reference method to calibrate different particulate monitors. The FH 95 uses the same sophisticated air flow measurement and control like the ESM Particulate Monitors. Therefore no errors due to a variation of the air flow rate in the sampling system occur.
5 versioilnasblae re ava FH 95 E Particulate Sampler - PM 2.5 µm
Easy setup, operation and calibration.
Accurate pressure and temperature measurement.
Selectable thresholds for minimum air flow.
Multi interval sampling.
Time-saving filter exchange by slider mechanism.
Suitable for different filter types.
Multi language operation menue.
Storage of the last 10 measurements.
Recording of power failures.
Parameter and data memory.
Automatic diagnostic with advanced microprocessor technology.
Quality assurance with internal checkups and logbook feature.
Remote control possible.
Battery buffered memory and realtime clock.
Selectable analog data output.
Easy cleaning of the EPA WINS 2.5 µm inlet.
Automated leakage test.
(1 m /h) US EPA reference measurement (FRM), EPA-Designation No. RFPS-1098-123 Filter Exchange Mechanism for round filter ( 47.8 mm) For accurate sampling of airborne particulates, the PM 10 High Volume Air Sampler is an EN 12341 Reference Sampler for the measurement of PM 10 in ambient air. PM 10 Size Selective High Volume Air Sampling Systems are available with either mass flow or volumetric flow controllers, and with either brush or brushless motors. The High Volume Sampler is also available with a PM 2.5 imlet.
FH 95 E Particulate Sampler - PM 10 µm (1 m3/h) FH 95 E - TSP Particulate Sampler (1 m3/h) FH 95 K (2.6 m3/h) TSP Reference Particulate Sampler Small Filter Device, according to VDI 2463, Part 8
FH 95 K (2.3 m3/h) PM 10 Reference Particulate Sampler Small Filter Device (2.3 m3/h) with LVS-PM 10-European reference method, 220 V/50 Hz, inlet according to EN 12341 Annex B1 6
Sequential Particulate Sampler FH 95 SEQ The Sequential Particulate Sampler FH 95 SEQ is designed for the manual gravimetric mass concentration determination of suspended particulate in the ambient air or at working places (indoor). The sampled particulate mass is determined by balancing the filter before and after sampling. The sampled particulate mass sufficient to do chemical or radioactivity analyses. The capacity with 16 filter cassettes stacked in a magazine allow an automated and accurate filter change. At 24 hour samples the stand alone operation time is 16 days or 14 days (working with 2 empty filters). The FH 95 SEQ Sampler has a pressure and temperature compensated probe to allow a precise measuring of the air flow rate at ambient and standard conditions. The air flow rate (1 m3/h) is controlled by a rpm carbon vane pump at a stability of about 1%. Sequential Particulate Sampler FH 95 SEQ (2.3 m3/h) with EU-PM10-small filter (LVS) device inlet. Low Volume Sampler (LVS) with 16 filter cassettes. Reference Sampler to the specification of norm EN12341 at 2.3 m3/h
PM2.5 Speciation Monitor Features and Operation The RAAS2.5 Fine Particulate Chemical Speciciation Sampler is particularly useful for emission inventories, air quality mdel evaluation, source emission analysis and determining the success of emission control programs. The RAAS2.5-400 quantifies mass concentrations and simultaneously identifies significant fine particle constituents including trace elements, sulfates, nitrates, ammonium, carbon and other tergeted species important to loal and regional issues.
Operation All RAAS2.5-400 components in contact with the sample air stream are either PTFE or glass lined. Each sample collection flow path is individually controlled by a critical orifice downstream of the collection components. Ambient air is drawn into the RAAS2.5-400 through an omni directional, wind speed insensitive inlet. 48 liters per minute of sample air is pulled into the system and maintained at ambient temperature.
The airflow is then split equally into two 24 liter per minute AIHL cyclones. The cyclones remove particles larger than 2.5 micrometers aerodynamic diameter. Each of the two airstreams enters a manifold which directs the air into a maximum of three separate and distinct flow paths. The sum of the flow rates for each manifold must total 24 liters per minute. Individual flow rates are selectable for each manifold and external filter samplers as for example dichotomous samplers. The RAAS2.5-400 utilizes the proven microprocessor-based, menu driven control and data recording system common to the entire family of FRM RAAS series samplers. The RAAS2.5400 monitors and records ambient, manifold and enclosure temperatures, barometric and pump vacuum pressures, humidity, optional wind speed, wind direction and flow rates for each individual channel. Leak checks and flow audits can be performed at the main sample inlet and upstream of each sample collection stream. A standard RAAS2.5 calibration kit accomplishes calibration and audit requirements.
1. 2/2 valve for leakage test 2. Air flow regulation with (RPM) speed regulated pump Sampler output data: Total volume (m3) Standard volume (Nm3) Average air flow (l/min) Sigma (%) of the flow rate
ESM Inlets for Health Related Sampling
The fraction of airborne particles which is inhaled into a human body depends on the properties of particles and the particle size. Inhaled particles can be deposited somewhere in the lung. They can cause damages close to the deposition site if the are corrosive, carcinogenic, very small or capable of initiating some other type of damage. ISO 7708 describes the particle size fraction definitions to be used for health-related sampling.
Size Selective Inlets They define the sampled particle size. Air is drawn through these inlets in order to remove particles which exceed a specific aerodynamic diameter before exposing the filter to the air stream. Inlets are charcterized by sampling effectiveness curves. The curves are summarized by their 50% cutpoint size, where half of the particles of that size pass through the inlet and the other half is deposited in the inlet.
TSP - PM 10 - PM 2.5 European PM-10 Reference Inlet ESM Andersen Instruments provides size selctive inlets which can be connected to all FH Sampling devices to fulfill the needs of health related sampling. All inlets are designed for an air flow rate of 1 m3/h (operational flow). The ESM monitors provide an airflow control to operational conditions, therefore a stable cutpoint and a stable measurement of a specific health-related size fraction is achieved.
With special surface protection using an aluminium EMATAL surface, with special water separator and easy exchangeable impactor baffle plate.
PM 10 ESM The PM 10 sampling inlet for measuring the thoracic fraction of the suspended particulate (SPM) with an aerodynamic diameter < 10 µm. European PM 10 TÜV-Test Report according EN 12341.
DPM252301DP PM 2.5 nozzle plate for a change of a DPM-10/2.3/01 into a PM 2.5 inlet DPM 2.5/2.3/01.
DPM1010100PP Spare baffle plate (exchangeable).
Heated Sampling Tubes Percentage of total airborne particles in convention
Healthy adult respirable convention
Inhalable convention
’High risk’ respirable convention
Thoracic convention
0 0
Aerodynamic diameter µm
The inhalable, thoracic and respirable conventions as percentages of total airborne particles.
LVS-PM-10 reference sampling inlet (2.3 m3/h) according to the European guideline EN 12341. This EN reference method has to be used for quality check of all PM 10 sample systems.
DPM1010100 PM 10 size selective inlet (1 m3/h) for FH 62 Dust Monitors. Same construction as the EN reference inlet, but with 1 m3/h. 8
The automatic measurement can be disturbed by water condensation in the sampling tube at foggy weather or high absolute humidity in the summer. In ESM heated sampling tubes the air and particle temperature increases smoothly over the complete tube length up to 2.5 m without overheating. Therefore a loss of volatile components like ammonium salts (which are converted in the gaseous phase above 40 °C) is prevented. These heatings can be used in combination with the ESM sampling inlets and the FH 62 monitors. Temperature selection via operation menu or interface.
MIE Optical Real Time Monitors 12
personal DataRAM 1000 without Pump, Motor, Valves – no Maintenance – Mobile or Stationary
d50 (µm)
With a measurement range from 0.001 to 400 mg/m3 (auto-ranging), an optically feedback-stabilized sensing system, ultra-low power consumption (negligible internal heating), and rigid all-metal construction, the direct reading personal aerosol monitor personalDataRAM sets the standards for sensitivity, long-term stability, and reliability. These capabilities allow its use in many applications where such compact monitors were previously considered unsuited.
Extremely Compact and Rugged Design Palm-sized, the pDR 1000 weighs only 0.5 kg (18 oz) and can be attached to a belt or a shoulder strap, hand held, operated on a table top, or mounted on a tripod. The personalDataRAM's rugged, yet attractive, brushed extruded aluminum case is designed to protect the unit's optics and elecronics in even the hashest industrial environments.
Passive Air Sampling is Silent, Reliable And Economic. Air surrounding the monitor circulates freely through the open sensing chamber by natural convection, diffusion, and background air motion. With this passive nephelometric sampling method, concentration measurements do not depend on the air velocity through the sensing chamber.
2 4 6 Flow Rate (liters/minute)
personal DataRAM 1200 for Active Air Sampling and Aerodynamic Sizing
with sharp, well defined particle separation characteristics. By operating the pump at specific sampling flow rates, the pDR-1200 cyclone preseparator provides precisely defined particle size cuts.
Designed for Size Selective Particulate Monitoring Applications. The personalDataRAM pDR-1200 is a small, versatile, real-time aerosol monitor for active sampling applications. The pDR-1200 uses a pump module (pDR-PU) or other sampling pump to perform particle size selective measurements. Compact, lightweight, and easy to use, it is ideal for respirable, thoracic, and PM 2.5 monitoring, as well as continuous emission and test chamber monitoring. With an isokinetic sampling set, the pDR-1200 can be applied to stack and duct extractive sampling/monitoring. With optional inlet accessories, the pDR-1200 can also be used for ambient air measurements under variable wind and high humidity conditions. The pDR-1200 provides all the exceptional performance, advanced features, and ease of use of the following original personalDataRAM. It offers unmatched measurement precision and stability, data logging and output versatility, ease of programming (using a PC and included software), rugged design, and exceptionally low power consumption. The real-time aerosol monitor incorporates an optimally designed metal cyclone (BGI Model GK 2.05) 9
Black Carbon and Stack
The Aethalometer Real Time Aerosol Analyzing The Aethalometer from Andersen measures the "black" or "elemental" carbon component of aerosols in ambient air, indoor and occupational environments. This spezies is a tracer for combustion emissions and is a major component of PM 2.5 in urban areas. The self-contained instrument is designed for automatic, unattended monitoring in environments ranging from urban settings to remote locations. No consumables are required other than a roll of quartz fiber tape, average one roll per year. The Aethalometer is based on two decades of experience in the measurement of optically-absorbing aerosols, with hundreds of predecessor units installed worldwide. Numerous independent field studies have validated the Aethalomter calibration against standard chemical analysis.
Operation Principle The Aethalometer collects the aerosol on a quartz fiber tape and measures the optical absorption continuously while the aerosol spot accumulates. Since "elemental" or "black" carbon is the dominant optically absorbing species in the atmosphere, the spot blackness may be equated to a mass of BC according to calibration performed by intercomparisons with standard chemical analysis techniques. The rate of increase of optical absorption is due to the mass of BC collected per time base period, user selected from 2 seconds to 1 hour; combined with the air flow rated measured by the mass flow meter. Sample collection proceeds on a 1 cm3 spot until a threshold optical density is reached, at which time the tape automatically advances. The optical measurement is radiometric and no external calibration materials are required; filter tape is the only material used. The instrument runs automatically from power-up, recovers 10
from outages and pre-sents data directly as BC concentration in µg/ m3.
Analytical Performance The Aethalometer can detect an increment of less than 1 nanogram of BC on the filter. At a flow rate of 4 SLPM and a time base of ten minutes, this corresponds to a resolution of 0.025 ug/m3, to be compared with typical urban BC
M 9096 "Mini" Stack Sampler The Andersen M 9096 Stack Train is a revolutionary approach for low cost, manual isokinetic sampling for particulate. This easy-to-use system fully complies with the requirements of ISO 9096, and BS 3405, and is selfcontained in a lightweight weatherproof carrying case. The M 9096 consists of a 47 mm instack filter in various configurations, extendible modular probe assembly, optional temperature/ pressure or velocity meters, integral pump and dry gas meter, drying handle and a selection of nozzles. All components prior to filtration are 316 stainless steel.
concentrations of 5 to 25 ug/m3. Time base and air flow rate may be varied by the user to optimize sensitivity versus tabe use, with temporal resolution selectable from 1 hour down to 2 seconds.
The unique aspect of the instrument's operation is the flow control system which maintains a fixed flowrate through the system against increasing pressure drop as the filter collects the particulate. This improves the accuracy of the overall isokinetic flow measurement.
Andersen Impactors
Mark III In-Stack Cascade Impactor Andersen Mark III Stack Sampling Head is designed to operate with existing stack trains containing the "EPA type" pitobe with only minor modification to the pitobe. Fractionating particles aerodynamically in-stack provides information that is not available with other samplers. Such information includes particle behavior after leaving the stack, area of environmental deposition, probable point of respiratory deposition, type of control equipment required to collect particles and efficiency of existing control equipment.
In-Stack Cascade Cyclone Samplers The Andersen In-Stack Cascade Cyclone Samplers are in-stack, multistage cyclones which easily attach to EPA Method 5 or other stack sampling probes and measure the complete size distibution of particulate emissions. The CASE-PM 10 and CASE-PM 2.5 are used to determine particulate emissions at 10 and 2.5 microns by US EPA Method 201A (PM 10) and the Draft Method for PM 10 and PM 2.5. This method applies to the measurement of particulate matter at an aerodynamic size of 10 or 2.5 microns by using in-stack cyclones operated at a constant flow rate. Samples are separated by the cyclones and collected on a preweighed filter media.
Eight Stage Non-Viable Impactor Andersen Eight Stage Cascade Impactor is a multi-stage, multiorifice sampler designed to measure the size distribution and mass concentration leves of solid particulates and liquid aerosols directly. Empirically proven with over thirty years of data, only the flowrate of Anderson Cascade Impactors needs to be verified to provide "calibrated performance". Andersen cascade impactors are made up of classification stages consisting of a series of jets and impaction surfaces. At each stage, an aerosol stream passes through the jets and impacts upon the surface. Particles in the aerosol stream with a large enough inertia will settle upon the impaction plate, smaller particles passing as aerosol into the next jet stage. By designing stages with higher aerosol jet velocities, smaller diameter particles are collected at each stage.
fractionation ranges from 10.0 to 0.4 micrometers diameter. Particles too small to be impacted on the last collection plate are collected in the backup filter.
Samples wet or dry particulates.
Gravimetric analysis allows reference method precision.
Ease of operation and calibration.
Particle bounce and wall losses virtually eliminated.
High mass collection and high flow rate.
Gravimetric or chemical sample analysis.
Stainless steel, glass or filter substrates available.
The particle size range collected at each of the eight stages depends on the je orifice velocity of the specific stage, the distance between the orifices and characteristics of the preceding stage. The combination of a constant flow rate and successively smaller diameter orifices increase the velocity of sample air as it cascades through the sampler, resulting in the impaction of progressively smaller particles in the succeeding stages. At 28.3 lpm the particle
Andersen Impactors and Cyclones
Marple 290 Personal Cascade Impactor The Andersen Marple 290 Personal Cascade Impactor is the first precision cascade impactor worn by the worker giving complete, accurate aerodynamic particle size distribution. Rugged Series 290 impactors are compact and lightweight with Andersen's patented radial slot design, widely acclaimed for accuracy, minimal internal losses and absence of particle bounce.
Viable (Microbial) Samplers Microbiological content of air has become a significant environmental concern as the need for "contamination-free" air increases. Viable particulate samplers are used to collect airborne bacteria and fungi. There are two constraints on all viable particle samplers: the particle must be separated from the air, and the ability of the particle to reproduce must be maintained. Andersen impactors satisfy these constraints and have been proven to be the most effcient for collection of bioaerosols. The collection and assessment of aerosol samples is very simple. A petri dish containing an agar medium appropriate for the microorganisms which may be encountered is placed in the instrument and a sample of air is drawn. The petri dish is then removed, incubated, and counted by an accepted method. Available as 1, 2 or 6 stage version.
NIOSH report confirms Andersen Viable Impactors are most accurate microbial samplers. Low initial cost. Simple operation. Easy calibration. Can be completely sanitized. Based on the inertial impaction principle, therefore very "sharp cuts". CFUs (colony forming units) easily determined. Only Andersen viable sampler have verifiable flow rate (28.3 lpm). Flow rate does not jeopardize collected organisms. Inlet Cones are Easy to Calibrate and Give a More Representative Sample
Microbial Sampling Applications
Indoor air quality studies. Pharmaceutical production. Animal care laboratories. Wastewater treatment plants. Cosmetic manufacturing. Filter and clean room efficiency studies. Brewery fermentation. Food processing area. Hospital environments. Grain processing and transportation. Agricultural emissions.
Environmental Monitoring ESM Andersen Instruments
ESM Andersen Instruments GmbH
A Thermo Instrument Systems Company
Please visit our website www.esmonline.de/ andersen/
3/6/00 · Subject to changes
Frauenauracher Strasse 96 D-91056 Erlangen / Germany Phone: +49 91 31 909-202 Fax: +49 91 31 909-156 eMail:
[email protected] Internet: www.esm-online.de/andersen/ Postal address: P.O.B 1660 · D-91051 Erlangen / Germany